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Dual threat vs pocket guys....a dual threat arrives on campus ready to run. I think you can tell who is athletic enough to be a running QB while he is in high school. However, it's much harder to gauge whether a pocket passer will be able to be effective once he gets to college. At least with a dual threat he can do SOMETHING even if his passing needs tons of work. If a pocket passer can't really pass very well you quickly learn you are SOL. You don't ever have to teach a scrambling QB how to run.

I have kinda always felt like "pocket passer" is a nice way of saying he can't run. even dual threat qbs should also be pocket passers.
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Dual threat vs pocket guys....a dual threat arrives on campus ready to run. I think you can tell who is athletic enough to be a running QB while he is in high school. However, it's much harder to gauge whether a pocket passer will be able to be effective once he gets to college. At least with a dual threat he can do SOMETHING even if his passing needs tons of work. If a pocket passer can't really pass very well you quickly learn you are SOL. You don't ever have to teach a scrambling QB how to run.

I have kinda always felt like "pocket passer" is a nice way of saying he can't run. even dual threat qbs should also be pocket passers.

I have always felt like "dual threat quarterback" is a nice way of saying he can't throw.
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Smh. First of all a couple of bad days could literally be half of the practices. Second SW and JJ have been off throwing the ball as well. This mini meltdown was bad even for some of the best meltdown people

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Alexava and Thaitopher -- I think both you guys are right. PPs are seen as guys who can't run and dual threats are seen as guys who can't throw.

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Alexava and Thaitopher -- I think both you guys are right. PPs are seen as guys who can't run and dual threats are seen as guys who can't throw.

I think the reality is that there is only a handful of people that do both. Cam Newton is really the only one that comes to my mind, so in a way both statements are correct.
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Imo that's just something that came from video games. True there are guys who can't throw but there are guys who can't run or throw as well. Just because a guy is athletic the first thing anybody will always say is he can't throw. This shae Patterson can do both and at first he was labeled a dt guy and early his senior year people said can he throw....turns out he could then they literally changed his classification to a pro passer lol. Then there are guys who can't run but really they aren't more accurate by a great deal either but they aren't really harped on as bad. Playing qb, being able to run is a big detriment as far as being evaluated imo

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Imo that's just something that came from video games. True there are guys who can't throw but there are guys who can't run or throw as well. Just because a guy is athletic the first thing anybody will always say is he can't throw. This shae Patterson can do both and at first he was labeled a dt guy and early his senior year people said can he throw....turns out he could then they literally changed his classification to a pro passer lol. Then there are guys who can't run but really they aren't more accurate by a great deal either but they aren't really harped on as bad. Playing qb, being able to run is a big detriment as far as being evaluated imo

Its a little early to say Shea Patterson can do both well. In high school a lot of guys excel at both. Its a different story in college. I will say he can do both well after he has played a full season in the SEC West.
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We don't necessarily need a track star at quarterback, even though I prefer one. We need a quarterback with instincts and good decision making. Doesn't need an excellent arm, just able to hit open guys. Doesn't need Olympic speed, just enough to make you pay if you don't respect him. Chad Kelly come to mind. Good arm, good legs, good decision maker for the most part. Also helps that he is a Kelly and is tougher than nails.

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My point was his recruiting in high school which is over now and how they literally changed his "category" in the middle of his recruitment. Even mcloof can attest to it because this is actually a chick convo we all had a while back

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We don't necessarily need a track star at quarterback, even though I prefer one. We need a quarterback with instincts and good decision making. Doesn't need an excellent arm, just able to hit open guys. Doesn't need Olympic speed, just enough to make you pay if you don't respect him. Chad Kelly come to mind. Good arm, good legs, good decision maker for the most part. Also helps that he is a Kelly and is tougher than nails.

I agree. I remember in basketball I'd watch my opponents how they warmed up and approached it, (you can tell alot from this) but anyway some guys would be the best shooters during warm ups but couldn't do ANYTHING during a game with an opponent....the guy that can actually perform is what matters not the label...

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Alexava and Thaitopher -- I think both you guys are right. PPs are seen as guys who can't run and dual threats are seen as guys who can't throw.

I think the reality is that there is only a handful of people that do both. Cam Newton is really the only one that comes to my mind, so in a way both statements are correct.

all QBs must have a passing game. The majority cannot run.
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Alexava and Thaitopher -- I think both you guys are right. PPs are seen as guys who can't run and dual threats are seen as guys who can't


I think the reality is that there is only a handful of people that do both. Cam Newton is really the only one that comes to my mind, so in a way both statements are correct.

RGIII, Watson at Clemson, Manziel, the kid from NC, the last 2 guys at Ole Miss and Nick Marshall all did well at college level.

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Alexava and Thaitopher -- I think both you guys are right. PPs are seen as guys who can't run and dual threats are seen as guys who can't


I think the reality is that there is only a handful of people that do both. Cam Newton is really the only one that comes to my mind, so in a way both statements are correct.

RGIII, Watson at Clemson, Manziel, the kid from NC, the last 2 guys at Ole Miss and Nick Marshall all did well at college level.

nick was a much better passer than we gave him credit for.
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One thing that must happen this season is that CGM must allow any and/or all our QB's to run when a run seems appropriate during each and every play. He surely had reason in his mind last year for limiting their decision-making on the field, primarily lack of trust and/or game experience depending on the particular player. He cannot limit his team's (our team) possible success trying to protect them from decision-making. CGM must prepare the QB's to "take" initiatives in play decisions instead of trying to control it himself by remote control. Decisions have to be made on the field in fractions of a second. if our offense is to be successful this year, CGM must build-in player-determined options and lack of predictability, call the play and step back. If that is done all the QB's will run occasionally, some more than others. That is definitely what he did with NM. You cannot call a zone read play in the huddle, tell the QB that I (CGM) predetermine that the QB will keep (or handoff) and expect more success than failure. We watched it all last year. Hope that CGM has seen the light. JMHO.

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I think the only first teams that are set - for the moment - are the offensive line and CB. Looks like every other position is up for rotation.

Who has won the CB position opposite of Carlton Davis?

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Alexava and Thaitopher -- I think both you guys are right. PPs are seen as guys who can't run and dual threats are seen as guys who can't


I think the reality is that there is only a handful of people that do both. Cam Newton is really the only one that comes to my mind, so in a way both statements are correct.

RGIII, Watson at Clemson, Manziel, the kid from NC, the last 2 guys at Ole Miss and Nick Marshall all did well at college level.

Successful dual-threat QB's are becoming more prevalent. In the last 5 seasons there have been 47 different QB's at the FBS to have a pass-efficiency of at least 130, while rushing for over 500-yards during the same season. They combined for a win pct of .720.

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Everyone keeps forgetting that NM wasn't exactly considered elite when he came here. Of the three major recruiting services (Rivals, Scout, 247), both were given two 4* ratings and one 3* rating. Not saying JF3 is going to be the messiah, but it's important to remember that we're not going to remember what we thought of NM this time three years ago.

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WDE you are mostly full of crap. You keep talking talking trash. Just because you might have some inside info (which may or may not be legit) there is no doubt you have know sense of talent for D1 players. Why would JJ NOT be #1 at this moment. He was the starting QB for our last game ( Memphis) and had a good day. I have know idea where you get your crap other than it is obvious you want to blame JJ for all the teams failure last year. I saw time and time again when JJ tucked the ball and drove right up the middle. Correct me but i think he ran for two TDs against Memphis. You should just take your obvious hate some place else. I get tired of hearing you "wanna be" that are never "going to be" anything run your mouths. Go out and get a job and grow up. I hope when JJ wins the starting job that folks like you just leave and quit claiming to be Auburn fans because you sure are not.WDE

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WDE you are mostly full of crap. You keep talking talking trash. Just because you might have some inside info (which may or may not be legit) there is no doubt you have know sense of talent for D1 players. Why would JJ NOT be #1 at this moment. He was the starting QB for our last game ( Memphis) and had a good day. I have know idea where you get your crap other than it is obvious you want to blame JJ for all the teams failure last year. I saw time and time again when JJ tucked the ball and drove right up the middle. Correct me but i think he ran for two TDs against Memphis. You should just take your obvious hate some place else. I get tired of hearing you "wanna be" that are never "going to be" anything run your mouths. Go out and get a job and grow up. I hope when JJ wins the starting job that folks like you just leave and quit claiming to be Auburn fans because you sure are not.WDE

Actually if you take time to read all his recent posts, he has backed away from the ledge a bit. And just because you don't like his opinion (and check my posts, I disagreed with him) he does have some inside contacts and interesting info. The big issue is that it's way to early to draw any conclusions from 5 spring practices.

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You cannot read too much into this, during Spring practice and spring evaluation.

Every QB in the running has to work with the ones. Means nothing right now, except evaluating how the QBs respond.

Who knows JJ could actually get it together this year. He has the talent, that's not the problem.

The problem he was having last year, was in his decision making.

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WDE you are mostly full of crap. You keep talking talking trash. Just because you might have some inside info (which may or may not be legit) there is no doubt you have know sense of talent for D1 players. Why would JJ NOT be #1 at this moment. He was the starting QB for our last game ( Memphis) and had a good day. I have know idea where you get your crap other than it is obvious you want to blame JJ for all the teams failure last year. I saw time and time again when JJ tucked the ball and drove right up the middle. Correct me but i think he ran for two TDs against Memphis. You should just take your obvious hate some place else. I get tired of hearing you "wanna be" that are never "going to be" anything run your mouths. Go out and get a job and grow up. I hope when JJ wins the starting job that folks like you just leave and quit claiming to be Auburn fans because you sure are not.WDE

Actually, Jeremy Johnson was not the starting QB against Memphis... just sayin

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You cannot read too much into this, during Spring practice and spring evaluation.

Every QB in the running has to work with the ones. Means nothing right now, except evaluating how the QBs respond.

Who knows JJ could actually get it together this year. He has the talent, that's not the problem.

The problem he was having last year, was in his decision making.

The problem last year was that JJ looked great in practice then he hit the field and lost himself mentally. He could look amazing yet again in practice, then have another collapse right out of the gates. Simply no way to predict that.

(Perhaps I'm agreeing with you, just elaborating more)

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