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Cuba Has a New Communist

Proud Tiger

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You tell him Blue! No one sees reality like you do!

"Thats just part of it. They want to create a nationalized police force equally funded as the US military . Obama has spoken about it on several occasions. It'll probably resemble the Nazi Brown shirts that were virtually ubiquitous in Germany pre-WW2." TheBlueVue http://www.aufamily....em/page__st__20

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"Obama has talked down about how unexceptional America is since day 1. As he did in Cuba. Despicable"

Please cite specific examples that support your outrage.

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Have you stopped beating your wife? Go ahead, just answer the question.

No, one assumes something negative (that you at least have beaten your wife in the past) and forces you to affirm that by saying whether it's still happening. Mine is a simple yes/no answer. Are there things that America doesn't do well or does wrong? It's not a hard question.

No country hasn't done wrong in its past. It's an asinine premise for you to ask.

I'll take that as a "yes." America has things it doesn't do well, things it does badly, things it could stand to improve on. So the mere act of acknowledging that shouldn't be a problem, it's being honest.

So my next question is this: If you agree that he's right in saying that there are things America hasn't done well or could do better on, is there something inherently wrong with saying so publicly?

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"Obama has talked down about how unexceptional America is since day 1. As he did in Cuba. Despicable"

Please cite specific examples that support your outrage.

Don't have to. I'm gonna play by your rules & not back up my claims. You've done it with me & false claims I lied.

Barry hates America . It's true because I said so.

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There's no reason to admit the USA has done wrong. Barry going there gives the impression that he's groveling to Cuba. Him saying the USA does things wrong , while in Cuba , then that stupid, goofy puppet act makes us look weak, impotent and subservient to the Castros. It's like he's apologizing for the embargo, when Fidel is the one wrong here. It's not remotely close either.

We've done nothing wrong with regards to Cuba which would warrant such capitulation.

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Lyin Raptor!

You do have to if, your narrative has any merit.

I do not have "rules".

Your refusal to acknowledge your lies and deception is not a reflection upon me. It is a reflection upon you.

Your refusal to participate genuinely, intelligently, honestly is predictable.

Narratives are not truth, particularly and obviously when not defended.

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There's no reason to admit the USA has done wrong.

You've already said we have done things wrong, or that we don't do things right all the time. Or that others do them better than we do.

Barry going there gives the impression that he's groveling to Cuba. Him saying the USA does things wrong , while in Cuba , then that stupid, goofy puppet act makes us look weak, impotent and subservient to the Castros. It's like he's apologizing for the embargo, when Fidel is the one wrong here. It's not remotely close either.

It's not a "puppet act" to anyone but you. It was a goofy, awkward handshake where Castro tried to raise his arm and Obama wasn't going along or wasn't understanding what he was trying to do.

But regardless, there's nothing wrong with being humble and confident enough to admit, even on foreign soil that we don't always get it right. Maybe in some ways you're doing some things better than we are right now. It's not groveling, it's just being honest and real and perhaps gracious.

We've done nothing wrong with regards to Cuba which would warrant such capitulation.

It's not "capitulation" to admit that you've not always done things well.

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I see you as s weeping, sniffling , timid Woody Allen type of guy. Always eager to broadcast your faults & fears, but seldom proud of any good / great things you've done or even tried to do.

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"There ate no lies for me to acknowledge. If there are, post them."

It has been done repeatedly by myself and others. Hence, "refusal to acknowledge". That, along with the attempts to redefine the word, lie,,,,,,,,

LYIN' Raptor.

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I see you as s weeping, sniffling , timid Woody Allen type of guy. Always eager to broadcast your faults & fears, but seldom proud of any good / great things you've done or even tried to do.

I don't really care how you see me. We've never met in person. You don't know me. Your opinion of me is less than irrelevant.

But it doesn't really address the questions. Why do you avoid straight answers so much?

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I see you as s weeping, sniffling , timid Woody Allen type of guy. Always eager to broadcast your faults & fears, but seldom proud of any good / great things you've done or even tried to do.

I don't really care how you see me. We've never met in person. You don't know me. Your opinion of me is less than irrelevant.

Doesn't that work both ways?

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I see you as s weeping, sniffling , timid Woody Allen type of guy. Always eager to broadcast your faults & fears, but seldom proud of any good / great things you've done or even tried to do.

I don't really care how you see me. We've never met in person. You don't know me. Your opinion of me is less than irrelevant.

But it doesn't really address the questions. Why do you avoid straight answers so much?

How many times must I tell you the question is irrelevant ? Oh, even though I have answered , you still want me to grovel & capitulate more & more? Nonsense.

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I see you as s weeping, sniffling , timid Woody Allen type of guy. Always eager to broadcast your faults & fears, but seldom proud of any good / great things you've done or even tried to do.

I don't really care how you see me. We've never met in person. You don't know me. Your opinion of me is less than irrelevant.

But it doesn't really address the questions. Why do you avoid straight answers so much?

How many times must I tell you the question is irrelevant ? Oh, even though I have answered , you still want me to grovel & capitulate more & more? Nonsense.

It's not irrelevant. You just avoid giving straight answers.

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Because it's totally irrelevant & pointless.

Titan - you're one of those Emory u students ? Cmon. Fess up. Or did you raise one of those little daisies ?

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Because it's totally irrelevant & pointless.

Titan - you're one of those Emory u students ? Cmon. Fess up. Or did you raise one of those little daisies ?

Raptor: So quick to question the fortitude of others yet too scared to answer the simplest of questions. Weird.

Anyway, we know that you've acknowledged that America doesn't do everything right or do it better than everyone else. So now we're on to whether there is something inherently wrong with saying so publicly. It's not a hard question. Is there something wrong with a president saying, in public, something you've already acknowledged is true?

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I see you as s weeping, sniffling , timid Woody Allen type of guy. Always eager to broadcast your faults it& fears, but seldom proud of any good / great things you've done or even tried to do.


I don't really care how you see me. We've never met in person. You don't know me. Your opinion of me is less than irrelevant.

But it doesn't really address the questions. Why do you avoid straight answers so much?


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Because it's totally irrelevant & pointless.

Titan - you're one of those Emory u students ? Cmon. Fess up. Or did you raise one of those little daisies ?

Raptor: So quick to question the fortitude of others yet too scared to answer the simplest of questions. Weird.

Not in the least bit 'weird'. I recognize the question , as well as the idiotic pretense behind it being asked. " Scared " has zero to do with anything, just as OUR President having to apologize for every perceived or actual wrong this country has committed in the past 228 years, every time he steps foot on foreign soil , has to do with anything either. Why does he feel the need to confess sins HE didn't even commit ? Probably has something to do with why he feels so compelled to interject his own life into " historic " events, which he had absolutely nothing to do with, as he tried to do with bringing up the Bay of Pigs , or mentioning his dad, ( who up and left him and his mother ). Obama feels that , somehow, by putting his own life into the timeline of actual real events , like the Cuban revolution, or the start of the embargo, he somehow is imbued with some special significance. He has all the egocentricism of Trump w/ only 1/2 the bluster.

Anyway, we know that you've acknowledged that America doesn't do everything right or do it better than everyone else. So now we're on to whether there is something inherently wrong with saying so publicly. It's not a hard question. Is there something wrong with a president saying, in public, something you've already acknowledged is true?

Actually, we DO do it better than anyone else. Which flag still sits on the Moon? Who came in and saved Europe from the NAZIS ? Whose farms feed the world ? I really could go on for a while here, but you get the picture.

And how many times will suffice for you to have our President grovel and whine about this country's blemished existence before our so called sins are paid for ? What freaking purpose does it serve to START new relations with Cuba , if that's what we're to call this, by talking down our own existence ?

And what of other countries ? Do they not have to confess as well ? Cuba, of all nations, is far from pure, but I don't see you banging your drum to have them or any other nation confess to their wrong doings or the error of their ways.

Seriously, WTF is your problem ?

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"Which flag still sits on the Moon? Who came in and saved Europe from the NAZIS ?"

Nice to see Lyin Raptor endorsing Democratic administrations.

The Democrats have their own flag ?

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"ICHY - not once . And you know it."

You are correct. There are so many examples, I have lost count.

Truthin' Raptor!

Not even 1 example, because if there were, you'd ( or anyone ) would post it.

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Actually, we DO do it better than anyone else. Which flag still sits on the Moon? Who came in and saved Europe from the NAZIS ? Whose farms feed the world ? I really could go on for a while here, but you get the picture.

We do everything better than anyone else? There's nothing we could learn from other countries or cultures, nothing that we couldn't fix or improve on? No matter what area of society, politics or whatever - we do it better than everyone? Not only is that completely untrue, it's a direct contradiction of what you said earlier.

America does a lot of things great. Better than anyone. I fully believe that. We're an amazing country with a proud history. But that doesn't mean we've got it all together and that other countries and cultures have nothing to offer us that we could glean from.

And how many times will suffice for you to have our President grovel and whine about this country's blemished existence before our so called sins are paid for ? What freaking purpose does it serve to START new relations with Cuba , if that's what we're to call this, by talking down our own existence?

So to admit any faults or shortcomings is groveling and whining? You can only sing your own praises but not acknowledge any areas where you could have acted better or can do better going forward?

And what of other countries ? Do they not have to confess as well? Cuba, of all nations, is far from pure, but I don't see you banging your drum to have them or any other nation confess to their wrong doings or the error of their ways.

Cuba isn't my country. So I don't spend a lot of time thinking about what they should say. But in general, I think any time two countries have been at odds, it helps if someone will start down the road of admitting areas where they could have done better, where they might have contributed (even if it's small things) to things getting off course. Someone has to take the initiative and be the "bigger man" so to speak to open that dialogue. I don't get where saying the things Obama said is a huge issue.

Seriously, WTF is your problem ?

My problem, if I have one, is dealing with people like you that are so blindly partisan that having a normal conversation with you is nearly impossible. You can't answer simple questions. You twist, wiggle and dodge at every turn. You can only see things the other side does in the absolute worst possible light and attribute only the most sinister motives to it. That is not the behavior of a well-adjusted, reasonable human being. That's my problem.

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People like me... Patriotic ?

And I'm not the one who's twisting things around here. That would be you, with your guilt laden insistence on trying to find fault with the United States where there is nothing to be gained from you harping on this topic. And talk about arrogance and hubris, look @ your own words. Anyone who doesn't think or believe as you do is not "well-adjusted"?

The basic point is that this president, Obama, has a history of down playing the united states, especially when he is on foreign soil. I find it ridiculous and insulting, whereas you think it's just perfectly fine. I don't know what else to say about that.

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