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The Age of Trump


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I think you have misunderstood. It was never about the source. There is an inherently corrupt nature about the quote. Perhaps being a lion, or a sheep, isn't a choice a human being should, or has to, make? Perhaps there are times at which being aggressive is necessary, other times when such behavior for a human is corrupt and destructive? Perhaps there are times when being kind and gentle are in fact appropriate, preferable?

Quotes and clichés are fine until, we delude ourselves into believing their small amount of truth should be the entire basis of our belief system.

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I think you have misunderstood. It was never about the source. There is an inherently corrupt nature about the quote. Perhaps being a lion, or a sheep, isn't a choice a human being should, or has to, make? Perhaps there are times at which being aggressive is necessary, other times when such behavior for a human is corrupt and destructive? Perhaps there are times when being kind and gentle are in fact appropriate, preferable?

Quotes and clichés are fine until, we delude ourselves into believing their small amount of truth should be the entire basis of our belief system.

If you are referring to the "Mussolini" quote, then it was ABSOLUTELY about the source. You can meditate on the quote all you want to, but most people, I believe, see the quote as being a leader or being a follower. A lion can be gentle and a sheep can be aggressive. No one would care one bit about the quote if it had not been attributed to Mussolini.
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In retrospect, perhaps you are correct. Maybe it is about Mussolini. Then again, if the source is related to the Roman Empire?

I wonder what was his intention/interpretation when he used it? The same as yours? Given his fascist views, I doubt it.

Perhaps it stands that the nature of quotes and clichés lends itself to misuse? I won't attempt to put my own absolute meaning on the quote. However, I do see how such a quote could be used to justify inhumane actions. Do you agree?

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And where will the pajama wearing Nancy boys who love msnbc go now, that MHP has taken her " talents " to ... off air ?

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In retrospect, perhaps you are correct. Maybe it is about Mussolini. Then again, if the source is related to the Roman Empire?

I wonder what was his intention/interpretation when he used it? The same as yours? Given his fascist views, I doubt it.

Perhaps it stands that the nature of quotes and clichés lends itself to misuse? I won't attempt to put my own absolute meaning on the quote. However, I do see how such a quote could be used to justify inhumane actions. Do you agree?

Yes, I agree that it could.
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Who would have guessed that after the "Vote for Obama, or you are racist" memes worked so well that they would then go to the "If you vote for Trump, then you are racist" memes.

Wow, people are so awesomely creative!

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Who would have guessed that after the "Vote for Obama, or you are racist" memes worked so well that they would then go to the "If you vote for Trump, then you are racist" memes.

Wow, people are so awesomely creative!

Lol why would a person EVER come to that conclusion?

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Who would have guessed that after the "Vote for Obama, or you are racist" memes worked so well that they would then go to the "If you vote for Trump, then you are racist" memes.

Wow, people are so awesomely creative!

Lol why would a person EVER come to that conclusion?

Because that is exactly what the media ( & Democrats ) have been pounding into our heads?

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Who would have guessed that after the "Vote for Obama, or you are racist" memes worked so well that they would then go to the "If you vote for Trump, then you are racist" memes.

Wow, people are so awesomely creative!

Lol why would a person EVER come to that conclusion?

Because that is exactly what the media ( & Democrats ) have been pounding into our heads?

Maybe they're pounding it because it's substantially true? I'm not saying everyone is supporting Trump because of racism. But if you're one of those who aren't racist but still support him, you have to ask yourself why so many white supremacists are attracted to his candidacy. Then you have to ask yourself how a man of Trump's age, who certainly remembers the pre-Civil Rights era, can't bring himself to immediately and unequivocally disavow and condemn both David Duke and the KKK. Sure, he did so a few days later and claims it was some earpiece malfunction, but if you believe that I have some beachfront property in Nebraska to sell you. That doesn't even get into his broad, sweeping generalizations of Mexicans and other South American immigrants.

At some point, if if looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, do you not come to the conclusion that it's a duck?

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By that logic, Barack is a hard line socialist who shows favoritism towards Islam .

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By that logic, Barack is a hard line socialist who shows favoritism towards Islam .

Yeah, that's equivalent. <_</>

It is.

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By that logic, Barack is a hard line socialist who shows favoritism towards Islam .

How? If anything, his logic and that crap are unrelated, maybe even at odds with each other.
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By that logic, Barack is a hard line socialist who shows favoritism towards Islam .

How? If anything, his logic and that crap are unrelated, maybe even at odds with each other.

Walks , sounds, looks like a duck... It's an completely apt analogy.

My point ? Trump is no more a white supremacist than Obama is a closet Muslim / socialist.

You can't have it both ways & nail Trump for the same sort of superficial things but then give Obama a free pass.

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By that logic, Barack is a hard line socialist who shows favoritism towards Islam .

How? If anything, his logic and that crap are unrelated, maybe even at odds with each other.

Walks , sounds, looks like a duck... It's an completely apt analogy

Only in your fantasy world.
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By that logic, Barack is a hard line socialist who shows favoritism towards Islam .

How? If anything, his logic and that crap are unrelated, maybe even at odds with each other.

Walks , sounds, looks like a duck... It's an completely apt analogy.

My point ? Trump is no more a white supremacist than Obama is a closet Muslim / socialist.

You can't have it both ways & nail Trump for the same sort of superficial things but then give Obama a free pass.

I never said Trump is white supremacist. I just think he is pandering to them for their vote.
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Mikey Cyrus did say that if Trump becomes president she is moving, I'm starting to warm up to the clown now.

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By that logic, Barack is a hard line socialist who shows favoritism towards Islam .

How? If anything, his logic and that crap are unrelated, maybe even at odds with each other.

Walks , sounds, looks like a duck... It's an completely apt analogy.

My point ? Trump is no more a white supremacist than Obama is a closet Muslim / socialist.

You can't have it both ways & nail Trump for the same sort of superficial things but then give Obama a free pass.

I never said Trump is white supremacist. I just think he is pandering to them for their vote.

This is exactly it. I don't think Trump is a closet hood wearer. I think he's tone-deaf on racial issues and that he understands that a non-insignificant portion of his support is coming from people like this or at least people who sympathize with some of their views even if they won't self-identify as such.

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I don't understand something. If Trump has already come out twice and disavowed David Duke, and the racist and the bigots that follow that clown, how is he now pandering to those same crowns?

*eta - A "non-insignificant portion of his support"? is that the same as saying a significant amount ? Because I do not believe that a significant amount of Trump supporters are racist. But beside all the semantics, I'd say there is more evidence that Obama is a sympathizing Muslim with socialist tendencies than Trump is racist. Even being tone deaf to racism isn't a crime , is it ? Seems some want to equate one with the other when they're pretty different. Neither good. , but one far worse than the other.

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All racists vote for Trump, but not all Trump voters are racist.


Heard that one before & it's probably close to the truth.

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All racists vote for Trump, but not all Trump voters are racist.

I agree. Let's say that there is a circle notating Trump's supporters. I'd suggest that there is a racist circle within the Trump circle but that there is more room within the circle for other groups. To suggest that all Trump supporters are racist is as fallacious as saying all force users are Jedi's. Because obviously there are other force users, Darth Vader, etc.
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I don't understand something. If Trump has already come out twice and disavowed David Duke, and the racist and the bigots that follow that clown, how is he now pandering to those same crowns?

Days later, after hemming and hawing about not knowing Duke and needing to look into the KKK more before saying something definitive.

*eta - A "non-insignificant portion of his support"? is that the same as saying a significant amount ?

Maybe. It's not a majority. It's not necessarily a controlling plurality either. But it's enough support to matter to him.

Even being tone deaf to racism isn't a crime , is it ? Seems some want to equate one with the other when they're pretty different. Neither good. , but one far worse than the other.

A lot of characteristics I wouldn't want in a president aren't crimes. That's setting the bar rather low dontchathink?

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