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Military-Grade, Assault Weapons


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ANY firearm can be an "assault weapon", to me that is based on how it is used. Take a standard Glock 19, with modification it can be made full auto and there are 30 round extended magazines available. A simple pocket knife becomes an assault weapon when stuck in someone out of hate.

Gun restrictions for the sake of it, is just the continuing liberal push...hell how tough are the gun laws in Paris??? The terrorists still managed to kill twice as many as the Orlando guy. New or revamped gun laws is not the answer, those intent on doing harm will and do find ways to get weapons and further restrictions will push the black market of gun sales sky rocketing. The mentality of these people to do these type of acts is what is messed up. I'm still baffled as to why with 300 to 1, NO ONE made an attempt to stop him by all accounts. Just 5 or 10 could have jumped him from behind and taken him down. DON'T BE A SHEEP!!!

What if his back was against the wall?

Oh good grief, all you could do was try to pick at the tactility of it instead of the premise of not just rolling over. Well, you can sit back and wait to get shot (I've been there done that), I will at least go on the offensive, but I will have my glock on me, so it won't be a good day for the bad guy.

Yeah, those pesky realities.

Life is not a video game.

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Hey Derp...

Read. The. Article. It's about high capacity, rapid firing weapons.

Hey brainless, I quoted directly from the article. It does not matter what you think the article is about, the heart of the problem is not guns, or magazine size, or how evil a gun looks. It's about militant islamic terrorism. That's where it starts and that is where it ends. Stop trying to use a crisis to your political advantage. You claimed you were a Republican? I guess a Rahm Emanuel type of Republican.

You quoted from the concluding paragraph of an article ABOUT HIGH CAPACITY, RAPID FIRING WEAPONS.

Man you are a weasel.

I am no longer a Republican thanks to Trump.

I'm tired of seeing my fellow citizens mowed down by high capacity, rapid firing weapons.

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Mitsubishi A6M Zeros didn't attack us at Pearl Harbor. People did. Specific people.

You go to war with those who want to kill you. Not the tools they use to achieved those goals. They'll just use different tools.

that is why we invaded Iraq.
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Raptor, you obviously don't s*** about what the founders wanted if you think they would want assault weapons in the civilians hands.

I do, because they did.

" military grade " was exactly what the Founders were gunning for with the 2nd Amendment . ( see what I did there ? ) heehee

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The founders got slavery wrong too.

The constitution wasn't delivered by Moses, it came from people. People are fallible and they certainly cannot predict the future 200 years away.

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The founders got slavery wrong too.

The constitution wasn't delivered by Moses, it came from people. People are fallible and they certainly cannot predict the future 200 years away.

^ commie

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The founders got slavery wrong too.

The constitution wasn't delivered by Moses, it came from people. People are fallible and they certainly cannot predict the future 200 years away.

^ commie

So, you are a racist who supports slavery and Jim Crow!

^ Sarcastic weaseling response as parody of Raptor's idiotic logic.

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I'll strongly deny being a racist who supports either slavery or Jim Crow ( neither of which even existed when I was born ) , but will you deny being a commie ?

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I'll strongly deny being a racist who supports either slavery or Jim Crow ( neither of which even existed when I was born ) , but will you deny being a commie ?

I started my post graduate life with a '64 Rambler American "fleet" car, a Honda CB450 motorcycle, and a wife with a $10k student loan. So I'd say that qualifies as starting out with a negative net worth.

I retired at age 50 and am probably worth more than you. Being a communist didn't figure into the outcome. :-\

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So, no denial, huh?

Funny how s lot of commie lovin Lefties do quite well under the system they claim to detest.

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So, no denial, huh?

Funny how s lot of commie lovin Lefties do quite well under the system they claim to detest.

That's amazing! You are setting a personal record for classic weaseling examples lately.

Witless too.

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I'm seeing a trend here certain individuals bragging about how much money they make. Or have made. So far, they all seem to be on the left. Interesting.

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I'm seeing a trend here certain individuals bragging about how much money they make. Or have made. So far, they all seem to be on the left. Interesting.

Verrrrrry interesting!


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raptor, do you ever look back at conversations and feel embarrassed?

For others ? Yes

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It would take an absolute idiot, to assume that all the people to the left of you (likely 99% of the population), in the US are not capitalist.

Not surprising in the least.

Such rigidity of thought equals only one thing.

Erroneous thought.

The certainty with which you state it, is simply laughable.

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Today "military grade" what will it be tomorrow. The gun control crowd will never be satisfied. They will keep pushing a little on all sides until it's all but impossible to obtain even a single shot 22 pistol.

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Good rationale Tigger. Let's don't do anything to control guns and let everyone shoot up places wherever they want. Brilliant.

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Good rationale Tigger. Let's don't do anything to control guns and let everyone shoot up places wherever they want. Brilliant.

Let's disarm the citizenry. They're much easier to control that way.That is the ultimate goal for the gun control crowd. Will they seek an outright ban? Probably not. They'll keep restricting access and make it so almost no one can meet the requirements. Give the left what they want and they'll move for even more.

We night try vigorous prosecution of those who commit crimes with a gun and nice long prison sentences for those convicted. It's really a simple thing but nobody does it.

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Hey Raptor. How do you explain that Ronald Reagan said Military Grade Assault Weapons do not belong to anyone outside of the military??? Crickets...

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Hey Raptor. How do you explain that Ronald Reagan said Military Grade Assault Weapons do not belong to anyone outside of the military??? Crickets...

Cite it

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Hey Raptor. How do you explain that Ronald Reagan said Military Grade Assault Weapons do not belong to anyone outside of the military??? Crickets...

Cite it



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Umm, that's only 2 cited.

# 1 - the '94 Assault Weapons was basically a bunch of political hooey ( a technical term ), and mostly meaningless, as it dealt more w/ the appearance of a gun than the workings.

Reagan got this one wrong, I hate to say. Might have been suffering from early stages of his disease, is the best I can offer.

# 2 - The Brady Bill concerned a waiting period for handguns. It wasn't a ' ban' on the sale of firearms to law abiding citizens.

The Brady bill would require the handgun dealer to provide a copy of the prospective purchaser's sworn statement to local law enforcement authorities so that background checks could be made. Based upon the evidence in states that already have handgun purchase waiting periods, this bill -- on a nationwide scale -- can't help but stop thousands of illegal handgun purchases.

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