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A reminder of one of Hillary's misrememberings...


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I understand why you get upset with Raptor while he is intelligent to often he starts attacking people who disagree with him and we get 2-3 pages of back and forth insults between AURaptor and somebody on the left. Multiple times you have stated that even though you really can't defend Hillary you will vote for her because she is more qualified then Trump. What do you base that statement on. As a Senator Hillary was not the sponsor of one significant piece of legislation whether it passed or didn't pass. She did back Bush's Iraq Campaign now that it is no longer popular she said she made a mistake. As Secretary of State she pushed the issue in Libya that created a power vacuum that is still causing issues, much of what is occurring in Syria and Iraq is because of a lack of a coherent Middle East Policy that she helped to form. You can blame George Bush for the invasion but what has followed since has worsened the situation in the Middle East.

Hillary really has no accomplishments. So what makes her qualified. As for not liking Trump I can understand that but to say he is not qualified you have to ignore his accomplishments. The Trump businesses which have been very successful show that he must have some talent with business. By the way Trump businesses have a very good reputation for hiring women and putting then in positions of power. Hillary says Trump is unqualified to be commander-in-chief and will get us into a war. Unlike Hillary Trump was against the invasion of Iraq.

I am not a big Donald Trump fan but to state that Hillary is way more qualified then Donald is not based in fact as she has not shown any true leadership skills other then following the polls and changing her views based on Polls. Look at her views on illegal Immigration and see how they have changed with the Polls.

I am not sure if I will vote for Trump I wish I had a better choice but I know I won't vote for Hillary that is based on what I stated above and that is not even talking about her stretching of the truth and possible illegal activity with her personal E-mail server.

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I understand why you get upset with Raptor while he is intelligent to often he starts attacking people who disagree with him and we get 2-3 pages of back and forth insults between AURaptor and somebody on the left. Multiple times you have stated that even though you really can't defend Hillary you will vote for her because she is more qualified then Trump. What do you base that statement on. As a Senator Hillary was not the sponsor of one significant piece of legislation whether it passed or didn't pass. She did back Bush's Iraq Campaign now that it is no longer popular she said she made a mistake. As Secretary of State she pushed the issue in Libya that created a power vacuum that is still causing issues, much of what is occurring in Syria and Iraq is because of a lack of a coherent Middle East Policy that she helped to form. You can blame George Bush for the invasion but what has followed since has worsened the situation in the Middle East.

Hillary really has no accomplishments. So what makes her qualified. As for not liking Trump I can understand that but to say he is not qualified you have to ignore his accomplishments. The Trump businesses which have been very successful show that he must have some talent with business. By the way Trump businesses have a very good reputation for hiring women and putting then in positions of power. Hillary says Trump is unqualified to be commander-in-chief and will get us into a war. Unlike Hillary Trump was against the invasion of Iraq.

I am not a big Donald Trump fan but to state that Hillary is way more qualified then Donald is not based in fact as she has not shown any true leadership skills other then following the polls and changing her views based on Polls. Look at her views on illegal Immigration and see how they have changed with the Polls.

I am not sure if I will vote for Trump I wish I had a better choice but I know I won't vote for Hillary that is based on what I stated above and that is not even talking about her stretching of the truth and possible illegal activity with her personal E-mail server.

Trump is more of a huckster than he is a business man. There is virtually nothing in his background that would qualify him to be POTUS. Hillary was a very popular Senator who sponsored over 350 bills. The standard of "significant" legislation is a subjective one at any rate. Service as SOS is perhaps as good of preparation for POTUS one can have. Not to mention the experience she had as the first lady. And I don't have a problem with her regretting her Iraqi war decision. Any thinking person would do so. Hell, the only person who doesn't regret it is Dick Cheney. Acknowledging your mistakes is a strength, not a weakness.

On the other hand you have this:

Too Sick To Lead: The Lethal Personality Disorder Of Donald Trump

At least Hillary lies "within normal parameters".

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I understand why you get upset with Raptor while he is intelligent to often he starts attacking people who disagree with him and we get 2-3 pages of back and forth insults between AURaptor and somebody on the left. Multiple times you have stated that even though you really can't defend Hillary you will vote for her because she is more qualified then Trump. What do you base that statement on. As a Senator Hillary was not the sponsor of one significant piece of legislation whether it passed or didn't pass. She did back Bush's Iraq Campaign now that it is no longer popular she said she made a mistake. As Secretary of State she pushed the issue in Libya that created a power vacuum that is still causing issues, much of what is occurring in Syria and Iraq is because of a lack of a coherent Middle East Policy that she helped to form. You can blame George Bush for the invasion but what has followed since has worsened the situation in the Middle East.

Hillary really has no accomplishments. So what makes her qualified. As for not liking Trump I can understand that but to say he is not qualified you have to ignore his accomplishments. The Trump businesses which have been very successful show that he must have some talent with business. By the way Trump businesses have a very good reputation for hiring women and putting then in positions of power. Hillary says Trump is unqualified to be commander-in-chief and will get us into a war. Unlike Hillary Trump was against the invasion of Iraq.

I am not a big Donald Trump fan but to state that Hillary is way more qualified then Donald is not based in fact as she has not shown any true leadership skills other then following the polls and changing her views based on Polls. Look at her views on illegal Immigration and see how they have changed with the Polls.

I am not sure if I will vote for Trump I wish I had a better choice but I know I won't vote for Hillary that is based on what I stated above and that is not even talking about her stretching of the truth and possible illegal activity with her personal E-mail server.

I suppose if all I did was listen to conservative media, I might think the same. But I don't.

Here is an article that details her accomplishments.


Hillary Clinton has been in politics almost all of her life. She has a base knowledge of how politics work.

Donald Trump, while indeed wealthy, does not have a quarter of the intelligence to run this country. He is divisive, oppressive and rude.

But because he employs WOMEN I'm supposed to give him a pass? Hold your breath and wait on that to happen. The man is an idiot and the fact that he has supporters boggles my mind.

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"Hillary Clinton has been in politics almost all of her life>"

Indeed she has by riding Bubba's coat tails. If it weren't for Bubba, I seriously doubt anybody would know who Hillary Rodham even is.

As far as temperament goes, Hillary is just as rude as Trump according to a secret service agent's tell al book. Checdk it out, he doesn't paint a picture even remotely close to the image you hold of Hillary.


Modal Triggernypost_20160606_brxp-1_001.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=268&strip=allThe New York Post’s cover on June 6, 2016

He describes Hillary Clinton as acting friendly one moment, then raging the next.

“What I saw in the 1990s sickened me,” he writes in the intro of the book, “Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses his Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate.”

The book claims she repeatedly screamed obscenities at her husband, Secret Service personnel and White House staffers — all of whom lived in terror of her next tirade

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Well, I know of people who have worked for her and said the opposite, that she is very friendly and caring. Who's telling the truth? The person that made money selling a book or the employee with nothing to gain?

Funny how when Bill was in the WH all the GOP crowd was screaming that his wife ran the show but now it's all about how she rode her husband's coat tails. Women do have brains too you know.

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Let's see...Elle is only supporting HRC because she is a woman......and she should vote Dumpf, because he hires women?

LMAO......Is there any lower for you to go with your sexism or is that the bottom of your barrel....?

The funniest part is, you won't see anything wrong with it.........

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I understand why you get upset with Raptor while he is intelligent to often he starts attacking people who disagree with him and we get 2-3 pages of back and forth insults between AURaptor and somebody on the left. Multiple times you have stated that even though you really can't defend Hillary you will vote for her because she is more qualified then Trump. What do you base that statement on. As a Senator Hillary was not the sponsor of one significant piece of legislation whether it passed or didn't pass. She did back Bush's Iraq Campaign now that it is no longer popular she said she made a mistake. As Secretary of State she pushed the issue in Libya that created a power vacuum that is still causing issues, much of what is occurring in Syria and Iraq is because of a lack of a coherent Middle East Policy that she helped to form. You can blame George Bush for the invasion but what has followed since has worsened the situation in the Middle East.

Hillary really has no accomplishments. So what makes her qualified. As for not liking Trump I can understand that but to say he is not qualified you have to ignore his accomplishments. The Trump businesses which have been very successful show that he must have some talent with business. By the way Trump businesses have a very good reputation for hiring women and putting then in positions of power. Hillary says Trump is unqualified to be commander-in-chief and will get us into a war. Unlike Hillary Trump was against the invasion of Iraq.

I am not a big Donald Trump fan but to state that Hillary is way more qualified then Donald is not based in fact as she has not shown any true leadership skills other then following the polls and changing her views based on Polls. Look at her views on illegal Immigration and see how they have changed with the Polls.

I am not sure if I will vote for Trump I wish I had a better choice but I know I won't vote for Hillary that is based on what I stated above and that is not even talking about her stretching of the truth and possible illegal activity with her personal E-mail server.

Trump is more of a huckster than he is a business man. There is virtually nothing in his background that would qualify him to be POTUS. Hillary was a very popular Senator who sponsored over 350 bills. The standard of "significant" legislation is a subjective one at any rate. Service as SOS is perhaps as good of preparation for POTUS one can have. Not to mention the experience she had as the first lady. And I don't have a problem with her regretting her Iraqi war decision. Any thinking person would do so. Hell, the only person who doesn't regret it is Dick Cheney. Acknowledging your mistakes is a strength, not a weakness.

On the other hand you have this:


Too Sick To Lead: The Lethal Personality Disorder Of Donald Trump

At least Hillary lies "within normal parameters".

If telling the families of the Benghazi victims their loved ones were killed because of a movie but then telling your own family that is not the case is lying "within normal patterns" and you say Trump is sick. To me lying to the bereaved family members is about as sick as you can get. If you can defend that I feel sorry for you.

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Well, I know of people who have worked for her and said the opposite, that she is very friendly and caring. Who's telling the truth? The person that made money selling a book or the employee with nothing to gain?

Funny how when Bill was in the WH all the GOP crowd was screaming that his wife ran the show but now it's all about how she rode her husband's coat tails. Women do have brains too you know.

Of course they do and Hillary, no doubt, has above average intelligence but there are a lot of above average women that don't have $42mil in the bank and had the Clinton name at their disposal from a political point of view. Its really hard to argue she hasn't benefitted immensely from being a 1st Lady and running as a Clinton for Senate in NY that has no residency requirements. Ya think she woulda won had she run as Hillary Rodham and had never been married to Bubba? She's played the victim card masterfully and used all her political connections to the hilt. She's very shrewd but terribly uncharismatic and, for the most part, unlikable and an awful candidate - even democrats agree with that, why do ya think Bernie is causing her so many problem

As far as whose telling the truth, this guy's book isn't the 1st I've heard of Hillary being a monster to work for. Actually its common knowledge that she and the secret service always had a very strained relationship.

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I understand why you get upset with Raptor while he is intelligent to often he starts attacking people who disagree with him and we get 2-3 pages of back and forth insults between AURaptor and somebody on the left. Multiple times you have stated that even though you really can't defend Hillary you will vote for her because she is more qualified then Trump. What do you base that statement on. As a Senator Hillary was not the sponsor of one significant piece of legislation whether it passed or didn't pass. She did back Bush's Iraq Campaign now that it is no longer popular she said she made a mistake. As Secretary of State she pushed the issue in Libya that created a power vacuum that is still causing issues, much of what is occurring in Syria and Iraq is because of a lack of a coherent Middle East Policy that she helped to form. You can blame George Bush for the invasion but what has followed since has worsened the situation in the Middle East.

Hillary really has no accomplishments. So what makes her qualified. As for not liking Trump I can understand that but to say he is not qualified you have to ignore his accomplishments. The Trump businesses which have been very successful show that he must have some talent with business. By the way Trump businesses have a very good reputation for hiring women and putting then in positions of power. Hillary says Trump is unqualified to be commander-in-chief and will get us into a war. Unlike Hillary Trump was against the invasion of Iraq.

I am not a big Donald Trump fan but to state that Hillary is way more qualified then Donald is not based in fact as she has not shown any true leadership skills other then following the polls and changing her views based on Polls. Look at her views on illegal Immigration and see how they have changed with the Polls.

I am not sure if I will vote for Trump I wish I had a better choice but I know I won't vote for Hillary that is based on what I stated above and that is not even talking about her stretching of the truth and possible illegal activity with her personal E-mail server.

Trump is more of a huckster than he is a business man. There is virtually nothing in his background that would qualify him to be POTUS. Hillary was a very popular Senator who sponsored over 350 bills. The standard of "significant" legislation is a subjective one at any rate. Service as SOS is perhaps as good of preparation for POTUS one can have. Not to mention the experience she had as the first lady. And I don't have a problem with her regretting her Iraqi war decision. Any thinking person would do so. Hell, the only person who doesn't regret it is Dick Cheney. Acknowledging your mistakes is a strength, not a weakness.

On the other hand you have this:


Too Sick To Lead: The Lethal Personality Disorder Of Donald Trump

At least Hillary lies "within normal parameters".

If telling the families of the Benghazi victims their loved ones were killed because of a movie but then telling your own family that is not the case is lying "within normal patterns" and you say Trump is sick. To me lying to the bereaved family members is about as sick as you can get. If you can defend that I feel sorry for you.

First: Trump is sick. How else do you explain that behavior in the impersonation episode?

Secondly, you are presuming what happened during those meetings: http://www.politifac...es-people-who-/

Thirdly, your vehemence toward Clinton - a common one on this forum - is at least partly from an image of her largely produced by the media: http://www.alternet....hillary-clinton

Like I said, I don't like her. She has some major weaknesses. But she is not the evil witch some make her out to be. She is intelligent, experienced and tough.

Ironically - for better or worse - she happens to be hawkish on foreign policy which goes against my instincts, but she is not likely to repeat mistakes that were made by Bush, Obama and herself for that matter. I am comfortable she understands the situation as well as anybody.

From a domestic policy standpoint, the only thing that really bothers me is her traditional political and financial connections to Wall Street. I think the country is ready for some fundamental a la Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Hillary seems like an unlikely champion of such reform but who knows, maybe she will sense the yearning for this and do the political expedient thing and jump out front? She's certainly calculating enough to be capable of it.

Based on his behavior, Trump is clearly unqualified and represents a threat to our country. There are some who think he is just riding the publicity high and has no real intentions of winning the election. I can understand that point of view.

And it's genuine, as the impersonation incident demonstrated.

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Let's see...Elle is only supporting HRC because she is a woman......and she should vote Dumpf, because he hires women?

LMAO......Is there any lower for you to go with your sexism or is that the bottom of your barrel....?

The funniest part is, you won't see anything wrong with it.........


I am not sure is you are replying to me or AuRaptor if to my comment. I never said anything about Elie supporting HRC because she is a woman. I didn't say that and Elie in no way inferred she was voting for Hillary because she is a woman. She basically said she was voting for Hillary because she doesn't like Trump. I questioned why she says Hillary is so much more qualified than Trump. In comparing records I mentioned that Trump was a good business man and had a good track record of hiring women into positions of power within his companies. I didn't say she should vote for trump because of those women he hired.

Homer attempted to repudiate Trumps business skills by saying he is nothing but a huckster. You don't build a business empire that lasts by just being a huckster does he BS sometimes when bargaining heck yes and so does almost every businessman. But he has to understand the financial side of business and the legal side of business to put together deals that is a skill despite what Homer says. His business empire is a reality and to try and say he BS's his way to that level is rather naive and uninformed.

As for Hillary accomplishments she has actually passed three bills where she was the sponsor yes there are over 300 bills and or resolutions where she was the co-sponsor. Being a co-sponsor can be anything from somebody asking you to put your name down on a bill and doing nothing to being very involved in the crafting and attempting to get a bill passed. None of the sites you go to either with left wing viewpoints or right wing viewpoints expound on how much involvement she had on any of these bills or resolutions so it is difficult to say whether she was solid or weak.

There are a lot of different skills to being President at the time Obama was elected he had not held any executive positions in or outside of Government had been a community organizer and less then a full term as a Senator. It was easy to say he was unqualified but whether you like what he has done for this country or not you can't say he didn't understand the position as he has out maneuvered the legislature on numerous occasions. He has expanded the power of the executive branch in a way that I believe will hurt both liberal and conservatives as a single person when elected President now has precedent to make executive decisions that go contrary to the law. That means those who pushed for those executive decisions may rue the day a conservative is elected as that person will do the same thing the other way.

Each person can vote or not vote for a candidate for their own reasons as voter you have the right to vote for a candidate because the candidate is male or female, liberal or conservative or middle of the road, because they are from your state, because you like their haircut that is your choice but please don't make a blanket statement that a candidate is unqualified because you disagree with their political views.

I disagree with Obama on most things but I have to concede he has been effective in pushing for the things he believes in. I also know where he stands on any issue he is a man of integrity I disagree with. I probably would like him one on one having a beer and talking sports (Unless he said Roll Tide).

Hillary is different she has changed her views on War in Iraq, Immigration (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2004/dec/13/20041213-124920-6151r/), and other key issues for political expediency. Look where she was in 2004 when most of the country was for a tougher stance on illegal immigration. We were close to getting comprehensive immigration reform when a Republican President, some Republican legislatures and many Democratic legislatures were pushing it also. Having Hillary come out against reform at this time has put us where we are now. Hillary has vacillated on her stands on same sex marriage even CNN tried to call her out on it. http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/15/politics/hillary-clinton-same-sex-marriage/

Over time people can change their viewpoints I am not the same person today as I was when I was 19 or 20, hindsight can also cause people to change their views but the reality is Hillary changes her views based on what will get her elected. All Politicians vacillate but whether you like most Politicians on the left or the right you pretty much no where they stand Jeff Sessions from Alabama, Barack Obama nobody doubts where they stand on most issues. I can't say the same for Hillary.

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You can say the same thing for Trump, he has changed every position he has espoused and sometimes, even in the same day.

Your demeanor is more suited to being POTUS than his.

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Well, I know of people who have worked for her and said the opposite, that she is very friendly and caring. Who's telling the truth? The person that made money selling a book or the employee with nothing to gain?

Funny how when Bill was in the WH all the GOP crowd was screaming that his wife ran the show but now it's all about how she rode her husband's coat tails. Women do have brains too you know.

Of course they do and Hillary, no doubt, has above average intelligence but there are a lot of above average women that don't have $42mil in the bank and had the Clinton name at their disposal from a political point of view. Its really hard to argue she hasn't benefitted immensely from being a 1st Lady and running as a Clinton for Senate in NY that has no residency requirements. Ya think she woulda won had she run as Hillary Rodham and had never been married to Bubba? She's played the victim card masterfully and used all her political connections to the hilt. She's very shrewd but terribly uncharismatic and, for the most part, unlikable and an awful candidate - even democrats agree with that, why do ya think Bernie is causing her so many problem

As far as whose telling the truth, this guy's book isn't the 1st I've heard of Hillary being a monster to work for. Actually its common knowledge that she and the secret service always had a very strained relationship.

Then don't work for her.

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Let's see...Elle is only supporting HRC because she is a woman......and she should vote Dumpf, because he hires women?

LMAO......Is there any lower for you to go with your sexism or is that the bottom of your barrel....?

The funniest part is, you won't see anything wrong with it.........

Exactly what I was thinking!

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Well, I know of people who have worked for her and said the opposite, that she is very friendly and caring. Who's telling the truth? The person that made money selling a book or the employee with nothing to gain?

Funny how when Bill was in the WH all the GOP crowd was screaming that his wife ran the show but now it's all about how she rode her husband's coat tails. Women do have brains too you know.

Of course they do and Hillary, no doubt, has above average intelligence but there are a lot of above average women that don't have $42mil in the bank and had the Clinton name at their disposal from a political point of view. Its really hard to argue she hasn't benefitted immensely from being a 1st Lady and running as a Clinton for Senate in NY that has no residency requirements. Ya think she woulda won had she run as Hillary Rodham and had never been married to Bubba? She's played the victim card masterfully and used all her political connections to the hilt. She's very shrewd but terribly uncharismatic and, for the most part, unlikable and an awful candidate - even democrats agree with that, why do ya think Bernie is causing her so many problem

As far as whose telling the truth, this guy's book isn't the 1st I've heard of Hillary being a monster to work for. Actually its common knowledge that she and the secret service always had a very strained relationship.

Then don't work for her.

Its really not that easy for a secret service agent but look, she has a lot of warts aside from her nasty personality just ask Bernie:


"There are other issues with the Clinton Foundation. The fact that they aren’t transparent, that they haven’t disclosed all of their foreign donors, that they have given money to for-profit companies part-owned by friends of the family, and that some have called it a slush fund. Whenever you give money to the Clinton Foundation the pattern usually goes that some socioeconomic (or political) reward is reaped. It’s a bank to deposit favors it would seem. A financial analyst noted that the Foundation’s books are fraught with inconsistencies to the point where it could “rise to the level of fraud.” Last fall, the State Department slapped the Foundation with a subpoena for all documents related to deals that went through the charity that might have required State Department approval."

The Clintons have always used their public service as a cover to enriching themselves by selling access and influence to the highest bidders and laundering the money through their "Foundation" which spends more them more than they spend on charity. They've always skirted the law, barely, and the media has covered for them as their biggest cheerleaders. The truth hurts but its always been true.

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Lol. Tried to use the ol you're stupid you don't know what the word means tactic. Backfired when used on a Language Arts major! Lol! Classic.

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TBV- You have a vote. I have a vote. I will use mine to vote for the democratic nominee because either of them are a better choice. It's ironic that I'm the one treated like I don't have a brain by a few of the men here because I'm a woman yet I'm constantly having to repeat myself on the issue of Clinton. I've never said she was perfect, I've never said she didn't lie. I have said repeatedly in this thread is that I think Clinton is more qualified to serve as POTUS than Trump.

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TBV- You have a vote. I have a vote. I will use mine to vote for the democratic nominee because either of them are a better choice. It's ironic that I'm the one treated like I don't have a brain by a few of the men here because I'm a woman yet I'm constantly having to repeat myself on the issue of Clinton. I've never said she was perfect, I've never said she didn't lie. I have said repeatedly in this thread is that I think Clinton is more qualified to serve as POTUS than Trump.

Im not trying to change your mind, Im simply pointing out that Hillary AND her husband are nothing but common criminals. If anyone else, and, I do mean ANYONE else, had done what Hill and Bubba had done they'd already be in a penitentiary but the media refuses to cover their malfeasance with the same vigor they do conservatives because they chose sides a long time ago. George Orwell saw this coming coming and some are now officially more equal under the law than orders, Trump is awful but just not as bad as Hillary.

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TBV- You have a vote. I have a vote. I will use mine to vote for the democratic nominee because either of them are a better choice. It's ironic that I'm the one treated like I don't have a brain by a few of the men here because I'm a woman yet I'm constantly having to repeat myself on the issue of Clinton. I've never said she was perfect, I've never said she didn't lie. I have said repeatedly in this thread is that I think Clinton is more qualified to serve as POTUS than Trump.

Im not trying to change your mind, Im simply pointing out that Hillary AND her husband are nothing but common criminals. If anyone else, and, I do mean ANYONE else, had done what Hill and Bubba had done they'd already be in a penitentiary but the media refuses to cover their malfeasance with the same vigor they do conservatives because they chose sides a long time ago. George Orwell saw this coming coming and some are now officially more equal under the law than orders, Trump is awful but just not as bad as Hillary.

You couldn't change it anyway. Ah, so Hillary and Bill are so powerful that they are above the law? You do know that Bill was impeached? And as for Hillary, well seven congressional investigations held by REPUBLICANS found no wrong doing on her part. Now certainly I know that the Clinton's aren't saints but to say that they have committed crimes that anyone else would be punished for is hysterical. Had no idea the Clinton's ran the legal system. That's even funnier than Trump consulting himself on foreign policy. You might want to turn off Faux News.

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This thread was brought to my attention by someone who felt my calling out of the "but Obama..." line of argumentation was biased. I do have to admit he has a partial point now that I'm reading it. Virtually none of the resident Democrats addressed this pattern of Hillary 'misremembering' and immediately jumped to what amounts to a "but Trump..." defense. And that doesn't really address Hillary being a liar.

The caveat I'll give to this is that at least when you're discussing Hillary, a Trump comparison makes a little more sense in that they are running against each other for President this election. Obama isn't running for anything anymore and it's relevant at all to a discussion of Trump's faults.

I would like to hear more about how the people planning to vote for Hillary reconcile this aspect of her character.

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When you have 30 years of a witch hunt, from people who have no problem lying while claiming, morals, honor and truth.....after the 7th, 8th or 9th, politically motivated investigation that has proven the exact opposite of claims, the incessant whining ceases to have meaning. Rational people tune those people out. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll get back to work on the Committee to Prove HRC triggered Foster's suicide and the Committee to Prove That Friends of Bill Keep Mysteriously Dying....at 60-80 Years Old.


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When you have 30 years of a witch hunt, from people who have no problem lying while claiming, morals, honor and truth.....after the 7th, 8th or 9th, politically motivated investigation that has proven the exact opposite of claims, the incessant whining ceases to have meaning. Rational people tune those people out. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll get back to work on the Committee to Prove HRC triggered Foster's suicide and the Committee to Prove That Friends of Bill Keep Mysteriously Dying....at 60-80 Years Old.


That's a rather flippant response. And while I agree that Republicans have hated Hillary for a long time, it doesn't change the fact that Hillary has earned her "liar" badge completely on her own merits, wholly separate from any loony right-wing conspiracy theories.

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TBV- You have a vote. I have a vote. I will use mine to vote for the democratic nominee because either of them are a better choice. It's ironic that I'm the one treated like I don't have a brain by a few of the men here because I'm a woman yet I'm constantly having to repeat myself on the issue of Clinton. I've never said she was perfect, I've never said she didn't lie. I have said repeatedly in this thread is that I think Clinton is more qualified to serve as POTUS than Trump.

Im not trying to change your mind, Im simply pointing out that Hillary AND her husband are nothing but common criminals. If anyone else, and, I do mean ANYONE else, had done what Hill and Bubba had done they'd already be in a penitentiary but the media refuses to cover their malfeasance with the same vigor they do conservatives because they chose sides a long time ago. George Orwell saw this coming coming and some are now officially more equal under the law than orders, Trump is awful but just not as bad as Hillary.

You couldn't change it anyway. Ah, so Hillary and Bill are so powerful that they are above the law? You do know that Bill was impeached? And as for Hillary, well seven congressional investigations held by REPUBLICANS found no wrong doing on her part. Now certainly I know that the Clinton's aren't saints but to say that they have committed crimes that anyone else would be punished for is hysterical. Had no idea the Clinton's ran the legal system. That's even funnier than Trump consulting himself on foreign policy. You might want to turn off Faux News.


You're reaching in a big way with several statements in this reply. The Clinton machine is populated with surrogates who operate as attack dogs for the Clintons. Its the people who when confronted with Bubba's debauchery cast aspersions on the women by saying "that's what you find when you drag a 100 dollar bill through a trailer park". Its the same people who set themselves up as impartial observers, like George Stephanopoulis, who deceitfully disguise their allegiance while virtually vouching for their innocence on every slimy thing they do.

No, the Clintons don't run the legal system but have tremendous influence in shaping its perspective because they are leftist progressives which the media in this country, along with academia and Hollywood all most closely identify as. This gives them support on most every front not to mention the current administration that is doing everything in its power to cover for her so that Obama can block turning back the hands of time on his agenda.

There is more than enough evidence simply based on what is currently known to indict Hillary right now but, its very doubtful that will happen because she's above the law as long as democrats are the ones who have to make that call......Obama and his DoJ probably wont. Denying the obvious, doesn't make it go away.

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Rather flippant to me, that a congress can do the same thing over and over again...........claiming a superior morality, while containing anything but.

Rather flippant to me, when we have threads here, like "Hillary triggered Foster's suicide"..............and those threads are by the self proclaimed, adults in the room...........that they are surprised when they aren't taken seriously....They are treated with the sincerity they deserve.

BY NO STRETCH am I claiming Clinton is perfect and above reproach. At the same time, by no means, is she as bad as some fringe nuts whine all day, every day...

That is my opinion........

Nothing flippant about it all, you are welcome to hold any opinion about it you like....Quite sincere, I think she has been so demonized by some, that lies of their own have now been accepted by them as truths....If you don't see that, I will have lost faith in your perceptions. That would be sad, you are one of the few rational people who participate here and we certainly disagree on some things, social issues, most notably.

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Rather flippant to me, that a congress can do the same thing over and over again...........claiming a superior morality, while containing anything but.

But we aren't discussing Congress and their obvious faults. Who here actually likes Congress anyway?

Rather flippant to me, when we have threads here, like "Hillary triggered Foster's suicide"..............and those threads are by the self proclaimed, adults in the room...........that they are surprised when they aren't taken seriously....They are treated with the sincerity they deserve.

This still has no bearing on Hillary's trustworthiness.

BY NO STRETCH am I claiming Clinton is perfect and above reproach. At the same time, by no means, is she as bad as some fringe nuts whine all day, every day...

But she is, unequivocally, a liar. She fabricates all kinds of stuff. Even if she isn't as bad as fringe nuts say she is (that would be impossible), she's still soooooo bad.

That is my opinion........

Nothing flippant about it all, you are welcome to hold any opinion about it you like....Quite sincere, I think she has been so demonized by some, that lies of their own have now been accepted by them as truths....If you don't see that, I will have lost faith in your perceptions. That would be sad, you are one of the few rational people who participate here and we certainly disagree on some things, social issues, most notably.

I see it. It just doesn't change the central fact of Hillary being a prolific liar.

This is the flip side of me choosing to vote third party this year...we have an truly awful GOP candidate that has finally pushed things to a point where I cannot in good conscience vote for him, yet the Democrat offering is still so putrid in her own right, she can't serve as a viable alternative. So I won't vote for either of them.

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The idea that ANYONE would try to sell the idea that its Hillary's opponents who have lied about her instead of simply acknowledging what is commonly known about her well earned pedigree as a congenital liar is funny stuff but it borders on being delusional, seriously. The woman has made a sport of lying her entire political career, its simply what she's done in a very calculated fashion.

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