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47 minutes ago, AU-HANDLEY-TIGER said:

Don't we all wished Clinton followed protocol and this conversation wouldn't even be occurring ? ?


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12 minutes ago, channonc said:

Does anyone else think that a statement like this by Trump borders on treason?

It's certainly reckless and stupid.

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9 minutes ago, channonc said:

Does anyone else think that a statement like this by Trump borders on treason?

Certainly do.......With his words, it'd be a cold day in hell before he would get a security briefing.

Even Pence walked it back................Pence is far from my ideal candidate for many reasons.....Draconian theocracy being one of them........however, if he has a solitary brain cell, it needs to be thinking, "What in the hell have I signed on with?"......


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  I think he said it as a joke which assumed that russia may have already stolen her emails. I don't think hes inviting them to hack in her emails or anything like that. Its not like hes giving them some sort of access or anything like that either. Just another dumb thing to have said by Trump, but thats about it as far as I can figure.

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8 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

It's certainly reckless and stupid.

Are you serious? I find it's neither of those. The only reason this is an issues is because ...

1. Hillary used an unsecured private  e-mail server, which DID contain top secret information, as well as the e-mails for dozens to 100's of others in those chains. 

2. The DNC server REALLY DID get hacked, and we KNOW what they were saying !! 

Had no one ever looked into Benghazi, OR had the DNC's e-mails not been released, we STILL would have a serious problem. 

But we know for a fact that Hillary kept , received and sent TOP SECRET e-mails , and then lied about all manner of things having to do w/ them. That alone is the REAL act of treason, right there.


Nothing Trump did or said on this matter is remotely relevant. 

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Just now, channonc said:

It could be a felony. Just unlikely he will be charged in this climate.

There is the question of whether he's actually *asking* Russia to go after the emails vs simply saying (joking) that maybe they can give us the 30,000 emails Hillary deleted.  In other words, he's assuming they already hacked her system as well, not asking them to give it a go.

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4 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Are you serious? I find it's neither of those. The only reason this is an issues is because ...

1. Hillary used an unsecured private  e-mail server, which DID contain top secret information, as well as the e-mails for dozens to 100's of others in those chains. 

2. The DNC server REALLY DID get hacked, and we KNOW what they were saying !! 

Had no one ever looked into Benghazi, OR had the DNC's e-mails not been released, we STILL would have a serious problem. 

But we know for a fact that Hillary kept , received and sent TOP SECRET e-mails , and then lied about all manner of things having to do w/ them. That alone is the REAL act of treason, right there.


Nothing Trump did or said on this matter is remotely relevant. 

Statements like these make me more and more thankful you have nothing to do with the workings of our government.

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1 minute ago, TitanTiger said:

There is the question of whether he's actually *asking* Russia to go after the emails vs simply saying (joking) that maybe they can give us the 30,000 emails Hillary deleted.  In other words, he's assuming they already hacked her system as well, not asking them to give it a go.

This statement certainly implies he is asking Russia to go after them.


“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”

Edited to add: Like bomb threats, I don't think this is a topic that is worth "joking about". Given this candidate's track record for deplorable statements that he has admitted he meant, I highly doubt he is joking.

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1 minute ago, channonc said:

It could be a felony. Just unlikely he will be charged in this climate.

Trump never called for Russia to hack anyone ! OMG, the reaction over this is borderline hysteria ! All he did was say if they knew where those 30,000 ( allegedly deleted ) e-mails were, to release them. 

If they're deleted, and really didn't have anything on them, then no problem, right ? I mean, nothing for the Russians to hack anymore... game over. 

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2 minutes ago, channonc said:

Statements like these make me more and more thankful you have nothing to do with the workings of our government.

Oh yeah, because there's so much in our govt which is truly exemplary, and worthy of my time... don't get me started. 

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Just now, channonc said:

This statement certainly implies he is asking Russia to go after them.


But it was preceded by this:

"They probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do. They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted because you'd see some beauties there. So let's see," 

That would at least lend some credence to the idea that he wasn't calling for a new hacking attempt, but is just assuming they have them already.

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1 minute ago, AURaptor said:

Trump never called for Russia to hack anyone ! OMG, the reaction over this is borderline hysteria ! All he did was say if they knew where those 30,000 ( allegedly deleted ) e-mails were, to release them. 

If they're deleted, and really didn't have anything on them, then no problem, right ? I mean, nothing for the Russians to hack anymore... game over. 

I know you have a reading comprehension problem.  So let me state the quote again.  I've highlighted the words you should pay close attention to.


“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”

How else would Russia find these deleted emails if it wasn't from a hack??

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1 minute ago, TitanTiger said:

But it was preceded by this:

"They probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do. They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted because you'd see some beauties there. So let's see," 

That would at least lend some credence to the idea that he wasn't calling for a new hacking attempt, but is just assuming they have them already.

I get what you are saying, but the sentence afterwords says "find".  Anyone else, and I would give full benefit of the doubt.  On Trump, he has not earned that right.

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That would at least lend some credence to the idea that he wasn't calling for a new hacking attempt, but is just assuming they have them already.


@TitanTiger - Exactly ! That's my point ! Hillary had an unauthorized ,unsecured PRIVATE e-mail server. Not just an account, but actual servers, that she ran. Herself. If they got hacked, which most adamantly conclude did happen, then THAT is the problem first , and then the obvious fall out from such a reckless  action by her, is dealing w/ the mess it caused. That SHE caused. 

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Just now, channonc said:

I get what you are saying, but the sentence afterwords says "find".  Anyone else, and I would give full benefit of the doubt.  On Trump, he has not earned that right.

Well, "find" them among the email you've already gotten.  I think, despite his idiocy, that's the most likely reading in context.  Russia has these emails somewhere in the trove of data they got from us.  Go find them so we can now see what was in them since she deleted them.

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3 minutes ago, channonc said:

I know you have a reading comprehension problem.  So let me state the quote again.  I've highlighted the words you should pay close attention to.

How else would Russia find these deleted emails if it wasn't from a hack??

Reading comprehension is fine. Might want to check your own. 

The FBI has any server that Hillary may have used, if there are any which still exist. So there's that. Also, those 33,000 ( the # I understand existed ) e-mails were supposedly deleted, and destroyed. Which is why the FBI took so long to investigate her ( costing us millions upon millions of tax payer dollars , but that's another matter ) 

Only IF those e-mails were hacked BEFORE said deletion, then who knows where they are ? Could be several sources which have them - N.Korea, China, Iran... who knows ? All Trump is doing is asking them to search for them. Assuming they're out there. 

Point is , there's nothing left to hack !

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36 minutes ago, channonc said:

Does anyone else think that a statement like this by Trump borders on treason?

Yep but he is too stupid to know what treason is. Call him incompetent. Perfect quality for a president these days. 

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1 minute ago, aujeff11 said:

Yep but he is too stupid to know what treason is. Call him incompetent. Perfect quality for a president these days. 

But putting top secret e-mails on a private, unsecure server,, then LYING about it,  isn't incompetency ? THAT is a whole lot closer to treason than anything Trump has said. :roflol: 

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5 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Well, "find" them among the email you've already gotten.  I think, despite his idiocy, that's the most likely reading in context.  Russia has these emails somewhere in the trove of data they got from us.  Go find them so we can now see what was in them since she deleted them.

Dem's just hate getting caught...I find it interesting that none are complaining that the DNC did something stupid and unethical; or that Hillary did something not only stupid; but illegal...all the outrage is aimed at the joke...ah, that's right, I forgot....no sense of humor...100% outraged all the time.  And, if "pure as the driven snow" Hillary is to be believed, they were all deleted and the server destroyed; so how can Trump be enticing anyone...the emails don't exist...right?  I mean, didn't Hillary say she either deleted them or turned them all over?  Oh wait, Comey said they found emails she didn't turn over...hhhmm...I think the outrage is that everyone is afraid Russia will release the allegedly deleted emails...that is where the real hysteria comes from.  

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@japantiger - With Bill and Monica, it was the ' vast, right-wing conspiracy '. With Obama and the sluggish recovery , it was ' headwinds, Fukishima, Sandy , etc... '.  With the DNC rigging the primaries for Hillary ' RUSSIA DID IT ! '. 

I sense a pattern here. 


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13 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

But putting top secret e-mails on a private, unsecure server,, then LYING about it,  isn't incompetency ? THAT is a whole lot closer to treason than anything Trump has said. :roflol:

As for your first sentence: No s*** Sherlock that is exactly what I'm talking about.

2nd sentence: No it's not. Define treason in a way that is directly applicable to what Hillary did. She didn't intend for the emails to be hacked and I'm sure Treason requires some type of mens rea.

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9 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

As for your first sentence: No s*** Sherlock that is exactly what I'm talking about.

2nd sentence: No it's not. Define treason in a way that is directly applicable to what Hillary did. She didn't intend for the emails to be hacked and I'm sure Treason requires some type of mens rea.

Thank you, Director Comey ! :laugh: !

No, what she INTENDED to do was keep hidden her illegal dealings w/ the Clinton Foundation, and its ties w/ her work at the State Dept., and the pay-for-play scam she and Bill were running, under the guise of " charity " . You know, insider trading, trying to profit from the very deals, based on the policies  she steered, with her position from inside govt. and the power she wielded. 

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