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Trump: I know more than U.S. Generals about ISIS


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So we are not supposed to post critical comments about Obama. It is known that he does not listen to his generals. His military guidance comes from that famous general, Vallerie Jarrett.

You seem confused. There's a "Start New Topic" button at the top of this forum that you guys wear out making critical comments about Obama. But what is not a response to Trump saying dumb things is your typical "But Obama..." comments. That changes nothing about what Trump said.

We have had eight years of misguided and confused leadership. The question of where Obama gets his advice is legitimate. Clearly Clinton's dislike of the military and her performance as Sec State is disqualifying.

Confusion continues. We weren't discussing where Obama gets his advice. We were discussing something stupid that Trump said. Bringing up Obama has zero to do with what makes Trump think he knows beans about ISIS, nor why he'd be dumb enough to say such a thing out loud.

So you are changing the way this board has historically worked.

I've been working on changing that for a while. I call out this horse***t every time I see it.

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Forget it. Comparisons are legitimate.

If the point of the thread had been comparing. It wasn't. It was Trump's statements on their own merits (or lack thereof). Even if Obama were the dumbest moron on planet earth, it would mean nothing in terms of making Trump's words any better.

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And Trump's Libya stance keeps falling apart.

If Trump was fine with removing Gaddafi from power by force, and he admits that he was, he can’t credibly complain about the chaos that followed when the U.S. did exactly that. Trump has the same problem on Libya that Romney and all other hawkish candidates have had, which is that he cannot challenge Clinton on the decision to intervene because he ultimately agreed with that decision and supported joining the conflict at the time.


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You seem confused. There's a "Start New Topic" button at the top of this forum that you guys wear out making critical comments about Obama. But what is not a response to Trump saying dumb things is your typical "But Obama..." comments. That changes nothing about what Trump said.

So why didn't a MOD step in the other day, like you did here, when Grumps started a thread about Hilary that devolved into a Trump bash fest?

It's getting old to see only one side being told to stick to the subject when the other side has continued to derail threads also.

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Well I know this. Obama has purged the top brass of anyone that doesn't either believe as he does or at least dare to say anything contrary to the administration line so you have to be a bit skeptical of what comes from there.

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Well I know this. Obama has purged the top brass of anyone that doesn't either believe as he does or at least dare to say anything contrary to the administration line so you have to be a bit skeptical of what comes from there.

Name one 'top brass' purged by Obama.
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Libya fell spart because Hillary had no exit strategy . Same as she had for Amb Stevens... Left him there to die.

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Libya fell spart because Hillary had no exit strategy . Same as she had for Amb Stevens... Left him there to die.

Hillary was Secretary of Defense. Who knew....
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Libya fell spart because Hillary had no exit strategy . Same as she had for Amb Stevens... Left him there to die.

Hillary was Secretary of Defense. Who knew....

Idiot post.

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Libya fell spart because Hillary had no exit strategy . Same as she had for Amb Stevens... Left him there to die.

We invaded Libya? Who knew?

Man, that Hillary really can keep secrets!

And she was also acting as Sec.of Defense AND president!


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Libya fell spart because Hillary had no exit strategy . Same as she had for Amb Stevens... Left him there to die.

We invaded Libya? Who knew?

What a stupid post.

Let's be fair now. He acknowledged it was an idiot post. The first step to recovery is admission.

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So why didn't a MOD step in the other day, like you did here, when Grumps started a thread about Hilary that devolved into a Trump bash fest?

Probably because a MOD didn't see it. Ever noticed that Report button at the bottom of every one of the 2,371,823 posts that have been published to these forums? If you think something is of such an egregious nature that a MOD should step in and do something, avail yourself of it. We aren't omnipresent.

It's getting old to see only one side being told to stick to the subject when the other side has continued to derail threads also.

Another thing that gets old? Pointless whining by ostensible grown-ups.

This wasn't about "stick to the subject" so much as is was about "quit throwing up "bbbbbbut the other guy is bad toooooooo!" as a response when someone on your side gets called out for idiotic behavior. And I have called out the liberals/Democrats for that crap plenty of times.

Next time you want to bitch about something, know what you're talking about.

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Well I know this. Obama has purged the top brass of anyone that doesn't either believe as he does or at least dare to say anything contrary to the administration line so you have to be a bit skeptical of what comes from there.

Name one 'top brass' purged by Obama.

He's just lying again.

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Probably because a MOD didn't see it. Ever noticed that Report button at the bottom of every one of the 2,371,823 posts that have been published to these forums? If you think something is of such an egregious nature that a MOD should step in and do something, avail yourself of it. We aren't omnipresent.

Is that all it takes? So will you only chime in when someone reports something or do you just happen to be stopping by to read a thread and take it upon yourself to hold one side accountable? I'm not asking to be a smartass. I genuinely would like to know how to bring things to your attention because it seems like you find mostly threads started by left leaning members on here and then take one side(right leaning posters) to task about saying how bad the other side is.

If that's all it takes then that's what I'll do. I already reported a post over a year ago and nothing came of it. Apparently, it wasn't even acknowledged because nothing ever happended and there was no response. I'm more than willing to do whatever it is you suggest I do to bring things to your attention in this forum if those in positions to actually do something are willing to listen. If not just say so now and you won't see me bring this up again.

Another thing that gets old? Pointless whining by ostensible grown-ups.

This wasn't about "stick to the subject" so much as is was about "quit throwing up "bbbbbbut the other guy is bad toooooooo!" as a response when someone on your side gets called out for idiotic behavior. And I have called out the liberals/Democrats for that crap plenty of times.

Next time you want to bitch about something, know what you're talking about.

If you want to know what I'm talking about then go look at Grumps thread "a reminder of one of Hilary's misrememberings" and how it's basically just what you said about "bbbbbut the other side is bad too". The left leaning posters had no pushback from a MOD to actually make them respond with an argument about what Grumps posted and instead did nothing except post "bbbbbbbbbut Trump".

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Transcript ...

DICKERSON: Do you still feel like you know more about ISIS than the generals?

TRUMP: Well I said they don’t know much because they’re not winning, I tell you this, they’re not winning for a different reason. I think Obama is hurting them.


TRUMP: From what I hear, it’s being run from the White House. It’s all being run from the White House. I’ve spoken to certain generals— I’ll keep it quiet, highly respected people. We could knock them out fast.

DICKERSON: In office now generals?

TRUMP: In one case in office, and one case out of office. They said, both said the same thing. We had the leadership, mean can the go ahead, you could knock them out fast. For some reason Obama is not doing that.

Returning to the posted interview:

1. "..they don't know much because they're not winning ... They're not winning for a different reason." Contradicting himself in a single sentence! Make up your mind, Donald: Are they not winning because they don't know much, or are they not winning for a different reason? And if for a different reason, then why are you accusing them of not knowing much?

2. "I’ve spoken to certain generals— I’ll keep it quiet, highly respected people." Perhaps you have, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But you also just said some generals don't know much. Now I understand the desire to respect the anonymity of both, but at the same time, with no names we have no way evaluating which generals you consider 'highly respected' and which ones "don't know much". What criteria are you using in picking the 'smart' ones vs. the 'know-littles'? As with so many other things you proclaim, you expect us to simply take your word that you're correct, that your experts are the correct or best ones, and that you're smarter or know more than others.

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Funny at how some here don't think taking out Quddafy was Hillary's idea.

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Well I know this. Obama has purged the top brass of anyone that doesn't either believe as he does or at least dare to say anything contrary to the administration line so you have to be a bit skeptical of what comes from there.

Name one 'top brass' purged by Obama.

He's just lying again.

Thanks for quoting me. He has me on ignore so now he'll and provide us that name of a 'top brass's that was purged.

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Funny at how some here don't think taking out Quddafy was Hillary's idea.

I'd love to see a link.
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Is that all it takes? So will you only chime in when someone reports something or do you just happen to be stopping by to read a thread and take it upon yourself to hold one side accountable? I'm not asking to be a smartass. I genuinely would like to know how to bring things to your attention because it seems like you find mostly threads started by left leaning members on here and then take one side(right leaning posters) to task about saying how bad the other side is.

Yes. We peruse threads. We are active in others. But there is no way we can literally case every single thread for problems. And even if we could, that's not how a board should operate. But if there's something you believe needs our attention, report it. I can't promise we'll view it the same way you do, but at least we'll be aware of it.

To some extent we need people to just act like adults. But for those times where adults backside into adolescence, we try to deal with it appropriately.

If that's all it takes then that's what I'll do. I already reported a post over a year ago and nothing came of it. Apparently, it wasn't even acknowledged because nothing ever happended and there was no response. I'm more than willing to do whatever it is you suggest I do to bring things to your attention in this forum if those in positions to actually do something are willing to listen. If not just say so now and you won't see me bring this up again.

Because reporting it doesn't mean it will automatically get dealt with the way you wish. It's still up to the moderating staff to handle as they deem appropriate. It doesn't get ignored, I can assure you.

If you want to know what I'm talking about then go look at Grumps thread "a reminder of one of Hilary's misrememberings" and how it's basically just what you said about "bbbbbut the other side is bad too". The left leaning posters had no pushback from a MOD to actually make them respond with an argument about what Grumps posted and instead did nothing except post "bbbbbbbbbut Trump".

I'll take a look.

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I'm sure you would

Oh it's the "I know you are but what am I" response. I'll be looking forward to your ' Na Na Na boo boo' response.
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Funny at how some here don't think taking out Quddafy was Hillary's idea.

I'd love to see a link.


This shows that Libya was Hillary pushing against the advice of many others.

One reason given for our intercession in Libya was to prevent Gaddafi forces from killing civilians. The forces that we backed who also killed our Ambassador committed war against Black Libyans.

Below I am cutting and pasting from this article

"Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, national security adviser Thomas E. Donilon and others were against military action, contending that the United States had no clear national interests at stake and that operations could last far longer and cost more lives than anyone anticipated.

But Clinton joined U.N. Ambassador Susan E. Rice and White House adviser Samantha Power in pressing Obama to back a U.S.- and NATO-led military campaign, arguing that the United States could not let Gaddafi butcher his citizens."

Here is an article from the Atlantic that shows Hillary and the Administration had no idea of what they were doing. This same article castigates Cheney for Iraq and basically say that they are identical mistakes with identical results in creating a vacuum in the Middle East to allow groups like ISIL to thrive. Any way you look at it our involvement in Libya pushed by Clinton has made the Middle East and indirectly the US less safe.


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Probably because a MOD didn't see it. Ever noticed that Report button at the bottom of every one of the 2,371,823 posts that have been published to these forums? If you think something is of such an egregious nature that a MOD should step in and do something, avail yourself of it. We aren't omnipresent.

Is that all it takes? So will you only chime in when someone reports something or do you just happen to be stopping by to read a thread and take it upon yourself to hold one side accountable? I'm not asking to be a smartass. I genuinely would like to know how to bring things to your attention because it seems like you find mostly threads started by left leaning members on here and then take one side(right leaning posters) to task about saying how bad the other side is.

If that's all it takes then that's what I'll do. I already reported a post over a year ago and nothing came of it. Apparently, it wasn't even acknowledged because nothing ever happended and there was no response. I'm more than willing to do whatever it is you suggest I do to bring things to your attention in this forum if those in positions to actually do something are willing to listen. If not just say so now and you won't see me bring this up again.

Another thing that gets old? Pointless whining by ostensible grown-ups.

This wasn't about "stick to the subject" so much as is was about "quit throwing up "bbbbbbut the other guy is bad toooooooo!" as a response when someone on your side gets called out for idiotic behavior. And I have called out the liberals/Democrats for that crap plenty of times.

Next time you want to bitch about something, know what you're talking about.

If you want to know what I'm talking about then go look at Grumps thread "a reminder of one of Hilary's misrememberings" and how it's basically just what you said about "bbbbbut the other side is bad too". The left leaning posters had no pushback from a MOD to actually make them respond with an argument about what Grumps posted and instead did nothing except post "bbbbbbbbbut Trump".

Oh quit whining. The mods do as well as they can and are impartial. This is their site. No one has a "right" to participate.

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