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7 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Thank you, Director Comey ! :laugh: !

No, what she INTENDED to do was keep hidden her illegal dealings w/ the Clinton Foundation, and its ties w/ her work at the State Dept., and the pay-for-play scam she and Bill were running, under the guise of " charity " . You know, insider trading, trying to profit from the very deals, based on the policies  she steered, with her position from inside govt. and the power she wielded. 

Even then, that's not closer to Treason than what Trump said. Trump actually encouraged espionage. And don't talk to me about scams. Trump

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Just now, aujeff11 said:

Even then, that's not closer to Treason than what Trump said. Trump actually encouraged espionage. And don't talk to me about scams. Trump

He did not such thing.  You're delusional. 

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Just now, AURaptor said:

He did not such thing.  You're delusional. 

You're defending one of the top douchebags in the world but I'm delusional. Ok.

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2 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

Even then, that's not closer to Treason than what Trump said. Trump actually encouraged espionage. And don't talk to me about scams. Trump

That's ridiculous. Trump is needling the media who is in full blown cover up mode for their chosen one. I think a lot of people would love to see if all she deleted was wedding plans and yoga classes because I believe its almost a certainty there was much more than that.

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1 minute ago, aujeff11 said:

You're defending one of the top douchebags in the world but I'm delusional. Ok.

I'll defend anyone who is wrongly accused. 

Just like John Adams defended the British military from an angry mob. Wrong is wrong. And right is right. 

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1 minute ago, TheBlueVue said:

That's ridiculous. Trump is needling the media who is in full blown cover up mode for their chosen one. I think a lot of people would love to see if all she deleted was wedding plans and yoga classes because I believe its almost a certainty there was much more than that.

I'm sure she deleted some scam mail too :-\

Maybe receiving annoying emails from Trump  U for instance..

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2 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

I'll defend anyone who is wrongly accused. 

Just like John Adams defended the British military from an angry mob. Wrong is wrong. And right is right. 

Yeah. Trump is the victim now :-\

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Just now, aujeff11 said:

Yeah. Trump is the victim now :-\

Victim is a strong word but I would argue the MSM definitely has him in their cross hairs. He lures them into a trap almost daily and in the process Tump controls the news cycle and ot varying degrees exposes media bias. One thing I give him credit for, Trump speaks his mind. He may be wrong but he isn't going to cower to a media that has so obviously chosen sides.

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1 minute ago, TheBlueVue said:

Victim is a strong word but I would argue the MSM definitely has him in their cross hairs. He lures them into a trap almost daily and in the process Tump controls the news cycle and ot varying degrees exposes media bias. One thing I give him credit for, Trump speaks his mind. He may be wrong but he isn't going to cower to a media that has so obviously chosen sides.

Basically what you're doing is giving Trump credit for his propensity to act like an idiot.

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58 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

As for your first sentence: No s*** Sherlock that is exactly what I'm talking about.

2nd sentence: No it's not. Define treason in a way that is directly applicable to what Hillary did. She didn't intend for the emails to be hacked and I'm sure Treason requires some type of mens rea.

Precisely. Treason is a very specific thing with very specific evidentiary standards. It's in the constitution.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."


HRCs emails were dumb, possibly against the law. They were NOT treasonous. 

Trump, however, is skirting awfully close to the legal and case law definitions of "adhering to enemies". There's another thread here somewhere where this was discussed and I provided a number of links about it. 

To claim that Hillary is closer to treason than Donald Trump is either faulty logic, rank hypocrisy, or willful ignorance. 

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I'd like to say to the FBI, if you're listening, that you find the rest of the 33,000 e-mails Hillary said she deleted....


Oh, never mind. Too late for that, I guess. 

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In my opinion, just another stupid comment from Trump. However, I see it as nothing more than a poke at Hilary.

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I think this is my new favorite thread.  Wikileaks just said they were going to release more...can't wait.  What will Hillary say when they release some of the "deleted" emails?  I bet she blames it on Monica....I'm sure Monica has Russian ties.

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Has anyone noticed that the liberals don't seem to care for Trump? :) That is a good sign that he is headed in the right direction. 

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3 hours ago, TheBlueVue said:

Victim is a strong word but I would argue the MSM definitely has him in their cross hairs. He lures them into a trap almost daily and in the process Tump controls the news cycle and ot varying degrees exposes media bias. One thing I give him credit for, Trump speaks his mind. He may be wrong but he isn't going to cower to a media that has so obviously chosen sides.

"lures them into a trap almost daily"

Really??  That's the way you see his statements??   

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2 minutes ago, homersapien said:

"lures them into a trap almost daily"

Really??  That's the way you see his statements??   

Well he did get the media talking about Hilary's email again today.

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Could this be a possible explanation?

So, perhaps it shouldn’t come as a surprise that when it comes to sleep ― a topic neurologists, neurobiologists and neurophysiologists have studied for decades ― Trump’s take is a bit uninformed. 

I don’t sleep much,” he’s said more than once. He’s boasted about getting justthree or four hours of sleep a night, which is about half the amount of shuteye recommended for most adults.

The brag is yet another example of Trump ignoring legitimate, peer-reviewed science. Numerous studies have shown if you don’t get enough sleep, you are more likely to have trouble focusing, make bad decisions, struggle with learning new information, make less appropriate moral decisions and feel stressed, angry, sad and mentally exhausted. 

“Bragging about sleep deprivation is not only not supported by science or facts, but it can be dangerous,” Phyllis Zee, director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, told The Huffington Post.

“The average adult needs seven to eight hours of sleep to function well and be healthy. Curtailing sleep has been shown to be associated with increased risk for adverse health and mood disorders,” she said.


“Complex thinking ― logical thinking, decision-making and thinking out of the box ― those are the things that go first when you are sleep-deprived,” Sara Mednick, professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, explained. 

“And when you’re really sleep-deprived, you don’t really get the effect it’s having on you,” she told HuffPost. “So it’s easy for somebody to be very confident that they’re doing fine, but because their decision-making is off, they may not understand the depths of the problem.”


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5 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

It's certainly reckless and stupid.

Why is that? Hillary says there's nothing deleted 33K emails but wedding planning and yoga class schedules. So whats the big deal? You see Trump has, once again, forced the democrats into an uncomfortable box. They want to scream treason when a republican suggests the foreign hackers turnover hacked emails that were deleted but, they defended Hillary with solidarity pointing out there was nothing in those deleted emails but personal info. OK, so why all the hand wringing? How is reckless or stupid in this context? Hillary's defenders parroted there is no classified info in those emails. He stole the news cycle from the dem convention and at the same time has proven the blind hypocrisy that rules the democrat party.

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7 minutes ago, TheBlueVue said:

Why is that? Hillary says there's nothing deleted 33K emails but wedding planning and yoga class schedules. So whats the big deal? You see Trump has, once again, forced the democrats into an uncomfortable box. They want to scream treason when a republican suggests the foreign hackers turnover hacked emails that were deleted but, they defended Hillary with solidarity pointing out there was nothing in those deleted emails but personal info. OK, so why all the hand wringing? How is reckless or stupid in this context? Hillary's defenders parroted there is no classified info in those emails. He stole the news cycle from the dem convention and at the same time has proven the blind hypocrisy that rules the democrat party.

Yep, if she deleted nothing but personal emails, then there is no security issue to get hysterical about...hhmm, could it be that maybe there was "work" related things she deleted?  Of course he goaded the Dem's into responding on this....you can't have it both ways boys...

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1 hour ago, tiger88 said:

Has anyone noticed that the liberals don't seem to care for Trump? :) That is a good sign that he is headed in the right direction. 

Liberals generally don't care for the KKK either.  But I wouldn't take that as any indication that they're on to something good. 

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37 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Liberals generally don't care for the KKK either.  But I wouldn't take that as any indication that they're on to something good. 


Careful, he's reeeeeally smart.  It might be a trick.

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1 hour ago, TheBlueVue said:

Why is that? Hillary says there's nothing deleted 33K emails but wedding planning and yoga class schedules. So whats the big deal? You see Trump has, once again, forced the democrats into an uncomfortable box. They want to scream treason when a republican suggests the foreign hackers turnover hacked emails that were deleted but, they defended Hillary with solidarity pointing out there was nothing in those deleted emails but personal info. OK, so why all the hand wringing? How is reckless or stupid in this context? Hillary's defenders parroted there is no classified info in those emails. He stole the news cycle from the dem convention and at the same time has proven the blind hypocrisy that rules the democrat party.

Well, see here's the difference.

We know for a fact that Trump called on the Russians to interject themselves in our election, whereas the content of Hillary's emails is pure speculation.


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