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Too Sick To Lead: The Lethal Personality Disorder Of Donald Trump

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So, the "main stream media" is in the bag for Hillary, huh? :rolleyes:


Try this as a thought exercise.

The year is 2005. Hungry for prominence, Senator Barack Obama resolves to jump start his public acclaim. He hits upon a brilliant strategem: calling Eugene Robinson at the Washington Post, he introduces himself as a press aide named John Miller. Recognizing Obama’s distinctive cadences and turns of phrase, Robinson is stunned. Reflexively, he turns on his speakerphone.

“John Miller’s” orotund voice fills the room, reminding Robinson of Obama’s eloquent speech at the 2004 Democratic convention. “Miller” commences bragging about “Obama’s” golfing prowess and “huge” book royalties. Though Obama is married, the faux flack then catalogs all the women who want to sleep with the junior senator from Illinois- “Angelina Jolie, for sure. But for a man like Barack Obama she’s only a six.

“Beyoncé? She’s absolutely desperate for him - it’s kind of sad, really. Maybe I - I mean Senator Obama - will give her a break, move her up the waiting list. He’s always had a fondness for the audacity of hope. Especially when a woman feels the fierce urgency of now.”

Pausing for breath, “Miller” adds in a confidential tone, “I’ll tell you one thing - I’ve never seen anything like this guy. All the success, all the women. Look, I used to work for Denzel Washington and Daniel Craig, but they just don’t ‘measure up’ “

Stifling his gag reflex, Robinson endures a numbing 15 minute soliloquy of self which ends with “Gotta go. Jennifer Aniston just walked into the bosses’ office. Maybe this time he’ll say what every woman wants to hear from him -‘Yes, we can.’”

Silent, Robinson absorbs an experience which, mercifully, is unique in his career. Feeling the weight of his journalistic responsibilities, he begins checking to see if anyone else has received calls from Barack Obama pretending to be a staffer. One thing he knows for sure - the country can’t afford to elect as president a man whose behavior suggests a serious emotional disorder.

Reading this, did you begin to cringe a little? Writing it, I sure did. And not just because, from Barack Obama, such tasteless and bizarre behavior would be unthinkable.

True, one of the many assets Obama brought to the White House is a peerless dignity and grace - not to mention a sanity grounded in, by the standards of politicians, a rare detachment from self. However one evaluates his presidency, these are among the attributes which should define the word “presidential.”

But what moves this piece of fantasy from queasy to distressing is that it measures how precipitously our standards of seemliness and sanity have fallen, and how completely our mass media have failed us. For we are about to embark on a presidential race where one of the contestants is, beyond doubt, emotionally disturbed.

It is that disturbance - not the normal metrics of politics - which explains every aspect of Donald Trump’s behavior.

Start with the all too real phone call which inspired my opening paragraphs.....

Read the rest at http://www.huffingto...b_10086768.html

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The weird part is, the tea billies will be along any second with, "but Hillary"........instead of comprehending they are supporting a sociopath....

It is good to see liberals hating Trump so much more than Conservatives disliked Obama. Can you guys and girls please come up with a diagnosis and stick to it?

Tea billies? A joke? Or just more of your continuous condecension towards those who oppose your political views? You think quite highly of yourself. I think you may have a little narcissist in you. I believe you have a lot of Donald Trump in you (political views excluded), lol. Name calling and attacks against those who oppose your views. You remind me of the idiot protestors we've seen on tv lately. I understand that in your industry liberalism is like a virus. You suffer from an acute case of overexposure.

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The weird part is, the tea billies will be along any second with, "but Hillary"........instead of comprehending they are supporting a sociopath....

It is good to see liberals hating Trump so much more than Conservatives disliked Obama. Can you guys and girls please come up with a diagnosis and stick to it?

Tea billies? A joke? Or just more of your continuous condecension towards those who oppose your political views? You think quite highly of yourself. I think you may have a little narcissist in you. I believe you have a lot of Donald Trump in you (political views excluded), lol. Name calling and attacks against those who oppose your views. You remind me of the idiot protestors we've seen on tv lately. I understand that in your industry liberalism is like a virus. You suffer from an acute case of overexposure.

Is that really all you have to say from reading that piece?? Objecting to TT's wisecrack about "tea billies"?

Do you care to comment on the article itself, or is that an admission you'd rather avoid addressing it? <_<

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The weird part is, the tea billies will be along any second with, "but Hillary"........instead of comprehending they are supporting a sociopath....

It is good to see liberals hating Trump so much more than Conservatives disliked Obama. Can you guys and girls please come up with a diagnosis and stick to it?

Tea billies? A joke? Or just more of your continuous condecension towards those who oppose your political views? You think quite highly of yourself. I think you may have a little narcissist in you. I believe you have a lot of Donald Trump in you (political views excluded), lol. Name calling and attacks against those who oppose your views. You remind me of the idiot protestors we've seen on tv lately. I understand that in your industry liberalism is like a virus. You suffer from an acute case of overexposure.

Let's see, I name call, but Kenyan, Muslim, socialist, communist, trying to kill Murica,.............yeah you guys are just so fricking rational and all......

Hypocrite. Don't like it muffin? Don't read it....

Never occurred to you, you accuse me of name calling and then tossed spittle all over your keyboard, while doing the same thing.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion.

I'm entitled not to care about it and I don't.

FTR, you know nothing of my, "industry".....You just assume you do. I work with more repubs and libertarians on a daily basis than some do in a lifetime. The ironic part is you just assume, you also know about my political leanings.....

In another thread on this forum, I posted about a minor national celebrity and entertainer who ran for a local office, as a brash loudmouth tea billy. In my local, VERY repub area, even the repubs made fun of her tea tard BS to her face. They wanted nothing to do with her. They wanted a rational and intelligent human being. She lost in a landslide. Guess what soothsayer....

A local repub got my vote in that election......All this to say, you know nothing. Best choice and unlike many of this forums whining clowns, highly intelligent and devoted to doing the right thing, not the partisan thing...

Have a spiffy day.

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Like the libbies on the forum don't deflect? :rollin:

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So, the "main stream media" is in the bag for Hillary, huh? :rolleyes:


Try this as a thought exercise.

The year is 2005. Hungry for prominence, Senator Barack Obama resolves to jump start his public acclaim. He hits upon a brilliant strategem: calling Eugene Robinson at the Washington Post, he introduces himself as a press aide named John Miller. Recognizing Obama’s distinctive cadences and turns of phrase, Robinson is stunned. Reflexively, he turns on his speakerphone.

“John Miller’s” orotund voice fills the room, reminding Robinson of Obama’s eloquent speech at the 2004 Democratic convention. “Miller” commences bragging about “Obama’s” golfing prowess and “huge” book royalties. Though Obama is married, the faux flack then catalogs all the women who want to sleep with the junior senator from Illinois- “Angelina Jolie, for sure. But for a man like Barack Obama she’s only a six.

“Beyoncé? She’s absolutely desperate for him - it’s kind of sad, really. Maybe I - I mean Senator Obama - will give her a break, move her up the waiting list. He’s always had a fondness for the audacity of hope. Especially when a woman feels the fierce urgency of now.”

Pausing for breath, “Miller” adds in a confidential tone, “I’ll tell you one thing - I’ve never seen anything like this guy. All the success, all the women. Look, I used to work for Denzel Washington and Daniel Craig, but they just don’t ‘measure up’ “

Stifling his gag reflex, Robinson endures a numbing 15 minute soliloquy of self which ends with “Gotta go. Jennifer Aniston just walked into the bosses’ office. Maybe this time he’ll say what every woman wants to hear from him -‘Yes, we can.’”

Silent, Robinson absorbs an experience which, mercifully, is unique in his career. Feeling the weight of his journalistic responsibilities, he begins checking to see if anyone else has received calls from Barack Obama pretending to be a staffer. One thing he knows for sure - the country can’t afford to elect as president a man whose behavior suggests a serious emotional disorder.

Reading this, did you begin to cringe a little? Writing it, I sure did. And not just because, from Barack Obama, such tasteless and bizarre behavior would be unthinkable.

True, one of the many assets Obama brought to the White House is a peerless dignity and grace - not to mention a sanity grounded in, by the standards of politicians, a rare detachment from self. However one evaluates his presidency, these are among the attributes which should define the word “presidential.”

But what moves this piece of fantasy from queasy to distressing is that it measures how precipitously our standards of seemliness and sanity have fallen, and how completely our mass media have failed us. For we are about to embark on a presidential race where one of the contestants is, beyond doubt, emotionally disturbed.

It is that disturbance - not the normal metrics of politics - which explains every aspect of Donald Trump’s behavior.

Start with the all too real phone call which inspired my opening paragraphs.....

Read the rest at http://www.huffingto...b_10086768.html

The Huffington Post is a totally unbiased publication I should believe everything they publish because they have no political agenda. Every thing you read on the internet is true.

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HEY, maybe you'll be more inclined to believe it coming from a source you trust, like Fixed News.....Another report of him doing the same thing from......... wait for it...................right wing medias......I warn you though....can't trust everything you read or hear on the internet.

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" tea billies " like former Secret Service agents ?

Secret Service officer's book details Clintons' 'crisis of character'

A forthcoming book from a former Secret Service officer assigned to the White House during Bill Clinton’s presidency alleges that presumptive 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton “lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office.”

The book, “Crisis of Character,” is due to be released June 28 – a month before Hillary Clinton is likely to take the stage to accept the Democratic presidential nomination in Philadelphia. Written by ex-Secret Service Officer Gary J. Byrne, who was “posted directly outside President Clinton’s Oval Office,” the 285-page book describes Hillary Clinton’s “appalling leadership style” as being “volcanic, impulsive, enabled by sycophants, and disdainful of the rules set for everyone else.”


Sounds to me as if this " article " was released just ahead of the news on this book as a means of giving Hildabeast some cover fire.

'Preciate that, MSM ! :thumbsup:

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How do you explain Fox covering him doing the same thing, then?

Rhetorical question.....it's you, don't give a damn about your answer.

I'll call a redneck right winger, a tea billy and if you and 88, don't like it, simply icing on the cake.

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How do you explain Fox covering him doing the same thing, then?

Rhetorical question.....it's you, don't give a damn about your answer.

I'll call a redneck right winger, a tea billy and if you and 88, don't like it, simply icing on the cake.

Who wrote the article ?

" The Lethal Personality Disorder Of Donald Trump "

There's reporting on what someone did, and then there's drawing a conclusion , based on one's OPINION as to what it all means.

I know you don't want an answer, because thinking about stuff makes your head hurt.

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No laughing at your fringe nut spin, makes me feel good................Laughter is good for the soul, for those of us who have them....

Laugh at the secret service agent too, while you're at it. But we all know you're laughing because you simply don't understand.

It's beyond you.

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Awww come on Peg, his book is as much a political money making scheme as anything else could be......he is entitled, buy it, place next to all your Boorish Boortz, Hannity, Beck and Rush books and be happy.

Politically angry white men, when their culture is slipping away from them and they know it is never coming back, in addition to exposing their true racist natures, make a really good book market...

O'Reilly, loves you.

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What if the book is true? Still a " money making scheme " ? Since when is it a bad thing to make $ off telling of a true story ?

Oh, that's right. $ = the debil, huh ?

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So you think I believe money is the "debil"................


I own multiple business enterprises, that provide an excellent living for my family.

Just add this to the long list of things, you know absolutely nothing about.

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So, the "main stream media" is in the bag for Hillary, huh? :rolleyes:


Try this as a thought exercise.

The year is 2005. Hungry for prominence, Senator Barack Obama resolves to jump start his public acclaim. He hits upon a brilliant strategem: calling Eugene Robinson at the Washington Post, he introduces himself as a press aide named John Miller. Recognizing Obama’s distinctive cadences and turns of phrase, Robinson is stunned. Reflexively, he turns on his speakerphone.

“John Miller’s” orotund voice fills the room, reminding Robinson of Obama’s eloquent speech at the 2004 Democratic convention. “Miller” commences bragging about “Obama’s” golfing prowess and “huge” book royalties. Though Obama is married, the faux flack then catalogs all the women who want to sleep with the junior senator from Illinois- “Angelina Jolie, for sure. But for a man like Barack Obama she’s only a six.

“Beyoncé? She’s absolutely desperate for him - it’s kind of sad, really. Maybe I - I mean Senator Obama - will give her a break, move her up the waiting list. He’s always had a fondness for the audacity of hope. Especially when a woman feels the fierce urgency of now.”

Pausing for breath, “Miller” adds in a confidential tone, “I’ll tell you one thing - I’ve never seen anything like this guy. All the success, all the women. Look, I used to work for Denzel Washington and Daniel Craig, but they just don’t ‘measure up’ “

Stifling his gag reflex, Robinson endures a numbing 15 minute soliloquy of self which ends with “Gotta go. Jennifer Aniston just walked into the bosses’ office. Maybe this time he’ll say what every woman wants to hear from him -‘Yes, we can.’”

Silent, Robinson absorbs an experience which, mercifully, is unique in his career. Feeling the weight of his journalistic responsibilities, he begins checking to see if anyone else has received calls from Barack Obama pretending to be a staffer. One thing he knows for sure - the country can’t afford to elect as president a man whose behavior suggests a serious emotional disorder.

Reading this, did you begin to cringe a little? Writing it, I sure did. And not just because, from Barack Obama, such tasteless and bizarre behavior would be unthinkable.

True, one of the many assets Obama brought to the White House is a peerless dignity and grace - not to mention a sanity grounded in, by the standards of politicians, a rare detachment from self. However one evaluates his presidency, these are among the attributes which should define the word “presidential.”

But what moves this piece of fantasy from queasy to distressing is that it measures how precipitously our standards of seemliness and sanity have fallen, and how completely our mass media have failed us. For we are about to embark on a presidential race where one of the contestants is, beyond doubt, emotionally disturbed.

It is that disturbance - not the normal metrics of politics - which explains every aspect of Donald Trump’s behavior.

Start with the all too real phone call which inspired my opening paragraphs.....

Read the rest at http://www.huffingto...b_10086768.html

The Huffington Post is a totally unbiased publication I should believe everything they publish because they have no political agenda. Every thing you read on the internet is true.

So you claim the incident never happened, right?

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So, the "main stream media" is in the bag for Hillary, huh? :rolleyes:


Try this as a thought exercise.

The year is 2005. Hungry for prominence, Senator Barack Obama resolves to jump start his public acclaim. He hits upon a brilliant strategem: calling Eugene Robinson at the Washington Post, he introduces himself as a press aide named John Miller. Recognizing Obama’s distinctive cadences and turns of phrase, Robinson is stunned. Reflexively, he turns on his speakerphone.

“John Miller’s” orotund voice fills the room, reminding Robinson of Obama’s eloquent speech at the 2004 Democratic convention. “Miller” commences bragging about “Obama’s” golfing prowess and “huge” book royalties. Though Obama is married, the faux flack then catalogs all the women who want to sleep with the junior senator from Illinois- “Angelina Jolie, for sure. But for a man like Barack Obama she’s only a six.

“Beyoncé? She’s absolutely desperate for him - it’s kind of sad, really. Maybe I - I mean Senator Obama - will give her a break, move her up the waiting list. He’s always had a fondness for the audacity of hope. Especially when a woman feels the fierce urgency of now.”

Pausing for breath, “Miller” adds in a confidential tone, “I’ll tell you one thing - I’ve never seen anything like this guy. All the success, all the women. Look, I used to work for Denzel Washington and Daniel Craig, but they just don’t ‘measure up’ “

Stifling his gag reflex, Robinson endures a numbing 15 minute soliloquy of self which ends with “Gotta go. Jennifer Aniston just walked into the bosses’ office. Maybe this time he’ll say what every woman wants to hear from him -‘Yes, we can.’”

Silent, Robinson absorbs an experience which, mercifully, is unique in his career. Feeling the weight of his journalistic responsibilities, he begins checking to see if anyone else has received calls from Barack Obama pretending to be a staffer. One thing he knows for sure - the country can’t afford to elect as president a man whose behavior suggests a serious emotional disorder.

Reading this, did you begin to cringe a little? Writing it, I sure did. And not just because, from Barack Obama, such tasteless and bizarre behavior would be unthinkable.

True, one of the many assets Obama brought to the White House is a peerless dignity and grace - not to mention a sanity grounded in, by the standards of politicians, a rare detachment from self. However one evaluates his presidency, these are among the attributes which should define the word “presidential.”

But what moves this piece of fantasy from queasy to distressing is that it measures how precipitously our standards of seemliness and sanity have fallen, and how completely our mass media have failed us. For we are about to embark on a presidential race where one of the contestants is, beyond doubt, emotionally disturbed.

It is that disturbance - not the normal metrics of politics - which explains every aspect of Donald Trump’s behavior.

Start with the all too real phone call which inspired my opening paragraphs.....

Read the rest at http://www.huffingto...b_10086768.html

The Huffington Post is a totally unbiased publication I should believe everything they publish because they have no political agenda. Every thing you read on the internet is true.

So you claim the incident never happened, right?

Nope it happened. I never said I like Trump. It was in the editorializing that went with the call that occurred how many years ago. When we bring something up on Hillary about her changing her views It is normal growth but when it is somebody on the right apparently once on the right and do something stupid doomed for life but on the left it is natural growth as a human being.

Is what Donald did on that call worse then Hillary flat out lying to the families of the Benghazi victims. One his self aggrandizement the other is hurting people at their most vulnerable time when they are mourning a loss of their loved one.

http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/feb/09/what-did-hillary-clinton-tell-families-people-who-/ This includes testimony from the family members one gentleman even put it in his Diary at the time. The same day Clinton sent e-mail out telling her family it was not about the film. This article tries to give Clinton the benefit of the doubt but I think the most damning part of the article is the Diary entry. That kind of trumps maybe in the fog of the moment the people were confused. Some said she didn't say anything about the video I believe them she talked with people individually so not all were the same conversations.

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There seems to be an automatic, knee jerk response...

BUT HILLARY...........

Even TODAY, Trump has said different things at different times about the Judge from his Trump U, scam.

Within hours of each other. This also applies to the other thread on Trump you were involved in....He changes his tune, sometimes LITERALLY, in the same speech.

Libya was a CIA operation.....Do you REALLY think you will ever know the full ACTUAL events surrounding it other than the right wing radio BS that has been put in your head? If you do.....continue listening to the fringe nut noise machine, they need useful tools.

You think a spin from both sides hasn't been put around that in a death lock? Seriously, PLEASE be capable of being deeper than that.

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So, the "main stream media" is in the bag for Hillary, huh? :rolleyes:


Try this as a thought exercise.

The year is 2005. Hungry for prominence, Senator Barack Obama resolves to jump start his public acclaim. He hits upon a brilliant strategem: calling Eugene Robinson at the Washington Post, he introduces himself as a press aide named John Miller. Recognizing Obama’s distinctive cadences and turns of phrase, Robinson is stunned. Reflexively, he turns on his speakerphone.

“John Miller’s” orotund voice fills the room, reminding Robinson of Obama’s eloquent speech at the 2004 Democratic convention. “Miller” commences bragging about “Obama’s” golfing prowess and “huge” book royalties. Though Obama is married, the faux flack then catalogs all the women who want to sleep with the junior senator from Illinois- “Angelina Jolie, for sure. But for a man like Barack Obama she’s only a six.

“Beyoncé? She’s absolutely desperate for him - it’s kind of sad, really. Maybe I - I mean Senator Obama - will give her a break, move her up the waiting list. He’s always had a fondness for the audacity of hope. Especially when a woman feels the fierce urgency of now.”

Pausing for breath, “Miller” adds in a confidential tone, “I’ll tell you one thing - I’ve never seen anything like this guy. All the success, all the women. Look, I used to work for Denzel Washington and Daniel Craig, but they just don’t ‘measure up’ “

Stifling his gag reflex, Robinson endures a numbing 15 minute soliloquy of self which ends with “Gotta go. Jennifer Aniston just walked into the bosses’ office. Maybe this time he’ll say what every woman wants to hear from him -‘Yes, we can.’”

Silent, Robinson absorbs an experience which, mercifully, is unique in his career. Feeling the weight of his journalistic responsibilities, he begins checking to see if anyone else has received calls from Barack Obama pretending to be a staffer. One thing he knows for sure - the country can’t afford to elect as president a man whose behavior suggests a serious emotional disorder.

Reading this, did you begin to cringe a little? Writing it, I sure did. And not just because, from Barack Obama, such tasteless and bizarre behavior would be unthinkable.

True, one of the many assets Obama brought to the White House is a peerless dignity and grace - not to mention a sanity grounded in, by the standards of politicians, a rare detachment from self. However one evaluates his presidency, these are among the attributes which should define the word “presidential.”

But what moves this piece of fantasy from queasy to distressing is that it measures how precipitously our standards of seemliness and sanity have fallen, and how completely our mass media have failed us. For we are about to embark on a presidential race where one of the contestants is, beyond doubt, emotionally disturbed.

It is that disturbance - not the normal metrics of politics - which explains every aspect of Donald Trump’s behavior.

Start with the all too real phone call which inspired my opening paragraphs.....

Read the rest at http://www.huffingto...b_10086768.html

The Huffington Post is a totally unbiased publication I should believe everything they publish because they have no political agenda. Every thing you read on the internet is true.

So you claim the incident never happened, right?

Nope it happened. I never said I like Trump. It was in the editorializing that went with the call that occurred how many years ago. When we bring something up on Hillary about her changing her views It is normal growth but when it is somebody on the right apparently once on the right and do something stupid doomed for life but on the left it is natural growth as a human being.

Is what Donald did on that call worse then Hillary flat out lying to the families of the Benghazi victims. One his self aggrandizement the other is hurting people at their most vulnerable time when they are mourning a loss of their loved one.

http://www.politifac...who-/Â Â This includes testimony from the family members one gentleman even put it in his Diary at the time. The same day Clinton sent e-mail out telling her family it was not about the film. This article tries to give Clinton the benefit of the doubt but I think the most damning part of the article is the Diary entry. That kind of trumps maybe in the fog of the moment the people were confused. Some said she didn't say anything about the video I believe them she talked with people individually so not all were the same conversations.

"The Huffington Post is a totally unbiased publication I should believe everything they publish because they have no political agenda. Every thing you read on the internet is true."

Oh, OK. That was a "weaseling" version of "it's not true". :-\

And like I said, you don't know what was said when Hillary met with the Benghazi families. Read the politifact article I linked.

Regardless, the point is not the significance of what Trump did, it's the fact he would do such a crazy thing. It also says a lot about how Trump is not even considered a serious candidate by the media. I'll bet most of his supporters don't even know it happened.

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There seems to be an automatic, knee jerk response...

BUT HILLARY...........

Even TODAY, Trump has said different things at different times about the Judge from his Trump U, scam.

Within hours of each other. This also applies to the other thread on Trump you were involved in....He changes his tune, sometimes LITERALLY, in the same speech.

Libya was a CIA operation.....Do you REALLY think you will ever know the full ACTUAL events surrounding it other than the right wing radio BS that has been put in your head? If you do.....continue listening to the fringe nut noise machine, they need useful tools.

You think a spin from both sides hasn't been put around that in a death lock? Seriously, PLEASE be capable of being deeper than that.

Very intelligent response (sarcasm) Knee Jerk Reaction from Right wing. Need useful Tools. The last I checked Politifact is not a Right Wing RAG. You very seldom see me post from Right Wing Publishers I also try to avoid Left Wing Publishers as both tend to editorialize in their reporting.

I don't love Trump as he does have a bad habit of talking first then thinking after removing his foot from his mouth. I just dislike Hillary more then Trump. I disagree with the left viewpoint which is quite obvious. I have disagreed with USUSN and Homer multiple times. They reply back supporting their viewpoint they don't assume I am a tool and ignorant. I reply back with support for my view. We even actually agree on things sometimes. I don't make condescending comments about them being tools of the left. I actually pointed out that the article was from the Huffington post I also said I didn't disagree that he said it I just didn't like the Post editorializing on what he did.

Unlike you with Hillary I see Trump's warts and it is why I am so torn in this election. You seem to be incapable of seeing Hillary's warts.

Next time don't call me a tool and respond with cognizant arguments that support your side.

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I don't even bother engaging the "tools" from the extreme right here, except for the occasional laughter.

Point to ANY post I've made suggesting I don't see HRC's, warts........I'll save you some time, there isn't one. I do think for political effect, her warts are exaggerated, at times....

FTR, AUUSN is a REPUBLICAN.............not a Leftie.....he just isn't a wing nut. Funny how rational people here are lumped in when you don't agree huh? WAIT, isn't that what you accused me of? YEP.

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