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More fear mongering by Obama . Barry says Trump scares world leaders.


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I will never STFU and actually agree with the general you quoted. My kids are the ones on the ground telling them they are legitimate targets and the trigger doesn't get pulled sometimes and the results can be detrimental. This is a tough weekend for our family.

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Guest NC1406

Newsflash boys! World leaders don't fear Trump because he is tough. They fear him because he is stupid.

Trump is not stupid but he is a bit scary. Guess that could be said of all the current candidates in some form.

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Guest NC1406

I will never STFU and actually agree with the general you quoted. My kids are the ones on the ground telling them they are legitimate targets and the trigger doesn't get pulled sometimes and the results can be detrimental. This is a tough weekend for our family.



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Guest NC1406

Lol. The admins of this site really cleaned up a few of my my posts. Think I will be taking a break. Cheers. Remember the reason for our 3 day weekend.

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Newsflash boys! World leaders don't fear Trump because he is tough. They fear him because he is stupid.

Trump is not stupid but he is a bit scary. Guess that could be said of all the current candidates in some form.

I always thought that stupid is as stupid does.

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Newsflash boys! World leaders don't fear Trump because he is tough. They fear him because he is stupid.

Trump is not stupid but he is a bit scary. Guess that could be said of all the current candidates in some form.

I've not seen any evidence that discredits his stupidity. On the contrary, plenty of evidence that he is stupid in pretty much every word that spews out of his mouth.

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Who cares who we scare? About time people respect us after being the laughing stock of the world for the past 7 years... Peace through strength, just like Reagan.

Stupid post.

We are talking about scaring our friends and allies.

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Trump, on John McCain:

“He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Naaah, he's not an idiot. :-\

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Newsflash boys! World leaders don't fear Trump because he is tough. They fear him because he is stupid.

Trump is not stupid but he is a bit scary. Guess that could be said of all the current candidates in some form.

I've not seen any evidence that discredits his stupidity. On the contrary, plenty of evidence that he is stupid in pretty much every word that spews out of his mouth.

This post seems to confirm that many would rather politicians simply read their speeches from a teleprompter. Trump speaks extemporaneously which lends itself to making mistakes. If we're just looking for another guy who excels at looking presidential while reading from a teleprompter then we're satisfied with and probably prefer the status quo. The difference between Trumps mistakes and the lies that have been read to us for the last 8 years is Trump isn't a traditional republican and doesn't parrot the party line well. Believe it or not, thats one of the reason for his success thus far...people are tired of the status quo and the typical lying that has become a part of its fabric. And, just for the record, it seems to me that calling billionaires stupid speaks volumes about the accuser.

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Trump has played the local political game for his business of donating to office holders to grease his rails.....He isn't outside anything, he is the EXACT same thing, all the whiners are whining about.

One can also be wealthy and be ignorant of international politics. EXACTLY like DUMPF is.......he is a douche.

Our allies don't fear his strength, they fear his total cluelessness....You can pretend anything you like, doesn't make it true worth a damn......Makes it funny as hell, though.

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Newsflash boys! World leaders don't fear Trump because he is tough. They fear him because he is stupid.

Trump is not stupid but he is a bit scary. Guess that could be said of all the current candidates in some form.

I've not seen any evidence that discredits his stupidity. On the contrary, plenty of evidence that he is stupid in pretty much every word that spews out of his mouth.

This post seems to confirm that many would rather politicians simply read their speeches from a teleprompter. Trump speaks extemporaneously which lends itself to making mistakes. If we're just looking for another guy who excels at looking presidential while reading from a teleprompter then we're satisfied with and probably prefer the status quo. The difference between Trumps mistakes and the lies that have been read to us for the last 8 years is Trump isn't a traditional republican and doesn't parrot the party line well. Believe it or not, thats one of the reason for his success thus far...people are tired of the status quo and the typical lying that has become a part of its fabric. And, just for the record, it seems to me that calling billionaires stupid speaks volumes about the accuser.

I can't speak for the many you mention, but yes, I do think a candidate should excel at looking presedential especially if that is the office he or she is seeking. I don't think a candidate should refer to women as dogs, insult a race, or a religion. I think a presidential candidate should be able to lay out his her policies in an educated manner. I don't think a candidate should say one thing then say the complete opposite in the span of a day. I don't think a candidate should insult the handicapped or war veterans.

Now, for the record, you go ahead and outline what calling Trump stupid says about me. I want to hear it.

And FTR, Trump inherited his money. He didn't earn it. And there are not any glowing reports of his business endeavors.

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Newsflash boys! World leaders don't fear Trump because he is tough. They fear him because he is stupid.

Trump is not stupid but he is a bit scary. Guess that could be said of all the current candidates in some form.

I've not seen any evidence that discredits his stupidity. On the contrary, plenty of evidence that he is stupid in pretty much every word that spews out of his mouth.

I guess you have to be pretty stupid to run a real estate empire :-\ .
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Newsflash boys! World leaders don't fear Trump because he is tough. They fear him because he is stupid.

Trump is not stupid but he is a bit scary. Guess that could be said of all the current candidates in some form.

I've not seen any evidence that discredits his stupidity. On the contrary, plenty of evidence that he is stupid in pretty much every word that spews out of his mouth.

I guess you have to be pretty stupid to run a real estate empire :-\/> .

Ok, I'll give you this. He is a great con artist. He gets people to invest their money in a scheme that fails and he walks away with no loss. Trump was right, he could shoot someone in the middle of NY and not lose followers.

The man is running for PRESIDENT not for a real estate position. But if you want to look at his "empire" you'll see lots of failures. Like I said earlier, there aren't a lot of glowing reports about Trump the business man.

Maybe ignorant is a better word. Listen to him talk about his tax plan, he never clearly explains it. He just picks out a key word or two and talks in circles. Same for foreign policy, or his stupid wall, or banning immigrants. He demonstrates no knowledge, only insults.

You can tell me he isn't stupid all day, but until you show me, I'm not buying what you're selling.

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Newsflash boys! World leaders don't fear Trump because he is tough. They fear him because he is stupid.

Trump is not stupid but he is a bit scary. Guess that could be said of all the current candidates in some form.

I've not seen any evidence that discredits his stupidity. On the contrary, plenty of evidence that he is stupid in pretty much every word that spews out of his mouth.

I guess you have to be pretty stupid to run a real estate empire :-\/> .

Helps to inherit millions from daddy and take advantage of bankruptcy laws to bail you out of bad decisions.

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Newsflash boys! World leaders don't fear Trump because he is tough. They fear him because he is stupid.

Trump is not stupid but he is a bit scary. Guess that could be said of all the current candidates in some form.

I've not seen any evidence that discredits his stupidity. On the contrary, plenty of evidence that he is stupid in pretty much every word that spews out of his mouth.

I guess you have to be pretty stupid to run a real estate empire :-\/> .

Helps to inherit millions from daddy and take advantage of bankruptcy laws to bail you out of bad decisions.

many who inherit daddy's millions just sit on 'em and do nothing their whole life. Trump has increased his inheritance over 30 times and lived like a king in the interim. Oh, and I suppose your opinion of him would be better if he hadn't filed any bankruptcies, right? LOL Dude you sound more and more like an envious little shrew. I did not vote for Trump and would prefer another candidate but I guarantee you I'll vote for him over Hillary the lying money laundering influence peddling criminal who has put self interest ahead of everything in her sham of a public service career.

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Newsflash boys! World leaders don't fear Trump because he is tough. They fear him because he is stupid.

Trump is not stupid but he is a bit scary. Guess that could be said of all the current candidates in some form.

I've not seen any evidence that discredits his stupidity. On the contrary, plenty of evidence that he is stupid in pretty much every word that spews out of his mouth.

I guess you have to be pretty stupid to run a real estate empire :-\/> .

Helps to inherit millions from daddy and take advantage of bankruptcy laws to bail you out of bad decisions.

many who inherit daddy's millions just sit on 'em and do nothing their whole life. Trump has increased his inheritance over 30 times and lived like a king in the interim. Oh, and I suppose your opinion of him would be better if he hadn't filed any bankruptcies, right? LOL Dude you sound more and more like an envious little shrew. I did not vote for Trump and would prefer another candidate but I guarantee you I'll vote for him over Hillary the lying money laundering influence peddling criminal who has put self interest ahead of everything in her sham of a public service career.

Many? Care to name these do nothing millionaires? I don't care how much money he has, he is not qualified to be president. The man has insulted everyone but angry white redneck men.

And why does a man with all that money want a job that pays $400,000?

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"And, just for the record, it seems to me that calling billionaires stupid speaks volumes about the accuser. "

Trump is stupid and I'm still waiting to read those volumes.

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Newsflash boys! World leaders don't fear Trump because he is tough. They fear him because he is stupid.

Trump is not stupid but he is a bit scary. Guess that could be said of all the current candidates in some form.

I've not seen any evidence that discredits his stupidity. On the contrary, plenty of evidence that he is stupid in pretty much every word that spews out of his mouth.

I guess you have to be pretty stupid to run a real estate empire :-\/> .

Helps to inherit millions from daddy and take advantage of bankruptcy laws to bail you out of bad decisions.

many who inherit daddy's millions just sit on 'em and do nothing their whole life. Trump has increased his inheritance over 30 times and lived like a king in the interim. Oh, and I suppose your opinion of him would be better if he hadn't filed any bankruptcies, right? LOL Dude you sound more and more like an envious little shrew. I did not vote for Trump and would prefer another candidate but I guarantee you I'll vote for him over Hillary the lying money laundering influence peddling criminal who has put self interest ahead of everything in her sham of a public service career.

If Trump had simply put his inherited fortune into an index fund he would be worth significantly more than he is now. Instead, he tried to play businessman (and failed).

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Back on topic, it's pretty disgraceful for Obama, while traveling out of country, to interject himself into the election, going so far to insult the opposition candidate, and those who voted / supported him.

But Barry can't help being Barry, I guess.

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