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Cuba Has a New Communist

Proud Tiger

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Raptor, your shtick is getting so old. We get it. You hate Obama.

I hate what he's doing as President.

* Also, I did not start this thread. When I post its no schtick. You need to see ICHY for that.

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Raptor, your shtick is getting so old. We get it. You hate Obama.

I hate what he's doing as President.

* Also, I did not start this thread. When I post its no schtick. You need to see ICHY for that.

Oddly, your posts are starting to sound more and more like ICHY's satirical posts. At this point, they are becoming predictably repetitive.

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Obama goes and says / does something stupid & I comment on it ? I'm the one being predictably repetitive?


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...starting to sound more and more like ICHY's satirical posts...

Starting to?


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...starting to sound more and more like ICHY's satirical posts...

Starting to?


I was being nice.

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...starting to sound more and more like ICHY's satirical posts...

Starting to?


I was being nice.

He's not one for reciprocating.

If he didn't exist we really would have to invent him.

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You really are that clueless Ben ? If I didn't exist ? Hell, the rest of the world would have to be invented. Because you're denying REALITY

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...starting to sound more and more like ICHY's satirical posts...

Starting to?


I was being nice.

He's not one for reciprocating.

If he didn't exist we really would have to invent him.

Absolutely! You have to have a standard for defining "zero" regardless of how you plot it. ;D

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That, and the fact that Obama agreed with Castro about what is wrong with America. That's not exactly what we need in a president, now is it?

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That, and the fact that Obama agreed with Castro about what is wrong with America. That's not exactly what we need in a president, now is it?

Are there things wrong with America? Do we do everything right?

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That, and the fact that Obama agreed with Castro about what is wrong with America. That's not exactly what we need in a president, now is it?

Are there things wrong with America? Do we do everything right?

Why do you ask such inane questions? Seriously, it must be taken in context of what he actually said and where he said it. On stage, and historic meeting with Raul Castro. If you actually took the time and read what he said, you'd see that Obama did what he always does. He offers insults to his own country, and then speaks out of the other side of his mouth with tepid praise. This way , witless myrmidons can cherry pick quotes out of his speech say "what are you talking about, he said great things about America!".

Obama should not of gone there in the first place. He should not have stood in front of that mural of Che. He should not have once again trashed the USA, and he sure as hell should not have played the part of a puppet on stage with the Cuban leader. This was a disaster every which way.

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That, and the fact that Obama agreed with Castro about what is wrong with America. That's not exactly what we need in a president, now is it?

Are there things wrong with America? Do we do everything right?

Why do you ask such inane questions?

Why don't you just answer the question?

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"This way , witless myrmidons can cherry pick quotes out of his speech"

"Thats just part of it. They want to create a nationalized police force equally funded as the US military . Obama has spoken about it on several occasions. It'll probably resemble the Nazi Brown shirts that were virtually ubiquitous in Germany pre-WW2." TheBlueVue http://www.aufamily.com/forums/topic/142676-anti-cop-protesters-want-radical-change-of-the-system/page__st__20

I see your point. Well done!

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Have you stopped beating your wife? Go ahead, just answer the question. This is the kind of nonsense that you're playing The president of my country does not need to go up and apologize for what he did not do. This whole apology tour of Obama's is just never ending. It's complete bs.

No other countries leader goes to so such nks or so much effort to apologize for his country than Obama does with the United States. It's pathetic and sickening.

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"This whole apology tour of Obama's is just never ending. It's complete bs."

Yes, complete BS. The "conservative" talk radio crowd loves it, though. It relieves them from responsibility for, and reflecting on, the Bush years.

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Have you stopped beating your wife? Go ahead, just answer the question.

No, one assumes something negative (that you at least have beaten your wife in the past) and forces you to affirm that by saying whether it's still happening. Mine is a simple yes/no answer. Are there things that America doesn't do well or does wrong? It's not a hard question.

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Have you stopped beating your wife? Go ahead, just answer the question.

No, one assumes something negative (that you at least have beaten your wife in the past) and forces you to affirm that by saying whether it's still happening. Mine is a simple yes/no answer. Are there things that America doesn't do well or does wrong? It's not a hard question.

Nope it isn't hard but, it is stupid. I realize you're a big proponent of restoring diplomatic relations with cuba but trying to make Obama's remarks seem benign by asking if America is perfect is nothing if not silly. Frankly, I'll never become accustomed to an American President airing our dirty laundry outside of the country every chance he gets. Its unnecessary and down right unbecoming and regardless of the fact that we do, indeed, have our warts, America is by far the best place to live in the world. If it isn't why in the hell does nearly every disaffected person from around the world want to come here and wiling to risk life and limb to get here?

America needs a leader who demonstrably loves the country. One who isn't so invested in publicly criticizing every shortfall while meeting with foreign dictators. Frankly, Ive never seen a guy as eager to appease foreign dictators who have absolutely horrible records of human rights abuses as Obama is.What other national leader disparages his homeland like Obama does? His efforts to improve the country would be better received if, while abroad, he kept his disparaging comments about American to himself. Maybe Obama does love America but he has a heckuva way of showing it.That you disagree with this opinion definitely wont produce my shocked face.

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Have you stopped beating your wife? Go ahead, just answer the question.

No, one assumes something negative (that you at least have beaten your wife in the past) and forces you to affirm that by saying whether it's still happening. Mine is a simple yes/no answer. Are there things that America doesn't do well or does wrong? It's not a hard question.

No country hasn't done wrong in its past. It's an asinine premise for you to ask. Did Raul apologize to all those who fled the terror in Cuba ?

Obama has talked down about how unexceptional America is since day 1. As he did in Cuba. Despicable

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