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An Interesting Perspective From A Black Man

Proud Tiger

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So what was your point in saying that then....lol. And it was me who said raptor acts like a child but I glad you agree....as far as being a child to maybe one day getting to be a boy.....You even missed with that and it wasn't funny...You're a child before you have a gender? What are you even saying?

And if only they know some things you've said....You never know who will come smiling in your face Smh

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Oh that's how you feel? Can't say I'm not surprised

You're telling me that's NOT how you feel ? Honestly ? Every prominent black conservative I know has been mocked, ridiculed, name called and marginalized by the Left, and the " black " community.

I was only relaying what I've seen done, time and time again. In fact, I seem to recall some actually say words to that effect . I doubt digging up any quotes would sway you though, so why bother ?

Seriously.. Ben Carson and Herman Cain for some examples. But the Republicans are the racist ones... lol

Lol you try waaay too hard

Lol naaah. I just tell things how they are. I don't see the world through a sugar coated liberal fantasy.
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So what was your point in saying that then....lol. And it was me who said raptor acts like a child but I glad you agree....as far as being a child to maybe one day getting to be a boy.....You even missed with that and it wasn't funny...You're a child before you have a gender? What are you even saying?

And if only they know some things you've said....You never know who will come smiling in your face Smh

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Oh that's how you feel? Can't say I'm not surprised

You're telling me that's NOT how you feel ? Honestly ? Every prominent black conservative I know has been mocked, ridiculed, name called and marginalized by the Left, and the " black " community.

I was only relaying what I've seen done, time and time again. In fact, I seem to recall some actually say words to that effect . I doubt digging up any quotes would sway you though, so why bother ?

Seriously.. Ben Carson and Herman Cain for some examples. But the Republicans are the racist ones... lol

Lol you try waaay too hard

Lol naaah. I just tell things how they are. I don't see the world through a sugar coated liberal fantasy.

Yeah you just tell it like it is....lol. I'm sure we saw you on one of those videos at the trump rally

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So what was your point in saying that then....lol. And it was me who said raptor acts like a child but I glad you agree....as far as being a child to maybe one day getting to be a boy.....You even missed with that and it wasn't funny...You're a child before you have a gender? What are you even saying?

And if only they know some things you've said....You never know who will come smiling in your face Smh

Sounds about right. My bad though I had been doing a great job ignoring you raptor pulled me in, I just wanted to laugh at this thread. That's it

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So what was your point in saying that then....lol. And it was me who said raptor acts like a child but I glad you agree....as far as being a child to maybe one day getting to be a boy.....You even missed with that and it wasn't funny...You're a child before you have a gender? What are you even saying?

And if only they know some things you've said....You never know who will come smiling in your face Smh

Sounds about right. My bad though I had been doing a great job ignoring you raptor pulled me in, I just wanted to laugh at this thread. That's it

You always jump in, stir the pot, contribute nothing and end up a loser.

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You want to stir the pot that's why you start the threads you start. What do you feel like you contribute? And lose at what? You must watch the same imaginary scoreboard raptor does....I'm pretty sure you two are the only people competing and you guys are on the same team....

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LMAO. Isn't it past your bedtime? But hint......nobody makes you read anything I post. And of course I only post things I know will aggravate you. Feel better now?

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You're funny, like a child you always talking about hat handed to you or something like that....where's the score board? U haven't ever saw you come out on top of a debate in here....funny. As far as your true statement I didn't read one you made. I read a couple of subjective opinions but moving on from that, as I stated earlier clearly you became confused about the everyday interaction comment and for some reason took offense to it but yeah....You keep on telling me how black people do, what better way for me to know what black people do than learn it from people like you who down black people because you know so much about them that you learn from rush and fox news I guess lol

Your ignorance doesn't dismiss the fact of my statement. And I was never confused. I brought up the issue of public figures and politicians being conservative, and because it doesn't fit the narrative YOU want to promote, you instead talked about your 'every day interactions ', as if one cancels out the other. It doesn't. They are 2 different conversations.

I keep telling you how black people do ? Yeah, I guess so, if that's what you think I said. :gofig: But like it or not, i'm telling you one side of the story, one I see all the time and if you don't like it, too bad.

And there you go again, w/ the 'Rush and Fox News ' bull****. Seriously, does your material EVER get old ? ( Answer - hell yes it does )

And there your intelligence insult again which you will be crying and lying about in another thread about how you are insulted and you never insult others and all that....genius I don't think I am....pretty sure I'd score much higher on an iq test than you though....what do you do again???? Oh yeah that's right you're a political football internet warrior who wins based on imaginary scores!

Never claimed I never insult, but I do reply when I am insulted. And you did insult me first, claiming I lied ( again, never explaining where or how ) , simply because I was talking about 1 thing, you didn't like it, and decided to instead talk about something entirely different.

Cole - You can't follow a simple conversation. You interject insults when none are warranted, instead of even TRYING to have a civil conversation.

" LMFAO ! " was the sum total of your FIRST reply in this thread.

" What do you do again ? " Sorry pal, but you think you can win arguments by spouting off your profession or how much money you make, think again. Intelligence isn't always measured by degrees or pay checks. You CONSTANTLY try to bring that stuff up into the discussion shows me you're EXTREMELY insecure about some things, and when in doubt, you run back to hide behind something you feel is safe and comfortable.

Pretty pathetic. If you can't deal w/ others on a forum, just let it go already. You keep claiming how little I matter to you, my opinion means nothing, and yet you can't quit me ! :laugh: !!!

I really wish you would quit me, if that's the best you can do.

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Haven't made it halfway through the video....

1st off according to our last census 13% black americans???!!! that is insanely incorrect. and his %'s dealing with murder rates... no clue about legitimacy but it seems incorrect.

on his side though, speaking of black dudes with white gf's/wives. In my experience, the dudes who have white gf's/wives catch no end of s*** thrown their way by hating ass racists. While the ones who got involved with black women, even trifling ass women are cut slack.*

*although this is not really a disparity as the white men I know with black female partners go through the same bull****, 99% of the time with females of their skin color.

and then back to pick on him again, and this might just be his experience, and if so it's unfair.... but I'd like to see how comfortable he was walking the streets of the poor Appalachian roads in America. Since he is so against blacks in impoverished areas, my guess is he wouldn't last 5 mins in one of those areas.

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Where have I ever brought up how much money I make? I call you a liar because you lie...here you go again insulting people then getting on the soap box to chastise about insulting...

But I'll give you a chance to be honest so let's see. What narrative do I want to promote (like it or not this is already a lie) and what thing were you talking about that you feel like I don't like? I don't expect you to answer any of these questions because they both were something you just made up

Once again as far as your politicians statement I didn't say one thing replying to that. I ignored it, it didn't have a place. It was an opinion that you stated that's wrong but I didn't care. I had no interest in the statement but for some reason you keep repeating it because you are really confused.

And lastly as far as my profession you can say it doesn't mean anything but it's a great indication that I'm not a dummy. Between the two of us if there is somebody that should have the nerve to constantly question someone else intellect it would be me to you. But you right there aren't any absolutes so it doesn't prove anything....But even the simplest of minds must admit it's means more than a random obscure guy who will manipulate and lie before he will admit that he's wrong and apparently feels like he "wins" every time he posts and proclaim himself to be the smartest, I guess based off his imaginary wins....anybody can just call somebody else ignorant....And to be honest an old man posting on a forum sarcastically calling somebody genius is pretty stupid in their own right

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LMAO. Isn't it past your bedtime? But hint......nobody makes you read anything I post. And of course I only post things I know will aggravate you. Feel better now?

You aggravate me? Lol you really are confused then. Why would you feel like you aggravate me? You're consistent. There aren't any surprises. You will post any story where a policeman is hurt. You'll never post anything where a black person is hurt. Anything regarding race you will definitely be on the side against the person of color no matter what. Kkk speaking you would want to make sure their rights haven't been violated. And you wrap up every day talking to some black friends who see it just like you do.

More power to you, you have the right to think how you want, only thing that aggravates me is when a person lies about it

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Where have I ever brought up how much money I make? I call you a liar because you lie...here you go again insulting people then getting on the soap box to chastise about insulting...

Well, let's see. You've mentioned your degree, your job / profession... I dunno, seems pretty much like $ is also implied, imo, if you've not come right out and flatly stated it.

I don't lie in these forums. Never have. No need to. But you keep saying I do because you have nothing to come back at me with, so on it goes. Just ONCE I'd like to see you come up w/ an actual LIE, and not some difference in opinions. You can't.

But that won't stop you and your gang of idiots from carrying on w/ the character assassination.

But I'll give you a chance to be honest so let's see. What narrative do I want to promote (like it or not this is already a lie) and what thing were you talking about that you feel like I don't like? I don't expect you to answer any of these questions because they both were something you just made up

This is opinions, not a test of whether I lie or not. Pretty weak attempt on your part. And I've already said what it is, but you seem to need it said again... I am talking about the routine of conservative blacks being called sell outs, uncle Toms, or worse, and then not being considered REAL blacks, simply because of their political views. YOU claim you never see this, in every day interactions, and so that means you think you can dismiss my points as being invalid.

There is no LIE here, btw.

Once again as far as your politicians statement I didn't say one thing replying to that. I ignored it, it didn't have a place. It was an opinion that you stated that's wrong but I didn't care. I had no interest in the statement but for some reason you keep repeating it because you are really confused.

I'm not confused in the least.

And lastly as far as my profession you can say it doesn't mean anything but it's a great indication that I'm not a dummy. Between the two of us if there is somebody that should have the nerve to constantly question someone else intellect it would be me to you. But you right there aren't any absolutes so it doesn't prove anything....But even the simplest of minds must admit it's means more than a random obscure guy who will manipulate and lie before he will admit that he's wrong and apparently feels like he "wins" every time he posts and proclaim himself to be the smartest, I guess based off his imaginary wins....anybody can just call somebody else ignorant....And to be honest an old man posting on a forum sarcastically calling somebody genius is pretty stupid in their own right

Having a High IQ doesn't mean you KNOW what in the hell you're talking about on every topic. Sorry, but that's just ridiculous that you think you have some great insight or something simply because of your intellect. It doesn't work that way.

And anyone who routinely has trouble w/ basic sentence structure and composition really shouldn't be belittling others w/ ' old man' this or ' liar '.

And you stil wonder why anyone would sarcastically call you ' genius' ?

Knock it off w/ calling me a liar crap and I'll ease up on questioning your intelligence.

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