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Gus says: He will be more "Hands On" this spring


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You hit the nail on the head Stat - this offense has become stagnant/slow, predictable, and in effective in the red zone.

CGM needs to evolve his offense, he's been labeled an offensive genius so he has the knowledge. But does he see the deficiencies and will he step out of his box and shake things up?

In this day and age of college football if you aren't evolving and working to get better, you are getting left behind. AU got left behind and ended up in the bottom of the division last year.

Once our first few scripted plays were exhausted, it looked like the play calling went in a shell. Once a few errors were made, untimely penalties, INTs, runs stuffed, etc. it was like our coaches had nothing in the arsenal to move the ball. I know they were limited at times due to the QBs, but some of the odd roster management/substitutions and poor play selections were head scratching.

I agree, there is NO excuse for consistently running up the middle on every (ok most) first downs. Heck, even my wife could predict what was coming next, on the rare occasion when we made a first down. It was horrendous. No excuse Coach, quit being stubborn and lets see some of that creativity that brought you to where you are now. We love you but PLEASE quit being predictable. (rant over)

I dont love him or hate him. I never met the man. His value to me is whether he wins or not, period. I love Auburn. Malzahns job is to win, that's it. He did a lousy job last year . Hope for our sake he turns it around. He's financially set for life regardless.

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I am genuinely hopeful that with Herb Hand's influence/presence CGM may hit his stride again.

I believe Coach Hand will have a positive influence on the running game but I don't believe the offense will see some form of dramatic change schematically because of Hand. He has been and OL coach and a running game coordinator for the majority of his "recent" coaching career. Yes, I realize he was listed as co-offensive coordinator at Tulsa with Gus Malzahn but that was Malzahn's offense. Note the production of the 2009 Tulsa offense under Herb Hand during 2009 after Malzahn left. I would also point to the fact that Hand has not been an OC anywhere else since 2009. This is not to say that Hand cannot bring something positive to the table but it is not like head coaches around the country have been attempting to hire Herb Hand as an offensive coordinator either.

IMO, what he does bring to the table is overall coaching experience and experience coaching the OL in Malzahn's offense. I do believe Malzahn trusts Herb Hand and values his input but I don't see an extreme collaboration between Malzahn & Hand when it comes to scheming as some have mentioned or hoped for.

Hand brings different dynamic to Auburn

By Matthew Stevens For the Decatur Daily | Posted 2 days ago

AUBURN — Knowing he needed to figure out what was lost in his offense, Gus Malzahn did what a lot of people would do: He called a friend.

The difference was Malzahn didn’t call Herb Hand just for advice. He called offering the opportunity to join Auburn as an offensive line coach and get another opinion on the 2015 season.

In scrutinizing a season that began with high expectations and a No. 6 ranking, and ended with six wins, Malzahn said he realized he needed to return to his principles.

With the departure of J.B. Grimes for Cincinnati, Malzahn got the opportunity to hire Hand.

Malzahn is persistent in knowing what has worked in his read-option offense, and knew hiring Hand as his new offensive line coach would guarantee he wouldn’t wander from the principles of his tempo offense.

Malzahn and Hand were co-offensive coordinators at Tulsa in 2007-08 under current Arizona State head coach Todd Graham. There, they combined Malzahn’s Wing-T philosophy with the zone-read style Hand picked up as an assistant under Rich Rodriguez at West Virginia.

Herb describes the offensive creation as a “Three Card Monte” with the football but with a power element up front.

“The nice part about our experience together is it will be a pretty seamless transition for the players,” Hand told AuburnTigers.com earlier this year. “There may be some terminology that will be a little bit different, but they’ve had great O-line coaches here and great offensive lines, and I’m just excited to be able to continue build on that foundation and tradition.”

Tulsa led the nation in total yards and was top 10 in the nation in passing yards and points per game with Malzahn and Hand there.

“We worked together. He was my right-hand man up in the booth when we were at Tulsa, and we worked very good together,” Malzahn said.

The Malzahn-Hand dynamic in meeting rooms and on the recruiting trail couldn’t be more opposite, and the ying-yang personality element might be what makes it work on the field. Nobody might know this to be true more than Hand, who said he is eager to recreate the synergy they had at Tulsa.

Malzahn is a self-proclaimed football nerd that has a small circle of comfort level beyond dissecting every aspect of football. Hand is personable and a well-known foodie who has been a contestant on a Food Network show. He also has shot a rifle during a recruiting visit and likes to make jokes on the job.

He’s on one end, and I’m on the other (of the spectrum) I’ll tell you that,” Malzahn said March 1 when asked to describe Hand. “He’s got a personality. He’s got a good personality, but we’re different. But at the same time, I think our personalities complement each other on the field and off.”

Malzahn, not known for valuing personality or chemistry in his teams, has seen a noticeable difference in the energy the first week of spring practice.

“He brings something new to the table,” center Austin Golson said about his new position coach. “He’s very energetic. He’s funny. He’s a hard worker. You can tell that he loves his job and I really appreciate that. I don’t want anybody coaching me who doesn’t love their job. I’m very excited to play for him.”


My point in all of this is that Rhett is done with the day to day stuff and Hand will be Gus's right hand man. Gus and Hand will be doing some extreme collaboration together. They already are. The look of the O will be the same but I'm told you will see a bunch of different plays out of they O that we have not seen from Gus at AU. Sure you will see the same stuff Gus has run over the years but looks for a bunch of different plays.

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I am genuinely hopeful that with Herb Hand's influence/presence CGM may hit his stride again.

I believe Coach Hand will have a positive influence on the running game but I don't believe the offense will see some form of dramatic change schematically because of Hand. He has been and OL coach and a running game coordinator for the majority of his "recent" coaching career. Yes, I realize he was listed as co-offensive coordinator at Tulsa with Gus Malzahn but that was Malzahn's offense. Note the production of the 2009 Tulsa offense under Herb Hand during 2009 after Malzahn left. I would also point to the fact that Hand has not been an OC anywhere else since 2009. This is not to say that Hand cannot bring something positive to the table but it is not like head coaches around the country have been attempting to hire Herb Hand as an offensive coordinator either.

IMO, what he does bring to the table is overall coaching experience and experience coaching the OL in Malzahn's offense. I do believe Malzahn trusts Herb Hand and values his input but I don't see an extreme collaboration between Malzahn & Hand when it comes to scheming as some have mentioned or hoped for.

You are 100% wrong here about Hand's role in the 2016 AU offense. Not going to be a dramatic change in the the way the AU offense looks but there will be some changes. Anyways.

How can I be 100% wrong when you basically repeated what I posted?

Glad I'm not the only 1 who read things that way.

As a neutral party, I want to establish that I find WDE to be 90% Wrong.

We have Stat here. He should be able to tell us. I'd say 91%. Especially when it comes to recruiting.

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WDE, after reading the article by Matthew Stevens for the Decatur Daily, it seems that CRL has reached his "level of incompetence" as defined by the Peter Principal. Someone posted earlier that CRL was aiming too high during the off season for another position, this development has put Rhett in somewhat of a disadvantage when seeking a new position with another program.

This post, by no means, is a negative post about CRL. He can change this trend by getting a more well rounded coaching education. Hopefully he will land on his feet.

It really is turning out to be an interesting spring.

Of course, the above statements are my opinion only, I reserve the right to be wrong

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My point in all of this is that Rhett is done with the day to day stuff and Hand will be Gus's right hand man. Gus and Hand will be doing some extreme collaboration together. They already are. The look of the O will be the same but I'm told you will see a bunch of different plays out of they O that we have not seen from Gus at AU. Sure you will see the same stuff Gus has run over the years but looks for a bunch of different plays.

Please define "day to day stuff". If you want to use the "I've been told" as your source for what you are saying, I can do the same. As I stated earlier, I have no doubt Herb Hand will have an impact on what Auburn does running the ball but Rhett Lashlee remains the actual offensive coordinator and his responsibilities have not changed. Gus Malzahn is more directly involved but this Rhett Lashlee is "out" of the loop type of comments is nonsense. As for adding new plays, that won't surprise me one bit. Having cut up nearly 50 percent of Auburn's offensive snaps since 2009, I can tell you that new plays are added to the mix in every game. Does Gus Malzahn trust Herb Hand? Of course he does. He has made multiple attempts to hire him since becoming a head coach.

Herb Hand recent bio:

2009 Tulsa offensive coordinator and OL coach

2010 Vandy OL coach

2011 Vandy OL coach

2012 Vandy OL coach

2013 Vandy OL coach and running game coordinator

2014 Penn State OL coach and RGC

2015 Penn State OL coach and RGC

Gus Malzahn is indeed taking a more hands on approach this year, which doesn't jive to this extreme collaboration you mentioned. During Hand's last 7 seasons coaching on the offensive side of the football has resulted in an average national ranking of 92nd in total offense and 80th in run-offense. Again, Malzahn wants to redefine the identity on offense, which will be centered around the running game. In that regard, Hand will play a major role in terms of having the OL prepared. One of the issues on OL during 2015 was the lack of second-level blocking by the OL, which is being addressed.

This is Gus Malzahn's offense and he can be very stubborn when it comes to preparation and execution. If Herb Hand was an established offensive guru, I would buy into this extreme collaboration. Because he is not, I don't see it. What I have been told and believe, Gus has circled the wagons to get back to his roots of what he wants the offense to be. He doesn't need Herb Hand or anyone else to give him the concepts he wants on the field. He does need coaches like Herb Hand and Kodi Burns to make sure the OL and WR's are in line and prepared in execution for the concepts Malzahn wants on the field. This is not to say Hand won't play a vital role in Auburn's performance in 2016. Having the OL prepared for 2016 will be vital, especially replacing both starting tackles.


By Charles Goldberg


AUBURN, Ala. — Auburn's Gus Malzahn hired Herb Hand as his offensive line coach Monday in a move that reunites the two friends who worked together on the No. 1-ranked offense in the country.

Malzahn and Hand once shared the title as co-offensive coordinator at Tulsa, and they molded an offense there that was tops the nation two straight seasons. Now, Malzahn and Hand are together again after Hand agreed to leave Penn State after two years of serving as the offensive line coach and run game coordinator.

Hand is replacing J.B. Grimes, who left to become offensive line coach at Cincinnati.

“My family and I are extremely excited to join the Auburn football family and be a part of a program with such great tradition and history," Hand said in a statement. "We’re especially excited to rejoin Coach Malzahn and work with him again. It was an opportunity that was way too good for us to pass up. I want to thank Coach James Franklin and the Penn State football program for two great years and I wish them nothing but the best moving forward."

Malzahn and Hand worked together at Tulsa in 2007 and 2008. Malzahn called the plays. Hand coached the offensive line.

"I'm excited to be teaming up with Coach Hand again after working together for two years at Tulsa where we were very successful offensively," Malzahn said. "He's a wonderful person and coach, and we’re glad to welcome him to Auburn."

Malzahn has hired four coaches since the end of the season, and all of them with SEC coaching experience. Hand was offensive line coach and run game coordinator at Vanderbilt in 2010-12. Malzahn has also hired SEC veterans Kevin Steele, as his defensive coordinator; Wesley McGriff, as his secondary coach and co-defensive coordinator; and Travis Williams, a former Auburn player, graduate assistant and defensive analyst.

Malzahn wished Grimes well.

"I want to thank J.B. Grimes for his hard work and dedication the last three years at Auburn. He is a true professional and a big-time coach. We wish him and his family nothing but the best with his new job."

Herb Hand's coaching experience

2014-15 - Penn State (run game coordinator/offensive line

2013 - Vanderbilt (offensive line/run game coordinator)

2010-12 - Vanderbilt (offensive line)

2009 - Tulsa (assistant head coach/offensive coordinator/offensive line)

2007-08 - Tulsa (co-offensive coordinator/offensive line)

2001-06 - West Virginia (tight ends/recruiting coordinator)

1999-2000 - Clemson (offensive graduate assistant)

1997-98 - Concord College (defensive coordinator/special teams)

1994-96 - Glenville State College (defensive coordinator

1991-93 - West Virginia Wesleyan (defensive graduate assistant)

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As for any comments Malzahn might say about Herb Hand, I would expect them to be positive in nature. Yes, they had great success together at Tulsa and of course both coaches will have positive comments regarding one another. This is no different than the great success, Malzahn and Lashlee shared in 2013 and 2014. Malzahn has stated multiple times in the past that no one knows his offense like Rhett Lashlee. Malzahn has elaborated on Lashlee's experience as a player and coach in Malzahn's offense. He took Lashlee out of the booth to have him on the sideline with him to make sure they were on the same page (calling plays). He actually referred to Lashlee as his "right hand".

I would expect comments made by coaches and players to be positive during the spring. Everyone directly related to any football team tend to have a positive outlook during the spring. The defensive players have stated positive things about Auburn's new defensive coordinator. Some members of the media have made attempts to turn the players comments into a Steele vs. Muschamp type of deal. Fortunately, the players have been smart enough not to play this game. The new coaches always receive plenty of praise before any games are played. The players talk about this "new" fresh approach, which sounds great. Only time will tell how great the new coaching hires truly are.

I do believe the more coaches Malzahn has on staff he completely trusts, the higher probability there will be for success and execution. Many focus on QB performance from 2015 as the downfall of the Auburn offense. In reality, there were issues on the OL and at WR. Right or wrong, Malzahn saw that changes were needed, thus Auburn added Hand and Burns as offensive assistants. I think we can all agree, that "we all hope it all works out".

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WDE, after reading the article by Matthew Stevens for the Decatur Daily, it seems that CRL has reached his "level of incompetence" as defined by the Peter Principal. Someone posted earlier that CRL was aiming too high during the off season for another position, this development has put Rhett in somewhat of a disadvantage when seeking a new position with another program.

This post, by no means, is a negative post about CRL. He can change this trend by getting a more well rounded coaching education. Hopefully he will land on his feet.

It really is turning out to be an interesting spring.

Of course, the above statements are my opinion only, I reserve the right to be wrong

Your point about getting a more well-rounded coaching education is well taken.

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Stat, maybe college football is different than other occupations; but if I hired a guy to run a business of mine; a business that I had been running, and the only thing he did was exactly what I had done before, I really didn't need to hire the guy....I could put a monkey or spreadsheet calculation in charge of playcalling. I can't imagine that a HC would hire an OC and not have that OC recommend changes, upgrades, etc. I can't imagine an OC worth anything that would take the job under conditions that all they could do would be to do what their predecessor had done. While the UAT offense is the same basic offense, it's pretty clear that Kiffen has done a great job with 1) the talent and 2) upgrading the offense. That is what you hire someone for....take a basic scheme and then find out how to make it better.

An offensive coordinator serves many rolls than simply installing a game plan and calling plays on game day. In that regard, Rhett Lashlee serves a purpose on this staff as well as being the QB coach. In the end, his job description defines his responsibility (coordinate the offense). Rhett Lashlee being the OC under Malzahn is different than Al Borges being the OC under Tommy Tuberville. Lashlee was hired to handle the daily operations of an offensive scheme already present. Al Borges was hired to install his offense under certain perimeters established by the head coach. This is the difference I speak of. I never stated he serves no purpose if he is here merely to operate Malzahn's offensive concepts. Why would he or anyone in his position take such a job? Being an OC at a major program with success can create opportunities for advancement. Anyone in his situation would be foolish not to take the job. As far as Lashlee's tenure at Auburn as the offensive coordinator, he has been part of an offense that has been very good during two seasons and below average during one.

Again... my point was that it is difficult to truly grade Lashlee's ability as an offensive coordinator because he is not independent from the head coach when it comes to the style of offense he is coordinating. The same was said about Muschamp, when he was the defensive coordinator under Nick Saban. It was difficult to evaluate Muschamp under Nick Saban because many gave credit to Nick Saban for Muschamp's success. It wasn't until he separated himself away from Saban, when the majority of folks could appreciate what kind of coach Muschamp was at the time. Lashlee finds himself in a similar situation. During 2013 and 2014, the media commented on Gus Malzahn as being the jewel of Auburn's success. Whether or not this assessment was valid or not, it was the perception, leaving Lashlee in the shadows of the success. Both Malzahn and Lashlee recognize this situation and it is the reason why both realize it is important for Lashlee to move on to prove his actual value.

What that value is, no one really knows at this point. This is why I have taken the stance that Auburn's success and failures should reside on the shoulders of Malzahn. Had Lashlee found another job after 2015, odds are, Malzahn would have hired another former assistant under Malzahn to take Lashlee's place. I'm not saying Lashlee is a great OC or a bad one. IMO, if Lashlee is going to be judged based on the offensive performance of 2015, he should be given credit for the success from 2013 and 2014. I would love to see Gus hire an experienced OC with a successful back ground in some variation of a spread offense. I would like to see the offense evolve and for the offense to expand year to year based on the addition of this new OC. Of course that decision is up to Gus Malzahn. I also realize that a different OC is not needed to change schemes. Malzahn could accomplish this on his own. He has ten years of experience at the collegiate level and is obviously intelligent and experienced enough to make any changes he desires in an attempt to improve the offense.

We agree on paragraph one....partly on two and fully on 3.
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So your opinion (correct me if I am wrong), Gus is ultimately responsible for the O and it does not matter who is OC since the OC will be running Gus' O. If that is correct, what happened after 2013-2014 to the O in 2015 in terms player evaluation (the QB position), play calling and personnel grouping on the field. Is that all on Gus too?


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So your opinion (correct me if I am wrong), Gus is ultimately responsible for the O and it does not matter who is OC since the OC will be running Gus' O. If that is correct, what happened after 2013-2014 to the O in 2015 in terms player evaluation (the QB position), play calling and personnel grouping on the field. Is that all on Gus too?


Actually what I stated was... it is difficult to gauge Lashlee's worth as an OC because he is collaborating with Malzahn at best when it comes to the offense. I've also stated if folks are going to call him out on 2015 (fine by me), then he should receive credit for 2013 and 2014. I have never stated it doesn't matter who the OC is under Malzahn. To make my point, Malzahn's hiring of Ellis Johnson, Will Muschamp and Kevin Steele left no doubts who was actually in control of the defense. When Tuberville hired a defensive coordinator, there was a certain criteria expected by Tuberville in terms of the defense. It wasn't like Tuberville's DC could come in and run a 3-4 base scheme if he wanted.

What happened in 2015?

The task of replacing the starting QB, 2 OL, top 3 rushers, top 3 WR's and both TE's was more challenging than most thought it would be, including myself.

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What happened in 2015?

The task of replacing the starting QB, 2 OL, top 3 rushers, top 3 WR's and both TE's was more challenging than most thought it would be, including myself.

Plus: key injuries, Duke's implosion, and Jeremy going all Jekyll and Hyde between practice and games, none of which could have been expected or completely planned for.

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So your opinion (correct me if I am wrong), Gus is ultimately responsible for the O and it does not matter who is OC since the OC will be running Gus' O. If that is correct, what happened after 2013-2014 to the O in 2015 in terms player evaluation (the QB position), play calling and personnel grouping on the field. Is that all on Gus too?


Actually what I stated was... it is difficult to gauge Lashlee's worth as an OC because he is collaborating with Malzahn at best when it comes to the offense. I've also stated if folks are going to call him out on 2015 (fine by me), then he should receive credit for 2013 and 2014. I have never stated it doesn't matter who the OC is under Malzahn. To make my point, Malzahn's hiring of Ellis Johnson, Will Muschamp and Kevin Steele left no doubts who was actually in control of the defense. When Tuberville hired a defensive coordinator, there was a certain criteria expected by Tuberville in terms of the defense. It wasn't like Tuberville's DC could come in and run a 3-4 base scheme if he wanted.

What happened in 2015?

The task of replacing the starting QB, 2 OL, top 3 rushers, top 3 WR's and both TE's was more challenging than most thought it would be, including myself.

Ok, since Lashlee is still the OC and Gus is the HC, who (in your opinion) should get credit for the O's performance this season, good or bad? If you want to give credit to Lashlee as OC for 2013-1014 yet point out that he was still collaborating with Gus in 2015, who should get credit or blame for those years. I am still trying to figure out why we even need an OC. I do believe Lashlee is important to Gus and has value, but there is nothing that you have ever posted that demonstrates that Rhett Lashlee should be paid 600K as an OC at AU.


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Ok, since Lashlee is still the OC and Gus is the HC, who (in your opinion) should get credit for the O's performance this season, good or bad? If you want to give credit to Lashlee as OC for 2013-1014 yet point out that he was still collaborating with Gus in 2015, who should get credit or blame for those years. I am still trying to figure out why we even need an OC. I do believe Lashlee is important to Gus and has value, but there is nothing that you have ever posted that demonstrates that Rhett Lashlee should be paid 600K as an OC at AU.


I've already answered your first question. Please stop twisting my words. I have never said Rhett Lashlee deserves credit for 2013 and 2014 but 2015 was a collaboration with Malzahn. For about the 20th time, I HAVE STATED THAT IF LASHLEE IS TO BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR 2015, HE SHOULD BE GIVEN CREDIT FOR 2013 AND 2014. He was in name the OC for all three seasons.

If you don't understand why an OC might be needed under Gus Malzahn, I can't help you understand it. I might suggest that Steve Spurrier, Chip Kelly and Bobby Petrino had OC's under them despite the fact the HC's were running their own offenses and calling their own plays.

As for Lashlee's contract or any other coaches contract, you might consider writing a letter to the AD.

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Ok, since Lashlee is still the OC and Gus is the HC, who (in your opinion) should get credit for the O's performance this season, good or bad? If you want to give credit to Lashlee as OC for 2013-1014 yet point out that he was still collaborating with Gus in 2015, who should get credit or blame for those years. I am still trying to figure out why we even need an OC. I do believe Lashlee is important to Gus and has value, but there is nothing that you have ever posted that demonstrates that Rhett Lashlee should be paid 600K as an OC at AU.


I've already answered your first question. Please stop twisting my words. I have never said Rhett Lashlee deserves credit for 2013 and 2014 but 2015 was a collaboration with Malzahn. For about the 20th time, I HAVE STATED THAT IF LASHLEE IS TO BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR 2015, HE SHOULD BE GIVEN CREDIT FOR 2013 AND 2014. He was in name the OC for all three seasons.

If you don't understand why an OC might be needed under Gus Malzahn, I can't help you understand it. I might suggest that Steve Spurrier, Chip Kelly and Bobby Petrino had OC's under them despite the fact the HC's were running their own offenses and calling their own plays.

As for Lashlee's contract or any other coaches contract, you might consider writing a letter to the AD.

LOL, OK. I am willing to give credit to Lashlee for 2013, 2014 and blame for 2015 if he truly ran the O those three years and not Gus. If Gus ran the O with Lashlee just a gum provider for Gus then Gus gets the credit and blame for all three years. I am just trying to find out from folks in the know who ran the O all three years.

Do you remember the conversation we had on ITAT in 2011/early 2012 after Gus left and Loeffler was hired where you were optimistic (and I agreed with you) that a return to a more traditional O may be what AU needed?


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I have no idea who's been calling the plays the last three years but something definitely seemed different between last year and the first two. There didn't seem to be near as much confusion or delay of game penalties the first two years. I'm not sure if it was who was calling the plays or if it was just how the plays were being called in but something was different.

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Why is everyone so freaked out with what happened in 2015? Sure tons of hype and the team had the talent to support it, but they lacked experience and we were replacing the majority of the offensive production from 2013&2014. Our offense did struggle and it was hard to watch. 2015 sucked but was no where near the 2012 season. Atleast we finished with a win in a bowl game against a decent Memphis team.

I know it's hard, but just sit back and watch the season unfold and enjoy what you can. This board seems to flip flop so hard over the guy who is responsible for 2 national championship appearances and one win in the last 5 seasons. We should know by now that Gus is going to live and die by the sword. So just appreciate the madness and the magic that comes with the territory.

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Why is everyone so freaked out with what happened in 2015? Sure tons of hype and the team had the talent to support it, but they lacked experience and we were replacing the majority of the offensive production from 2013&2014. Our offense did struggle and it was hard to watch. 2015 sucked but was no where near the 2012 season. Atleast we finished with a win in a bowl game against a decent Memphis team.

I know it's hard, but just sit back and watch the season unfold and enjoy what you can. This board seems to flip flop so hard over the guy who is responsible for 2 national championship appearances and one win in the last 5 seasons. We should know by now that Gus is going to live and die by the sword. So just appreciate the madness and the magic that comes with the territory.

Because he's trended downward like Bowden did . Worse actually . Plus, you're right that 2015 wasn't another 2012, but 2012 was Chiziks 4th year. It's pretty fresh in our minds. It's fear that we're gonna bust in 2016. It is for me. Gus hasn't performed well the last two years. Hes trended downward and had player problems and dissension that messed us up. 2013 is looking more and more like a fluke.

By the way, some of us haven't flip flopped. I thought he was a Bowden-type hire, and still do.

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Why is everyone so freaked out with what happened in 2015? Sure tons of hype and the team had the talent to support it, but they lacked experience and we were replacing the majority of the offensive production from 2013&2014. Our offense did struggle and it was hard to watch. 2015 sucked but was no where near the 2012 season. Atleast we finished with a win in a bowl game against a decent Memphis team.

I know it's hard, but just sit back and watch the season unfold and enjoy what you can. This board seems to flip flop so hard over the guy who is responsible for 2 national championship appearances and one win in the last 5 seasons. We should know by now that Gus is going to live and die by the sword. So just appreciate the madness and the magic that comes with the territory.

Because he's trended downward like Bowden did . Worse actually . Plus, you're right that 2015 wasn't another 2012, but 2012 was Chiziks 4th year. It's pretty fresh in our minds. It's fear that we're gonna bust in 2016. It is for me. Gus hasn't performed well the last two years. Hes trended downward and had player problems and dissension that messed us up. 2013 is looking more and more like a fluke.

By the way, some of us haven't flip flopped. I thought he was a Bowden-type hire, and still do.

It's pretty interesting to approach a situation with the mindset of it being a failure. I guess it's an easy way to hedge your bets though. Enter with a pessimistic mindset and you "win" when they struggle and still win when the team is doing well.

2 great offenses followed by a poor offense year when replacing vital parts of the offense. 1 average year of defense followed by 2014 defense that only had a half season in it, then slight improvement in 2015 to manageable defense.

My point is this board gets extremely high when it goes well and then flatlines into a meltdown when things go bad. How do you guys even enjoy football like that?

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Why is everyone so freaked out with what happened in 2015? Sure tons of hype and the team had the talent to support it, but they lacked experience and we were replacing the majority of the offensive production from 2013&2014. Our offense did struggle and it was hard to watch. 2015 sucked but was no where near the 2012 season. Atleast we finished with a win in a bowl game against a decent Memphis team.

I know it's hard, but just sit back and watch the season unfold and enjoy what you can. This board seems to flip flop so hard over the guy who is responsible for 2 national championship appearances and one win in the last 5 seasons. We should know by now that Gus is going to live and die by the sword. So just appreciate the madness and the magic that comes with the territory.

Because he's trended downward like Bowden did . Worse actually . Plus, you're right that 2015 wasn't another 2012, but 2012 was Chiziks 4th year. It's pretty fresh in our minds. It's fear that we're gonna bust in 2016. It is for me. Gus hasn't performed well the last two years. Hes trended downward and had player problems and dissension that messed us up. 2013 is looking more and more like a fluke.

By the way, some of us haven't flip flopped. I thought he was a Bowden-type hire, and still do.

It's pretty interesting to approach a situation with the mindset of it being a failure. I guess it's an easy way to hedge your bets though. Enter with a pessimistic mindset and you "win" when they struggle and still win when the team is doing well. Yep. except people like this will never acknowledge the pessimism they had if the team actually does well. They'll just find something else to complain about. It's incredibly easy to identify the constantly negative people here. If Auburn won every game by 30 they still wouldn't be happy.

2 great offenses followed by a poor offense year when replacing vital parts of the offense. 1 average year of defense followed by 2014 defense that only had a half season in it, then slight improvement in 2015 to manageable defense.

My point is this board gets extremely high when it goes well and then flatlines into a meltdown when things go bad. How do you guys even enjoy football like that?

Then we have another group that just stays flatline regardless of the success we have. Those people will always find something to complain about. It's just what they do. It must be a really sad life to always have that defeatist attitude.

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Why is everyone so freaked out with what happened in 2015? Sure tons of hype and the team had the talent to support it, but they lacked experience and we were replacing the majority of the offensive production from 2013&2014. Our offense did struggle and it was hard to watch. 2015 sucked but was no where near the 2012 season. Atleast we finished with a win in a bowl game against a decent Memphis team.

I know it's hard, but just sit back and watch the season unfold and enjoy what you can. This board seems to flip flop so hard over the guy who is responsible for 2 national championship appearances and one win in the last 5 seasons. We should know by now that Gus is going to live and die by the sword. So just appreciate the madness and the magic that comes with the territory.

Because he's trended downward like Bowden did . Worse actually . Plus, you're right that 2015 wasn't another 2012, but 2012 was Chiziks 4th year. It's pretty fresh in our minds. It's fear that we're gonna bust in 2016. It is for me. Gus hasn't performed well the last two years. Hes trended downward and had player problems and dissension that messed us up. 2013 is looking more and more like a fluke.

By the way, some of us haven't flip flopped. I thought he was a Bowden-type hire, and still do.

It's pretty interesting to approach a situation with the mindset of it being a failure. I guess it's an easy way to hedge your bets though. Enter with a pessimistic mindset and you "win" when they struggle and still win when the team is doing well. Yep. except people like this will never acknowledge the pessimism they had if the team actually does well. They'll just find something else to complain about. It's incredibly easy to identify the constantly negative people here. If Auburn won every game by 30 they still wouldn't be happy.

2 great offenses followed by a poor offense year when replacing vital parts of the offense. 1 average year of defense followed by 2014 defense that only had a half season in it, then slight improvement in 2015 to manageable defense.

My point is this board gets extremely high when it goes well and then flatlines into a meltdown when things go bad. How do you guys even enjoy football like that?

Then we have another group that just stays flatline regardless of the success we have. Those people will always find something to complain about. It's just what they do. It must be a really sad life to always have that defeatist attitude.

Who would that be? Please provide posters names and examples.

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Why is everyone so freaked out with what happened in 2015? Sure tons of hype and the team had the talent to support it, but they lacked experience and we were replacing the majority of the offensive production from 2013&2014. Our offense did struggle and it was hard to watch. 2015 sucked but was no where near the 2012 season. Atleast we finished with a win in a bowl game against a decent Memphis team.

I know it's hard, but just sit back and watch the season unfold and enjoy what you can. This board seems to flip flop so hard over the guy who is responsible for 2 national championship appearances and one win in the last 5 seasons. We should know by now that Gus is going to live and die by the sword. So just appreciate the madness and the magic that comes with the territory.

Because he's trended downward like Bowden did . Worse actually . Plus, you're right that 2015 wasn't another 2012, but 2012 was Chiziks 4th year. It's pretty fresh in our minds. It's fear that we're gonna bust in 2016. It is for me. Gus hasn't performed well the last two years. Hes trended downward and had player problems and dissension that messed us up. 2013 is looking more and more like a fluke.

By the way, some of us haven't flip flopped. I thought he was a Bowden-type hire, and still do.

It's pretty interesting to approach a situation with the mindset of it being a failure. I guess it's an easy way to hedge your bets though. Enter with a pessimistic mindset and you "win" when they struggle and still win when the team is doing well. Yep. except people like this will never acknowledge the pessimism they had if the team actually does well. They'll just find something else to complain about. It's incredibly easy to identify the constantly negative people here. If Auburn won every game by 30 they still wouldn't be happy.

2 great offenses followed by a poor offense year when replacing vital parts of the offense. 1 average year of defense followed by 2014 defense that only had a half season in it, then slight improvement in 2015 to manageable defense.

My point is this board gets extremely high when it goes well and then flatlines into a meltdown when things go bad. How do you guys even enjoy football like that?

Then we have another group that just stays flatline regardless of the success we have. Those people will always find something to complain about. It's just what they do. It must be a really sad life to always have that defeatist attitude.

I just sit back and watch the games. 2013 for me will always feel skittle more special than 2010 was (despite the BCS Title) because of the teams progression and the 2 plays that will be remembered for the rest of my life. Watching that season unfold was simply amazing. Even 2014 was great to watch (offensively), but the finish was sad because I saw Marshall play his tail off in the last two losses and it sucked to see them go out like that.

I was actually extremely excited to see JJ play like he did against A&M because I think it was the first time we saw him play with emotion, he just looked empty before. It was good to see him end the season with a win.

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Im happy to hear Gus is being more hands on with the QBs and I really think JJ can do a wonderful job this year! he has all the tools to be an elite QB and with some extra attention from Gus I think he will have a breakthrough season and be the lights out QB we all thought he was going to be last August!!!

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Why is everyone so freaked out with what happened in 2015? Sure tons of hype and the team had the talent to support it, but they lacked experience and we were replacing the majority of the offensive production from 2013&2014. Our offense did struggle and it was hard to watch. 2015 sucked but was no where near the 2012 season. Atleast we finished with a win in a bowl game against a decent Memphis team.

I know it's hard, but just sit back and watch the season unfold and enjoy what you can. This board seems to flip flop so hard over the guy who is responsible for 2 national championship appearances and one win in the last 5 seasons. We should know by now that Gus is going to live and die by the sword. So just appreciate the madness and the magic that comes with the territory.

Because he's trended downward like Bowden did . Worse actually . Plus, you're right that 2015 wasn't another 2012, but 2012 was Chiziks 4th year. It's pretty fresh in our minds. It's fear that we're gonna bust in 2016. It is for me. Gus hasn't performed well the last two years. Hes trended downward and had player problems and dissension that messed us up. 2013 is looking more and more like a fluke.

By the way, some of us haven't flip flopped. I thought he was a Bowden-type hire, and still do.

It's pretty interesting to approach a situation with the mindset of it being a failure. I guess it's an easy way to hedge your bets though. Enter with a pessimistic mindset and you "win" when they struggle and still win when the team is doing well. Yep. except people like this will never acknowledge the pessimism they had if the team actually does well. They'll just find something else to complain about. It's incredibly easy to identify the constantly negative people here. If Auburn won every game by 30 they still wouldn't be happy.

2 great offenses followed by a poor offense year when replacing vital parts of the offense. 1 average year of defense followed by 2014 defense that only had a half season in it, then slight improvement in 2015 to manageable defense.

My point is this board gets extremely high when it goes well and then flatlines into a meltdown when things go bad. How do you guys even enjoy football like that?

Then we have another group that just stays flatline regardless of the success we have. Those people will always find something to complain about. It's just what they do. It must be a really sad life to always have that defeatist attitude.

Who would that be? Please provide posters names and examples.

All you have to do is read the posts here, its not hard to figure out who those people are.

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Why is everyone so freaked out with what happened in 2015? Sure tons of hype and the team had the talent to support it, but they lacked experience and we were replacing the majority of the offensive production from 2013&2014. Our offense did struggle and it was hard to watch. 2015 sucked but was no where near the 2012 season. Atleast we finished with a win in a bowl game against a decent Memphis team.

I know it's hard, but just sit back and watch the season unfold and enjoy what you can. This board seems to flip flop so hard over the guy who is responsible for 2 national championship appearances and one win in the last 5 seasons. We should know by now that Gus is going to live and die by the sword. So just appreciate the madness and the magic that comes with the territory.

Because he's trended downward like Bowden did . Worse actually . Plus, you're right that 2015 wasn't another 2012, but 2012 was Chiziks 4th year. It's pretty fresh in our minds. It's fear that we're gonna bust in 2016. It is for me. Gus hasn't performed well the last two years. Hes trended downward and had player problems and dissension that messed us up. 2013 is looking more and more like a fluke.

By the way, some of us haven't flip flopped. I thought he was a Bowden-type hire, and still do.

It's pretty interesting to approach a situation with the mindset of it being a failure. I guess it's an easy way to hedge your bets though. Enter with a pessimistic mindset and you "win" when they struggle and still win when the team is doing well. Yep. except people like this will never acknowledge the pessimism they had if the team actually does well. They'll just find something else to complain about. It's incredibly easy to identify the constantly negative people here. If Auburn won every game by 30 they still wouldn't be happy.

2 great offenses followed by a poor offense year when replacing vital parts of the offense. 1 average year of defense followed by 2014 defense that only had a half season in it, then slight improvement in 2015 to manageable defense.

My point is this board gets extremely high when it goes well and then flatlines into a meltdown when things go bad. How do you guys even enjoy football like that?

Then we have another group that just stays flatline regardless of the success we have. Those people will always find something to complain about. It's just what they do. It must be a really sad life to always have that defeatist attitude.

Who would that be? Please provide posters names and examples.

All you have to do is read the posts here, its not hard to figure out who those people are.

I do read the posts on this site, however; I am just trying to find those post that meet YOUR definition of those that stay flatline and always complain. Again, if you are capable of doing so, please provide posters names and examples of posts who/that meet the YOUR criteria. Thanks.

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