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43 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

It isn't. It's no more a literal translation than what Hillary said about Robert Kennedy in the '08 election. 

 The media are translating it that way because they are fully 90% or more left wing, They  want Hillary to win. 



So they are rational?

Guilty!    ;D

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33 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Yeah, with "inartful" speech.   :laugh:

Obama said the WH was his... 

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6 minutes ago, homersapien said:


You just scored for your opponent.

 Again, you were too dumb to understand that you were just schooled. You will take Trump to task for  what he did not say, while gving Obama plenty a room & leeway  for what he actually DID say. 

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14 hours ago, Grumps said:

This election is over. The media and an incredibly ignorant population will NEVER let Mrs. Clinton lose. ANYONE who says that he/she thinks that Trump was encouraging Mrs. Clinton's assassination is a pathetic liar. Dan Rather made a Facebook post denouncing the remark. Liberals are brilliantly sleazy. My hats are off to y'all!


The media does not really care who wins the election, they merely seek to profit from the circus.  That said, if this election is over already, it is simply because of the nominee that the Republican Party has put forth.  Hillary Clinton is a weak and vulnerable candidate.  I think it would have been a landslide against her if the Democratic Party had been given a choice between nominating President Obama for a third term or Hillary Clinton.  I think a John Kasich, or even a Marco Rubio nomination could beat her soundly.  For that matter, I think a sane and rational Donald Trump could too.  This election is essentially the Republican Party's to lose, and nominating a candidate that is his own walking-talking smear campaign is likely to assure it.

All Donald Trump ever had to do was not say stupid things, and act like he is capable of being a statesman.  While it may have ultimately led to him not getting the nomination at all in the first place, I think it would have guaranteed him a general election victory once he had.

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48 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

 Again, you were too dumb to understand that you were just schooled. You will take Trump to task for  what he did not say, while gving Obama plenty a room & leeway  for what he actually DID say. 

I was just "schooled".  Yeah right.  :laugh:

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49 minutes ago, homersapien said:

I was just "schooled".  Yeah right.  :laugh:

Owned, schooled, taken to task...

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 More phony out rage being dug up here. John Kerrry , Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama have all made similar assassination type comments. And yet oddly they get 1/100 of the coverage. Why is that? 


 This is overshadowing the real story, that Hillary had pay to play ties with the Clinton foundation while she was Secretary of State.


And btw, don't look  now. But it appears that the DNC staffer was assassinated,  on his way to talk to the FBI.  But let's not talk about that either. 

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Ex Secret Service agent's own words...



" utter absurdity " to claim Trump meant what he's being accused of saying. 

Lemon sounds like a bunch of folks here... typical Leftist tripe. If you don't agree w/ the established , pre-packaged script, you're " LYING ". Don says that to a 12 yr vet of the Secret Service, as he tries to bowl over the audience and Mr Bongino with Gergan's impeccable credentials, all of mean JACK SQUAT when it comes to actually knowing about the JOB of the Secret Service. 

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2 hours ago, RunInRed said:

You are very clever. You are implying that Trump said something about assassinating Mrs. Clinton without actually saying it, because you know it isn't true. It is dishonest, but very clever.

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I could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania and killed the real bird with one stone.

*laughs*  - John Kerry, 2006, talking about W.  ( Specifically stating he could have killed the President


Y'know, my husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of the June.  We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.  I don't understand it. - Hillary Clinton, 2008.  ( Overtly implying that Obama could be assassinated, so why would she drop out of the race


  I guarantee ya, Barack Obama ain't taking my shotguns!  ...If he tries to fool with my Beretta, he's got a problem. - Joe Biden, 2008.  ( Joe being Joe, implying if Obama - or anyone - tries to take HIS guns, problems will ensue. Yep, gun violence  ) 


And one and on it goes. Selective " outrage " from the MSM.  Never for their own, always for the other side. 

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11 hours ago, AURaptor said:

Obama said the WH was his... 


11 hours ago, AURaptor said:

 Again, you were too dumb to understand that you were just schooled. You will take Trump to task for  what he did not say, while gving Obama plenty a room & leeway  for what he actually DID say. 


9 hours ago, AURaptor said:

Owned, schooled, taken to task...


8 hours ago, AURaptor said:

 More phony out rage being dug up here. John Kerrry , Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama have all made similar assassination type comments. And yet oddly they get 1/100 of the coverage. Why is that? 


 This is overshadowing the real story, that Hillary had pay to play ties with the Clinton foundation while she was Secretary of State.


And btw, don't look  now. But it appears that the DNC staffer was assassinated,  on his way to talk to the FBI.  But let's not talk about that either. 


6 hours ago, AURaptor said:

Ex Secret Service agent's own words...



" utter absurdity " to claim Trump meant what he's being accused of saying. 

Lemon sounds like a bunch of folks here... typical Leftist tripe. If you don't agree w/ the established , pre-packaged script, you're " LYING ". Don says that to a 12 yr vet of the Secret Service, as he tries to bowl over the audience and Mr Bongino with Gergan's impeccable credentials, all of mean JACK SQUAT when it comes to actually knowing about the JOB of the Secret Service. 


6 hours ago, AURaptor said:

I could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania and killed the real bird with one stone.

*laughs*  - John Kerry, 2006, talking about W.  ( Specifically stating he could have killed the President


Y'know, my husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of the June.  We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.  I don't understand it. - Hillary Clinton, 2008.  ( Overtly implying that Obama could be assassinated, so why would she drop out of the race


  I guarantee ya, Barack Obama ain't taking my shotguns!  ...If he tries to fool with my Beretta, he's got a problem. - Joe Biden, 2008.  ( Joe being Joe, implying if Obama - or anyone - tries to take HIS guns, problems will ensue. Yep, gun violence  ) 


And one and on it goes. Selective " outrage " from the MSM.  Never for their own, always for the other side. 

Proud Tiger likes all 6 of the above posts.  That's 6/6, on one page!

Damn Raptor.  Proud Tiger thinks you're wonderful!  :jump:

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8 hours ago, AURaptor said:

Ex Secret Service agent's own words...



" utter absurdity " to claim Trump meant what he's being accused of saying. 

Lemon sounds like a bunch of folks here... typical Leftist tripe. If you don't agree w/ the established , pre-packaged script, you're " LYING ". Don says that to a 12 yr vet of the Secret Service, as he tries to bowl over the audience and Mr Bongino with Gergan's impeccable credentials, all of mean JACK SQUAT when it comes to actually knowing about the JOB of the Secret Service. 

Meanwhile, CNN reports a [current?] Secret Service official confirms they have spoken to the Trump campaign about it: 


A US Secret Service official confirms to CNN that the USSS has spoken to the Trump campaign regarding his Second Amendment comments.

"There has been more than one conversation" on the topic, the official told CNN. But it's unclear at what level in the campaign structure the conversations occurred.



While Reuters reports another federal official (position/department unstated) denies there has been any formal talk between them: 


A federal official on Wednesday said the U.S. Secret Service had not formally spoken with Republican Donald Trump's presidential campaign regarding his suggestion a day earlier that gun rights activists could stop Democratic rival Hillary Clinton from curtailing their access to firearms.



Until the Secret Service itself issues an official comment, or a preponderance of multiple independent sources agree, I'll withhold judgement on both reports.  [Or we can waste time arguing over what the meaning of 'formally' is.]

Meanwhile Dan Bongina, the former agent you quote (who also happens to be running for a House seat as a Republican and was endorsed by Sarah Palin in a failed Senate run in 1012) is free to label anything 'utter absurdity" as he wishes.  However, that does not necessarily imply he's correct or that he's speaking objectively...nor whether he speaks from current knowledge of Secret Service actions/interpretation or from some other agenda.  http://www.bongino.com/ ,  http://conservatives4palin.com/2012/08/sarah-palin-endorses-dan-bongino-for-u-s-senate.html

I think it best to temporarily ignore the conflicting statements of the anonymous sources reported by CNN & Reuters until further confirmation of either, and recognize that Bongina has his own agenda (as may Don Lemon).  And let each of us decide on the "absurdity" of the Trump's comments for ourselves.  Regardless of what Trump meant, it's clear that his words were ambiguous enough that many Americans have interpreted them as joking about, or hinting at, violence.  So might others, violence-prone nut jobs, also interpret them as endorsing/suggesting violence?


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But words don't matter if they come from Hillary, Joe Biden, or John F. Kerry ? 


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2 hours ago, AUUSN said:


and why should we care about her feelings? Especially when her logic is flawed.

What's more is most people on this forum have intimated the same s*** Trump spouted off. I think I have said before on here that the 2nd amendment is the only one that could cause violence/revolution/coup/etc if removed or changed too much. Americans are too in love with guns to let them be taken, take every other freedom away slowly and they'll be fine, as long as they can mentally masturbate to the thought of holding a rifle.




Unless there are quotes from him I didn't see, if somewhere else he said "If Hillary wins you must kill her!" then I agree with everyone else.

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