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If You're Outraged Over Obama Remaining in Cuba After the Brussels Attacks...


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Reagan didn't have to attend a lot of these things because he had the respect of most Americans and other countries. He was a leader in the eyes of the world. Not so Obama. We are no longer held in high esteem by much of the world and while our Belgian friend washed blood off the walls and looked for body parts, Obama did the Samba in socialist Argentina.

You cannot be serious.

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The timeframe isn't relevant. Reagan is the one brought up because he's the ideal Republican that virtually all GOP backers point to. He's practically a deity.

It is. We live in a post 9/11 world.

And Reagan was brought up in a laughable attempt to raise Barry's status as to somewhere equal that of Reagan's. Pure and utter nonsense.

So I take it that you believe Reagan was calloused and wrong for his above actions?

Different times, my friend. And this false meme of Reagan was ' vacationing ' at his own damn Ranch, where he was every bit as connected to what was going on a Bush was in Crawford. These aren't 5 star resorts where they were body surfing, playing golf or yachting. Such HOMES essentially served as a second White House.

This must really piss off some folks, to go to such lengths as to bring up Reagan as any sort of lame attempt to defend Barry.

Yeah, Reagon was so connected that his advisers had to beg him to come back to Washington.

"September 1, 1983 -- Reagan was still on vacation in California when the Soviets shot down Korean Airlines Flight 007.

REAGAN OPTICS, September 1, 1983 -- According to Fox News Channel's Chris Wallace, as well as contemporaneous accounts, Reagan planned to remain on vacation until he was photographed horseback riding and was convinced to return to the White House.

The Washington Post, 9/4/83 -- At this point, [Press Secretary Larry] Speakes was interrupted and asked if Reagan was going back to Washington. He ignored the question and read a statement on the Middle East. Asked again if Reagan was going back to Washington, Speakes answered, "There are no plans for the president to return to Washington earlier than anticipated."

FOX NEWS CHANNEL'S CHRIS WALLACE: I was covering Ronald Reagan at that time. He was in Santa Barbara at his ranch when that happened, and quite frankly he didn't want to leave. And his advisers realized how terrible this looked, and eventually persuaded him he had to fly back to Washington and had to give this speech to the nation, but it did take him four days."

So Reagan realized that it looked bad for him to be riding his horse after a tragedy and went back to the White House. Remind me again who it is you are defending.

And didn't Obama also return to the whitehouse on schedule???

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