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Warren Buffett weighs in on the Presidential race


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Warren Buffett has a message for presidential candidates spreading doom and gloom about the United States: America is great, and her children will inherit a better country than the previous generation.

"It’s an election year, and candidates can’t stop speaking about our country’s problems (which, of course, only they can solve)," Buffett, chairman of the board of Berkshire Hathaway, writes in his annual letter to the company's shareholders. "As a result of this negative drumbeat, many Americans now believe that their children will not live as well as they themselves do."

"That view is dead wrong: The babies being born in America today are the luckiest crop in history."

Buffett, 85 and long one of the richest men in the world, goes on to rattle off statistics aimed at showing that pessimistic politicians like Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders — who often say that Americans are worse off now than in the past — have things backwards.

"Most of today's children are doing well," Buffett emphasizes, and all families in his "upper middle-class neighborhood" witness better living standards than when he was born. Cashes in the marketplace and between politicians in Congress, he argues, "have forever been with us — and will forever continue."

Buffett's bottom-line message to Trump and Sanders: "Today’s politicians need not shed tears for tomorrow’s children."

"For 240 years it’s been a terrible mistake to bet against America, and now is no time to start," he concludes.

"America’s golden goose of commerce and innovation will continue to lay more and larger eggs. America’s social security promises will be honored and perhaps made more generous. And, yes, America’s kids will live far better than their parents did."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/warren-buffett-donald-trump-bernie-sander-219895#ixzz41PV9OQ8C

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My old Omaha neighbor

Hey I'm driving thru Omaha in May. What do I need to see there,

Stay away from the sale barns and the meat packing company's. Best steak houses in the country if you know where to go

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My old Omaha neighbor

Hey I'm driving thru Omaha in May. What do I need to see there,

Stay away from the sale barns and the meat packing company's. Best steak houses in the country if you know where to go

Any recommendation for lunch?

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My old Omaha neighbor

Hey I'm driving thru Omaha in May. What do I need to see there,

Stay away from the sale barns and the meat packing company's. Best steak houses in the country if you know where to go

Any recommendation for lunch?

Stokes is my favorite but Dovers is great as well. Biggest thing I remember about Neb. was they played the UN game on the speakers in the super market on weekends. I went to a lot of UNO, University of Nebraska Omaha basketball games back in the day.

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My old Omaha neighbor

Hey I'm driving thru Omaha in May. What do I need to see there,

Stay away from the sale barns and the meat packing company's. Best steak houses in the country if you know where to go

Any recommendation for lunch?

Stokes is my favorite but Dovers is great as well. Biggest thing I remember about Neb. was they played the UN game on the speakers in the super market on weekends. I went to a lot of UNO, University of Nebraska Omaha basketball games back in the day.


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You mean THIS Warren Buffett, the billionaire Democrat donor that is one of the world's largest polluters? http://cleantechnica...the-western-us/

Now, about that Omaha steakhouse: I wouldn't be so bold as to say I know a lot about Omaha restaurants, but the steak dinner I got at Sullivan's was the best I've ever had. The waitress was super, the drinks were well made and it was a very fine dining experience. If cost is a factor Sullivan's may not be the place for you. Dinner for two with drinks, dessert and a more than generous tip, came to, well, we bumped the tip up to make the whole thing cost an even $100.

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My old Omaha neighbor

Hey I'm driving thru Omaha in May. What do I need to see there,

Stay away from the sale barns and the meat packing company's. Best steak houses in the country if you know where to go

Any recommendation for lunch?

Stokes is my favorite but Dovers is great as well. Biggest thing I remember about Neb. was they played the UN game on the speakers in the super market on weekends. I went to a lot of UNO, University of Nebraska Omaha basketball games back in the day.

When were you there?

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"America’s golden goose of commerce and innovation will continue to lay more and larger eggs. America’s social security promises will be honored and perhaps made more generous.And, yes, America’s kids will live far better than their parents did."

Well, I guess an 85 year old man doesn't have to worry about betting on the right horse much longer...

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Sullivan's- gosh, that brings back some memories. Spent some time in Omaha a little over a decade ago now, and knew there was one spot that had an amazing steak, but couldn't remember the name. Good thing I opened this thread.

Best steak ever, though? The steakhouse on the Carnival cruise ship. My God, I could have died after that one and not cared a bit.

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Sounds to me as though Mr. Buffett is ignoring our ever increasing two-tiered society. Is he ignoring the fact that we aren't exporting the American version of capitalism but rather, importing the third-world version?

Does he really care?


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I sure don't see how Buffett is right on this one. I don't see how we can thrive with our work force/tax base shrinking and our spending increasing. I hope he is right, for the sake of my granddaughters.

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Love how the right tries to marginalize arguably the greatest capitalist of our time when he doesn't support their narrative. Carry on.

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Love how the right tries to marginalize arguably the greatest capitalist of our time when he doesn't support their narrative. Carry on.

Run, if I may ask, do you think Buffett is correct when he says the following?

"America’s golden goose of commerce and innovation will continue to lay more and larger eggs. America’s social security promises will be honored and perhaps made more generous. And, yes, America’s kids will live far better than their parents did."

Once again, I hope he is right!

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"Love how the right tries to marginalize arguably the greatest capitalist of our time when he doesn't support their narrative. Carry on."

What has Mr. Buffett created? Is personal wealth the true measure of a great capitalist?

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Love how the right tries to marginalize arguably the greatest capitalist of our time when he doesn't support their narrative. Carry on.

Run, if I may ask, do you think Buffett is correct when he says the following?

"America’s golden goose of commerce and innovation will continue to lay more and larger eggs. America’s social security promises will be honored and perhaps made more generous. And, yes, America’s kids will live far better than their parents did."

Once again, I hope he is right!

Yes, I believe America remains the envy of the world and yes, our children will live far better than we did. You see this already.

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Love how the right tries to marginalize arguably the greatest capitalist of our time when he doesn't support their narrative. Carry on.

Run, if I may ask, do you think Buffett is correct when he says the following?

"America’s golden goose of commerce and innovation will continue to lay more and larger eggs. America’s social security promises will be honored and perhaps made more generous. And, yes, America’s kids will live far better than their parents did."

Once again, I hope he is right!

Yes, I believe America remains the envy of the world and yes, our children will live far better than we did. You see this already.

Thank you for replying! I sincerely appreciate your honest opinion. Do you also agree that "America's social security promises will be honored and perhaps made more generous"? I will be absolutely shocked if anyone who is remotely wealthy gets social security 20 years from now. The comment "perhaps made more generous" sounds like he is simply pandering to his audience. But I admit to not knowing anywhere close to as much as Warren Buffett about the economy or the government.
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Love how the right tries to marginalize arguably the greatest capitalist of our time when he doesn't support their narrative. Carry on.

Buffett has been a shrewd investor but I'm not so sure that makes him a great capitalist in the mode of Ford, Rockefeller, Morgan etc. With his railroad and coal investments he's proven to be one of the world's great polluters and he pays the democratic party handsomely to keep the government's hands off his possessions.

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Love how the right tries to marginalize arguably the greatest capitalist of our time when he doesn't support their narrative. Carry on.

Run, if I may ask, do you think Buffett is correct when he says the following?

"America’s golden goose of commerce and innovation will continue to lay more and larger eggs. America’s social security promises will be honored and perhaps made more generous. And, yes, America’s kids will live far better than their parents did."

Once again, I hope he is right!

Yes, I believe America remains the envy of the world and yes, our children will live far better than we did. You see this already.

Thank you for replying! I sincerely appreciate your honest opinion. Do you also agree that "America's social security promises will be honored and perhaps made more generous"? I will be absolutely shocked if anyone who is remotely wealthy gets social security 20 years from now. The comment "perhaps made more generous" sounds like he is simply pandering to his audience. But I admit to not knowing anywhere close to as much as Warren Buffett about the economy or the government.

Our entitlements need to be reformed - perhaps the only way to truly get the budget under control. And no one is talking about - drives me crazy. They would rather focus on defunding planned parenthood, or the EPA or the Dept of Education. Sigh ...

But back to topic, you are right, as they exist today, the programs are unsustainable. They ultimately will have to be revised and they will. So I guess you have to ask yourself, which party, or candidate, do you trust most to do this. Frankly, because of the politics of it, I think only one party can get it done w/o being under the gun of the paralyzing accusation of trying to "gut SS, Medicare/Medicaid, etc."

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"Buffett has been a shrewd investor but I'm not so sure that makes him a great capitalist in the mode of Ford, Rockefeller, Morgan etc. With his railroad and coal investments he's proven to be one of the world's great polluters and he pays the democratic party handsomely to keep the government's hands off his possessions."

I would not include Morgan. I think it could be effectively argued that "Morganization" was inherently antithetical to capitalism.

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Sounds to me as though Mr. Buffett is ignoring our ever increasing two-tiered society. Is he ignoring the fact that we aren't exporting the American version of capitalism but rather, importing the third-world version?

Does he really care?


IDK. But he is not speaking for the downtrodden.
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