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Sanders blasts Trump: 'What are you afraid of?'


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It was Trump's original idea....

Like everything else Trump says, it's just a suggestion and is subject to change the next time he opens his big obnoxious mouth.

If he didn't want to do it, he should never have suggested it....

He says a lot of things that he doesn't mean. Like " I'll be glad to show my tax returns."

I'm just saying, political strategy wise, I don't blame trump for reneging. Right now Sanders is desperate for the debate to defeat Hillary. Sanders would have more to gain and Trump, more to lose. Sanders would've blasted Trump's flippity floppity policies and the "your hands are small" retorts wouldn't have worked with Sanders.

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There's no point in debating Sanders. He is not a Democrat and the DNC will never allow him to be their candidate in the general election. Sanders reminds me of McCarthy and McGovern.

In 1968 the DNC nominated Humphrey as their candidate despite Humphrey never running in a primary. After his loss the DNC put in place a primary system that gave power back to DNC voters. That resulted in the selection of unelectable candidates. In 1984 the DNC Super Delegate system was introduced to prevent popular but unelectable nominees. The DNC Super Delegate system was specifically put in place to prevent a Sanders type nominee

The DNC has come to the end of the primary season without a viable candidate and they need a candidate with a Bill Clinton or Obama type personality to win. The problem is that both Clinton and Obama participated in primaries and their party's voters got to know them and agree to support them.

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The problem for the repubs, is anyone outside the angry white man core supporters of Dumpf, the rest of the electorate has gotten to know him, too.....That's NOT a good thing and NEVER will be. He's an obnoxious, policy clueless douche.

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The fact that Trump suggested a debate with Sanders when "it's not politically in his best interest" is further proof of just how ignorant the man is.

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The fact that Trump suggested a debate with Sanders when "it's not politically in his best interest" is further proof of just how ignorant the man is.

He is politically ignorant, but then, that's what many Americans want.

Or, that's what they SAY they want, but I doubt that's how many really feel. The public has been lied to and yanked around, by both parties, for so long, Trump is basically a big FU to the political elites.

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The fact that Trump suggested a debate with Sanders when "it's not politically in his best interest" is further proof of just how ignorant the man is.

He is politically ignorant, but then, that's what many Americans want.

Or, that's what they SAY they want, but I doubt that's how many really feel. The public has been lied to and yanked around, by both parties, for so long, Trump is basically a big FU to the political elites.

Yeah, let's elect a buffoon. That will teach those political elites a message! :-\

In fact, it will just prove how essential they are.

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It certainly hasn't been traditional for candidates of opposite parties to debate before their conventions/nominations. I have no problem with that, but I also have no problem with changing traditions. [Actually, it's not a long standing or deep tradition for Presidential candidates to debate face-to-face, period.]

I have a problem with Trump changing his story/stance on anything at the drop of a hat depending on his mood or political expediency, a pattern with much of what he says.

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The fact that Trump suggested a debate with Sanders when "it's not politically in his best interest" is further proof of just how ignorant the man is.

He is politically ignorant, but then, that's what many Americans want.

Or, that's what they SAY they want, but I doubt that's how many really feel. The public has been lied to and yanked around, by both parties, for so long, Trump is basically a big FU to the political elites.

Yeah, let's elect a buffoon. That will teach those political elites a message! :-\

It will just prove how essential they are.

I certainly understand the desire to upend the establishment politicians, and can even relate to it in a sense. What I do not understand is how people can willfully support someone like Trump for that reason, instead of removing establishment politicians via House and Senate elections. A non-establishment Trump as President is not going to be able to do anything about the establishment in Congress. Squeeze the establishment out of Congress; that will accomplish a lot more than embarrassing ourselves by electing Trump.

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