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Folks here and elsewhere keep saying HRC is extremely corrupt


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56 minutes ago, japantiger said:

Merely a request for the free exchange of ideas without regard for what those ideas are or who expresses them...I see I hit a nerve....

The bolded part makes no sense.  If an idea is stupid, it should be called stupid.  If an idea isn't based in sound facts, that should be pointed out.  If it's illogical and impractical, no one should feel the least bit of hesitation in calling it out as such.

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On Saturday, August 20, 2016 at 10:24 PM, TexasTiger said:

Anyone have any actual concrete evidence supporting that claim?

Here's the working definition:

Political corruption is the use of powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain. An illegal act by an officeholder constitutes political corruption only if the act is directly related to their official duties, is done under color of law or involves trading in influence.

Christ man! Wake up! It's over. They have only begun to release emails. 


The effort to hide her actions by using a private server will be he undoing. 


I hope you defend her to the end. It is so sad and pathetic, yet amusing at the same time. She is pure slime, but she is all you have. 

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54 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

The bolded part makes no sense.  If an idea is stupid, it should be called stupid.  If an idea isn't based in sound facts, that should be pointed out.  If it's illogical and impractical, no one should feel the least bit of hesitation in calling it out as such.

Amen.  You put your finger directly on the issue.

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10 minutes ago, tiger88 said:

Christ man! Wake up! It's over. They have only begun to release emails. 

The effort to hide her actions by using a private server will be he undoing. 

I hope you defend her to the end. It is so sad and pathetic, yet amusing at the same time. She is pure slime, but she is all you have. 

But, do you have any concrete evidence that proves the charge of corruption?

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5 minutes ago, homersapien said:

But, do you have any concrete evidence that proves the charge of corruption?

Not wasting breath on you homie. Your's, old silly tex, and other hopelessly liberal goofballs denial is impenetrable. Time will tell and it won't take long. 

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7 minutes ago, tiger88 said:

Not wasting breath on you homie. Your's, old silly tex, and other hopelessly liberal goofballs denial is impenetrable. Time will tell and it won't take long. 

88 needs no evidence. He just knows, you see. 

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7 minutes ago, tiger88 said:

Not wasting breath on you homie. Your's, old silly tex, and other hopelessly liberal goofballs denial is impenetrable. Time will tell and it won't take long. 

But your breath is a waste to begin with.  

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3 minutes ago, Bigbens42 said:

88 needs no evidence. He just knows, you see. 

Lol. Old innocent hillary. She had nothing to do with all the billions poured into the foundation and the resulting favors granted by the state dept. Just wait, more emails are coming. 


Perhaps you might want to look into what some objective people who have had access to the upcoming emails are saying. 


That is why even grossly liberal outlets are now calling for the closure of the foundation. They know what is coming with the emails, not just what has been seen so far, which is enough to expose her even more for the slime she is. 

First the foundation will fall, then hillary. I hope she lasts until the election, but I don't see how she possibly can.

I will guarantee you the liberal ptb are getting ulcers trying to think of who could replace her. 

If she sets foot on stage to debate Trump he will destroy her, period. He is not a pathetically weak john mccain, who refused to attack barry. 

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12 minutes ago, homersapien said:

But your breath is a waste to begin with.  

Lol. You mad, bro? 

Just wait! I'll be back when that useless hag goes belly up. 

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2 minutes ago, tiger88 said:

Lol. Old innocent hillary. She had nothing to do with all the billions poured into the foundation and the resulting favors granted by the state dept. Just wait, more emails are coming. 

Hedging your our bets on e-mails does not evidence make.

2 minutes ago, tiger88 said:

Perhaps you might want to look into what some objective people who have had access to the upcoming emails are saying. 

Name them, then. There's a lot of delusional claptrap out there. 

2 minutes ago, tiger88 said:

That is why even grossly liberal outlets are now calling for the closure of the foundation. They know what is coming with the emails, not just what has been seen so far, which is enough to expose her even more for the slime she is. 

First the foundation will fall, then hillary. I hope she lasts until the election, but I don't see how she possibly can.

I will guarantee you the liberal ptb are getting ulcers trying to think of who could replace her. 

If she sets foot on stage to debate Trump he will destroy her, period. He is not a pathetically weak john mccain, who refused to attack barry. 

You seriously think Drumpf will trounce her in the debates? You're more delusional than I thought. She is set up to run rings around him. If I was him, I would be exploring ways to avoid debating her at all costs. 

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It seems a lot of blind faith is necessary these days to start a thread that questions the legitimacy of those making reference to HRC's corruption. Blind faith in a pig who was brazen enough to tell a grand jury she learned to trade cattle futures by reading the WSJ and subsequently made a $100 grand on a $thousand dollar investment in 10 months. Call me crazy but, after that preposterous remark, I knew this woman and the truth weren't even casually acquainted.

 Here's a piece that exposes new findings with regard to foreign dignitaries being forced to go through Clinton Foundation channels to get an appointment with HRC when she was SoS. This is never going to stop. Its just how the Clintons roll. From emails HRC refused to turn over but recently found, just a couple excerpts....

"Included among the Abedin-Band emails is an exchange revealing that when Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain requested a meeting with Secretary of State Clinton, he was forced to go through the Clinton Foundation for an appointment. Abedin advised Band that when she went through “normal channels” at State, Clinton declined to meet. After Band intervened, however, the meeting was set up within forty-eight hours. According to the Clinton Foundation website, in 2005, Salman committed to establishing the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Program (CPISP) for the Clinton Global Initiative. And by 2010, it had contributed $32 million to CGI. The Kingdom of Bahrain reportedly gave between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. And Bahrain Petroleum also gave an additional $25,000 to $50,000....

"Also included among the Abedin-Band emails is an exchange in which Band urged Abedin to get the Clinton State Department to intervene in order to obtain a visa for members of the Wolverhampton (UK) Football Club, one of whose members was apparently having difficulty because of a “criminal charge.” Band was acting at the behest of millionaire Hollywood sports entertainment executive and President of the Wasserman Foundation Casey Wasserman. Wasserman has donated between $5 million and $10 million to the Clinton Foundation through the Wasserman Foundation"

Read it all: http://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/new-abedin-emails-reveal-hillary-clinton-state-department-gave-special-access-top-clinton-foundation-donors/

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3 minutes ago, tiger88 said:

Lol. You mad, bro? 

Just wait! I'll be back when that useless hag goes belly up. 

Are you saying that someone should assassinate Mrs. Clinton???? HEE! Mr. Trump, is that you? HAHAHAHA! (Just so you know, I was only making fun of the fact that some here actually thought that is what Trump was implying when he talked about 2nd amendment proponents being able to put a stop to Mrs. Clintion.)

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

In other words, there's no limit to the depravity you would include in "ideas and debate".  

Given the depths that the Dem party has plumbed to in trying to define depravity as normal; I find that an interesting comment coming from you...

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1 hour ago, TitanTiger said:

The bolded part makes no sense.  If an idea is stupid, it should be called stupid.  If an idea isn't based in sound facts, that should be pointed out.  If it's illogical and impractical, no one should feel the least bit of hesitation in calling it out as such.

My reaction was to the endless inane calls for people to ban themselves or asking for their opinions to be banned on an opinion site...it's the left that seems to have trouble with the free exchange of ideas...and of course, are the only possible arbiters to what should be considered "stupid" or "illogical"...which I always find interesting since the opinions expressed show no logical consistency of application.  

And , yeah, and that nerve must still be a little sensitive....

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5 minutes ago, japantiger said:

My reaction was to the endless inane calls for people to ban themselves or asking for their opinions to be banned on an opinion site...it's the left that seems to have trouble with the free exchange of ideas...and of course, are the only possible arbiters to what should be considered "stupid" or "illogical"...which I always find interesting since the opinions expressed show no logical consistency of application.  

And , yeah, and that nerve must still be a little sensitive....

Yeah, the tactic where you say ridiculous and/or insulting stuff and then when people naturally take umbrage to it, pretend like it's their problem is seen for the bull**** that it is.  You just look like petulant ass.

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32 minutes ago, Bigbens42 said:

Hedging your our bets on e-mails does not evidence make.

Name them, then. There's a lot of delusional claptrap out there. 

You seriously think Drumpf will trounce her in the debates? You're more delusional than I thought. She is set up to run rings around him. If I was him, I would be exploring ways to avoid debating her at all costs. 

If I may modify one of my favorite quotes, "He has chunks of people like hillary in his stools."

Is there a liberal on the board that can admit that they are greatly concerned about hillary's candidacy? 


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36 minutes ago, Grumps said:

Are you saying that someone should assassinate Mrs. Clinton???? HEE! Mr. Trump, is that you? HAHAHAHA! (Just so you know, I was only making fun of the fact that some here actually thought that is what Trump was implying when he talked about 2nd amendment proponents being able to put a stop to Mrs. Clintion.)

Lol. I know what you meant.


The dnc is so desperate they will probably off her and plant the body in a fountain at one of Trump's buildings with his ringprints on her neck. Trump has said before that he likes "killers". Lol. 

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5 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Yeah, the tactic where you say ridiculous and/or insulting stuff and then when people naturally take umbrage to it, pretend like it's their problem is seen for the bull**** that it is.  You just look like petulant ass.

Well, I'd say there is a tendency to get very personal in here when certain posters don't fall in line with the prevailing liberal tilt. I don't typically tell people they are a waste of oxygen or call them a dumbass or a scumbag because they posted something I didn't like or that I disagreed with. Its amazing to me that grown folks act like they are so frickin offended in here. Some of these queens should give serious thought to surrendering their man cards and look into military enlistment, after all, they're taking transgenders now.

There's plenty of petulance to go around Titan. I mean lets be honest, in the thread in which I refused to go along with the idea that Marilyn Mosby was doing a great job you called me a dumbass incapable of entertaining a complex idea. Funny thing about that was I was right all along - no convictions and Mrs. Mosby may be fortunate to avoid disbarment. That's just one example of many but, its not necessary to be so disagreeable when people disagree.

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1 hour ago, tiger88 said:

Not wasting breath on you homie. Your's, old silly tex, and other hopelessly liberal goofballs denial is impenetrable. Time will tell and it won't take long. 

T88 don't need no stinkin' facts! Too complicated to sort through!

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12 minutes ago, tiger88 said:

If I may modify one of my favorite quotes, "He has chunks of people like hillary in his stools."

Is there a liberal on the board that can admit that they are greatly concerned about hillary's candidacy? 


Yes. But she's so much better than the alternative.

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20 minutes ago, tiger88 said:

If I may modify one of my favorite quotes, "He has chunks of people like hillary in his stools."

Is there a liberal on the board that can admit that they are greatly concerned about hillary's candidacy? 

Everyone here has at one time or another expressed disdain with her candidacy. The alternative is worse.

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I should have clarified. Can any liberal admit that they are concerned about hilldog's campaign crashing and burning in the very near future? 


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49 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Yeah, the tactic where you say ridiculous and/or insulting stuff and then when people naturally take umbrage to it, pretend like it's their problem is seen for the bull**** that it is.  You just look like petulant ass.

That nerve seems to be getting rawer by the minute...

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3 minutes ago, tiger88 said:

I should have clarified. Can any liberal admit that they are concerned about hilldog's campaign crashing and burning in the very near future? 

Meh. Not yet.

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