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Military-Grade, Assault Weapons


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So you are in favor of selling guns to a person of Mideast decent who is on a list of possible terrorist watch a gun? Specifically an assault weapons and unlimited mags and ammunition?

You mean the guy who went through 2 background checks and FBI interviews and is a US citizen, dang it to heck that Constitution getting in the way again. You start making lists to preclude people from freedoms I think you might have anarchy on your hands. Yes it sucks but ...

The woman who has erroneously been called his 2nd wife seems to be up a creek w/ out a paddle on this one. Lotta questions about who she is, and how the two met.

She seems rather cute, too. Might have been his beard, so to say, arranged by " someone " ? Time will tell.

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I find it funny that the right wants to ban Muslims from entering the country( because they're supposedly either terrorists or are closer terrorist supporters), but they don't mind arming potential terrorists that are already over here.

I find it funny that this guy was investigated , for 10 months, by the FBI and they didn't find cause for concern.

Was the investigation steered away from him ? Even after his coworkers ( see something, say something ) turned him in, nothing was done.

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I find it funny that the right wants to ban Muslims from entering the country( because they're supposedly either terrorists or are closer terrorist supporters), but they don't mind arming potential terrorists that are already over here.

I find it funny that this guy was investigated , for 10 months, by the FBI and they didn't find cause for concern.

Was the investigation steered away from him ? Even after his coworkers ( see something, say something ) turned him in, nothing was done.

Holding that floor like a boss.


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Dems protest inaction by instigating.. inaction.



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Why can't we as a population decide that we don't want high capacity, rapid firing weapons? We've decided we don't want:

Hand Grenades

Stinger Missile Launchers

Rocket Propelled Grenades

Nuclear Suitcases

Land Mines


Why can't we decide that assault weapons belong in the same group?

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Why can't we as a population decide we don't want to live in the dark ages, where women are seen as property and gays deserve death ( respectfully , of course ) as a just sentence for their perversion ?

Guns aren't the problem.

( And assault weapons aren't even a real thing. Thus, they don't belong in any " group ". )

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Why can't we as a population decide that we don't want high capacity, rapid firing weapons? We've decided we don't want:

Hand Grenades

Stinger Missile Launchers

Rocket Propelled Grenades

Nuclear Suitcases

Land Mines


Why can't we decide that assault weapons belong in the same group?

we invaded Iraq on the false pretense of WMDs. Now we sell them to suspected terrorists on our own soil.
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Why can't we as a population decide we don't want to live in the dark ages, where women are seen as property and gays deserve death ( respectfully , of course ) as a just sentence for their perversion ?

Guns aren't the problem.

( And assault weapons aren't even a real thing. Thus, they don't belong in any " group ". )

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Funny. You know I'm right, but you refuse to acknowledge, and all you can do is..well, what you always do.

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Why can't we as a population decide that we don't want high capacity, rapid firing weapons? We've decided we don't want:

Hand Grenades

Stinger Missile Launchers

Rocket Propelled Grenades

Nuclear Suitcases

Land Mines


Why can't we decide that assault weapons belong in the same group?

Because they do not belong in that same group. Besides, everything in that group except nuclear suitcases would qualify as an NFA weapon, and can be legally acquired if you can find someone willing to sell one.

Why can't we as a population decide that we don't want firearms of any sort in the hands of the wrong people? Why can't we concentrate on keeping all firearms out of the hands of people likely to use them in a mass shooting? Which is more likely to reduce mass shootings: an assault weapons ban that will never pass, or improving our background check system which has a much better chance?

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Mideast descent is a misnomer, so I'll ignore that part.

But to answer your question - Yes. I'm in favor of selling guns to those on an FBI watch list.

As is FBI director James Comey.

Here's why -

Q: Why can people on the terrorist watch list buy guns?

A: That's the law. Being on a terrorist watch list is not "in and of itself a disqualifying factor" for people purchasing firearms and explosives, according to a 2013 report by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service.

People purchasing guns from federally licensed firearms dealers must undergo background checks, and they can be denied if they fall into any of 10 categories. These include convicted felons or drug abusers, people found by courts to have certain mental problems and immigrants in the U.S. illegally.

I find it funny that the right wants to ban Muslims from entering the country( because they're supposedly either terrorists or are closet terrorist supporters), but they don't mind arming potential terrorists that are already over here.

Oh, but if you refuse the sale of a gun to a brown person because they look Muslim, then you're going to be labled a bigot and islamophobe. No-win situation.

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Funny. You know I'm right, but you refuse to acknowledge, and all you can do is..well, what you always do.

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USN, a good friend of mine owns an M2 and a M1919. I have been contemplating buying a MG42.

You know I deeply respect you. I just wish our population would decide together that our collective safety is paramount.
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We should be allowed to buy anything we want.


A case of anthrax?

Silly. There's no such thing as anthrax. Remember ? We looked for that in Iraq, and it was a myth! Bush lied !

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We should be allowed to buy anything we want.


A case of anthrax?

Silly. There's no such thing as anthrax. Remember ? We looked for that in Iraq, and it was a myth! Bush lied !

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Freedom is greater than " collective safety ".

Shoot yeah. What's a few dead folks mowed down by an assault weapon....as long as we got our 'freedom'
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Everybody hear this? Raptor thinks people should be able to buy child porn...

liar. Never said it.

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USN, a good friend of mine owns an M2 and a M1919. I have been contemplating buying a MG42.

You know I deeply respect you. I just wish our population would decide together that our collective safety is paramount.

You know I deeply respect you as well. I even agree with you that our collective safety should be paramount. That said, that shooting could have been easily reproduced with a pair of suppressed Glock 17's (legal as NFA weapons) and some spare magazines, and possibly even without them being suppressed. My point is that banning assault weapons is barking up the wrong tree. I'm less concerned with what kind of firearms can be purchased than I am with how easy it is for people to purchase firearms in general, and I think proposals geared toward that are BOTH more likely to pass and to have real results.

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