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I've read that 3 cops are dead, 2 in surgery, and 3 are in CCU in Dallas, not just two. Done by one or two snipers 

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Just now per CNN:  11 officers shot, 4 dead.  2 civilians wounded.  Possible bomb threat.  Photo of suspect/'person of interest' publicized, possible video to come.  New shots just rang out, possible new ongoing gun battle?

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To those of us who have been trained in counter insurgency, we see a full blown insurgency starting in our own country. Money hungry city administrations own a large part of the blame and unfortunately, police will face the brunt.

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50 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

We're up to 5 officers dead now and 6 wounded.  Just unbelievable.

I just woke up to this. This is a scary day to be a police officer. There are going to be a lot of people on edge. I hope this doesn't result in more unecesarry violence against either officers or civilians.

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So I just saw the interview of the guy they originally reported to being a suspect was not so. How does that even happen? He could've easily been killed...

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Facts almost always get distorted in the first few hours after such incidents. The Boston bombing suspects were miss identified at first.

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This one hits very close to home. My oldest son applied to become a Dallas Police Officer about a month ago.  We are waiting for them to finish background checks and then he will enter Academy end of next month. needless to say my wife is trying to convince him to put an application into a suburban police force but he thinks there is a greater need in Dallas.  

Latest is 5 Dead Officers 7 wounded officers.

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1 hour ago, cole256 said:

So I just saw the interview of the guy they originally reported to being a suspect was not so. How does that even happen? He could've easily been killed...

They simply had video and a photo of a guy walking around the protest with what looked to be an assault weapon strapped on him and said police were looking for him and wanted to talk to him.  He turned himself in and it turns out he was not involved.  I'm not sure how they did anything wrong.  They were following any lead they had, put out a photo of someone that police were looking for and he saw it and contacted them.  

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13 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

They simply had video and a photo of a guy walking around the protest with what looked to be an assault weapon strapped on him and said police were looking for him and wanted to talk to him.  He turned himself in and it turns out he was not involved.  I'm not sure how they did anything wrong.  They were following any lead they had, put out a photo of someone that police were looking for and he saw it and contacted them.  


I read that he turned his rifle over to police when the shooting started as well. But I'm sure it'll get spun that he was a distraction for the shooters or some other nonsense.

As a side note, it'd be great if we could make it at least 24 hours before the loony birds on my FB didn't start screaming, "false flag!". 

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3 minutes ago, ShocksMyBrain said:


I read that he turned his rifle over to police when the shooting started as well. But I'm sure it'll get spun that he was a distraction for the shooters or some other nonsense.

As a side note, it'd be great if we could make it at least 24 hours before the loony birds on my FB didn't start screaming, "false flag!". 

Yeah, I had someone do that essentially too.  "Beware of distractions that seek to take away personal liberties."  Like, WTF are you thinking?

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Probably the best news article I have read in a while and it comes from a sports guy. We get so distracted over race that no one even sees the larger picture. Focusing on race is what leads to what happened in Dallas. Did anyone listen to the police chief speak this morning? He quoted one of the suspects - before he blew himself up - as saying "I'm just so angry.....I want to kill white people, especially cops." This is what making things about race will do.


"Does it surprise you that in both 2015 and 2016 over 72% of the people killed by police weren't black? And that over half of all people shot and killed by police were white in both years?

It sure surprised me. 

Now it's certainly true that black people represent only 12-13% of the United States population and are twice that rate in the police killings, but according to FBI data in 2014 4,224 black men were arrested and charged with murder in this country. Meanwhile 3,807 white and Hispanic men were arrested and charged with murder. This means blacks were arrested for 51.3% of all murders in 2014 despite the fact that they represent just 12% of the population. Given that the black arrest rate for violent crime also exceeds 27%, black people are actually getting shot and killed less often when they're arrested than white and Hispanic people are. "



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2 minutes ago, AUcivE09 said:

Probably the best news article I have read in a while and it comes from a sports guy. We get so distracted over race that no one even sees the larger picture. Focusing on race is what leads to what happened in Dallas. Did anyone listen to the police chief speak this morning? He quoted one of the suspects - before he blew himself up - as saying "I'm just so angry.....I want to kill white people, especially cops." This is what making things about race will do.


"Does it surprise you that in both 2015 and 2016 over 72% of the people killed by police weren't black? And that over half of all people shot and killed by police were white in both years?

It sure surprised me. 

Now it's certainly true that black people represent only 12-13% of the United States population and are twice that rate in the police killings, but according to FBI data in 2014 4,224 black men were arrested and charged with murder in this country. Meanwhile 3,807 white and Hispanic men were arrested and charged with murder. This means blacks were arrested for 51.3% of all murders in 2014 despite the fact that they represent just 12% of the population. Given that the black arrest rate for violent crime also exceeds 27%, black people are actually getting shot and killed less often when they're arrested than white and Hispanic people are. "



The only comment I will make is a big part of this whole debate is criminal justice reform.  I'm not sure it is fair to imply arrest statistics to crime statistics.  With the number of false arrests, and false imprisonments, I have big doubts on those numbers.  Not to mention, police are often more heavily patrolling minority neighborhoods compared to white neighborhoods. While I agree it should not be a black/white issue, this is a case of perception = reality. 

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Clay Travis may be a lot of things, but statistician isn't one of them.  To me he's correlating stats in ways that aren't relevant to the problem at hand.  Because no one is protesting or even upset about police shootings of murderers.  What people are upset about his how certain segments of the population (black folks) are handled during more routine stops.  Folks who are unarmed.  Being pulled over for a busted taillight and ending up dead, being shackled hand and foot but not strapped in to the police van but somehow magically ending up with your spinal cord 80% severed from your body at the neck, mysteriously dying in police custody (Sandra Bland), being shot in the back because you're running away during a traffic stop, and so on.  Meanwhile you see situations where other people who are white who are actually brandishing weapons, pointing them at police - but the police manage to de-escalate the situation and give the benefit of the doubt.

Clay's cited stats don't address that.  

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6 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Clay Travis may be a lot of things, but statistician isn't one of them.  To me he's correlating stats in ways that aren't relevant to the problem at hand.  Because no one is protesting or even upset about police shootings of murderers.  What people are upset about his how certain segments of the population (black folks) are handled during more routine stops.  Folks who are unarmed.  Being pulled over for a busted taillight and ending up dead, being shackled hand and foot but not strapped in to the police van but somehow magically ending up with your spinal cord 80% severed from your body at the neck, mysteriously dying in police custody (Sandra Bland), being shot in the back because you're running away during a traffic stop, and so on.  Meanwhile you see situations where other people who are white who are actually brandishing weapons, pointing them at police - but the police manage to de-escalate the situation and give the benefit of the doubt.

Clay's cited stats don't address that.  

This is it exactly. 

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12 hours ago, AUUSN said:

Just got a chance to see the MN video and I am completly enraged. What in the actual F*&^ Mr Barney Fife. Stands there, completely shut down, weapon still drawn on a guy you just put four rounds into. No attempt to render aid, no thought to put the victim in your vehicle and rush to the hospital. Nope, sorry dude, I told you to put your hands up so just bleed out.

We gave enemy combatants better care on the battlefield than this American Citizen got in his own f'n country. Just what the f^&/.

Once the officer shoots, regardless of justified or not, he is suspect/offender and the scene is a "crime scene " and is supposed to be preserved as much as it can be and as close as it can be to when the events occurred. He could've rendered aid by removing the weapon from Philando, returning to his car and getting his first aid kit and render first aid until the medical aid team and back up gets there, that would be, in general, when you're allowed to move the person. You of course can move and manipulate their body to render aid but not load them up and leave the scene. They will of course be transported to the hospital by medical personnel but not by the shooter.  That's why Brown's body was left in place for so long. So Wilson's story could be questioned against the evidence. It wasn't to disrespect him or his family. 

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1 hour ago, TitanTiger said:

Clay Travis may be a lot of things, but statistician isn't one of them.  To me he's correlating stats in ways that aren't relevant to the problem at hand.  Because no one is protesting or even upset about police shootings of murderers.  What people are upset about his how certain segments of the population (black folks) are handled during more routine stops.  Folks who are unarmed.  Being pulled over for a busted taillight and ending up dead, being shackled hand and foot but not strapped in to the police van but somehow magically ending up with your spinal cord 80% severed from your body at the neck, mysteriously dying in police custody (Sandra Bland), being shot in the back because you're running away during a traffic stop, and so on.  Meanwhile you see situations where other people who are white who are actually brandishing weapons, pointing them at police - but the police manage to de-escalate the situation and give the benefit of the doubt.

Clay's cited stats don't address that.  

Watch this video. Makes you think that just maybe the suspect's race is involved.


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2 hours ago, AURaptor said:

Facts almost always get distorted in the first few hours after such incidents. The Boston bombing suspects were miss identified at first.

Yep. The police and news miss identified a black guy carrying a rifle as one of the shooters in the Dallas incident. They had to retract it b/c his picture was being spread all around as a suspect they were looking for. Not sure why he was carrying a rifle during a peaceful march but as so many like to say it's his right to do so if he wants to!

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This is too much and needs to stop! A man in uniform to do that to another to men in uniform. I just can't deal with all of this anymore.

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1 minute ago, WarEagle1983 said:

Yep. The police and news miss identified a black guy carrying a rifle as one of the shooters in the Dallas incident. They had to retract it b/c his picture was being spread all around as a suspect they were looking for. Not sure why he was carrying a rifle during a peaceful march but as so many like to say it's his right to do so if he wants to!

Look, I'm willing to give some grace on that.  All they had to go on was that someone with rapid-fire assault weapons were shooting police.  Then they were provided with photos of a person at the site of the shooting wearing a weapon like that.  So they wanted to find him.  They corrected it from him being a "suspect" to a "person of interest" within a half hour, even in the midst of all that chaos.  

It was certainly his right to carry, but it's also completely understandable given what was happening that they would want to find the guy.

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