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A reminder of one of Hillary's misrememberings...


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You call anyone else a mysogonyst ? No ? Damn right I'm " bothered ".

Yeah, keep protesting. :laugh:/>

I will, when wrongly accused of that which I'm not guilty.

Name calling is a staple by the Left. In their mind, it neutralizes any and all opposition to what ever the hell it is they're pushing onto others. Don't like illegals ? You're a racist. Don't like dudes going to the bathroom / shower w/ your daughter ? You're a bigot. Don't like the vast # of policies by the current administration ? Racist.

It just never fraking ends !

Dennis Prager has even revealed the Left's play book on such matters...

SIX HIRB is Dennis Prager's acronym for the debate-ending names conservatives are called by liberals. If you disagree with the Left, you are one or all of the following -- Sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted

Add misogynist to the list, and it's a perfect 7 on the board.

It's the standard operating procedure by the Left to cop out and start name calling when the discussion gets too heavy for them to take.

So shall it always be w/ such cowards.

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Well it was a nice attempt Grumps, but the deflection crowd will not stand for such. Sad really, but so predictable. That anyone would deflect for a lying, cheating scumbag with blood on her hands is pitiful. But this is what we've come to expect from this TDS crowd. Pitiful was too nice actually. Add your own adjective for more flavor.

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You call anyone else a mysogonyst ? No ? Damn right I'm " bothered ".

Yeah, keep protesting. :laugh:/>

I will, when wrongly accused of that which I'm not guilty.

Name calling is a staple by the Left. In their mind, it neutralizes any and all opposition to what ever the hell it is they're pushing onto others. Don't like illegals ? You're a racist. Don't like dudes going to the bathroom / shower w/ your daughter ? You're a bigot. Don't like the vast # of policies by the current administration ? Racist.

It just never fraking ends !

Dennis Prager has even revealed the Left's play book on such matters...

SIX HIRB is Dennis Prager's acronym for the debate-ending names conservatives are called by liberals. If you disagree with the Left, you are one or all of the following -- Sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted

Add misogynist to the list, and it's a perfect 7 on the board.

It's the standard operating procedure by the Left to cop out and start name calling when the discussion gets too heavy for them to take.

So shall it always be w/ such cowards.

Blah blah blah....

Funny how it's always the same people who wind up denying being racists and misogynists.

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Blah blah blah....

Funny how it's always the same people who wind up denying being racists and misogynists.

Funnier still is how predictable the Left are that a 67 year old Jewish author and syndicated radio host would accurately describe exactly what goes on here and almost everywhere when anyone dares to disagree with them ( The Left ).

Name calling and character assassination are trade mark staples for the Left.

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So people who are racist, homophobic and xenophobic, are going to be called racist, homophobic and xenophobic?

Gee, you should take stock tips from that guy.

Maybe he should add, people who are racist, homophobic and xenophobic, spew it, at the same time they deny it....

Then he would be telling the full truth.

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Blah blah blah....

Funny how it's always the same people who wind up denying being racists and misogynists.

Funnier still is how predictable the Left are that a 67 year old Jewish author and syndicated radio host would accurately describe exactly what goes on here and almost everywhere when anyone dares to disagree with them ( The Left ).

Name calling and character assassination are trade mark staples for the Left.

Sorry but that just won't fly.

Funny how AUFAN78 can use terms like "lying, cheating scumbag with blood on her hands" yet no one is calling him a misogynist. Japan throws out some pretty vehement descriptions of Hillary, yet no one calls him a misogynist. Same with Cooltigger - yet no one calls him a misogynist. I could go on...there loads of people on the forum who excoriate Hillary on a daily basis, but no one calls them misogynists.

Why is that? <_</>

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If the shoe fits....

Doesn't matter if it doesn't , you'll still throw it , regardless

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Blah blah blah....

Funny how it's always the same people who wind up denying being racists and misogynists.

Funnier still is how predictable the Left are that a 67 year old Jewish author and syndicated radio host would accurately describe exactly what goes on here and almost everywhere when anyone dares to disagree with them ( The Left ).

Name calling and character assassination are trade mark staples for the Left.

Sorry but that just won't fly.

Funny how AUFAN78 can use terms like "lying, cheating scumbag with blood on her hands" yet no one is calling him a misogynist. Japan throws out some pretty vehement descriptions of Hillary, yet no calls him a misogynist. Same with Cooltigger - yet no one calls him a misogynist. I could go on...there loads of people on the forum who excoriate Hillary on a daily basis, but no one calls them misogynists.

Why is that? <_<

Uh, because my comments nor the others you mention have nothing to do with women in general. Duh? Perhaps you should have another cup there homes?
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Blah blah blah....

Funny how it's always the same people who wind up denying being racists and misogynists.

Funnier still is how predictable the Left are that a 67 year old Jewish author and syndicated radio host would accurately describe exactly what goes on here and almost everywhere when anyone dares to disagree with them ( The Left ).

Name calling and character assassination are trade mark staples for the Left.

Sorry but that just won't fly.

Funny how AUFAN78 can use terms like "lying, cheating scumbag with blood on her hands" yet no one is calling him a misogynist. Japan throws out some pretty vehement descriptions of Hillary, yet no calls him a misogynist. Same with Cooltigger - yet no one calls him a misogynist. I could go on...there loads of people on the forum who excoriate Hillary on a daily basis, but no one calls them misogynists.

Why is that? <_<

Uh, because my comments nor the others you mention have nothing to do with women in general. Duh? Perhaps you should have another cup there homes?

I think that was Homer's point. What are you drinking?
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Blah blah blah....

Funny how it's always the same people who wind up denying being racists and misogynists.

Funnier still is how predictable the Left are that a 67 year old Jewish author and syndicated radio host would accurately describe exactly what goes on here and almost everywhere when anyone dares to disagree with them ( The Left ).

Name calling and character assassination are trade mark staples for the Left.

Sorry but that just won't fly.

Funny how AUFAN78 can use terms like "lying, cheating scumbag with blood on her hands" yet no one is calling him a misogynist. Japan throws out some pretty vehement descriptions of Hillary, yet no calls him a misogynist. Same with Cooltigger - yet no one calls him a misogynist. I could go on...there loads of people on the forum who excoriate Hillary on a daily basis, but no one calls them misogynists.

Why is that? <_<

Uh, because my comments nor the others you mention have nothing to do with women in general. Duh? Perhaps you should have another cup there homes?

I think that was Homer's point. What are you drinking?

You sure? I'm not. On my first cup. You?
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Blah blah blah....

Funny how it's always the same people who wind up denying being racists and misogynists.

Funnier still is how predictable the Left are that a 67 year old Jewish author and syndicated radio host would accurately describe exactly what goes on here and almost everywhere when anyone dares to disagree with them ( The Left ).

Name calling and character assassination are trade mark staples for the Left.

Sorry but that just won't fly.

Funny how AUFAN78 can use terms like "lying, cheating scumbag with blood on her hands" yet no one is calling him a misogynist. Japan throws out some pretty vehement descriptions of Hillary, yet no calls him a misogynist. Same with Cooltigger - yet no one calls him a misogynist. I could go on...there loads of people on the forum who excoriate Hillary on a daily basis, but no one calls them misogynists.

Why is that? <_<

Uh, because my comments nor the others you mention have nothing to do with women in general. Duh? Perhaps you should have another cup there homes?

Read my post again. That's exactly what I was acknowledging.

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Sorry but that just won't fly.

Funny how AUFAN78 can use terms like "lying, cheating scumbag with blood on her hands" yet no one is calling him a misogynist. Japan throws out some pretty vehement descriptions of Hillary, yet no calls him a misogynist. Same with Cooltigger - yet no one calls him a misogynist. I could go on...there loads of people on the forum who excoriate Hillary on a daily basis, but no one calls them misogynists.

Why is that? <_<

Well, let's look back at recent history, where I did NOT call Elle a beeitch, and yet it was widely disseminated that I had. No evidence that I had, and in fact clear evidence to the contrary, and yet I'm STILL judged and convicted over things I never said.

And how am I getting ' owned ' ? I don't dish out childish insults at a drop of a hat, when I easily could, so what's that say about you ?

Have another cold one, homer. It's almost lunch time.

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Funny how the first time I've seen you use the term 'bitch' - and that's saying a lot - was in an exchange with a woman.

But keep denying... :laugh:

It wasn't an exchange w/ a woman. Oh, is TexasTiger a woman ? Because that's who I replied to, not Elle.

No need to deny what isn't true.

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Funny how the first time I've seen you use the term 'bitch' - and that's saying a lot - was in an exchange with a woman.

But keep denying... :laugh:

It wasn't an exchange w/ a woman. Oh, is TexasTiger a woman ? Because that's who I replied to, not Elle.

No need to deny what isn't true.

And yet you feel compelled to do so..... <_<

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And isn't calling other men a bitch something homosexuals do?

Just tryin' to speak a language TT would understand. Being tolerant, and all that I am, you see.


But thank you ! For FINALLY admitting that I wasn't directing any derogatory comment towards Elle. I'm am free and clear of any misogynistic comments, thanks to you !!

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And isn't calling other men a bitch something homosexuals do?

Just tryin' to speak a language TT would understand. Being tolerant, and all that I am, you see.


But thank you ! For FINALLY admitting that I wasn't directing any derogatory comment towards Elle. I'm am free and clear of any misogynistic comments, thanks to you !!

There you go again. Protesting way too much. You just can't help yourself! :roflol:

That's pathetic even for a weasel-lying misogynist.

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Blah blah blah....

Funny how it's always the same people who wind up denying being racists and misogynists.

Funnier still is how predictable the Left are that a 67 year old Jewish author and syndicated radio host would accurately describe exactly what goes on here and almost everywhere when anyone dares to disagree with them ( The Left ).

Name calling and character assassination are trade mark staples for the Left.

Sorry but that just won't fly.

Funny how AUFAN78 can use terms like "lying, cheating scumbag with blood on her hands" yet no one is calling him a misogynist. Japan throws out some pretty vehement descriptions of Hillary, yet no calls him a misogynist. Same with Cooltigger - yet no one calls him a misogynist. I could go on...there loads of people on the forum who excoriate Hillary on a daily basis, but no one calls them misogynists.

Why is that? <_<

Uh, because my comments nor the others you mention have nothing to do with women in general. Duh? Perhaps you should have another cup there homes?

Read my post again. That's exactly what I was acknowledging.

My apologies guys. Simple misinterpretation. It happens.
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Blah blah blah....

Funny how it's always the same people who wind up denying being racists and misogynists.

Funnier still is how predictable the Left are that a 67 year old Jewish author and syndicated radio host would accurately describe exactly what goes on here and almost everywhere when anyone dares to disagree with them ( The Left ).

Name calling and character assassination are trade mark staples for the Left.

Sorry but that just won't fly.

Funny how AUFAN78 can use terms like "lying, cheating scumbag with blood on her hands" yet no one is calling him a misogynist. Japan throws out some pretty vehement descriptions of Hillary, yet no calls him a misogynist. Same with Cooltigger - yet no one calls him a misogynist. I could go on...there loads of people on the forum who excoriate Hillary on a daily basis, but no one calls them misogynists.

Why is that? <_</>

Uh, because my comments nor the others you mention have nothing to do with women in general. Duh? Perhaps you should have another cup there homes?

Read my post again. That's exactly what I was acknowledging.

My apologies guys. Simple misinterpretation. It happens.

Props to you for having the integrity to admit a mistake.

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