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Ambassador Steven's sister lays blame


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Her lyin caused them people to die. She mite as well killed them herself. She got blood on her hands, her other places. They is nothin but a trail of dead folks behind her.

Based strictly on my perceptions of you from this forum, your choice of using MANY of your posts to mock others is inconsistent with what I consider your core values to be. Oh well, I am wrong a lot.

Seriously, I can understand why you would say that. However, the insincerity of claiming that one side turned the Ambassador's death into political fodder is ridiculous. You don't seriously believe that Gowdy or Issa are more "noble" than Clinton, Obama?

I absolutely think that BOTH sides are using the tragedy for political gain. In this particular instance, I think that deliberately lying to the families of the dead men to their faces was a worse offense than any committed by the right.

I disagree. Both are despicable. On one hand you have a convenient lie for political benefit. On the other, you have the intentional parading of the bodies for political benefit. Personally, I find the latter more despicable.

Most decent people do.

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