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The disintegration of Donald Trump


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Only one datapoint but this Rubio supporter is going to Trump. It will be interesting to how the split of Rubio donors/supporters goes.

I think the vast majority ( in excess of 75% ) will move over to Cruz. When Rubio went along with the gang of 8, that doomed his presidential aspirations. Seems the Republicans just never learn. Going along with the Democrats is not a winning strategy.

Yeah, consistent obstructionism has been so good for them. :rolleyes:

Actually it has. You call it obstruction, I suppose that's true. It won them two midterm landslides though.

Those midterm successes have far more to do with having control of 31 state legislatures and getting to redraw congressional districts in ways favorable to Republicans than any accomplishments in Washington.

When it comes to presidential elections, they want to nominate people like McCain and Romney, two guys who embodied the go along and get along mentality, Both lost big.

We got McCain and Romney because frankly there weren't really very many other good options on the bench. At least who were willing to run. We were in a lull just like the Dems were in 2004 (and to some degree in 2000).

That's true to a point. 2010, the candidates for office ran largely on opposition to the Democrats and Obama in particular. 2014 was more or less the same thing. Even more striking was the number of GOP candidates for state and local office who got elected running as a conservatives. My basic point is that by agreeing with and going along with the Democrats on things like amnesty is a recipe for failure for Republicans yet they keep wanting to do it. Romney was doomed because his Romneycare was the blueprint for Obamacare. He wasn't a great candidate by any stretch but he was ok enough.

And a Republican plan written by the Cato Institute was the blueprint for "Romneycare".

That illustrates the problem. The GOP has allowed itself to be hijacked - or actually turned itself over to - the right wing of the party. What's ironic is this wing of the party is so wrapped up in social issues they don't have sense enough to vote in their own economic interests. They project their economic frustration toward immigrants, instead of the rich oligarchy that runs the country.

Regardless, from what I've read, Trump supporters do not want to see the repeal of Obamacare without replacing it with something better (for them). I don't see any cries from the Trump crowd to eliminate programs.

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Only one datapoint but this Rubio supporter is going to Trump. It will be interesting to how the split of Rubio donors/supporters goes.

I think the vast majority ( in excess of 75% ) will move over to Cruz. When Rubio went along with the gang of 8, that doomed his presidential aspirations. Seems the Republicans just never learn. Going along with the Democrats is not a winning strategy.

Yeah, consistent obstructionism has been so good for them. :rolleyes:

Actually it has. You call it obstruction, I suppose that's true. It won them two midterm landslides though.

Those midterm successes have far more to do with having control of 31 state legislatures and getting to redraw congressional districts in ways favorable to Republicans than any accomplishments in Washington.

When it comes to presidential elections, they want to nominate people like McCain and Romney, two guys who embodied the go along and get along mentality, Both lost big.

We got McCain and Romney because frankly there weren't really very many other good options on the bench. At least who were willing to run. We were in a lull just like the Dems were in 2004 (and to some degree in 2000).

That's true to a point. 2010, the candidates for office ran largely on opposition to the Democrats and Obama in particular. 2014 was more or less the same thing. Even more striking was the number of GOP candidates for state and local office who got elected running as a conservatives. My basic point is that by agreeing with and going along with the Democrats on things like amnesty is a recipe for failure for Republicans yet they keep wanting to do it. Romney was doomed because his Romneycare was the blueprint for Obamacare. He wasn't a great candidate by any stretch but he was ok enough.

Well, as with most things, the choices are rarely "go along" or "obstruct everything that isn't exactly what you want." The need to compromise was baked into our constitution, yet we've managed to turn it into some kind of dirty word that instantly labels one a RINO. We could use some folks that understand what people on both sides used to know how to do - work with both sides and give and take a little to get good legislation for people.

Romney was doomed because he was clueless about people outside his insulated bubble of the well-to-do. He really didn't get how average people lived at all and it came out in condescending remarks that he didn't even realize were condescending. And also, there was some discomfort with the Mormonism if we're being honest.

But as far as Romneycare/Obamacare - conservatives are going to need to get off this notion that health care should be treated like having the latest iPhone or a 65" flat screen. It's not a luxury. It's a necessity. And just from a practical standpoint, we could reduce our overall spending on healthcare in this country if we covered everyone and didn't allow health problems to fester until they are much more expensive to treat. Preventative medicine is always less costly than emergency or late term care. And honestly, much of Romneycare/Obamacare was modeled on a conservative health plan that was put forth in the 90s as an alternative to Hillarycare. So I take all this 'principled' opposition to it with a truckload of salt.

Now I'm not a big fan of the ACA as it played out, though I do like some of the provisions. I have close friends who literally would be bankrupt and suffering if things like preexisting conditions and being 'uninsurable' weren't removed as an issue by the ACA. It makes absolutely no sense that in a country as well off as ours, that the number one cause of personal bankruptcy is medical bills. None whatsoever. And to me there are many ways to skin a cat so to speak. I really don't care whose idea it is, whether we model universal coverage after Canada, Britain, et al (but hopefully find ways to avoid problems they've had), or whether we come up with some amazing free market way to do it. I just think it needs to happen and if the Republicans want something different than Obamacare or single-payer then they'd better craft a comprehensive plan that will do it. And it needs to be more than just bluster about buying across state lines because that alone is not a panacea.

Nobody ever said, or at least I didn't, that we didn't need to reform the health care system. Getting the federal government even more involved than it already was just created more problems. The Republicans have talked a lot but they haven't actually obstructed anything. Obama and the Democrats have gotten 90% of what they wanted. How many presidents can say that. Even if legislation isn't passed he just does rhe executive order and nobody ever does anything about it. All they have to do is run to the nearest camera and start crying and the Republicans will cave in. I'll be willing to bet that, despite the talk we've heard so far, they will relent and approve the SCOTUS nominee that the president put forward.

Everyone bitches about Republicans so-called obstructionism but never say a word about Democrats doing the exact same thing. Bipartisanship means Republicans and conservatives drop their beliefs and go along with Democrats. Frankly the less that Washington does the better it is for the country. The whole reason for someone like Trump being able to garner the support he has is precisely because the Republicans have not kept their promises.

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"Only two datapoints, but this Kasich supporter and his wife who supported Rubio will not vote for Trump. If the exit polling is any indication, we aren't alone."

You must choose the form of the destructor.

I don't have to choose anything. I just have to be able to live with the vote I cast and answer to God with a clean conscience for it.

Me too . That is why ........... given the candidates we are allowed to choose from this time .......... I will be voting for Trump .

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"And a Republican plan written by the Cato Institute was the blueprint for "Romneycare"."

You may want to double check that, Homey. IIRC, Heritage originally crafted that plan, not Cato. I rather doubt Cato would have supported an individual mandate, especially in the Institute's mid 90's incarnation.

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As far as mid terms go, the party not occupying the WH almost always gains ground, because they're more motivated and because the dullards of both party's voting bases stay home in non presidential years- except the minority party, because... they're more motivated. I'm not sure what it is they think Congress actually does, or if they even know it exists.

Attempts to use midterm gains as evidence that the other team's guy is that much more horrible than yours don't hold water.

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The 2010 midterms were specifically about Obama and his policies. The Republicans made it a key point to say they would stand up to the Democrats. 2014 was much the same thing. Eric Cantor got knocked out in the primary because he was seen as being unwilling to oppose amnesty. As I previously mentioned, the Republican party has not done anything to even slow down Obama and the liberal Democrats. This long line of broken promises gave rise to Trump.

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Trump is an intergalactic embarrassment...

He hasn't released the first serious policy position on ANYTHING....

You have no concept what you are voting for, he hasn't told you.....Because he DOESN'T KNOW.....

Here is your first hint of reality....

If you think Mexico will pay for it, you have no concept of the meaning of the word REALITY.

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Reality is in the mind of the beholder. Too often we enjoy the the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.

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Reality is in the mind of the beholder. Too often we enjoy the the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.

Credit your quotes, lest people think you're wise. ;)

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Aww, it thinks it is snarky......how cute.......

You can not like me or my posts, I don't care.

The only reason I unblock your posts is to get a good laugh for the day.

Like complaining others can't spell and then starting a thread titled ERROPEAN COUNTIES..

A regular laugh riot, you are...

It isn't a matter of being in the eye of the beholder...it is FACTUAL...

Trump has released no serious policy positions on anything...

You are a perfect voter for him.

The unknowing supporting the uncertain.

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snapback.pngProud Tiger, on Today, 07:59 AM, said:

Reality is in the mind of the beholder. Too often we enjoy the the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.

"Credit your quotes, lest people think you're wise. ;)"

Yeah. Sounds more like a reference to PT, not PT's own words.

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Aww, it thinks it is snarky......how cute.......

You can not like me or my posts, I don't care.

The only reason I unblock your posts is to get a good laugh for the day.

Like complaining others can't spell and then starting a thread titled ERROPEAN COUNTIES..

A regular laugh riot, you are...

It isn't a matter of being in the eye of the beholder...it is FACTUAL...

Trump has released no serious policy positions on anything...

You are a perfect voter for him.

The unknowing supporting the uncertain.

it's a protest vote essentially. It's just people saying what the hell. They've heard all kinds of promises and seen them broken time and again. I've seen people here talk about third party or write in for Aubie. Somehow that's noble but this isn't. I'm not a Trump supporter but I can see why some do.
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"And a Republican plan written by the Cato Institute was the blueprint for "Romneycare"."

You may want to double check that, Homey. IIRC, Heritage originally crafted that plan, not Cato. I rather doubt Cato would have supported an individual mandate, especially in the Institute's mid 90's incarnation.

I stand corrected. For some reason I had CATO on my mind. It was indeed The Heritage Foundation. (Before they hired Jim Demented.)

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The 2010 midterms were specifically about Obama and his policies. The Republicans made it a key point to say they would stand up to the Democrats. 2014 was much the same thing. Eric Cantor got knocked out in the primary because he was seen as being unwilling to oppose amnesty. As I previously mentioned, the Republican party has not done anything to even slow down Obama and the liberal Democrats. This long line of broken promises gave rise to Trump.

Amnesty is like abortion. It's a great rallying cry for the unwashed as long as nothing is happening. But let's see the anti-amnesty people start rounding up parts of families for deportation when they get in power.

Ain't gonna happen.

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"it's a protest vote essentially. It's just people saying what the hell. They've heard all kinds of promises and seen them broken time and again. I've seen people here talk about third party or write in for Aubie. Somehow that's noble but this isn't. I'm not a Trump supporter but I can see why some do."

I agree with you, CT. However, I do not believe that the majority of Trump's supporters understand what it is they are protesting. Trump is masterfully leveraging the support of these people but, to what ends?

More interesting to me than his support, is the opposition to him.

Trump's rhetoric and demeanor are only slightly less subtle than that employed by any politician who attempts to appeal to the same base of voters. Is the hysterical opposition to Trump based in reality or, contrived by pure politics?

IF, Trump wins the Republican nomination, it will be very interesting to watch the money, and motives, that support him and, oppose him. Perhaps Trump is revealing the fact that rhetoric and money are more important than policy and platforms? No, that sounds too simple. Perhaps he is revealing the fact that someone with a certain level of celebrity and wealth can co-opt a base of support outside the sphere of control of either party? Perhaps, what he really threatens is the core of American politics and, the domination and power of the political parties?

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Aww, it thinks it is snarky......how cute.......

You can not like me or my posts, I don't care.

The only reason I unblock your posts is to get a good laugh for the day.

Like complaining others can't spell and then starting a thread titled ERROPEAN COUNTIES..

A regular laugh riot, you are...

It isn't a matter of being in the eye of the beholder...it is FACTUAL...

Trump has released no serious policy positions on anything.----good composition would be "Trump hasn't released any serious policy decisions on anything.

You are a perfect voter for him.

The unknowing supporting the uncertain.

LMAO. Aren't you a nasty little buggar. And then while being so critical, demonstrating poor English. Had to fix it for you.

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Wow..............ineffective retort...like the rest of your post...

Stick to four letter responses.

You spell those better than you do ERROPEAN COUNTIES...

Show me where I spelled ERROPEAN

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For just one example, post 33 in this thread asks the same question....."What is a ERROPEAN COUNTIE?"

That is how you titled the thread before some mod changed it for you...

Memory slipping faster and further, huh?

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Wow, you're an imbecile.....

Not blaming a mod for correcting your ignorance...

I look forward to the next time you call an AF/AM male here, a boy......we all deserve a vacation from you.

I'm done with you moron....I've unblocked enough of your bigoted and hypocritical ignorance for one day...

Buzz off....

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For just one example, post 33 in this thread asks the same question....."What is a ERROPEAN COUNTIE?"

That is how you titled the thread before some mod changed it for you...

Memory slipping faster and further, huh?


Post #33 in that thread is not mine. You will have to ask the author or answer his question. Kind of pitiful that you can't prove your assertion so you blame it on a mod.

Me losing my memory? That's true at my age but I also think it's time for you to run along and take your meds. You are likely to over do it with all the insults you sling.....hypocrite.

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I didn't unblock your post and don't know what you posted.

I care even less.

If you didn't unblock it how do you know if it had anything to do with you? You are just pissed you made an assertion that you couldn't back up.

So just go back into that dark room and have some good mushrooms for lunch. Trump may be President next time you venture out.

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For just one example, post 33 in this thread asks the same question....."What is a ERROPEAN COUNTIE?"

That is how you titled the thread before some mod changed it for you...

Memory slipping faster and further, huh?


Post #33 in that thread is not mine. You will have to ask the author or answer his question. Kind of pitiful that you can't prove your assertion so you blame it on a mod.

Me losing my memory? That's true at my age but I also think it's time for you to run along and take your meds. You are likely to over do it with all the insults you sling.....hypocrite.

Post 49 in that thread is clearly mocking your gross misspelling in the Thread you started.

"Erropean counties"

Still wondering what state those counties are in.

Is that Air-o-Peee-on or is is Air-O-peen or is it err-Oh-pee-un? Because the pronunciation might help us figure out whether we are talking about counties in the NE, or NW or SW or SE -- or like, Thailand or something.

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