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6 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Straining at gnats how? Once again the 30 minute stuff you're saying is not true and since it's a man's life yes I definitely think you at least do a basic search before making him a marked man on television. And where two men were just killed for doing anything yeah I don't trust the policemen saying it's not automatically guilty it just mean suspicious. That's all fine and dandy in the how it SHOULD work theory. But we can agree to disagree but nothing I said is far fetched, I actually think your view is more so but once again it's your opinion

It is true.  I literally watched it happen on my television set.  About 30 mins passed from the initial calling him a "suspect" to calling him a "person of interest."  And according to the man himself, he spoke with police for about 30 mins.  Given the circumstances and that they were still in active pursuit of the shooters (they apprehended one around this time and another wasn't cornered and killed until 2:30am local time), I just don't see the big problem, not do I see how he was going to be much safer being called a person of interest instead of suspect under these circumstances.

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4 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

It is true.  I literally watched it happen on my television set.  About 30 mins passed from the initial calling him a "suspect" to calling him a "person of interest."  And according to the man himself, he spoke with police for about 30 mins.  Given the circumstances and that they were still in active pursuit of the shooters (they apprehended one around this time and another wasn't cornered and killed until 2:30am local time), I just don't see the big problem, not do I see how he was going to be much safer being called a person of interest instead of suspect under these circumstances.

He was probably safer being pointed out that they were wanting to speak to him. Given the what was going on they made the right call, he went to the police to clear his name.  

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9 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

It is true.  I literally watched it happen on my television set.  About 30 mins passed from the initial calling him a "suspect" to calling him a "person of interest."  And according to the man himself, he spoke with police for about 30 mins.  Given the circumstances and that they were still in active pursuit of the shooters (they apprehended one around this time and another wasn't cornered and killed until 2:30am local time), I just don't see the big problem, not do I see how he was going to be much safer being called a person of interest instead of suspect under these circumstances.

He wasn't. Find out who he is since you have a pic, get his info then call him, if it doesn't work do a more through search before making him a damn public enemy number 1. And if you follow what all he went through and his Facebook you see it was more than a thirty minute resolve. But yes I understand you don't see the big deal, I'm saying I do

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Cole -  respond as you wish, I don't really care right now. But don't paint me in a corner with people in which I don't belong. I stated clearly that Ferguson was a hoax, and the facts have proven that to be true. The South Carolina cop shot the man in the back? Properly charged as a killer.  Out in Oakland, when the cop shot the man in the back of the head, that was completely unjustified. I take each incident on its own merit, and unlike our president, I refuse to group everything as either black and or white. 


 I think it is disgraceful that Obama and other politicians have used this incident as an agenda pushing platform, especially before all the facts have come in. 


 But, after all, these are the same people who said you never want to let a good crisis go to waste. 

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3 minutes ago, cole256 said:

He wasn't. Find out who he is since you have a pic, get his info then call him, if it doesn't work do a more through search before making him a damn public enemy number 1. And if you follow what all he went through and his Facebook you see it was more than a thirty minute resolve. But yes I understand you don't see the big deal, I'm saying I do

How would you propose they find out who he is from a photo, without putting it out there for the public to see, unless he's got a criminal record and is in their database?  You're not making sense.

He said he spoke with the police for 30 mins.  But even if it was a couple of hours, big ******* deal.  

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2 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Cole -  respond as you wish, I don't really care right now. But don't paint me in a corner with people in which I don't belong. I stated clearly that Ferguson was a hoax, and the facts have proven that to be true. The South Carolina cop shot the man in the back? Properly charged as a killer.  Out in Oakland, when the cop shot the man in the back of the head, that was completely unjustified. I take each incident on its own merit, and unlike our president, I refuse to group everything as either black and or white. 


 I think it is disgraceful that Obama and other politicians have used this incident as an agenda pushing platform, especially before all the facts have come in. 


 But, after all, these are the same people who said you never want to let a good crisis go to waste. 

I wasn't even talking to you or about you so what do you mean paint you in a corner?  Seriously stop.

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2 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

How would you propose they find out who he is from a photo, without putting it out there for the public to see, unless he's got a criminal record and is in their database?  You're not making sense.

He said he spoke with the police for 30 mins.  But even if it was a couple of hours, big ******* deal.  

No the talking isn't a big ******* deal but risking his life is a big ******* deal. And if you don't think they couldn't find this guy from a photo at the same damn protest it was taken from, the one they are at then no you are the one that's not making any sense

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2 hours ago, aubearcat said:

Once the officer shoots, regardless of justified or not, he is suspect/offender and the scene is a "crime scene " and is supposed to be preserved as much as it can be and as close as it can be to when the events occurred. He could've rendered aid by removing the weapon from Philando, returning to his car and getting his first aid kit and render first aid until the medical aid team and back up gets there, that would be, in general, when you're allowed to move the person. You of course can move and manipulate their body to render aid but not load them up and leave the scene. They will of course be transported to the hospital by medical personnel but not by the shooter.  That's why Brown's body was left in place for so long. So Wilson's story could be questioned against the evidence. It wasn't to disrespect him or his family. 

There was no chance to save Brown, there was in this instance but by all means let the man bleed out because we have to adhere to department policy.

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Just now, cole256 said:

No the talking isn't a big ******* deal but risking his life is a big ******* deal. And if you don't think they couldn't find this guy from a photo at the same damn protest it was taken from, the one they are at then no you are the one that's not making any sense

You're trying to find the shooters.  They are killers and obviously willing to kill again.  But you don't think they should publicly disseminate a photo of a possible suspect but rather take a photo they were given an hour or so after the shooting stopped and people had dispersed all over and just magically find him?  That's crazy.

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 Cole – you flat out called me and others racist before, so don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. Please, seriously, just stop yourself. 

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10 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:
4 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

You're trying to find the shooters.  They are killers and obviously willing to kill again.  But you don't think they should publicly disseminate a photo of a possible suspect but rather take a photo they were given an hour or so after the shooting stopped and people had dispersed all over and just magically find him?  That's crazy.

Ok titan clearly saying we can agree to disagree won't work with you. You just want to go back and forth for some reason

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3 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

 Cole – you flat out called me and others racist before, so don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. Please, seriously, just stop yourself. 

I've called you and PT racist before. That's it. And it's because of what you said at that time MONTHS ago. You randomly just saying something now when I haven't mentioned you could care less about you and don't want to talk to you saying don't paint you in a corner is stupid. Stop being an attention whore. I don't bite my tongue if I'm talking to you I'd quote you and talk to you. Stop being a freaking idiot. 

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I'm sorry, but when there are large gaping holes in your theories of how to do something the right way, I'm going to point them out.  We don't have to keep discussing it if you don't want to, but I just can't ignore that.

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2 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

I'm sorry, but when there are large gaping holes in your theories of how to do something the right way, I'm going to point them out.  We don't have to keep discussing it if you don't want to, but I just can't ignore that.

You say it's large gaping holes I say it's not. You can find a person likeness just by using Google from your phone. I've seen people be caught without a national picture on display. The incident literally just happened. So yeah when weighing doing that I think it should be weighed what if it's not him and he can be possibly killed by placing his name out there like that. There aren't any large gaping holes, there is just you don't agree so you're doing this. Meanwhile I can do the same in any other situation on this board and I guarantee the thread is going to be locked or I'm going to be threatened to stop. Hell maybe even somebody that's not a mod will do it. Golf may come do it in this thread but forget the agree to disagree, what you say doesn't make sense in my eyes

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1 minute ago, cole256 said:

You say it's large gaping holes I say it's not. You can find a person likeness just by using Google from your phone. I've seen people be caught without a national picture on display. The incident literally just happened. So yeah when weighing doing that I think it should be weighed what if it's not him and he can be possibly killed by placing his name out there like that. There aren't any large gaping holes, there is just you don't agree so you're doing this. Meanwhile I can do the same in any other situation on this board and I guarantee the thread is going to be locked or I'm going to be threatened to stop. Hell maybe even somebody that's not a mod will do it. Golf may come do it in this thread but forget the agree to disagree, what you say doesn't make sense in my eyes

His likeness was going to get thrown all around the internet regardless if the DPD put it out there. Hundreds of people snapping pictures on their phones...it was going to get out. 

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14 minutes ago, cole256 said:

I've called you and PT racist before. That's it. And it's because of what you said at that time MONTHS ago. You randomly just saying something now when I haven't mentioned you could care less about you and don't want to talk to you saying don't paint you in a corner is stupid. Stop being an attention whore. I don't bite my tongue if I'm talking to you I'd quote you and talk to you. Stop being a freaking idiot. 

Apologize for calling me that then I'll say no more to you. 

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Another moron outs himself:

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6 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Apologize for calling me that then I'll say no more to you. 

I absolutely WILL NOT. You apologize for whatever you said and maybe other people won't view you as one.


But I won't let you confuse this as you like to do. I said nothing to you, you randomly wrote a post telling me some non sense and I replied you just focus on yourself. You then replied don't paint a picture of you, when once again I didn't say ANYTHING to you. You then bring up something that was said months ago that has absolutely nothing to do with anything. And now you're asking for an apology because you probably want to get this thread locked....I have nothing for you. You're stupid. Shut up

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12 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

His likeness was going to get thrown all around the internet regardless if the DPD put it out there. Hundreds of people snapping pictures on their phones...it was going to get out. 

Ok. I'm sure it would. Doesn't mean suspect #1 had to be listed with his likeness....I'm sure there's a possibility a white person was carrying a weapon too somewhere. Gets a little more dangerous when it's official

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31 minutes ago, AUUSN said:

There was no chance to save Brown, there was in this instance but by all means let the man bleed out because we have to adhere to department policy.

It's a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" situation. If the officer moves the wounded to the hospital before medical personnel or backup arrives, he'll be accused of tainting the evidence at the scene and possibly attempting a "cover-up" as well as not having the medical training to make the call to move the wounded before trained medical personnel arrived. And if he doesn't follow departmental policy, he can and probably will be held criminally and civilly liable. 

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9 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Another moron outs himself:



He should have put himself in "timeout" before posting/saying that. I understand where he is coming from though. I don't call the protesters hipocrites or cowards for running and certainly don't blame the protests for the action of a "few". but they need to accept the police they are protesting against also represent very "few". everyone needs to try to look through the eyes of the other side.

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2 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Ok. I'm sure it would. Doesn't mean suspect #1 had to be listed with his likeness....I'm sure there's a possibility a white person was carrying a weapon too somewhere. Gets a little more dangerous when it's official

White or black what does that have to do with anything? You insinuating the DPD posting it was racially motivated?  

If there were any white people openly carrying an AR-15 there last night I am pretty sure they would have done the same and I am pretty sure that if there was and they did not do the same then we would probably know about it by now with as many people that can take pictures. 

Besides, I don't recall seeing #1 suspect plastered everywhere, just his picture and that he was a suspect and this was based on the information they were given at the time. 

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6 minutes ago, alexava said:

He should have put himself in "timeout" before posting/saying that. I understand where he is coming from though. I don't call the protesters hipocrites or cowards for running and certainly don't blame the protests for the action of a "few". but they need to accept the police they are protesting against also represent very "few". everyone needs to try to look through the eyes of the other side.

I think they are were looking at it from both sides though b/c before that idiot decided to carry out his own agenda there were tons of reports from protesters that police and the protesters were taking pictures with one another and peacefully interacting with one another. I know i saw a few of those pictures. Several policemen and policewomen have posted comments and videos in support of the protesting that was going on across the nation b/c it was peaceful and it was not only about calling out the bad cops but when you call out the bad ones it makes things better for the good cops b/c there are a lot of good cops out there so let's get some plans in place where communities and police officers can work together.

Can't blame the actions of a "few" doing bad in the name of Black Live Matters and paint the entire organization as bad. I don't agree with some of there statements but I understand the need for it just like previous Black organizations created in the 50s & 60s. Also, it's important to note that there are a lot of non minorities that support and march with BLM as well. There was a march in ATL yesterday and it was nice to see a mixed crowed of people peacefully protesting no matter who agrees or not.

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10 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

White or black what does that have to do with anything? You insinuating the DPD posting it was racially motivated?  

If there were any white people openly carrying an AR-15 there last night I am pretty sure they would have done the same and I am pretty sure that if there was and they did not do the same then we would probably know about it by now with as many people that can take pictures. 

Besides, I don't recall seeing #1 suspect plastered everywhere, just his picture and that he was a suspect and this was based on the information they were given at the time. 

It is not racial at all. Any one who chooses to open carry an assault rifle is asking for undue attention. I don't care how legal it is or what rights you have you are tagging yourself a suspect. i am shocked he was not shot or handled roughly when surrendering the way emotions had to be high and for damn good reason. of all the things to bitch about in the world today this AR toting "look at me" guy is the last person to be defending. boo ******* hoo

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