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26 minutes ago, cole256 said:

It is not and to push that it is just shows the bigotry that are in the people that do so hearts

Milwaukee Co. Sheriff Clarke called them exactly that. A hate group. 

I guess he's a bigot ? 

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1 hour ago, TheBlueVue said:

Its always about votes in politics and most politicians will do what ever is necessary to win those votes but the Clintons are on another level. The dangerous caveat is, just as soon as someone makes them a better deal they'll turn on a dime and sell out everything they previously "stood for"

Remember, it was just a few years ago, when Hillary boasted about her " core values " of marriage being between 1 man and 1 woman ? 

Yeah, but oddly, the MSM didn't.  Of course, just like Obama, she ' evolved ', in the span of 3-4 years. Amazing how bigoted and filled with hate and intolerance a person can be after their first 60+ years, and then magically, almost as if some unseen force lifting a veil, they can alter their core beliefs, at EXACTLY the right time ! 

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11 hours ago, AURaptor said:

Milwaukee Co. Sheriff Clarke called them exactly that. A hate group. 

I guess he's a bigot ? 

And I'm supposed to take his word over others why? He's a policeman

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1 minute ago, cole256 said:

And I'm supposed to take his word over others why? He's a policeman

Yes, he's a policeman. AND ??? What's your point ? 

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2 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Oh you seem to have missed where I asked you, yours. Don't worry I'll wait

The fact that he's a policeman isn't by itself proof he's bigoted. Everything he says is 100 % right. In all those cases mentioned, every single one, the subject either had a known record, was dealing w/ the police because they had done something illegal / suspicious, OR failed to comply w/ the officer's request . It really is just that simple.  Don't be a felon, don't try to fight a cop and take his gun, and your chances of being shot go down to near nil. 

Oh, and yeah, Sheriff Clarke happens to be black, so there is that. 

The above " point " should have been self evident. 

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So as to your self evident point just because he's black doesn't mean he's not a bigot. But I didn't say or imply that being a policeman makes you a bigot. He is not 100% right. A known problem with weeding out bad cops is the loyalty that policemen have to cover their own, and lastly you can spare me your finding a token black guy who says what you like and saying here what about this one! There have been MANY policemen of African American decent that has spoken on many views including this one that you scoff at. Actually you always using this tactic screams what your character is all about

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BLM is, in fact, a hate group.  Seriously guys, the  entire movement is based on a sham and their protest marches have the whole group chanting they want cops killed  Given that there are plenty of groups and individuals that have credibility on this front; I really don't understand the Dem's fascination with this group; or Michael Brown.  If the Dem party (or any party) was serious about dealing with issues of race or discrimination and bridging gaps between white America, the police, etc.,; , they wouldn't deal with groups like this or the Al Sharpton's of the world.   It's an insult to me as an American that when a group of folks are brought to the White House to supposedly address these issues; you have black hate groups and cash whores as the leading representatives of the black community.   You can't expect a serious outcome or any real improvement when this is your tactic.  It's like conducting a session to deal with Radical Islamic terrorism and inviting the Muslim brotherhood (which by the way, our President has done) or KSM as a speaker.  No one is going to take you seriously when you invite people who have no intention of dealing with the issue....there only interest is in division and shake down.  If it is true that Michael Brown's mother is going to speak at the DNC, then how do you expect to attract any serious thinking person to this cause.        

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13 hours ago, cole256 said:

Name me any national organization that doesn't have anomalies that goes too extreme at times

I am a hard core conservative but Cole is correct BLM is not a Hate Group. Yes there are people at the Rallies that make inflammatory statements. I wish the BLM leadership were more vocal in opposing those statements. Just because a few nut cases support a group or a person does not mean that the group or person espouses the views of those individuals. David Duke supported Donald Trump that doesn't mean the Donald Trump supports David Dukes views any more than BLM supports the views of the people who say "what doe we want we want dead cops"

As many know my son has applied to be a Dallas policeman one of the reasons as a 1/2 Hispanic he believes he can help defuse some of the issues in the Hispanic community in Dallas. The fact that almost every Black poster on this board has told stories about being stopped by Police even though the majority as Auburn graduates and don't live in high crime neighborhoods  means there are still race issues in our society. There is still institutional racism in our society. It is a two way street though. 

For many years I lived in East LA I have always enjoyed sports and I played basketball in two different communities Huntington Park an Hispanic community and Compton at the time a Black Community. While playing is Huntington Park I mentioned that every house on my block had been broken into but mine the guys I was playing with most of who were gang members based on their  tats said no crew is stupid enough to break into a cops house as the only white guys living here are narcs. I worked in IT for Bekins at the time. They had their built in prejudices and views as do all people.

These are not simple issues to resolve as because of economic conditions there is a much higher percentage of blacks involved in violent crimes as a police officer who sees so much crime from the black community and who is at risk from violent crime you develop a little less tolerance for this community whether you are a White, Hispanic or Black cop. It is human nature , it does not make it right but it is inevitable.  If you are a Black man who has been treated badly by one or two bad cops it changes your views on the police force. There are many different forces that have created this situation.

Most of my older black friends who remember the open segregationist policies of this country tell me that things have improved dramatically but there is still a ways to go and are more hopeful,  most of my younger black friends who haven't seen mush change are angrier about the issues then the older black population.

BLM see an issue and they want to address it. I think they sometimes make mistakes but I understand their frustration they are not a hate group even though they have some members who hate. In Dallas they did everything right they worked with the Police so that they could protest peaceably, the police worked with them it should have been a true bridge building protest then a nut job ruined it by attacking the police. In some other places they and the police have both been more confrontational leading to violence often after the actual protest has finished but a few angry young men are left behind causing the violence.  In New York at the time of the very anti-police slogans the leadership of the movement  should have intervened at the time or condemned it after instead of staying silent.  They hurt their own cause.

I understand where Cole is coming from I also understand where some people see BLM as a hate group. We all need to take a deep breath a few bad cops doesn't indict the whole police force anymore that a few bad protesters indicts the BLM movement. 


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BLM is not a hate group and you posting conservative site articles repetitively doesn't change that at all. Saying the cause is based on a sham is stupid. So yeah I could do the yes it is no it's not thing with you but I won't, just know no matter how many hack articles you post from your conservative websites the issue will never be swept under the rug and it will never be ok to kill people, even if they have a record or didn't do exactly what they were told. 


And thank you AuburnNTexas. You help me not to lose faith in people

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Black Live Matter was born in Ferguson of a lie and continues by race baiters and ignorants. It is a hate group.

Accusations against the TEA Party were all proven to be lies or plants.


Veterans Brutally Attacked by Black Lives Matter, Says Army Staff Sergeant


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6 hours ago, cole256 said:

So as to your self evident point just because he's black doesn't mean he's not a bigot. But I didn't say or imply that being a policeman makes you a bigot. He is not 100% right. A known problem with weeding out bad cops is the loyalty that policemen have to cover their own, and lastly you can spare me your finding a token black guy who says what you like and saying here what about this one! There have been MANY policemen of African American decent that has spoken on many views including this one that you scoff at. Actually you always using this tactic screams what your character is all about

Anyone and everyone CAN be bigoted. That's never been a legitimate matter of discusision. That he's black and to claim he's bigoted towards other blacks, is a bridge too far. He's possibly bigoted towards those who break the law, regardless of skin color, but that's about it. 

I'm not the one tossing the term ' token' around , am I ? Talk about lack of character. That rests on your shoulders, not mine. 

Cops aren't perfect. They're fallible, and some more than others. Yes, sometimes even crooked. But between dealing w/ govt bureaucrats who use law enforcement as revenue generators on the citizenry, having to deal w/ the dirtbags and degenerates of society, obeying strict laws and department policies, and oh yeah, an occasional psycho who just feels like it'd be fun to  kill a cop today, for no particular reason, and then add onto all that a political movement which seeks to blame cops for EVERY thing that goes wrong, even when they do 99 things right out of 100,  all while getting less than stellar pay ,  yeah, it's only natural to expect they'd  close ranks and look after themselves. Not a whole hell of a lot of other folks on their side either, even in the best of times. 

And sure, they'll kill a dog needlessly, or barge into the wrong home and take out a innocent citizen. These things need to be addressed. But what no one needs is death chants and riots, especially  by those who need cops the most. 

Do you consider ATL Mayor Kasim Reed a ' token' as well ? He's met face to face w/ these " protesters " and saw who they really were. Foul mouthed, disrespectful low lifes who won't even listen to HIM  !  A politician who has met them more than half way, and not come away feeling impressed in how they act at all.  

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3 hours ago, AFTiger said:

Black Live Matter was born in Ferguson of a lie and continues by race baiters and ignorants. It is a hate group.

Accusations against the TEA Party were all proven to be lies or plants.


Veterans Brutally Attacked by Black Lives Matter, Says Army Staff Sergeant


Like I said it's not and I already predicted the stupid links you posts so....But actually I don't ever do this but try me one more time with your questionable links and we'll just see who can posts the most I guess because I'd start filling up this board as well. I don't see how it's fair for you to just post biased links from your idiot sites

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3 hours ago, AURaptor said:

Anyone and everyone CAN be bigoted. That's never been a legitimate matter of discusision. That he's black and to claim he's bigoted towards other blacks, is a bridge too far. He's possibly bigoted towards those who break the law, regardless of skin color, but that's about it. 

I'm not the one tossing the term ' token' around , am I ? Talk about lack of character. That rests on your shoulders, not mine. 

Cops aren't perfect. They're fallible, and some more than others. Yes, sometimes even crooked. But between dealing w/ govt bureaucrats who use law enforcement as revenue generators on the citizenry, having to deal w/ the dirtbags and degenerates of society, obeying strict laws and department policies, and oh yeah, an occasional psycho who just feels like it'd be fun to  kill a cop today, for no particular reason, and then add onto all that a political movement which seeks to blame cops for EVERY thing that goes wrong, even when they do 99 things right out of 100,  all while getting less than stellar pay ,  yeah, it's only natural to expect they'd  close ranks and look after themselves. Not a whole hell of a lot of other folks on their side either, even in the best of times. 

And sure, they'll kill a dog needlessly, or barge into the wrong home and take out a innocent citizen. These things need to be addressed. But what no one needs is death chants and riots, especially  by those who need cops the most. 

Do you consider ATL Mayor Kasim Reed a ' token' as well ? He's met face to face w/ these " protesters " and saw who they really were. Foul mouthed, disrespectful low lifes who won't even listen to HIM  !  A politician who has met them more than half way, and not come away feeling impressed in how they act at all.  

You know nothing about this man first of all. Second you the one who brought him up in the discussion just like you just named dropped someone else. Which is fine but they are the minority so you'll pretty much not listen to every other black person that is speaking out then but in the fore front another minority who is a minority of the group and then say what about this person? 


What about them? You won't listen to the black people on this site but randomly try to uplift a person you don't know because they say what you want to hear. Gtfoh. If he said something different you wouldn't give a damn about him at all. You're so stupid you don't even know what you try to argue with me about. You just talk alot for the sake of talking. A person who doesn't even try to find out about the experiences and plights I may face but wants to argue about me facing them is just an idiot, plain and simple.

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Guest NC1406

Everyone has challenges. I am white but was a minority in my high school. Later in life I worked with a company based out of the north. They gave me the opportunity to move from operations to sales. In the second year of sales I was the top salesperson. My salary was half of the northerners. I requested a salary adjustment. They refused. Guess they thought I ate clay for dinner. The president of the company said if I didn't like the decision I should do something about it. I did. Some of these northern guys have tried to get me to join their company over the last 8 years. Doing pretty well on my own. **** them. They are part of my motivation. 

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On 7/23/2016 at 0:04 PM, homersapien said:

Certainly not in the GOP.

You are wrong. Not a first for you. IIWII.

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On 7/23/2016 at 0:07 PM, homersapien said:

Well, at least Trump has brought ya'll out of the closet. 

Trump has absolutely zero to do with my views of BLM. Hell, I know not one thing he's stated about the group. Some of us have an ability to think for ourselves rather than rely on a news source of spokesperson. 

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On 7/23/2016 at 0:12 PM, telling tiger said:

Don't worry, there is still a candidate looking out for the interest of some....

Image result for donald trump klan

Typical uneducated response.  Just sad.

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On 7/23/2016 at 2:25 PM, homersapien said:

Trump’s Proposed First Move Eerily Like Hitler’s


As a Jew, I don’t like people making Hitler comparisons. I don’t like when they do it to President Obama. I didn’t like when people did it to President Bush. There was only one Hitler, and we have not had a politician who rose to that level — yet.

That said, a chill went down my spine when I saw private remarks from Chris Christie, regarding one of Donald Trump’s first moves, if he is elected. Reutersreports:

If he wins the presidency, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would seek to purge the federal government of officials appointed by Democratic President Barack Obama and could ask Congress to pass legislation making it easier to fire public workers, Trump ally, Chris Christie, said on Tuesday.

Why is this scary? It is literally one of the first moves made by Adolf Hitler, upon democratically attaining power.

The Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service was passed just two months after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.

It was such a major piece of his plan to ultimately become dictator, that the Holocaust Museum notes it on their timeline of events:

The German government issues the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service (Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung des Berufsbeamtentums), which excludes Jews and other political opponents of the Nazis from all civil service positions.


Gutting government of any civil service officers who are not completely and blindly loyal to the new leader usually is one of the first moves of someone looking to become a dictator. Another act is one Trump previously voiced support for - tighter control over a free press.

Whether dictatorship is the overt intent of Donald Trump or not, what cannot be denied is that a move like this runs completely counter to the very idea of our Republic, whose very Constitution goes to very, very great lengths to prevent usurping of that kind of power.

Whether it is Saddam, or Stalin, going after the bureaucracy, purging it, and installing loyalists is almost always a first step for a rising dictator.

Apparently, that has not gone unnoticed by Trump, who openly admires Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un and Saddam Hussein.

This is not hyperbole.

This is not a joke.

This is real.

Donald Trump’s man in charge of putting together a government seriously just said that one of Donald Trump’s first moves will be the same as one of Hitler’s.

Conservatives often talk a big game about the Constitution, about fighting tyranny.

Now that Donald Trump’s plans are transparent, we’ll see just how serious they are about that.


Huffpo? :ucrazy:

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2 hours ago, NC1406 said:

You lol. Others do something about it. Your choice. 

I just didn't see anybody talking about anything to do with your story that's all. Congrats to your accomplishments, but professional challenges are a little different than what I'm talking about. As far as what I do about it, you'd be surprised of the things I've done professionally more than likely, but then again that's a stereotype in itself

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2 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

Huffpo? :ucrazy:

Well, all they did is publish it.  

So, do you have a problem with the author, Mr. Schmeltzer, and/or is it the content?

Can you be more specific than an emoticon?

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