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Cuba Has a New Communist

Proud Tiger

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titan you have every right to go to a foreign country and apologize for Americas faults, but the president of the USA should never apologize in front of a foreign leader.

Please provide a link to this apology.

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titan you have every right to go to a foreign country and apologize for Americas faults, but the president of the USA should never apologize in front of a foreign leader.

Is there any difference in your mind between a president acknowledging our faults publicly vs "apologizing?"

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There's no need to apologize/ acknowledge our "faults" over and over and over again. This is what is so infuriating with President Obama. He is ever admonishng, apologizing ,or talking down the United States of America. As a leader of the free world, it s a terrible theme to repeat ,perpetually.

And while it bears remembering that his mother was a socialist who hated capitalism, and his dad was a communist, as well as his 20 + years spent in Reverend Wright's anti-American so-called church, all this must be taken into context.

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Wake the hell up America! barry hussane is a communist fascist marxist communist bent on the detroyin of hour country. Any buddy can see it who aint a blind libtard.

Between golfin, scandels and apologizes an bein dictater he has recked the USA. Hour allys dont trust us no more. Hour enemys aint got no fear. Hour country has fell into the cesspool of libturd policy makin.

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inexcusable - TitanTiger

Something something freeze peach

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