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Sorry Folks it wasn't an AR-15


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Raptor, whenever you get tired of Homer refuting your garbage arguments, and whenever you can stop using ad hominums, then you can wear your big boy diapers and talk civilly with the rest of the group.

But then he won't get the attention he seeks.
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Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America


How am I a liar ? You've demonstrated exactly nothing which proves I am in any way " lying " about this or any other topic.

And this stat you posted ? What the hell ? It has zero to do w/ the discussion at hand !

Keep digging that hole you're standing in. :roflol:

If you hadn't clipped the relative part of the thread you would know why you are lying. Weasel.

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This is so stupid to even argue....And I guess it's safe to assume that nobody really wondered or cared about this guy and if he was on medication or was he a loner etc....

Bingo it went right to gun ban discussion lead by the politians that bribe us with our own tax money that we all know could have passed stricter gun laws when the dems controlled both house and senate. It's always l'll do something if I'm reelected

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Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America


How am I a liar ? You've demonstrated exactly nothing which proves I am in any way " lying " about this or any other topic.

And this stat you posted ? What the hell ? It has zero to do w/ the discussion at hand !

Keep digging that hole you're standing in. :roflol:

If you hadn't clipped the relative part of the thread you would know why you are lying. Weasel.

i'm not lying, at all. And you know it. If you weren't such a coward, you'd POST exactly where you think you have me lying.

But you won't, because you know you can't, so instead, you try to blame ME !

Classic Leftist weasel antics !

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“Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away” — President Obama on why he doesn’t say “Radical Islam"


Be sure to watch the short clip. Too bad I cannot embed it.

Yeah jeff, we get it. Stop pimping your own damn post. I heard him say it before, and I saw him say it again.

He's wrong. He's doing what he always does, doubling down when he knows he's wrong.

Just like the JV team.

No reason to put the govt through all manner of contortions and verbal gymnastics to avoid calling radical Muslims who they are, but he's been doing that for 8 years now.

How's that working out for everyone ?

I mean, outside of those killed and wounded in Orlando. San Bernadino. Paris. Paris again. Paris a third time. London. Boston. Brussels...

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“Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away” — President Obama on why he doesn’t say “Radical Islam"


Be sure to watch the short clip. Too bad I cannot embed it.

Yeah jeff, we get it. Stop pimping your own damn post. I heard him say it before, and I saw him say it again.

He's wrong. He's doing what he always does, doubling down when he knows he's wrong.

Just like the JV team.

No reason to put the govt through all manner of contortions and verbal gymnastics to avoid calling radical Muslims who they are, but he's been doing that for 8 years now.

How's that working out for everyone ?

I mean, outside of those killed and wounded in Orlando. San Bernadino. Paris. Paris again. Paris a third time. London. Boston. Brussels...

You're flustered

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“Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away” — President Obama on why he doesn’t say “Radical Islam"


Be sure to watch the short clip. Too bad I cannot embed it.

Yeah jeff, we get it. Stop pimping your own damn post. I heard him say it before, and I saw him say it again.

He's wrong. He's doing what he always does, doubling down when he knows he's wrong.

Just like the JV team.

No reason to put the govt through all manner of contortions and verbal gymnastics to avoid calling radical Muslims who they are, but he's been doing that for 8 years now.

How's that working out for everyone ?

I mean, outside of those killed and wounded in Orlando. San Bernadino. Paris. Paris again. Paris a third time. London. Boston. Brussels...

You're flustered

Said the drama queen bumping his own posts , begging for attention.


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A husband has sex with his wife, as a plow goes into a field.

The Quran in Sura (Chapter) 2:223 says:

Your women are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like . . . . (MAS Abdel Haleem,
The Qur'an
, Oxford UP, 2004)

We should make no mistake about this verse. It includes sexual positions. In a footnote to this verse, Haleem says that Muslims in Medina heard from the Jews that 'a child born from a woman approached from behind would have a squint.'

The hadith are the reports of Muhammad's words and actions outside of the Quran. Two reliable hadith collectors and editors are Bukhari (d. 870), Muslim (d. 875). The hadith come only second in importance and sacredness among the vast majority of Muslims around the world. Since the hadith is explicit, the readers are invited to click http://www.usc.edu/d...363"]here[/url] and read for themselves, at their own discretion: Muslim nos. 3363—3365. See these parallel hadith %5Burl="http://www.usc.edu/d...050"]here[/url] and %5Burl="http://www.usc.edu/d...51"]here.[/url]

We should have no doubt that the husband controlled their sex life. If a woman does not want to have sex, then angels curse her.

So do you think Islam is un American? Should we force Muslims out?

Should we allow the acceptance of murder in the name of any religion?

It needs to be reformed by a leader/reformer. Note how all of these peace loving muslins are not calling for reform. They may never murder themselves but they have no problem with the teachings of non infidel hate, and discrimination against women and children in the name of religion.

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So do you think Islam is un American? Should we force Muslims out?

Sharia law directly conflicts w/ the US Constitution and the ideals on which this country was founded.

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The NRA has effectively blocked any congressional research into gun violence, and it has lobbied against every reasonable executive order or reasonable legislation, essentially blocking any sort of legislation needed to help keep America safer..but yet he wants to blame it on Obama. Basically Raptor supports a bunch of professional obstructionists that do not care that many innocent people are dying every day, but yet he is blaming it on Obama...lmao. Raptor and his Trump Moronicans would rather sooth their dissonance by discussing what is an assault rifle and what is not an assault rifle and pointing the finger than by owning the consequences that have came because of their actions..

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“Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away” — President Obama on why he doesn’t say “Radical Islam"


Be sure to watch the short clip. Too bad I cannot embed it.

Yeah jeff, we get it. Stop pimping your own damn post. I heard him say it before, and I saw him say it again.

He's wrong. He's doing what he always does, doubling down when he knows he's wrong.

Just like the JV team.

No reason to put the govt through all manner of contortions and verbal gymnastics to avoid calling radical Muslims who they are, but he's been doing that for 8 years now.

How's that working out for everyone ?

I mean, outside of those killed and wounded in Orlando. San Bernadino. Paris. Paris again. Paris a third time. London. Boston. Brussels...

You're flustered

Said the drama queen bumping his own posts , begging for attention.


Says the one that admittedly said he didn't like to click links.....welll Gee...
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The NRA has effectively blocked any congressional research into gun violence, and it has lobbied against every reasonable executive order or reasonable legislation, essentially blocking any sort of legislation needed to help keep America safer..but yet he wants to blame it on Obama. Basically Raptor supports a bunch of professional obstructionists that do not care that many innocent people are dying every day, but yet he is blaming it on Obama...lmao. Raptor and his Trump Moronicans would rather sooth their dissonance by discussing what is an assault rifle and what is not an assault rifle and pointing the finger than by owning the consequences that have came because of their actions..

If the perpetrator of this terror attack doesn't represent all Muslims why does he represent all gun owners? I was asked this today -interesting question.

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The NRA has effectively blocked any congressional research into gun violence, and it has lobbied against every reasonable executive order or reasonable legislation, essentially blocking any sort of legislation needed to help keep America safer..but yet he wants to blame it on Obama. Basically Raptor supports a bunch of professional obstructionists that do not care that many innocent people are dying every day, but yet he is blaming it on Obama...lmao. Raptor and his Trump Moronicans would rather sooth their dissonance by discussing what is an assault rifle and what is not an assault rifle and pointing the finger than by owning the consequences that have came because of their actions..

If the perpetrator of this terror attack doesn't represent all Muslims why does he represent all gun owners? I was asked this today -interesting question.

He doesnt necessarily represent all gun owners, he is just a representation of what is wrong with the system of dangerous people easily acquiring dangerous weapons.
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The NRA has effectively blocked any congressional research into gun violence, and it has lobbied against every reasonable executive order or reasonable legislation, essentially blocking any sort of legislation needed to help keep America safer..but yet he wants to blame it on Obama. Basically Raptor supports a bunch of professional obstructionists that do not care that many innocent people are dying every day, but yet he is blaming it on Obama...lmao. Raptor and his Trump Moronicans would rather sooth their dissonance by discussing what is an assault rifle and what is not an assault rifle and pointing the finger than by owning the consequences that have came because of their actions..

huffington post = Left wing rag. Good that you've not bothered looking into any possible OTHER side of the story. I'm sure they're giving readers 100% of issue, and leaving nothing out.

And how has this remotely have anything to do w/ me ?

Dems arbitrarily dreamed up the ban on guns in the 90's by looking at pictures, in a book and deciding by how menacing , which gun was an " assault " weapon, and which wasn't. It's a complete con job, and apparently useful idiots like jeff here bought into it.

Yep, that's jeff ! IDIOT ! :roflol:

Clearly, you've bought into the false narrative which has been spoon fed by the MSM, and just blindly accepts that the mean old white evil Republicans WANT folks to shoot each other more ( Except in Chicago, where Dems control everything, and no one is suppose to talk about that murderfest going on in Obama's home town. Shhh.... )


I'm not a Republican.

I've not given $ to the GOP in ... a decade? Probably not since the '04 Bush campaign.

I'm not a member of the NRA.

I pay no $ to the NRA

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The NRA has effectively blocked any congressional research into gun violence, and it has lobbied against every reasonable executive order or reasonable legislation, essentially blocking any sort of legislation needed to help keep America safer..but yet he wants to blame it on Obama. Basically Raptor supports a bunch of professional obstructionists that do not care that many innocent people are dying every day, but yet he is blaming it on Obama...lmao. Raptor and his Trump Moronicans would rather sooth their dissonance by discussing what is an assault rifle and what is not an assault rifle and pointing the finger than by owning the consequences that have came because of their actions..

huffington post = Left wing rag. Good that you've not bothered looking into any possible OTHER side of the story. I'm sure they're giving readers 100% of issue, and leaving nothing out.

And how has this remotely have anything to do w/ me ?

Dems arbitrarily dreamed up the ban on guns in the 90's by looking at pictures, in a book and deciding by how menacing , which gun was an " assault " weapon, and which wasn't. It's a complete con job, and apparently useful idiots like jeff here bought into it.

Yep, that's jeff ! IDIOT ! :roflol:

Clearly, you've bought into the false narrative which has been spoon fed by the MSM, and just blindly accepts that the mean old white evil Republicans WANT folks to shoot each other more ( Except in Chicago, where Dems control everything, and no one is suppose to talk about that murderfest going on in Obama's home town. Shhh.... )


I'm not a Republican.

I've not given $ to the GOP in ... a decade? Probably not since the '04 Bush campaign.

I'm not a member of the NRA.

I pay no $ to the NRA

Did I ever imply you gave money to the NRA? What the hell are you then if you're not a republican? You defended Bush until you were black and blue, and most recently, you were very busy defending Cruz and Trump.
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The NRA has effectively blocked any congressional research into gun violence, and it has lobbied against every reasonable executive order or reasonable legislation, essentially blocking any sort of legislation needed to help keep America safer..but yet he wants to blame it on Obama. Basically Raptor supports a bunch of professional obstructionists that do not care that many innocent people are dying every day, but yet he is blaming it on Obama...lmao. Raptor and his Trump Moronicans would rather sooth their dissonance by discussing what is an assault rifle and what is not an assault rifle and pointing the finger than by owning the consequences that have came because of their actions..

If the perpetrator of this terror attack doesn't represent all Muslims why does he represent all gun owners? I was asked this today -interesting question.

He doesnt necessarily represent all gun owners, he is just a representation of what is wrong with the system of dangerous people easily acquiring dangerous weapons.

i have been seeing that exact meme on Facebook the past three days. That is the batshitcrazy I speak of, Who in Hell has said he represents all gun owners? The only real gun discussion I have seen from the sane crowd is references to the bill that failed in December to stop sales to those on terror watch list and no fly lists. It is the same old batshitcrazies defending any and all possible gun regulations actually anticipating them when they are not even mentioned yet. I don't really know anyone who is pushing assault weapons bans anymore.
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The NRA has effectively blocked any congressional research into gun violence, and it has lobbied against every reasonable executive order or reasonable legislation, essentially blocking any sort of legislation needed to help keep America safer..but yet he wants to blame it on Obama. Basically Raptor supports a bunch of professional obstructionists that do not care that many innocent people are dying every day, but yet he is blaming it on Obama...lmao. Raptor and his Trump Moronicans would rather sooth their dissonance by discussing what is an assault rifle and what is not an assault rifle and pointing the finger than by owning the consequences that have came because of their actions..

If the perpetrator of this terror attack doesn't represent all Muslims why does he represent all gun owners? I was asked this today -interesting question.

He doesnt necessarily represent all gun owners, he is just a representation of what is wrong with the system of dangerous people easily acquiring dangerous weapons.

i have been seeing that exact meme on Facebook the past three days. That is the batshitcrazy I speak of, Who in Hell has said he represents all gun owners? The only real gun discussion I have seen from the sane crowd is references to the bill that failed in December to stop sales to those on terror watch list and no fly lists. It is the same old batshitcrazies defending any and all possible gun regulations actually anticipating them when they are not even mentioned yet. I don't really know anyone who is pushing assault weapons bans anymore.

Any time an AR-15, or an AK-47, or now a Sig MCX is used in a mass shooting, assault weapons bans are the kneejerk reaction from some. Of course, they then run headlong into the default reaction of the NRA (and me in those cases), and the kneejerk reaction of the millions that own assault weapons legally and without incident. In threads about gun control, I seem to always be arguing for a moderate position that most can agree on. I am probably the only person on this forum that legally owns automatic weapons; I probably should be firmly pro-NRA, pro-Open Carry, and anti-gun laws of any sort, but I am not.

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So do you think Islam is un American? Should we force Muslims out?

Sharia law directly conflicts w/ the US Constitution and the ideals on which this country was founded.


Are you replying to my question or to Raptors?

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The NRA has effectively blocked any congressional research into gun violence, and it has lobbied against every reasonable executive order or reasonable legislation, essentially blocking any sort of legislation needed to help keep America safer..but yet he wants to blame it on Obama. Basically Raptor supports a bunch of professional obstructionists that do not care that many innocent people are dying every day, but yet he is blaming it on Obama...lmao. Raptor and his Trump Moronicans would rather sooth their dissonance by discussing what is an assault rifle and what is not an assault rifle and pointing the finger than by owning the consequences that have came because of their actions..

If the perpetrator of this terror attack doesn't represent all Muslims why does he represent all gun owners? I was asked this today -interesting question.

Who said he did?

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The NRA has effectively blocked any congressional research into gun violence, and it has lobbied against every reasonable executive order or reasonable legislation, essentially blocking any sort of legislation needed to help keep America safer..but yet he wants to blame it on Obama. Basically Raptor supports a bunch of professional obstructionists that do not care that many innocent people are dying every day, but yet he is blaming it on Obama...lmao. Raptor and his Trump Moronicans would rather sooth their dissonance by discussing what is an assault rifle and what is not an assault rifle and pointing the finger than by owning the consequences that have came because of their actions..

If the perpetrator of this terror attack doesn't represent all Muslims why does he represent all gun owners? I was asked this today -interesting question.

He doesnt necessarily represent all gun owners, he is just a representation of what is wrong with the system of dangerous people easily acquiring dangerous weapons.

i have been seeing that exact meme on Facebook the past three days. That is the batshitcrazy I speak of, Who in Hell has said he represents all gun owners? The only real gun discussion I have seen from the sane crowd is references to the bill that failed in December to stop sales to those on terror watch list and no fly lists. It is the same old batshitcrazies defending any and all possible gun regulations actually anticipating them when they are not even mentioned yet. I don't really know anyone who is pushing assault weapons bans anymore.

When you don't have a logical argument, you create straw men to oppose.

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The NRA has effectively blocked any congressional research into gun violence, and it has lobbied against every reasonable executive order or reasonable legislation, essentially blocking any sort of legislation needed to help keep America safer..but yet he wants to blame it on Obama. Basically Raptor supports a bunch of professional obstructionists that do not care that many innocent people are dying every day, but yet he is blaming it on Obama...lmao. Raptor and his Trump Moronicans would rather sooth their dissonance by discussing what is an assault rifle and what is not an assault rifle and pointing the finger than by owning the consequences that have came because of their actions..

If the perpetrator of this terror attack doesn't represent all Muslims why does he represent all gun owners? I was asked this today -interesting question.

He doesnt necessarily represent all gun owners, he is just a representation of what is wrong with the system of dangerous people easily acquiring dangerous weapons.

i have been seeing that exact meme on Facebook the past three days. That is the batshitcrazy I speak of, Who in Hell has said he represents all gun owners? The only real gun discussion I have seen from the sane crowd is references to the bill that failed in December to stop sales to those on terror watch list and no fly lists. It is the same old batshitcrazies defending any and all possible gun regulations actually anticipating them when they are not even mentioned yet. I don't really know anyone who is pushing assault weapons bans anymore.

Any time an AR-15, or an AK-47, or now a Sig MCX is used in a mass shooting, assault weapons bans are the kneejerk reaction from some. Of course, they then run headlong into the default reaction of the NRA (and me in those cases), and the kneejerk reaction of the millions that own assault weapons legally and without incident. In threads about gun control, I seem to always be arguing for a moderate position that most can agree on. I am probably the only person on this forum that legally owns automatic weapons; I probably should be firmly pro-NRA, pro-Open Carry, and anti-gun laws of any sort, but I am not.

Not trying to pick a fight. You and I seem to be able to reach a compromise. But your statement above doesn't really prove much.

The real question is what is the percent of owners who are "unfit" for ownership (i.e.: they represent a serious risk regardless of reason) are we willing to live with?

And how do we keep that percent as low as possible?

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The NRA has effectively blocked any congressional research into gun violence, and it has lobbied against every reasonable executive order or reasonable legislation, essentially blocking any sort of legislation needed to help keep America safer..but yet he wants to blame it on Obama. Basically Raptor supports a bunch of professional obstructionists that do not care that many innocent people are dying every day, but yet he is blaming it on Obama...lmao. Raptor and his Trump Moronicans would rather sooth their dissonance by discussing what is an assault rifle and what is not an assault rifle and pointing the finger than by owning the consequences that have came because of their actions..

If the perpetrator of this terror attack doesn't represent all Muslims why does he represent all gun owners? I was asked this today -interesting question.

He doesnt necessarily represent all gun owners, he is just a representation of what is wrong with the system of dangerous people easily acquiring dangerous weapons.

i have been seeing that exact meme on Facebook the past three days. That is the batshitcrazy I speak of, Who in Hell has said he represents all gun owners? The only real gun discussion I have seen from the sane crowd is references to the bill that failed in December to stop sales to those on terror watch list and no fly lists. It is the same old batshitcrazies defending any and all possible gun regulations actually anticipating them when they are not even mentioned yet. I don't really know anyone who is pushing assault weapons bans anymore.

Any time an AR-15, or an AK-47, or now a Sig MCX is used in a mass shooting, assault weapons bans are the kneejerk reaction from some. Of course, they then run headlong into the default reaction of the NRA (and me in those cases), and the kneejerk reaction of the millions that own assault weapons legally and without incident. In threads about gun control, I seem to always be arguing for a moderate position that most can agree on. I am probably the only person on this forum that legally owns automatic weapons; I probably should be firmly pro-NRA, pro-Open Carry, and anti-gun laws of any sort, but I am not.

Not trying to pick a fight. You and I seem to be able to reach a compromise. But your statement above doesn't really prove much.

The real question is what is the percent of owners who are "unfit" for ownership (i.e.: they represent a serious risk regardless of reason) are we willing to live with?

And how do we keep that percent as low as possible?

You absolutely are trying to pick a fight, or nit-pick at best. That said, that's your nature. If I didn't respect you, I wouldn't respond at all.

My statement was not intended to be a standalone or self-evident. It was in response to someone that has probably read enough of my recent posts to know me, my position, and what I meant, just as you do. In another thread, I have already responded to your question. I have clearly stated that my goal is to curtail as many unfit firearm owners as possible, and I make no distinction between what kind of firearm they can purchase. If they cannot be trusted to not commit a mass shooting with an AR-15, then I do not think they need to be able to purchase an AR-15, a Glock 17, a shotgun, or a single-shot .22LR. In another thread, have I not made it clear that I would absolutely like to keep that percent as low as possible?

My statement was intended to illustrate the ridiculous nature of the fact that I am probably the only guy here that owns NFA weapons, a decent collection of semi-auto assault weapons, shoots them all regularly, and love the sport. Shouldn't I be firmly in the NRA camp on all issues relative to firearms and legislation? It was also intended to illustrate that assault weapons bans are going to run headlong into fierce and most likely effective opposition. Doesn't that mean we should look into moderate measures that are more likely to be effective AND agreed upon? I'm concerned with keeping firearms in general out of the wrong hands, not the type of firearms in the wrong hands. If anyone else actually wants to accomplish anything, they should be too.

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Did I ever imply you gave money to the NRA? What the hell are you then if you're not a republican? You defended Bush until you were black and blue, and most recently, you were very busy defending Cruz and Trump.

You said I supported ... blah blah blah, what ever goes against the totalitarian push to take guns from law abiding citizens. I answered.

I'm an American. Libertarian / Conservative.

I defend Bush one some things, not others. I didn't just defend Cruz, I fully support and promote him. And will continue to do so.

Trump? He's been a dirt bag in some aspects, but correct on others. I calls them as I sees them.

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