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North Korea Threatens US, Says It Could ‘Burn Manhattan Down to Ashes’


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This is why we build up our military. Why do people think they can say these things about us? Rebuild the military, replenish and renew the nuclear arsenal, and be ready to go. I don't know who the f they think they are.

We spend more on our military than the next ten biggest militaries in the world combined. We aren't in danger of not having our military built up.

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This is why we build up our military. Why do people think they can say these things about us? Rebuild the military, replenish and renew the nuclear arsenal, and be ready to go. I don't know who the f they think they are.

We spend more on our military than the next ten biggest militaries in the world combined. We aren't in danger of not having our military built up.

Yeah, I thought the idea that we need to build-up our military in order to intimidate N. Korea was pretty funny. ;D

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This is why we build up our military. Why do people think they can say these things about us? Rebuild the military, replenish and renew the nuclear arsenal, and be ready to go. I don't know who the f they think they are.

We spend more on our military than the next ten biggest militaries in the world combined. We aren't in danger of not having our military built up.

Then there's always the fact that no other nation on this planet has the combination of a large SSBN fleet AND supercarrier fleet. We have 14 SSBN's in service, and 10 supercarriers. incalculable amounts of destructive power can be positioned anywhere in the world at basically any point in time, yet the military needs to be "rebuilt".

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This is why we build up our military. Why do people think they can say these things about us? Rebuild the military, replenish and renew the nuclear arsenal, and be ready to go. I don't know who the f they think they are.

We spend more on our military than the next ten biggest militaries in the world combined. We aren't in danger of not having our military built up.

Then there's always the fact that no other nation on this planet has the combination of a large SSBN fleet AND supercarrier fleet. We have 14 SSBN's in service, and 10 supercarriers. incalculable amounts of destructive power can be positioned anywhere in the world at basically any point in time, yet the military needs to be "rebuilt".

Excellent way of putting it. :thumbsup:

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North Korea Sentences American Tourist to 15 Years in Prison with Hard Labor

Published March 16, 2016 | Associated Press

PYONGYANG, North Korea – North Korea's highest court sentenced an American tourist to 15 years in prison with hard labor on Wednesday for subversion.

Otto Warmbier, a University of Virginia undergraduate, was convicted and sentenced in a one-hour trial in North Korea's Supreme Court.

He was charged with subversion under Article 60 of North Korea's criminal code. The court held that he had committed a crime "pursuant to the U.S. government's hostile policy toward (the North), in a bid to impair the unity of its people after entering it as a tourist."


He got 15 years for trying to steal a banner and hang it in a church. Was promised a used car if he could pull it off.

Didn't get to which church would support such an action, but it's stupid as hell, either way. Why not just ask to BUY the damn thing ? Cost a heck of a lot cheaper.... :gofig:

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I also thought China had their yappie dog on a shorter leash .

They haven't exactly been getting along lately.

China is getting pretty tired of their s....

This ^ I meet with a lot of Chinese people in my day to day ops and they don't care for North Korea , they call Kim little fatty.

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I also thought China had their yappie dog on a shorter leash .

They haven't exactly been getting along lately.

China is getting pretty tired of their s....

This ^ I meet with a lot of Chinese people in my day to day ops and they don't care for North Korea , they call Kim little fatty.

Chinese support of North Korea is merely a relic of the Cold War. As the world changes, China's commitment to that support is also changing. I hope that China will finally let North Korea collapse sometime soon.

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Chinese support of North Korea is merely a relic of the Cold War. As the world changes, China's commitment to that support is also changing. I hope that China will finally let North Korea collapse sometime soon.

They really don't want that to happen. When that shoe drops they'll have millions of refugees pouring over their border.

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Chinese support of North Korea is merely a relic of the Cold War. As the world changes, China's commitment to that support is also changing. I hope that China will finally let North Korea collapse sometime soon.

They really don't want that to happen. When that shoe drops they'll have millions of refugees pouring over their border.

As would South Korea. It would probably end up being one of the world's most easily resolved refugee crises. I'll give the Kims and North Korea full credit; they are definitely the most determined nation on Earth.

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I also thought China had their yappie dog on a shorter leash .

They haven't exactly been getting along lately.

China is getting pretty tired of their s....

This ^ I meet with a lot of Chinese people in my day to day ops and they don't care for North Korea , they call Kim little fatty.

So apparently this is now happening.

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If you are lucking enough to get "NHK World" (check your PBS channels) you will get regular updates on N. Korea.

I didn't realize how frequently they have fired missiles into the Sea of Japan. The Japanese are concerned about the safety of their fishing fleet.

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I thought Dennis Rodman got that little guy to chill.

North Korea made enormous threats Sunday, March 13, saying it could obliterate Manhattan by sending a hydrogen bomb to the heart of New York City.

“Our hydrogen bomb is much bigger than the one developed by the Soviet Union,” state-run media DPRK Today reported Sunday, according to The Washington Post.

“If this H-bomb were to be mounted on an intercontinental ballistic missile and fall on Manhattan in New York City, all the people there would be killed immediately and the city would burn down to ashes,” a nuclear scientist named Cho Hyong Il said, according to the report.


Bigger than Ivan's bomb ? Sorry, not buying it. But, for giggles, here's a general comparison.


Why Manhattan?A play on words from the Manhattan project?
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Why Manhattan?A play on words from the Manhattan project?

Doubt it. Same reason al qaeda attacked the WTC... it's NYC. The symbol of " America ".

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  • 3 weeks later...

I also thought China had their yappie dog on a shorter leash .

They haven't exactly been getting along lately.

China is getting pretty tired of their s....

This ^ I meet with a lot of Chinese people in my day to day ops and they don't care for North Korea , they call Kim little fatty.

So apparently this is now happening.


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