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Insurers warn losses from ObamaCare are unsustainable


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Is healthcare a right or a service?

Are doctor groups private businesses?

I would call it a service. Not a right.

If the government wants to go into business educating and then hiring doctors to serve the general public, then they should do so.

The choice between service or right is a non sequitur.

I can be - and is - both.

But so many consider it a right.

What does your sense of human decency say? Please remember that you live in the wealthiest society the world has ever known and, we aren't talking about a second home, or a yacht. We are talking about a fundamental need of every human being.

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Is healthcare a right or a service?

Are doctor groups private businesses?

I would call it a service. Not a right.

If the government wants to go into business educating and then hiring doctors to serve the general public, then they should do so.

The choice between service or right is a non sequitur.

I can be - and is - both.

But so many consider it a right.

Well, yeah. That's because it is.

It can't be a right. It requires the time and labor of another individual. Name for me another right which falls into that same catagory

You can't.

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Is healthcare a right or a service?

Are doctor groups private businesses?

I would call it a service. Not a right.

If the government wants to go into business educating and then hiring doctors to serve the general public, then they should do so.

The choice between service or right is a non sequitur.

I can be - and is - both.

But so many consider it a right.

Well, yeah. That's because it is.

It can't be a right. It requires the time and labor of another individual. Name for me another right which falls into that same catagory

You can't.

Boy, you're becoming the King of non sequiturs.

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It is interesting that the more government gets into providing healthcare insurance the more expensive it gets.

How do we fix that and provide some safety net national healthcare insurance program?


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It is interesting that the more government gets into providing healthcare insurance the more expensive it gets.

How do we fix that and provide some safety net national healthcare insurance program?


Maybe we should consider doing what other countries do that spend less yet get better outcomes.

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It can't be a right. It requires the time and labor of another individual. Name for me another right which falls into that same catagory

You can't.

Boy, you're becoming the King of non sequiturs.

Try not using terms or words which you don't understand.

Here, read this and catch up to the rest of us -

A typical column runs some 800 words.

For some subjects, that’s far too many. One case in point: your “right” to health care.

Among the rights guaranteed (not “given” as Bill Clinton believes) to you in our Constitution are:

Freedom of religion

Freedom of speech

The right to peaceably assemble.

The right to petition the government

The right to keep and bear arms

The right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures

Protection from double jeopardy

Due process

A speedy and public trial by jury

The right to legal counsel when charged with a crime

With one exception, the right to representation in court and a trial by jury, these rights require nothing of any other citizen but that they recognize your rights and not interfere with them.

Your “right to health care” would require some other person to give up a portion of their life or their property to either treat you or to provide you with drugs or medical implements. The Constitution does not provide for another individual to be indentured to you in this manner.

Therefore, you have no “right” to health care.

Deal with it.

Point made in only 200 words. That’s short and sweet. - Neal Boortz

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It can't be a right. It requires the time and labor of another individual. Name for me another right which falls into that same catagory

You can't.

Boy, you're becoming the King of non sequiturs.

Try not using terms or words which you don't understand.

Here, read this and catch up to the rest of us -

A typical column runs some 800 words.

For some subjects, that’s far too many. One case in point: your “right” to health care.

Among the rights guaranteed (not “given” as Bill Clinton believes) to you in our Constitution are:

Freedom of religion

Freedom of speech

The right to peaceably assemble.

The right to petition the government

The right to keep and bear arms

The right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures

Protection from double jeopardy

Due process

A speedy and public trial by jury

The right to legal counsel when charged with a crime

With one exception, the right to representation in court and a trial by jury, these rights require nothing of any other citizen but that they recognize your rights and not interfere with them.

Your “right to health care” would require some other person to give up a portion of their life or their property to either treat you or to provide you with drugs or medical implements. The Constitution does not provide for another individual to be indentured to you in this manner.

Therefore, you have no “right” to health care.

Deal with it.

Point made in only 200 words. That’s short and sweet. - Neal Boortz

Doctors are paid for their services last time I checked.

Course - being sane and all - I've never "visited" Raptor World. I guess it's different there.

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It is interesting that the more government gets into providing healthcare insurance the more expensive it gets.

How do we fix that and provide some safety net national healthcare insurance program?


Maybe we should consider doing what other countries do that spend less yet get better outcomes.

There will always be some sort of rationing. Today we ration based on price. If we switch to rationing based on service, the less advantaged will get what they are offered. The more advantaged when declined, will seek services elsewhere and pay as needed.

I think we need the following no matter what system is put in place.

  • Control the tort lawyers.

  • Force the state insurance commissions to accept out of state health insurance providers.

  • Stop heath insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies from contributing (legal bribes) to politicians. (that will take a constitutional amendment)

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Doctors are paid for their services last time I checked.

Course - being sane and all - I've never "visited" Raptor World. I guess it's different there.

Thank you for admitting that HC isn't a " right " , but a SERVICE.

As I so plainly stated it was in the first place.

Good day.

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Guest NC1406

Is healthcare a right or a service?

Are doctor groups private businesses?

I would call it a service. Not a right.

If the government wants to go into business educating and then hiring doctors to serve the general public, then they should do so.

The choice between service or right is a non sequitur.

I can be - and is - both.

But so many consider it a right.

What does your sense of human decency say? Please remember that you live in the wealthiest society the world has ever known and, we aren't talking about a second home, or a yacht. We are talking about a fundamental need of every human being.

Do you have the right to demand I be a decent human when I cause you no harm? I am not your brothers keeper.

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This is why certain strains of libertarian thought need to die a quick death. Too many have gotten "conservative" and "libertarian" confused.

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It is interesting that the more government gets into providing healthcare insurance the more expensive it gets.

How do we fix that and provide some safety net national healthcare insurance program?


Maybe we should consider doing what other countries do that spend less yet get better outcomes.

There will always be some sort of rationing. Today we ration based on price. If we switch to rationing based on service, the less advantaged will get what they are offered. The more advantaged when declined, will seek services elsewhere and pay as needed.

I think we need the following no matter what system is put in place.

  • Control the tort lawyers.

  • Force the state insurance commissions to accept out of state health insurance providers.

  • Stop heath insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies from contributing (legal bribes) to politicians. (that will take a constitutional amendment)

That's true enough. The right to healthcare doesn't necessarily mean the best that money can buy.

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Doctors are paid for their services last time I checked.

Course - being sane and all - I've never "visited" Raptor World. I guess it's different there.

Thank you for admitting that HC isn't a " right " , but a SERVICE.

As I so plainly stated it was in the first place.

Good day.

There is no - ZERO - aspect of a service that precludes it from also being a right as a citizen, much less than as a member of the human race. The right is for the service.

Likewise, there is no - ZERO - aspect of a right that precludes it from being a service.

It's illogical - not to mention WEIRD - to assert otherwise.

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So we have a right to life, just not to anything that actually would help prevent your from dying too early.

Is there no consideration given here to the idea that people being able to see doctors and get prescriptions for preventative care is much less expensive over time than letting people go without care then treating them only when it's an emergency or has developed into a critical life or death stage of the condition or illness?

Or are you proposing that we just let such people die untreated as well because they have no right to health care at all?

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You really aren't grasping the concept of what constitutes a ' right ' , are you ?

"Logic cannot support the premise that health care is a right. Health care is a service that is administered by another human being with the requisite skills and knowledge. To claim that healthcare as a "right" is to claim a right to the services of the health-care provider. In effect, this means you are claiming a "right" to a portion of that person's life – both a portion of the time already spent developing his skills, and a portion of the time spent practicing those skills on you."

Neal Boortz

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You really aren't grasping the concept of what constitutes a ' right ' , are you ?

"Logic cannot support the premise that health care is a right. Health care is a service that is administered by another human being with the requisite skills and knowledge. To claim that healthcare as a "right" is to claim a right to the services of the health-care provider. In effect, this means you are claiming a "right" to a portion of that person's life – both a portion of the time already spent developing his skills, and a portion of the time spent practicing those skills on you."

Neal Boortz

Totally disingenuous. No one is talking about doctors performing services without just compensation. We are talking about removing the insurers from the process.

You have become the primary source of deceptive stupidity. Congratulations!

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It's not a right

I am still waiting on a rational explanation of why it isn't.

Even before the ACA people were not turned away who needed treatment. To insist they should have been is inhuman.

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It's not a right

I am still waiting on a rational explanation of why it isn't.

Even before the ACA people were not turned away who needed treatment. To insist they should have been is inhuman.

Rights are God given. Government can only impede those rights. By forcing medical labor to give away their services is a form of government imposed forced labor, sometimes called slave labor.

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You really aren't grasping the concept of what constitutes a ' right ' , are you ?

"Logic cannot support the premise that health care is a right. Health care is a service that is administered by another human being with the requisite skills and knowledge. To claim that healthcare as a "right" is to claim a right to the services of the health-care provider. In effect, this means you are claiming a "right" to a portion of that person's life – both a portion of the time already spent developing his skills, and a portion of the time spent practicing those skills on you."

Neal Boortz

Totally disingenuous. No one is talking about doctors performing services without just compensation. We are talking about removing the insurers from the process.

You have become the primary source of deceptive stupidity. Congratulations!

Doctors refuse Medicare and Medicaid patients now because of insufficient compensation. GPs will readily admit that relying solely on those patients will put them out of business quickly.

Now about removing the insurers. if that is indeed desirable, it only replaces private insurance with government insurance. It is still there. One is more efficient than the other. Either way they will dictate coverage and price.

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It's not a right

I am still waiting on a rational explanation of why it isn't.

Even before the ACA people were not turned away who needed treatment. To insist they should have been is inhuman.

Rights are God given. Government can only impede those rights. By forcing medical labor to give away their services is a form of government imposed forced labor, sometimes called slave labor.

You have become a liar? Lyin' AF?

Please name the a countries in which doctors are enslaved.

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Doctors refuse Medicare and Medicaid patients now because of insufficient compensation.

No " lyin' " going on here, what so ever. To accuse anyone lf lying over flatly stated facts is itself being a liar and demagoging the issue.

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You really aren't grasping the concept of what constitutes a ' right ' , are you ?

"Logic cannot support the premise that health care is a right. Health care is a service that is administered by another human being with the requisite skills and knowledge. To claim that healthcare as a "right" is to claim a right to the services of the health-care provider. In effect, this means you are claiming a "right" to a portion of that person's life – both a portion of the time already spent developing his skills, and a portion of the time spent practicing those skills on you."

Neal Boortz

Totally disingenuous. No one is talking about doctors performing services without just compensation. We are talking about removing the insurers from the process.

You have become the primary source of deceptive stupidity. Congratulations!

Doctors refuse Medicare and Medicaid patients now because of insufficient compensation. GPs will readily admit that relying solely on those patients will put them out of business quickly.

Now about removing the insurers. if that is indeed desirable, it only replaces private insurance with government insurance. It is still there. One is more efficient than the other. Either way they will dictate coverage and price.

Actually the government is much more efficient in insuring healthcare than for-profit insurance companies are.

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Doctors refuse Medicare and Medicaid patients now because of insufficient compensation.

No " lyin' " going on here, what so ever. To accuse anyone lf lying over flatly stated facts is itself being a liar and demagoging the issue.

Your ignorance of the issue does not constitute lying on my part.

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Actually the government is much more efficient in insuring healthcare than for-profit insurance companies are.

Right. And the welfare dollar does more to help the economy too.


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