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The Age of Trump


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Who would have guessed that after the "Vote for Obama, or you are racist" memes worked so well that they would then go to the "If you vote for Trump, then you are racist" memes.

Wow, people are so awesomely creative!

Lol why would a person EVER come to that conclusion?

Because that is exactly what the media ( & Democrats ) have been pounding into our heads?

What BS.

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Who would have guessed that after the "Vote for Obama, or you are racist" memes worked so well that they would then go to the "If you vote for Trump, then you are racist" memes.

Wow, people are so awesomely creative!

What?? :dunno:

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By that logic, Barack is a hard line socialist who shows favoritism towards Islam .

How? If anything, his logic and that crap are unrelated, maybe even at odds with each other.

Walks , sounds, looks like a duck... It's an completely apt analogy.

My point ? Trump is no more a white supremacist than Obama is a closet Muslim / socialist.

You can't have it both ways & nail Trump for the same sort of superficial things but then give Obama a free pass.

Your ODS is constantly on display. Show us an equivalent statement or position by Obama that suggests he is a Muslim or socialist.

And what if he were? How would that equate to racism?

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I don't understand something. If Trump has already come out twice and disavowed David Duke, and the racist and the bigots that follow that clown, how is he now pandering to those same crowns?

Obviously, because by dragging his feet, he makes it appear as if he was forced by "PC" to do so. The racists understand that as well as anyone.

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You have to love the feigning of ignorance as this duality is exposed, particularly from southern Republicans.

The subtle courting of racists is hardly a recent phenomenon attributable to Trump. Forget Trump. Think about the actions that marginalize minorities:

Ending affirmative action programs


Regressive tax policies

Budget cuts seemingly always targeting the poor (who just happen to be, by percentage, heavily composed of minorities)

Now, the party wants to demonize Trump and label him as a racist? What is the problem? He isn't subtle enough? He has exposed the base?

Trump and Trump supporters aren't the problem. The problem is deeper, more complex and, at the heart of the party and their policies.

Personally, I do not think the party leadership (the "establishment") are racists. I think they are basically arrogant and stupid. I believe, they believe, that the best way to fight poverty is to spew rhetoric that demonizes the poor and, craft legislation that serves as punitive actions targeting the poor. Is there a belief that, we will bring people out of poverty if we make poverty uncomfortable enough? If so, is that rational? Is Romney's, "I can't help 47% of Americans", an inadvertent admission. Does that remotely sound like the desire to, "lift people out of poverty"? It sounds more like a rationalization for not even making an effort. Or worse, to continue policies blame, and punish, the poor for being poor.

The GOP isn't imploding because of Trump. The country did not implode under Bush because of the poor or, liberal policy. The problem with the GOP lies within the leadership and establishment.

Please, do not believe this indictment of the GOP is an endorsement of the DNC. The core of both parties is, disingenuous, duplicitous, and mostly, corrupt. When you reconcile the popular support for Trump and Sanders, is there another reasonable conclusion?

There is another thread discussing the choice of "evils". Perhaps the real choice is, the same old evils we know (and love) versus, the potential of, our own fear of, a greater evil we do not know? Is there a concerted effort(s) leading us?

Perhaps the real choice is more about where our faith lies, in our own critical thinking or the rhetoric of phony ideologies, democracy or a tainted election system largely controlled by two corrupt parties.

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Who would have guessed that after the "Vote for Obama, or you are racist" memes worked so well that they would then go to the "If you vote for Trump, then you are racist" memes.

Wow, people are so awesomely creative!

Lol why would a person EVER come to that conclusion?

Because that is exactly what the media ( & Democrats ) have been pounding into our heads?

What BS.

Yet once again, your ignorance allows you the comfort of holding a view , despite the facts.

Fans and colleagues of the President stir the pot by playing the race card w/ out merit.

Holder Accuses Obama Opponents of Being Racist Again

Are Opponents of Obama racist ?

Chris Matthews Calls Obama Opponents Racists

AP: Obama opponents are racists. They just don't know it.

etc, ...

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Your ODS is constantly on display. Show us an equivalent statement or position by Obama that suggests he is a Muslim or socialist.

Done and done.

And what if he were? How would that equate to racism?

You're failing at analogies, yet again.

Trump, who is NOT a racist, or at least has not shown any hint that he is one, and has ALREADY come out and disavowed both racists and bigots as well as David Duke by name, is still getting grilled as being what ? A racist.It's a completely empty, baseless charge.

Obama, on the other hand, has been accused of being both Muslim ( he was , at one time ) and a socialist ( he clearly leans heavily towards BIG STATE over free / private enterprise govt ) is none the less given a complete pass by the MSM, and we're all scolded for thinking he's ANYTHING but a Christian and a good American.

Do you NOT see the hypocrisy ? ( Do look up the meaning of that word before you answer. I doubt you know it still )

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Obama's presidency is almost up and people are still arguing whether or not he's a Muslim.

I'm not. I'm just pointing out where , when the question was asked, folks could offer up at least examples of things which they could say " see ? " , but with Trump there's nothing there. And if there is, I'd like to see it.

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Who would have guessed that after the "Vote for Obama, or you are racist" memes worked so well that they would then go to the "If you vote for Trump, then you are racist" memes.

Wow, people are so awesomely creative!

Lol why would a person EVER come to that conclusion?

Because that is exactly what the media ( & Democrats ) have been pounding into our heads?

What BS.

Yet once again, your ignorance allows you the comfort of holding a view , despite the facts.

Fans and colleagues of the President stir the pot by playing the race card w/ out merit.

Holder Accuses Obama Opponents of Being Racist Again

Are Opponents of Obama racist ?

Chris Matthews Calls Obama Opponents Racists

AP: Obama opponents are racists. They just don't know it.

etc, ...

:laugh: That's good.

Right wing articles accusing Democrats of assigning racism to (all) Obama opponents is hardly proof it's true. :-\

The most that has been said is that some of the opposition to Obama has racist overtones. That's indisputably true:













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Right wing articles accusing Democrats of claiming racism for Obama opponents is hardly proof it's true. :-\

The most that has been said is that some of the opposition to Obama has racist overtones. That's indisputably true:

You're flat out delusional. These aren't articles CLAIMING anything. These are Dems actually claiming racism is behind Obama's opposition. It's clear you didn't even read the links, because you can't come to the conclusion that these are only CLAIMS made by ' Right wing ' sources.

" Some ? "

Your photo shopped pics amount to nothing. That's internet nonsense. I could match you pic for pic of W being referred to or shown to be a chimp, Hitler, etc... and so the hell what ?

Fact is, you can't deny what I posted. Best you can do is try to smear the messenger as being biased , and you can only do that if you completely ignore what is being reported.

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Right wing articles accusing Democrats of claiming racism for Obama opponents is hardly proof it's true. :-\

The most that has been said is that some of the opposition to Obama has racist overtones. That's indisputably true:

You're flat out delusional. These aren't articles CLAIMING anything. These are Dems actually claiming racism is behind Obama's opposition. It's clear you didn't even read the links, because you can't come to the conclusion that these are only CLAIMS made by ' Right wing ' sources.

" Some ? "

Your photo shopped pics amount to nothing. That's internet nonsense. I could match you pic for pic of W being referred to or shown to be a chimp, Hitler, etc... and so the hell what ?

Fact is, you can't deny what I posted. Best you can do is try to smear the messenger as being biased , and you can only do that if you completely ignore what is being reported.

No, those were articles trying to find instances where the claim was made. No one has ever claimed that all Obama opponents were racially-motivated. But many are, as I demonstrated.

Many more don't recognize they have inherent, latent racism that forms their ODS. These are the people who emphasize things like his middle name and his Muslim connections. After all, those aren't policy issues, are they?

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No, those were articles trying to find instances where the claim was made. No one has ever claimed that all Obama opponents were racially-motivated. But many are, as I demonstrated.

No, they were articles about Dems CLAIMING anyone who opposes Der Leader and his policies is a racist. Which is patently absurd.

You demonstrated ZERO. The opposition to Obama care has nothing to do w/ race. YOU FAIL. The opposition to his nonsensical AGW initiatives, or his war on fossil fuels,( which is costing us jobs ) , his refusal to allow the Keystone XL pipeline ( to pay off his political contributions ) , his spiking the ball on the gay-marriage issue, and a dozen other things are NOT based on how much damn light his skin reflects !

Many more don't recognize they have inherent, latent racism that forms their ODS. These are the people who emphasize things like his middle name and his Muslim connections. After all, those aren't policy issues, are they?

Ahh yes ! Just like the funny article I posted, about how folks are really racist, but don't know it !! :roflol: THIS is why no one can take you seriously !

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Let's keep this thread on that a$$ hat Trump.

There was something new and even revolutionary about these graphics interventions. For months and months and months, interviewers have failed to lay a hand on Trump, even when they’ve been well armed with facts to counter his lies, bluster and ill-informedness. Somehow Trump has been able to deflect, to distract, to bamboozle — and come out of these clashes facing no consequences whatsoever.

But you know what graphics do? They shut him up, if even for a couple of miraculous seconds. Like everyone else, he has to look at the data. He has to read the quote or check out the numbers, because graphics equal authoritativeness. While he performs these basic tasks, he can’t spin. He can’t insult. He can’t say you’re not being nice. And in any face-to-face encounter with Donald Trump, that’s an achievement.


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Vets deserve all the $ promised to them. I think all can agree on that much.

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...In 1999, the family patriarch died, and 650 people, including many real estate executives and politicians, crowded his funeral at Marble Collegiate Church on Fifth Avenue.

But the drama was hardly put to rest. Freddy’s son, Fred III, spoke at the funeral, and that night, his wife went into labor with their son, who developed seizures that led to cerebral palsy. The Trump family promised that it would take care of the medical bills.

Then came the unveiling of Fred Sr.’s will, which Donald had helped draft. It divided the bulk of the inheritance, at least $20 million, among his children and their descendants, “other than my son Fred C. Trump Jr.”

Freddy’s children sued, claiming that an earlier version of the will had entitled them to their father’s share of the estate, but that Donald and his siblings had used “undue influence” over their grandfather, who had dementia, to cut them out.

A week later, Mr. Trump retaliated by withdrawing the medical benefits critical to his nephew’s infant child.

“I was angry because they sued,” he explained during last week’s interview.

At the time, he attributed their exclusion from the will to his father’s “tremendous dislike” for Freddy’s ex-wife, Linda. She and Fred III declined to comment on the dispute...


Just so we're clear on the kind of person we're considering giving the highest office in the country:

He is not sorry for punishing his infant nephew who was suffering from cerebral palsy. He never offers any sort of apology. He simply states his motivation. He has, as he has already explained, never needed to ask God for forgiveness. All this because of a dispute over Daddy's money.

What a loathsome human being.

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What he said on air about Megyn Kelly is child's play compared to who this guy is in private.

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Let's keep this thread on that a$$ hat Trump.

There was something new and even revolutionary about these graphics interventions. For months and months and months, interviewers have failed to lay a hand on Trump, even when they’ve been well armed with facts to counter his lies, bluster and ill-informedness. Somehow Trump has been able to deflect, to distract, to bamboozle — and come out of these clashes facing no consequences whatsoever.

But you know what graphics do? They shut him up, if even for a couple of miraculous seconds. Like everyone else, he has to look at the data. He has to read the quote or check out the numbers, because graphics equal authoritativeness. While he performs these basic tasks, he can’t spin. He can’t insult. He can’t say you’re not being nice. And in any face-to-face encounter with Donald Trump, that’s an achievement.


Excellent point. If only the same tactic could be used for talk radio.

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Comedian Louis CK on Trump. Language is NSFW.


Nailed it. But also, you know as well as I do that Trump voters will allow this to go in one ear and out the other. Jesus Christ could come back in the flesh, tell them Trump's a dangerous wacko and they shouldn't vote for him. And they'd argue with their own Lord and Savior that he doesn't get the anger of the people, that Trump isn't beholden to anyone, blah blah, blah blah, blah blah.

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