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A reminder of one of Hillary's misrememberings...


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Now what was it you were saying earlier about deflecting?

Albright's comments, misogynistic or not, have absolutely ZERO to do with your comment that was directed toward me. I see why they call you a weasel now.

Boy, you wear that hypocrisy proudly don't you?

Not weaseling in the least. Just showing your double standard, is all. M. Albright can declare women who don't support Hillary have a special place in hell, but a MAN dares to suggest women standing together is misogynistic ?

Stop using words which you don't know the definition ! There's ZERO hypocrisy here on my part. And if all you have is me pointing out the woman card with your support of Hillary as some sort of ' proof ' of misogyny, then you've failed. Sorry.

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If idiocy amuses you.

I agree..posting ridiculous lies unnecessarily told by Hillary Clinton is not amusing but that doesn't remedy the fact that she lied about that and, for what reason? Before your time there was a famous editorialist at the NYTimes , named William Safire, who after the investigation into how Hillary was able to turn a $1000 dollar trade in cattle futures into $100K in 6 months called her a pathological liar.BTW, they ran the odds of this happening and they came back 1 in 31 trillion. Hillary has a MUCH better chance of winning power ball lottery than that. The next day he printed a retraction citing that he had called her a pathological liar but what he really meant to call her was a congenital liar. Her lying goes way back and she's proven she simply cannot be trusted.

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Now what was it you were saying earlier about deflecting?

Albright's comments, misogynistic or not, have absolutely ZERO to do with your comment that was directed toward me. I see why they call you a weasel now.

Boy, you wear that hypocrisy proudly don't you?

Not weaseling in the least. Just showing your double standard, is all. M. Albright can declare women who don't support Hillary have a special place in hell, but a MAN dares to suggest women standing together is misogynistic ?

Stop using words which you don't know the definition ! There's ZERO hypocrisy here on my part. And if all you have is me pointing out the woman card with your support of Hillary as some sort of ' proof ' of misogyny, then you've failed. Sorry.

So because Albright said what she said, then it's ok for you to be misigynistic? You said that I was only voting for Hillary because she's a woman. You need to explain that to me.

And Raptor, I have a degree in Language Arts so I do know how took up the definition to words I don't understand. Please tell me what word it is you think I'm using that I don't understand. Because I usually don't use a word until I know it's meaning.

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Spare me the phony and contrived out rage. Hillary's campaign has stated it openly, that playing the woman card is what they want. This is not even an issue. So when you run from stating the obvious, and from the very start admitting that she lied about Bosnia, that tells me that you were covering for her.

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Spare me the phony and contrived out rage. Hillary's campaign has stated it openly, that playing the woman card is what they want. This is not even an issue. So when you run from stating the obvious, and from the very start admitting that she lied about Bosnia, that tells me that you were covering for her.

Ok, let's see if I'm understanding all this. I'm expressing phony and contrived outrage? And because Hillary's campaign is "playing the woman card" then that must be the only reason I'm voting for her? And I'm also covering for Hillary Clinton?

You accuse me and others of deflecting from the issues, but yet you refuse to answer my questions.

You can quote Albright and Hillary's campaign manager until you are blue in the face and it still doesn't change the fact that your comments directed towards me were misogynistic. I cited it just as you asked and have answered any questions you posed .

You do nothing but insult people and delude yourself into thinking you are the brains here. You aren't. In fact if brains were gasoline you wouldn't have enough fuel to run a flea's go kart two laps around a cheerio.

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You stating that I'm only supporting Clinton because "she's a woman and it's due" implies that I'm only basing my decision on her gender rather than the possibility that I'm a college educated female who has the intellectual capacity to make an informed decision on which candidate to vote for. That is almost as misogynistic as some of Trump's comments.

Then what's that make Madeline Albright ?

There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!

Is she a misogynist too ?

Got any more ?

Now what was it you were saying earlier about deflecting?

Albright's comments, misogynistic or not, have absolutely ZERO to do with your comment that was directed toward me. I see why they call you a weasel now.

Boy, you wear that hypocrisy proudly don't you?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh::roflol:

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OK, Clinton lied about her experience in Bosnia. If that's a disqualifier for you, don't vote for her.

Bill lied about having "sexual relations with that woman" also. He still made for a pretty good president.

But please don't come on here and say will vote for Trump because Hillary lies. :-\

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If idiocy amuses you.

I agree..posting ridiculous lies unnecessarily told by Hillary Clinton is not amusing but that doesn't remedy the fact that she lied about that and, for what reason? Before your time there was a famous editorialist at the NYTimes , named William Safire, who after the investigation into how Hillary was able to turn a $1000 dollar trade in cattle futures into $100K in 6 months called her a pathological liar.BTW, they ran the odds of this happening and they came back 1 in 31 trillion. Hillary has a MUCH better chance of winning power ball lottery than that. The next day he printed a retraction citing that he had called her a pathological liar but what he really meant to call her was a congenital liar. Her lying goes way back and she's proven she simply cannot be trusted.

Well, that explains why you support Trump - he never lies and he's trustworthy. :lmao:

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Elle - not only did you run away from commenting on Hillary, you invented this fanciful tale about her perspective, which is so beyond the pale, it leads one left to conclude that you are deflecting away from dealing with the issue. It is common knowledge that Hillary is trying to use the woman card, and with you failing to offer up any coherent, sane explanation or commentary, it's a valid position to make that you are deflecting and even supporting her. Enough of the BS misogynistic claim by you. It simply does not hold water.

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I have commented on Hillary in almost every post. You choose to vilify her and I don't. I admit she has flaws. But still think she is way more qualified that Trump to lead this country. I haven't run away at all. Just because you say it doesn't make it true.

You say I'm only voting for Hillary because she is a woman. You know too little about me to make that statement therefore it is Misogynistic . And as for me offering coherent commentary, I again point out that YOU, RAPTOR seem to be the only one who thinks this. And I've even made it as simple as I can for you. Hillary is more qualified than Trump to lead this country. Trump hurls insults all the time because he has nothing to offer. Nothing. He isn't a leader, he's an intimidator. He cannot even answer policy questions with any kind of intelligence but because he can insult people the masses cheer him on. You supported Cruz, look at the horrible way Trump insulted Cruz and his wife. Trump when asked what he had in common with his daughter replied "sex." Yeah, that's the kind of leader we need. Hillary has done more service to this country than Trump has even thought about doing.

Now, I'm going to run to the nail salon so don't let your tiny misogynistic collard green seed sized brain think I've run away.

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You can rant for as long as you want, but the fact remains. You waded into this thread without a worry in the world or concern about Hillary's lies. From the very start, that goes to you giving her cover and the deflecting away from the fact. This, in my mind, proves the point. You don't want to deal with Hillary's shortcomings, and you offer up nonsensical explanations as to her "perspective". That makes you an Hillary apologist.

Only several post down after your initial one, did you come to qualify your views on her. But my original statement stands. And it adds zero to do with being a misogynist. Because I'm not. And you're phony accusations fall on deaf ears. You're simply demagoging, for the sake of a effect.

Spare me the " but Trump said this..." noise. Not about him. Or anyone else. Watch the cbs video. That's all you need to know to comment on Hillary .

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Stuff like this makes HRC beatable-- if the GOP could only put forward a credible candidate. But the party is so broken they can't.

You're not wrong, but we shall see.

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As Donald Trump struggles to appeal to women, Trevor unearths a 1994 interview of the presidential hopeful explaining why he didn't want his then-wife Marla Maples working.

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Rant? Someone who posts a complaint about Obama every day says I rant? Yeah. Right. Without a worry in the world? And you know this how? Let me tell you a little about my world. At the age of 10 my daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Healthcare is something that is very important to me. When my family's income was cut in half because of a mill closing Obamacare was there to help us. We couldn't have paid out of pocket for the medicine she needed to survive. And the GOP has the audacity to say this program is bad. It kept my child alive and probably countless other children. Does that sound like not a worry in the world to you?

Again, you are the only one bothered by my post. One of the moderators saw it and even joked with me about it.

Why don't you tell me just how it is you think I should deal with Hillary's shortcomings? I haven't denied she has them at all. I've said repeatedly that she is more qualified than Dinald Trump to be president.

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As Donald Trump struggles to appeal to women, Trevor unearths a 1994 interview of the presidential hopeful explaining why he didn't want his then-wife Marla Maples working.

There will be plenty more to come.... He's a narcissistic psychopath. He's left a rich trail of evidence.

And there will be a lot of gutless Republicans who will go down with him - if not the party as a whole. It's going to be fun watching these zombies trying to disassociate themselves from him.

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No need to appeal for consideration or compassion from someone who doesn't have any.

You're right.

In case no one's noticed :rolleyes: I stopped trying long ago.

Nevertheless, I appreciate your efforts. Giving him a chance is the best way to expose his crassness. All I'm doing is feeding the troll.

(And I still think he gets a sexual rush from it.)

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You call anyone else a mysogonyst ? No ? Damn right I'm " bothered ".

And despite the feel good , anecdotal story , O Care does suck. It's collapsing HC plans that we were promised we'd get to keep.

Needs of the many outweigh the needs of he few


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No, mostly because no other man here has said even anything slightly misogynistic to me. Even ones I disagree with on a political level.

And just for the record, my daughter isn't an antecedotal story. She's a real person with a real disease. Where's you're evidence that it's collapsing health care plans? Be sure not to quote opinion pieces.

Yes needs of the many outweigh the few but the GOP operates in reverse of that. The few have their needs met while the many don't. We live in a world where children can't get their medical needs met if their parents aren't wealthy. That should not be. But it's more important to the GOP to destroy AHC. You and the idiot politicians you support don't see people as humans, they are stories or lazy bums, or thugs. You categorize and demonize and insult. There isn't an ounce of humanity in any of you that doesn't serve anything outside your own self interests.

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