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European Countries Committing Suicide?

Proud Tiger

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"Erropean counties"

Still wondering what state those counties are in.

Is that Air-o-Peee-on or is is Air-O-peen or is it err-Oh-pee-un? Because the pronunciation might help us figure out whether we are talking about counties in the NE, or NW or SW or SE -- or like, Thailand or something.

:laugh: That's good!

Yeah because you couldn't make a reasonable response to my last poit

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"Erropean counties"

Still wondering what state those counties are in.

Is that Air-o-Peee-on or is is Air-O-peen or is it err-Oh-pee-un? Because the pronunciation might help us figure out whether we are talking about counties in the NE, or NW or SW or SE -- or like, Thailand or something.

:laugh: That's good!

Yeah because you couldn't make a reasonable response to my last poit

Your awful needy. Guess that's why you start so many threads, huh?

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"this seems pointless, my explaining why your s*** tier typing is a reflection of how craptastic average americans are was not a defense. It's weird that you worded it that way."

and for the rest, what data do you have against it? You have not supplied your own personal experience or acquired data from reputable sources showing otherwise. Hell, if you just said you were against my views based on a gut feeling that would be something, instead you continue to shittily troll the political forums like always with the grace of a self hating, yet educated mule. "

Pathetic, disingenuous, dishonest.

I said, defend and stop deflecting. So, not a defense? Yeah, you think?

It is incumbent upon you to defend your, Americans are lazy, theory. You cannot because, it is a false, gross generalization.

You made an idiotic post. Do not attempt to make my posting the issue. I know you have a brain. Do not act like Raptor.

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One does not ACT like Raptor. It takes a high level of intelligence and awareness few sentient beings possess.

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"Erropean counties"

Still wondering what state those counties are in.

Is that Air-o-Peee-on or is is Air-O-peen or is it err-Oh-pee-un? Because the pronunciation might help us figure out whether we are talking about counties in the NE, or NW or SW or SE -- or like, Thailand or something.

:laugh: That's good!

Yeah because you couldn't make a reasonable response to my last poit

Your awful needy. Guess that's why you start so many threads, huh?

LMAO. That is a pitiful response. You jumped in where you shouldn't have and got burned. Backed in a corner you are, with a with a pointy white hat. Hope you don't get mistaken for a KKK member.

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"Erropean counties"

Still wondering what state those counties are in.

Is that Air-o-Peee-on or is is Air-O-peen or is it err-Oh-pee-un? Because the pronunciation might help us figure out whether we are talking about counties in the NE, or NW or SW or SE -- or like, Thailand or something.

:laugh: That's good!

Yeah because you couldn't make a reasonable response to my last poit

Your awful needy. Guess that's why you start so many threads, huh?

LMAO. That is a pitiful response. You jumped in where you shouldn't have and got burned. Backed in a corner you are, with a with a pointy white hat. Hope you don't get mistaken for a KKK member.


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"Erropean counties"

Still wondering what state those counties are in.

Is that Air-o-Peee-on or is is Air-O-peen or is it err-Oh-pee-un? Because the pronunciation might help us figure out whether we are talking about counties in the NE, or NW or SW or SE -- or like, Thailand or something.

:laugh: That's good!

Yeah because you couldn't make a reasonable response to my last poit

Your awful needy. Guess that's why you start so many threads, huh?

LMAO. That is a pitiful response. You jumped in where you shouldn't have and got burned. Backed in a corner you are, with a with a pointy white hat. Hope you don't get mistaken for a KKK member.


Yada, yada.

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As an aside, I had a nice talk with the owner of a Persian restaurant I ate at today. One of the things I discovered is they pronounce Iran with the accent on the first syllable: I' ran


Are you mocking me? :angry:


(Actually, for years I've thought about that song whenever I hear the country pronounce "EYE-ran". ....And whenever I see that hair, I appreciate my shaved balding head even more! :rolleyes: )

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"this seems pointless, my explaining why your s*** tier typing is a reflection of how craptastic average americans are was not a defense. It's weird that you worded it that way."

and for the rest, what data do you have against it? You have not supplied your own personal experience or acquired data from reputable sources showing otherwise. Hell, if you just said you were against my views based on a gut feeling that would be something, instead you continue to shittily troll the political forums like always with the grace of a self hating, yet educated mule. "

Pathetic, disingenuous, dishonest.

I said, defend and stop deflecting. So, not a defense? Yeah, you think?

It is incumbent upon you to defend your, Americans are lazy, theory. You cannot because, it is a false, gross generalization.

You made an idiotic post. Do not attempt to make my posting the issue. I know you have a brain. Do not act like Raptor.

Because I've said it multiple times, it's personal experience. Same reason I think bee stings hurt, I've never read any in depth analysis on what bee stings feel like, but I've been stung multiple times in my life, So I think bee stings hurt.

It's very odd you are so into this statement... I'll give ya some more statements to cry for defense for.

Peanut butter sandwiches are delicious.

If a orange is squishy to the touch it won't taste good.

If you see steam rising from water, it is likely hot.

If you see metal glowing with a reddish tint, it is likely very hot.

Frayed live wires can shock you.

The M16A2 assault rifle is one of the most accurate rifles at targets 500 meters or closer.

My defense for every statement is the same, personal experience.

And PS, the way you write on most political forums threads is dumb.

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Once does not ACT like Raptor. It takes a high level of intelligence and awareness few sentient beings possess.


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So, if I understand you, you offer no substantial support. Your "personal experience" and, my posting are enough to declare, "Americans are lazy".

That is truly idiotic.

That their is watch you call just plane ignurant.

The "bee sting" analogy is brilliant deflection. Right up there with Raptor. Congratulations! You didn't even need an irrational, devout belief in an ideology to become an idiot. All you required was your own irrational, devout belief in the absolute "fact" that your own experience is a panacea of truth. The scientific nature and depth of your personal research is noted. Wow, was I fool for ever arguing with you!

Your two smart four me!!!

Nice job Mims. Your credibility is unquestionable.

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So, if I understand you, you offer no substantial support. Your "personal experience" and, my posting are enough to declare, "Americans are lazy".

That is truly idiotic.

That their is watch you call just plane ignurant.

The "bee sting" analogy is brilliant deflection. Right up there with Raptor. Congratulations! You didn't even need an irrational, devout belief in an ideology to become an idiot. All you required was your own irrational, devout belief in the absolute "fact" that your own experience is a panacea of truth. The scientific nature and depth of your personal research is noted. Wow, was I fool for ever arguing with you!

Your two smart four me!!!

Nice job Mims. Your credibility is unquestionable.

Well, I've managed to get you to stop typing like you have a mental disability. Only two sentences of that post was horrible, with a bit more work you'll be ready for middle school.

Anyways, 8/10 troll. Got me to respond.

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I wasn't going to drag this on, but after a few drinks I figured... why not.

My bee sting analogy was spot on for the point I was trying to convey. If i get stung and say "oh s***! bee stings hurt!" I am merely expressing my own opinion, even though the statement made might seem like a factual statement, I actually have no idea if every human being feels the pain of a bee sting like I do.

Following that point (and I'm reiterating as I said this in my 1st reply to you) I do not have any concrete facts saying that established american families are not as hard working as 1st generation families. Did you think, even for a second that when I wrote my first statement I was declaring that I was privy to some knowledge about every single american citizen and their background and work ethic? I think not.

and now to go off subject mostly, this reminds me of a topic on another Auburn forum I was on a year or two back. I made a comment that Jake Holland had a bad stretch of games (3).

People immediately said I was full of it and demanded evidence to support my statement.

I responded with "I watched the games, and paid attention to him during them", which of course did not appease the other commenters, so I then showed stats as well as a few highlights. (or lowlights in this sense)

That was also not enough, and it soon became very apparent to me that nothing short of having them in a film room and going play by play for hours, with Jesus telling them about the mistakes in my place was ever going to convince them to stop pissing and moaning about my original observation.

So, everything considered. I understand perfectly if your experiences have differed from my own (which I stated in my first reply) but that in itself does not negate my own experiences, nor does it garner a need for calling me an idiot for expressing my opinion.

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Just my opinion that you are an idiot for declaring, "Americans are lazy". You are doing a fine job supporting my opinion. You are doing a horrible job defending your opinion.

Evidence you have presented:

Personal Experience

My posting

Bee Stings

Jake Holland

You have employed the dumbest, most disingenuous argument techniques of all time. You are using your own variation of the old, "birds fly don't they, fish swim don't they, see, I'm right." Very creative substituting bee stings and Jake Holland.

So far, you have done nothing to support your opinion. Again though, you are doing a magnificent job supporting mine. Have a few more drinks and try harder. One idiotic opinion does not make someone an idiot. Vehemently defending an idiotic opinion,,,,,,,well, that is a different story. Doing it poorly? Please keep posting. I admit the fact that my argument is weak but, it gets stronger with every one of your posts.

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I searched "mims lazy American personal experiences". Did not yield much. You are starting to understand, though. Good for you!

Laziness? Maybe, I did give you multiple opportunities to defend instead of deflect. I will stick with idiocy. Final answer. Again, your posts seem to support this opinion.

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"I don't think there's much doubt that if all immigrants suddenly disappeared, much of our produce would be gone along with them."

Are you offering that as support for, "Americans are lazy"?

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"I don't think there's much doubt that if all immigrants suddenly disappeared, much of our produce would be gone along with them."

Are you offering that as support for, "Americans are lazy"?

Only in a relative way. Immigrants as a group are more highly motivated to do whatever work is available.

Very few - if any - Americans would be willing to do many of the jobs that immigrants now dominate. That's a fact. Make of it what you will.

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"I don't think there's much doubt that if all immigrants suddenly disappeared, much of our produce would be gone along with them."

Are you offering that as support for, "Americans are lazy"?

Only in a relative way. Immigrants as a group are more highly motivated to do whatever work is available.

Very few - if any - Americans would be willing to do many of the jobs that immigrants now dominate. That's a fact. Make of it what you will.

whoa whoa, don't you dare say such a statement unless you have universally supported scientific fact to back that up! No Opinions are allowed on this forum, so says the meth hick speaking ICHY :lol:

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I wouldn't get too carried away. Homer's senility doesn't seem to recognize the difference between immigrants and migrant workers. His Raptoresque presentation is new.

Now, you have latched on to another disingenuous narrative. ICHY want let me have no opineon.

You may have all of the anecdotal opinions you care to have. You don't mind if I point out when they are baseless, do you?

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I wouldn't get too carried away. Homer's senility doesn't seem to recognize the difference between immigrants and migrant workers. His Raptoresque presentation is new.

Now, you have latched on to another disingenuous narrative. ICHY want let me have no opineon.

You may have all of the anecdotal opinions you care to have. You don't mind if I point out when they are baseless, do you?

I'm guessing you didn't click on the study above? Or the other ones with various opinions on immigrant work ethic.

Job growth of 1st generation immigrants has always been high and it's still on a steady rise, where Americans who have been established here for multiple generations job growth has been stunted the past 15 years.

The second link makes a good point as well, the immigrants are harder working because if they were lazy they wouldn't be immigrants, they would be lounging back in their home country.

... now is the part where you just whine "Proof!?!?!" again, make some nonsensical attack, and type like a fat fingered inbred. Have at it :lol:

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"The second link makes a good point as well, the immigrants are harder working because if they were lazy they wouldn't be immigrants, they would be lounging back in their home country."

Brilliant!!! All immigrants are the same. All Americans are the same. Nothing generalized there. Lazy Americans should simply immigrate to the nearest country that enjoys vastly more opportunity and, dramatically higher standard of living. In the desire to further the narrative, I think you and Homer fail to think about everything that is truly relative.

Now, allow me to help you two with the obvious argument.

How else did a country of immigrants become the wealthiest country in history?

Now, are immigrants truly more industrious or, predisposed to being exploited?

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"The second link makes a good point as well, the immigrants are harder working because if they were lazy they wouldn't be immigrants, they would be lounging back in their home country."

Brilliant!!! All immigrants are the same. All Americans are the same. Nothing generalized there. Lazy Americans should simply immigrate to the nearest country that enjoys vastly more opportunity and, dramatically higher standard of living. In the desire to further the narrative, I think you and Homer fail to think about everything that is truly relative.

Now, allow me to help you two with the obvious argument.

How else did a country of immigrants become the wealthiest country in history?

Now, are immigrants truly more industrious or, predisposed to being exploited?

Somehow you miss the simplest of points. Even using plain terms you somehow manage to stay dense enough not to get it. :lol: "Lazy Americans should simply immigrate to the nearest country" :lol:

The point was immigrants are people who are actively seeking a better life, seeking to in some fashion improve their lives. To immigrate by itself is an arduous task, the ones who can't or won't do the work required don't immigrate.

I also see you still haven't checked the actual study.

I'm done here, buh-bye raptor jr. ;)


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