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How many lies will the Dems tell tonight ?


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 I never said that she said it was still going on. But by bringing it up 50-60 years later, she is implying that there is some vestige or institutional hangover still. I grew up in the south and never once saw a separate "colored" bathroom or drinking fountain sign. . It is completely foreign to me.  It's not that I want to diminish the injustice of such a time, but I just think that it's pandering and taken a bit too far.  So far that she actually may be fabricating for effect. 

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9 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

I never said that she said it was still going on. But by bringing it up 50-60 years later, she is implying that there is some vestige or institutional hangover still. I grew up in the south and never once saw a separate "colored" bathroom or drinking fountain sign. . It is completely foreign to me.  It's not that I want to diminish the injustice of such a time, but I just think that it's pandering and taken a bit too far.  So far that she actually may be fabricating for effect. 

She wasn't saying there was still a vestige of segregation.  But there are vestiges of racism still lingering today.

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18 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

She wasn't asking you or expecting you to get worked up.  She simply made a statement about her past. 

When we stop pandering to SJW sob stories of 50 frickin years ago we'll ALL be better off. That's was then, this is now and IMO the most egregiously overt acts of racism have flipped completely to hate groups like Black Panthers and BLM.

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15 minutes ago, TheBlueVue said:

When we stop pandering to SJW sob stories of 50 frickin years ago we'll ALL be better off. That's was then, this is now and IMO the most egregiously overt acts of racism have flipped completely to hate groups like Black Panthers and BLM.

Geez, it's not a sob story.  It was one sentence about her past and then relating that to the continuing fight to fully realize a society that is more equal and less influenced by the racism of times past.  

You need to keep constant check on your blood pressure if you really think this was a big deal.

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1 minute ago, TitanTiger said:

Geez, it's not a sob story.  It was one sentence about her past and then relating that to the continuing fight to fully realize a society that is more equal and less influenced by the racism of times past.  

You need to keep constant check on your blood pressure if you really think this was a big deal.

As a matter of fact my blood pressure is perfect 120 over 80 just had it checked yesterday. I'm simply not moved by all the pandering. It doesn't accomplish anything and if anyone honestly believes that racism will ever be completely eradicated they know very little about human nature. So, in my view, its beating a dead horse that turned to dust years ago. That's all.

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12 minutes ago, TheBlueVue said:

As a matter of fact my blood pressure is perfect 120 over 80 just had it checked yesterday. I'm simply not moved by all the pandering. It doesn't accomplish anything and if anyone honestly believes that racism will ever be completely eradicated they know very little about human nature. So, in my view, its beating a dead horse that turned to dust years ago. That's all.

I think your opinion in this is skewed by your hatred for liberals and Democrats.  There are certainly examples of the kind of 'beating a dead horse' you're getting the vapors over, but this just isn't one of them.

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After what has been revealed with the DNC I guess one could question the democracy of the Democrat party.

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3 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

I think your opinion in this is skewed by your hatred for liberals and Democrats.  There are certainly examples of the kind of 'beating a dead horse' you're getting the vapors over, but this just isn't one of them.


I think you're wrong. First and most importantly I don't hate democrats but I do hate their politics and what its doing to this country. I think your opinion is skewed by a desire to always be politically correct but then, we could both be wrong.

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Just now, TheBlueVue said:


I think you're wrong. First and most importantly I don't hate democrats but I do hate their politics and what its doing to this country. I think your opinion is skewed by a desire to always be politically correct but then, we could both be wrong.

Ah, the dreaded "PC" label.  Was wondering when that lazy canard would make an appearance.

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1 minute ago, TitanTiger said:

Ah, the dreaded "PC" label.  Was wondering when that lazy canard would make an appearance.

Lazy . huh? aaaaaa'ight den. LOL

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4 hours ago, AURaptor said:

 I never said that she said it was still going on. But by bringing it up 50-60 years later, she is implying that there is some vestige or institutional hangover still. I grew up in the south and never once saw a separate "colored" bathroom or drinking fountain sign. . It is completely foreign to me.  It's not that I want to diminish the injustice of such a time, but I just think that it's pandering and taken a bit too far.  So far that she actually may be fabricating for effect. 

She was obviously remarking on her own life.

As a child, I once drank from a "colored" water fountain in a department store in Birmingham. I recall that it flustered my mother but she was too embarrassed to explain why.

It's called a personal anecdote. 

Here's another: I recently saw a truck with an old bumper sticker on it from the last election. It said "Don't Renig in 2012!"

You are totally clueless.

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32 minutes ago, homersapien said:

She was obviously remarking on her own life.

As a child, I once drank from a "colored" water fountain in a department store in Birmingham. I recall that it flustered my mother but she was too embarrassed to explain why.

It's called a personal anecdote. 

Here's another: I recently saw a truck with an old bumper sticker on it from the last election. It said "Don't Renig in 2012!"

You are totally clueless.

You're older than I am. And most others on this board. We get it. That doesn't mean her anecdote was real , that she personally experienced it. 

And so what about the counter culture bumper sticker that you saw ? I've never seen that, but I have seen more than a few " F - The President " stickers, back when W was in office. 


And while I'm not totally  clueless of the injustices of the past, I gladly admit they are foreign to me.  I never had to see them. They're not part of my life experience... because they are a thing of the PAST.


The Left wants to both claim everything is awesome now, while at the same time perpetually opening old wounds, as a means of pander to one group,  ONLY to get their votes.

Obama has been President for 8 years. Had both the House and Senate for 2, and by most objective measures. blacks in this country really are worse off than they were before he took office. 


Time for a REAL change. 

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White men telling us racism doesn't exist - it's a thing of the past.  Well, except for black political protest groups, who clearly are racist.

Good grief.  

I hope this isn't unique to an Auburn forum. It's embarrassing as hell.

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6 minutes ago, homersapien said:

White men telling us racism doesn't exist - it's a thing of the past.  Well, except for black political protest groups, who clearly are racist.

Good grief.  

I hope this isn't unique to an Auburn forum. It's embarrassing as hell.

First of all, I did no such thing. I said the stuff about forced segregation  - bathrooms, water fountains, bus seats, lunch counters... THOSE are a thing of the past. 




You REALLY need to look at the video. I can't imagine you'd be saying this stuff if you'd seen the video clip. 

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2 hours ago, AURaptor said:

Obama has been President for 8 years. Had both the House and Senate for 2, and by most objective measures. blacks in this country really are worse off than they were before he took office. 


What in hell is that supposed to imply?  

First, it's simply not true.  The country as a whole is better off that it was 8 years ago, including blacks.

And Obama certainly professed to be president of all the people.  You seem to think he has a special duty to black people.

It's these sort of comments that reveal the racism in your thinking.

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