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48 minutes ago, alexava said:

He should have put himself in "timeout" before posting/saying that. I understand where he is coming from though. I don't call the protesters hipocrites or cowards for running and certainly don't blame the protests for the action of a "few". but they need to accept the police they are protesting against also represent very "few". everyone needs to try to look through the eyes of the other side.

I don't see it his way even a little.  The protesters and police were cooperative last night the entire rally.  It wasn't about Dallas PD for them, it was a protest in general against those police who do not act within reason and the Dallas PD was facilitating a safe and peaceful rally for them.  The Lt. Governor here is being an idiot.

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 Apologize for "whatever I said"? :roflol:

Too dang  funny!


Here, I'll make it even easier for you. Just retract your claim that I am a racist. No need for an apology, but at least get the record straight. 

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Like I said you can just stop writing me. I'm not apologizing or retracting anything. You constantly doing this in a thread like this just reinforces what I said if you ask me.

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51 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

I don't see it his way even a little.  The protesters and police were cooperative last night the entire rally.  It wasn't about Dallas PD for them, it was a protest in general against those police who do not act within reason and the Dallas PD was facilitating a safe and peaceful rally for them.  The Lt. Governor here is being an idiot.

By they, I mean people on that side of the argument in general. There are folks that hate ALL police over these very few (in the grand scheme) shootings. They spew this all over social media. some are friends and many are white that jump on everything left politically. It leads to the weak minded turning a peaceful protest into a slaughter. I agree that their were many peaceful protests across the country and I hope they can continue. 

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38 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Like I said you can just stop writing me. I'm not apologizing or retracting anything. You constantly doing this in a thread like this just reinforces what I said if you ask me.

How does it do that?  And I am not "writing you". I'm posting in an open forum. I'm not sending  you secret, instant messages. Because if I were, feel free to post those for everybody else to see. Oh, you can't. Because I'm not writing you. 

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Somebody else please post something. Raptor just want to derail this thread and topic. You'll never see this from him on one of his I hate Obama threads....


Lol how the hell you get to -79 in one day? Oh I know by being a troll

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 You admit to blatantly accusing me of being a racist, and then fail to show any examples. All you can do it just say "whatever you said". That's the best you've got ? 



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2 hours ago, aubearcat said:

It's a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" situation. If the officer moves the wounded to the hospital before medical personnel or backup arrives, he'll be accused of tainting the evidence at the scene and possibly attempting a "cover-up" as well as not having the medical training to make the call to move the wounded before trained medical personnel arrived. And if he doesn't follow departmental policy, he can and probably will be held criminally and civilly liable. 

Then we truly are fu@#€^ if this a good excuse to let a man bleed out in his car.

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8 minutes ago, AUUSN said:

Then we truly are fu@#€^ if this a good excuse to let a man bleed out in his car.

I'm not making excuses I'm simply stating, it is what it is. The Shooting officer can and should render aid but just can't grab and go with a body. It's evidentiary procedures. It may sound/seem robotic/cold but it's what police are trained to do at a shooting. Render first responders aid until more trained medical responders arrive, and preserve the scene for investigation. 

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3 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

Another moron outs himself:


Damn! Calling him a moron is being polite.

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I don't believe this topic is as political as it is societal but it does meet both because of the need for reform. This has been bothering me so here goes...

I just want to say that I'm sickened by the actions of the officers in Baton Rouge but horrified by the actions of a scared as hell cop in MN who wasn't badge material. As a former LEO I'm sick and tired of the same old story of following department policy when you have situations where someone has been shot (unjustifiably) and you let them just lay there and bleed. The actions in Dallas piss me off in a similar fashion....especially when I know it was a brother in green who decided to take matters into his own hands against officers who had nothing to do with the incident in LA or MN.

When I was a medic on the street I remember being called out to a self inflicted gunshot where the patient was still alive (white but it doesn't matter) and the deputies were asking me why I was working so hard to keep him alive.

I can't apologize for what I haven't and wouldn't do but I will call out what I see. It's time for some major departmental reform and it should have happened several years ago. I've had all I can take of this and it's time for people to act like family and stop acting like the barbarians the media and the powers that be want us to turn into.

Godspeed. Out.

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8 minutes ago, autigeremt said:

I don't believe this topic is as political as it is societal but it does meet both because of the need for reform. This has been bothering me so here goes...

I just want to say that I'm sickened by the actions of the officers in Baton Rouge but horrified by the actions of a scared as hell cop in MN who wasn't badge material. As a former LEO I'm sick and tired of the same old story of following department policy when you have situations where someone has been shot (unjustifiably) and you let them just lay there and bleed. The actions in Dallas piss me off in a similar fashion....especially when I know it was a brother in green who decided to take matters into his own hands against officers who had nothing to do with the incident in LA or MN.

When I was a medic on the street I remember being called out to a self inflicted gunshot where the patient was still alive (white but it doesn't matter) and the deputies were asking me why I was working so hard to keep him alive.

I can't apologize for what I haven't and wouldn't do but I will call out what I see. It's time for some major departmental reform and it should have happened several years ago. I've had all I can take of this and it's time for people to act like family and stop acting like the barbarians the media and the powers that be want us to turn into.

Godspeed. Out.

Spot on...............word....Someone may not like us, we are all still human beings and deserve to be treated as such...

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11 minutes ago, telling tiger said:

Spot on...............word....Someone may not like us, we are all still human beings and deserve to be treated as such...


Please give this book a read. 

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Strangely enough, I agree with him on that to an extent.........FTR, compared to 99% here, I'm a liberal socially, doesn't take much here, though........

Let those that can and will, go to the various Armed Services, let those who are better suited elsewhere, go elsewhere..........There has to be more to our common humanity than listening to and being programmed by hate talk radio and pissing on everyone not like us on social medias.


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1 hour ago, AUUSN said:

Now I know why I like your posts.


He has posted a new video... http://bigthink.com/videos/sebastian-junger-mandatory-national-service-might-save-the-us

Had the time to watch.........makes compelling points. So much of life is autopilot, little is given to the natural state and wiring, so to speak.....Without going into detail on this cesspool of a place, due to our family's work and businesses, we live that way to an extent, because of proximity to work and types of work......



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3 hours ago, cole256 said:

Somebody else please post something. Raptor just want to derail this thread and topic. You'll never see this from him on one of his I hate Obama threads....


Lol how the hell you get to -79 in one day? Oh I know by being a troll

What exactly is the 79 number? I'm at +1        evidently

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Line of the day (From autigeremt) "it's time for people to act like family and stop acting like the barbarians the media and the powers that be want us to turn into."

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3 hours ago, AURaptor said:

 You admit to blatantly accusing me of being a racist, and then fail to show any examples. All you can do it just say "whatever you said". That's the best you've got ? 


Yes moron, I called you this months maybe a year ago and you randomly bring it up again because you misspoke but of course you can't admit it. And I'm supposed to keep a documented record of things you say for yourself? Shut up, please stop making yourself look like this
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21 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

What exactly is the 79 number? I'm at +1        evidently

You're at plus one because I like you....lol. As far as the -79 number judging the user, probably the people who wished he'd stop posting, Idk

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I think I brought this up before, maybe last year when BS cops were doing it before.

But does anyone think that more funds is a good answer? Make a job higher paying and more people will want to do it, therefore allowing you to not have to take whoever walks in the door. As well as more funds for training the would be police officers, I have no idea what was going through the guys mind, but if dudes extra melanin really made him scared or frightened him into taking lethal action... that's the type s*** that training can correct.

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6 hours ago, alexava said:

It is not racial at all. Any one who chooses to open carry an assault rifle is asking for undue attention. I don't care how legal it is or what rights you have you are tagging yourself a suspect. i am shocked he was not shot or handled roughly when surrendering the way emotions had to be high and for damn good reason. of all the things to bitch about in the world today this AR toting "look at me" guy is the last person to be defending. boo ******* hoo

Actually, he has his brother to thank for this. Can't find the transcript, but he was on NPR earlier - The guy's brother was actually one of the people who organized the march. Some of his friends came up to him and said that his brother was wanted for questioning, so he goes to his brother, takes his guns away for safety, and then they go together to the first cop they see so there were no misunderstandings.

Edit - here's the audio


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18 minutes ago, Mims44 said:

I think I brought this up before, maybe last year when BS cops were doing it before.

But does anyone think that more funds is a good answer? Make a job higher paying and more people will want to do it, therefore allowing you to not have to take whoever walks in the door. As well as more funds for training the would be police officers, I have no idea what was going through the guys mind, but if dudes extra melanin really made him scared or frightened him into taking lethal action... that's the type s*** that training can correct.

I think there are a couple of types that become police.....one type is the kind that truly want to serve and protect and its a calling in their heart. The other is the controlling &$#% type that gets a power trip off of being in authority and abuses it. I don't think raising the salary would fix that. Although I think they are way underpaid for the work they do.

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3 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

I think there are a couple of types that become police.....one type is the kind that truly want to serve and protect and its a calling in their heart. The other is the controlling &$#% type that gets a power trip off of being in authority and abuses it. I don't think raising the salary would fix that. Although I think they are way underpaid for the work they do.

I look at it through my own life choices. After leaving the military the police would have been a nice fit for me... if it wasn't for the fact that I could make much more doing damn near anything else. I also believe that to be the case for many others, professionals that would have made good PO's but their work ethic and professionalism opened the door for much more lucrative careers.

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