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Military-Grade, Assault Weapons


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Guns are far from unfettered

We arent discussing guns weasel. The discussion is on high capacity, rapid firing weapons. Really. There is no need for you to post in every. Single. Thread.

I was responding directly to a comment from what you posted. And I don't care if you have a problem with how many times I post. You will not silence me.

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In all this talk about banning sporting rifles, or assault rifles, or whatever you want to call them, no one has mentioned how to enact such a ban. My three NFA weapons (automatic) are worth over $100,000. My collection of semi-auto AK-47's and AR-15's is probably worth over $10,000. Does anyone think I am just going to hand those over for little or no compensation? Do the millions of currently owned AR-15's get grandfathered?

Conservatives are never going to vote for the cost of buying all of these banned rifles. No owner of any of these rifles will ever support a ban that does not include appropriate compensation or grandfathering (if you can get them to support a ban at all). The NRA, and all gun advocacy groups, will fight it tooth and nail. Instead of concentrating on irrational knee-jerk proposals to ban firearms that millions of people own and use without incident, why not concentrate on proposals that might actually be able to gain traction with people like me?

The bottom line to me is that the type of firearms this killer used are ultimately irrelevant. The important thing is that he had no business possessing a firearm of any type, whether it be an AR-15 or a single-shot .22LR. I do not want such people to possess an AR-15, or a Glock 17, or a shotgun. Why don't we concentrate on that? Proposals crafted with the goal of keeping firearms out of the wrong hands are proposals I can get behind.

Its not as simple as saying we need to keep them out of the wrong hands. Who are the wrong hands? I believe many vets don't need to carry as a matter of fact. Many people with mental disabilities don't need the weapons but where is the line in saying you can possess one but the other can't. Because in actuality, you're saying you can have a pistol, but this guy shouldn't have one and he is SOL if he is ever attacked. On the other end, I don't believe being a felon at one point automatically disfranchises the person from carrying. Also, Muslim Americans deserve to carry too if the public can. Saying otherwise is discriminatory. There are just so many questions to contemplate that it's hard to make such decisions, but still, it's better than being a brainless NRA sheep.

Who are you to judge whether vets deserve or don't deserve to carry? There are two vets in my house so you say that we can't carry? who gave you that right? Are you aligned with that general who says that vets should get behind him and support a ban? give me a break...I may or may not own a weapon but that still doesn't give you the right to say that I shouldn't carry one...

I said many vets dont need to carry, not all. I personally know a couple vets that are struggling with PTSD in various ways and I dont trust them with weapons. Also, is it not true that roughly 22 vets commit suicide everyday? I never said anything about whether they deserve to carry or whether they dont deserve it. Total misrepresentation of what I said.

I highlighted your words...you never said anything about PTSD or suicide until called out...suicide will happen with or without guns...PTSD is something different as it can be classified as a mental health issue thus they should qualify in a background check...

His explanation wasn't enough? As I recall, Jeff is a vet.

You seem to have some anger issues or maybe paranoia.

Ironic, huh?

You are so full of yourself...there are many more vets on this board...I just get tired of people lecturing that those of us who oppose your lefty views are wrong or dumb...you and others don't see the root cause of some of these problems. I have spent a few years in the middle east in service to our country plus time in Somalia, Kosovo and other places you don't want to vacation but when I call out someone much like you do.....and then he explained himself with which he wants to exclude and that those he is trying to exclude would or should already fail the background check, you weigh in...

I don't have any anger issues or paranoia...nice try though...you need to spend some time where there is much hatred for the US in other parts of the world and see what is going on there...take palestine for instance...where they use disney characters to teach hate to toddlers or other places where it is taught in Islamic religious schools...but according to some that isn't the problem...being able to buy a gun is...

People with PTSD buy guns all the time...If you're going to be a dick, at least fix your argument, run-on sentences too.

He's too smart for that....

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Just threaten them with violence, cole.

That'll show everyone how smart you are, and that you are right.

You should probably look up what the word threatened means, actually nevermind it wouldn't matter you'll twist it to mean whatever you want it to

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Guns are far from unfettered

We arent discussing guns weasel. The discussion is on high capacity, rapid firing weapons. Really. There is no need for you to post in every. Single. Thread.

I was responding directly to a comment from what you posted. And I don't care if you have a problem with how my times I post. You will not silence me.

And that comment was talking about high capacity rapid firing weapons. Man you are a weasel.
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Hey derp

" The idea of restricting unfettered access to assault weapons is only considered radical when it comes out of the mouth of a modern US president "

Access to guns are far from unfettered.

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Hey Derp...

Read. The. Article. It's about high capacity, rapid firing weapons.

Hey brainless, I quoted directly from the article. It does not matter what you think the article is about, the heart of the problem is not guns, or magazine size, or how evil a gun looks. It's about militant islamic terrorism. That's where it starts and that is where it ends. Stop trying to use a crisis to your political advantage. You claimed you were a Republican? I guess a Rahm Emanuel type of Republican.

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JUN 16 2016, 7:44 AM ET

Family of AR-15 Inventor Eugene Stoner: He Didn't Intend It for Civilians


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Me: "Hi I'd like to buy some weed."

America: "Sorry, that's illegal. How about an automatic weapon?"

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Me: "Hi I'd like to buy some weed."

America: "Sorry, that's illegal. How about an automatic weapon?"

Weed in the Constitution ?

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Mitsubishi A6M Zeros didn't attack us at Pearl Harbor. People did. Specific people.

You go to war with those who want to kill you. Not the tools they use to achieved those goals. They'll just use different tools.

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AR-15 or musket when constitution was written? Just like the constitution was amended to not be able to yell fire in a crowded theater, so should non-musket guns. Think about it.

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AR-15 or musket when constitution was written? Just like the constitution was amended to not be able to yell fire in a crowded theater, so should non-musket guns. Think about it.

The musket WAS the AR 15 of its day. It serves the same exact purpose

Think about it.

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Raptor. You're fun. With 90% of U.S. citizens supporting gun control, it's no fun being the minority. Think about it:)

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ANY firearm can be an "assault weapon", to me that is based on how it is used. Take a standard Glock 19, with modification it can be made full auto and there are 30 round extended magazines available. A simple pocket knife becomes an assault weapon when stuck in someone out of hate.

Gun restrictions for the sake of it, is just the continuing liberal push...hell how tough are the gun laws in Paris??? The terrorists still managed to kill twice as many as the Orlando guy. New or revamped gun laws is not the answer, those intent on doing harm will and do find ways to get weapons and further restrictions will push the black market of gun sales sky rocketing. The mentality of these people to do these type of acts is what is messed up. I'm still baffled as to why with 300 to 1, NO ONE made an attempt to stop him by all accounts. Just 5 or 10 could have jumped him from behind and taken him down. DON'T BE A SHEEP!!!

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Hey Derp...

Read. The. Article. It's about high capacity, rapid firing weapons.

Hey brainless, I quoted directly from the article. It does not matter what you think the article is about, the heart of the problem is not guns, or magazine size, or how evil a gun looks. It's about militant islamic terrorism. That's where it starts and that is where it ends. Stop trying to use a crisis to your political advantage. You claimed you were a Republican? I guess a Rahm Emanuel type of Republican.



In fact, of the 30 deadliest mass shootings in the United States from 1949 until today, guess how many were led by Muslim immigrants?



Here is a list of the 30 deadliest single day mass shootings in U.S. history from 1949 to the present.[/font]

50 killed – June 12, 2016 – Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Omar Saddiqui Mateen, 29, shoots 50 people to death inside Pulse, a gay nightclub. Police shot and killed Mateen after he briefly held some people hostage.

32 killed – April 16, 2007 – Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. A gunman, 23-year-old student Seung-Hui Cho, goes on a shooting spree killing 32 people in two locations and wounds an undetermined number of others on campus. The shooter, Seung-Hui Cho then commits suicide.

27 killed – December 14, 2012 – Sandy Hook Elementary School – Newtown, Connecticut. Adam Lanza, 20, guns down 20 children, ages six and seven, and six adults, school staff and faculty, before turning the gun on himself. Investigating police later find Nancy Lanza, Adam’s mother, dead from a gunshot wound. The final count is 28 dead, including the shooter.[/font][/color]

23 killed – October 16, 1991 – In Killeen, Texas, 35-year-old George Hennard crashes his pickup truck through the wall of a Lubys Cafeteria. After exiting the truck, Hennard shoots and kills 23 people. He then commits suicide.[/font][/color]

21 killed – July 18, 1984 – In San Ysidro, California, 41-year-old James Huberty, armed with a long-barreled Uzi, a pump-action shotgun and a handgun shoots and kills 21 adults and children at a local McDonalds. A police sharpshooter kills Huberty one hour after the rampage begins.[/font][/color]

18 killed – August 1, 1966 – In Austin, Texas, Charles Joseph Whitman, a former U.S. Marine, kills 16 and wounds at least 30 while shooting from a University of Texas tower. Police officers Ramiro Martinez and Houston McCoy shoot and kill Whitman in the tower. Whitman had also killed his mother and wife earlier in the day.[/font][/color]

14 killed – December 2, 2015 – Married couple Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik open fire on an employee gathering taking place at Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, killing 14 people.[/font][/color]

14 killed – August 20, 1986 – Edmond, Oklahoma, part-time mail carrier, Patrick Henry Sherrill, armed with three handguns kills 14 postal workers in 10 minutes and then takes his own life with a bullet to the head.[/font][/color]

13 killed – November 5, 2009 – Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan kills 13 people and injures 32 at Fort Hood, Texas, during a shooting rampage. He is convicted and sentenced to death.[/font][/color]

13 killed – April 3, 2009 – In Binghamton, New York, Jiverly Wong kills 13 people and injures four during a shooting at an immigrant community center. He then kills himself.[/font][/color]

13 killed – April 20, 1999 – Columbine High School – Littleton, Colorado. 18-year-old Eric Harris and 17-year-old Dylan Klebold kill 12 fellow students and one teacher before committing suicide in the school library.[/font][/color]

13 killed – February 18, 1983 – Three men enter the Wah Mee gambling and social club in Seattle, rob the 14 occupants and then shoot each in the head, killing 13. Two of the men, Kwan Fai Mak and Benjamin Ng, are convicted of murder in August 1983. Both are serving life in prison. The third, Wai-Chiu “Tony” Ng, after years on the run in Canada, is eventually convicted of first-degree robbery and second-degree assault. He is deported to Hong Kong in 2014.[/font][/color]

13 killed – September 25, 1982 – In Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 40-year-old George Banks, a prison guard, kills 13 people including five of his own children. In September 2011, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturns his death sentence stating that Banks is mentally incompetent.[/font][/color]

13 killed – September 5, 1949 – In Camden, New Jersey, 28-year-old Howard Unruh, a veteran of World War II, shoots and kills 13 people as he walks down Camden’s 32nd Street. His weapon of choice is a German-crafted Luger pistol. He is found insane and is committed to a state mental institution. He dies at the age of 88.[/font][/color]

12 killed – September 16, 2013 – Shots are fired inside the Washington Navy Yard killing 12. The shooter, identified as Aaron Alexis, 34, is also killed.[/font][/color]

12 killed – July 20, 2012 – Twelve people are killed and 58 are wounded in a shooting at an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater screening of the new Batman film. James E. Holmes, 24, is taken into custody outside of the movie theater. The gunman, dressed head-to-toe in protective tactical gear, set off two devices of some kind before spraying the theater with bullets from an AR-15 rifle, a 12-gauge shotgun and at least one of two .40-caliber handguns police recovered at the scene.[/font][/color]

12 killed – July 29, 1999 – In Atlanta, 44-year-old Mark Barton kills his wife and two children at his home. He then opens fire in two different brokerage houses killing nine people and wounding 12. He later kills himself.[/font][/color]

10 killed – March 10, 2009 – In Alabama, Michael McLendon of Kinston, kills [/font][/color]

10 and himself. The dead include his mother, grandparents, aunt and uncle.[/font][/color]

9 killed – October 1, 2015 – Gunman Christopher Sean Harper-Mercer shoots and kills nine people, injuring another nine, at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. The shooter dies after a gun battle with police at the college. Six weapons were recovered at the school; another seven were recovered at Harper-Mercer’s home.[/font][/color]

9 killed – June 17, 2015 – Dylann Roof, 21, shoots and kills nine people inside the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, in Charleston, South Carolina. Eight die at the scene; a ninth dies at a hospital. Roof is arrested the following day; according to police, he confesses and tells investigators he wanted to start a race war.[/font][/color]

9 killed – March 21, 2005 – Red Lake High School, Red Lake, Minnesota. 16-year-old Jeff Weise kills his grandfather and another adult, five students, a teacher and a security officer. He then kills himself.[/font][/color]

9 killed – August 10, 1991 – Six monks, a nun, a monk in training and a temple worker are found shot to death at Wat Promkunaram, a Buddhist temple in Waddell, Arizona. Johnathan Doody, 17, and Alessandro Garcia, 16, are later convicted of the crime and receive multiple life sentences.[/font][/color]

9 killed – June 18, 1990 – In Jacksonville, Florida, 42-year-old James Pough, angry about his car being repossessed, opens fire at a General Motors Acceptance Corp. office, killing nine people. Pough takes his own life.[/font][/color]

8 killed – October 12, 2011 – Eight people are killed during a shooting at the Salon Meritage in Seal Beach, California. The suspect, Scott Evans Dekraai, 41, of Huntington Beach, is arrested without incident as he is trying to leave the scene. The eight dead include Dekraai’s ex-wife, Michelle Fournier, 48. He was armed with three guns — a 9 mm Springfield, a Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum, and a Heckler & Koch .45 — and was wearing body armor during the shooting rampage.[/font][/color]

8 killed – August 3, 2010 – Manchester, Connecticut – Omar Thornton kills eight co-workers at Hartford Distributors before turning the gun on himself. Thornton had been asked to resign for stealing and selling alcoholic beverages.[/font][/color]

8 killed – January 19, 2010 – Christopher Speight, 39, kills eight people at a house in Appomattox, Virginia. He surrenders to police at the scene the next morning. February 2013, he is sentenced to five life terms plus 18 years.[/font][/color]

8 killed – March 29, 2009 – In Carthage, North Carolina, 45-year-old Robert Stewart kills a nurse and seven elderly patients at a nursing home. In May, the Moore County district attorney announces she will seek the death penalty. On September 3, 2011, a jury finds Stewart guilty of second-degree murder. Stewart is sentenced to 141 to 179 years in prison.[/font][/color]

8 killed – December 5, 2007 – In Omaha, Nebraska, 19-year-old Robert Hawkins goes to an area mall and kills eight shoppers before killing himself.[/font][/color]

8 killed – July 1, 1993 – In San Francisco, 55-year-old Gian Luigi Ferri kills eight people in a law office and then kills himself.[/font][/color]

8 killed – September 14, 1989 – In Louisville, Kentucky, 47-year-old Joseph Wesbecker armed with a AK-47 semiautomatic assault rifle, two MAC-11 semiautomatic pistols, a .38 caliber handgun, a 9-millimeter semiautomatic pistol and a bayonet kills eight co-workers at Standard Gravure Corporation and then kills himself. He had been placed on disability leave from his job due to mental problems.[/font][/color][/font][/color][/color]

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Raptor. You're fun. With 90% of U.S. citizens supporting gun control, it's no fun being the minority. Think about it:)

It's fun to make up imaginary statistics, isn't it? Sorry, but I will stick with the constitution even if 99% of you are against me.

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I see Homer is trying to interject his political agenda on the back of another Islamic terrorist attack.

Just like a good little myrmidon. You are following the playbook exactly.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?

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Raptor, you obviously don't s*** about what the founders wanted if you think they would want assault weapons in the civilians hands.

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ANY firearm can be an "assault weapon", to me that is based on how it is used. Take a standard Glock 19, with modification it can be made full auto and there are 30 round extended magazines available. A simple pocket knife becomes an assault weapon when stuck in someone out of hate.

Gun restrictions for the sake of it, is just the continuing liberal push...hell how tough are the gun laws in Paris??? The terrorists still managed to kill twice as many as the Orlando guy. New or revamped gun laws is not the answer, those intent on doing harm will and do find ways to get weapons and further restrictions will push the black market of gun sales sky rocketing. The mentality of these people to do these type of acts is what is messed up. I'm still baffled as to why with 300 to 1, NO ONE made an attempt to stop him by all accounts. Just 5 or 10 could have jumped him from behind and taken him down. DON'T BE A SHEEP!!!

What if his back was against the wall?

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I see Homer is trying to interject his political agenda on the back of another Islamic terrorist attack.

Just like a good little myrmidon. You are following the playbook exactly.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?

Idiotic post.

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ANY firearm can be an "assault weapon", to me that is based on how it is used. Take a standard Glock 19, with modification it can be made full auto and there are 30 round extended magazines available. A simple pocket knife becomes an assault weapon when stuck in someone out of hate.

Gun restrictions for the sake of it, is just the continuing liberal push...hell how tough are the gun laws in Paris??? The terrorists still managed to kill twice as many as the Orlando guy. New or revamped gun laws is not the answer, those intent on doing harm will and do find ways to get weapons and further restrictions will push the black market of gun sales sky rocketing. The mentality of these people to do these type of acts is what is messed up. I'm still baffled as to why with 300 to 1, NO ONE made an attempt to stop him by all accounts. Just 5 or 10 could have jumped him from behind and taken him down. DON'T BE A SHEEP!!!

What if his back was against the wall?

Oh good grief, all you could do was try to pick at the tactility of it instead of the premise of not just rolling over. Well, you can sit back and wait to get shot (I've been there done that), I will at least go on the offensive, but I will have my glock on me, so it won't be a good day for the bad guy.

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ANY firearm can be an "assault weapon", to me that is based on how it is used. Take a standard Glock 19, with modification it can be made full auto and there are 30 round extended magazines available. A simple pocket knife becomes an assault weapon when stuck in someone out of hate.

Gun restrictions for the sake of it, is just the continuing liberal push...hell how tough are the gun laws in Paris??? The terrorists still managed to kill twice as many as the Orlando guy. New or revamped gun laws is not the answer, those intent on doing harm will and do find ways to get weapons and further restrictions will push the black market of gun sales sky rocketing. The mentality of these people to do these type of acts is what is messed up. I'm still baffled as to why with 300 to 1, NO ONE made an attempt to stop him by all accounts. Just 5 or 10 could have jumped him from behind and taken him down. DON'T BE A SHEEP!!!

What if his back was against the wall?

Oh good grief, all you could do was try to pick at the tactility of it instead of the premise of not just rolling over. Well, you can sit back and wait to get shot (I've been there done that), I will at least go on the offensive, but I will have my glock on me, so it won't be a good day for the bad guy.

"I will have my Glock on me, so it won't be a good day for the bad guy."

Oh, puleeeze. :-\

If only life actually mirrored your fantasies.

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