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Too Sick To Lead: The Lethal Personality Disorder Of Donald Trump

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I don't even bother engaging the "tools" from the extreme right here, except for the occasional laughter.

Point to ANY post I've made suggesting I don't see HRC's, warts........I'll save you some time, there isn't one. I do think for political effect, her warts are exaggerated, at times....

FTR, AUUSN is a REPUBLICAN.............not a Leftie.....he just isn't a wing nut. Funny how rational people here are lumped in when you don't agree huh? WAIT, isn't that what you accused me of? YEP.

I never said AUUSN was a Leftie I said we disageed at times Homer and I disagree more. I respect both of their viewpoints I just don't always agree with them. I only used them as examples of people I have disagreed with without resorting to name calling. I have yet to call either a tool. It is you calling people a right wing tool that is counter productive. It is you who are throwing out the insults.

This will be my last response on this as I have already broken my own rule of only replying a limited number of times as you can only repeat your facts and views a limited number of times until you are arguing for the sake of arguing.

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Sad, you are one of the more rational ones, mostly don't care though, one less person to deal with.

FTR, pleading for you not to become a tool, is NOT the same as calling you a tool.

If that needs to be explained, I'd rather use my time elsewhere.

Have a great day,.

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