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The Age of Trump


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Sounds eerily familiar to the last eight years. Yikes. I hope my wife is correct in calling him the next Reagan. I don't see it yet.

Isn't Rubio a Reagan disciple?

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usn is NOT a fan of Trump ! It's true !

Full story at 6 and 11.

Can't be serious....

Totes cereal. USN cranks out how many unsolicited, anti-Trump posts in a row ? I mean, c'mon now, we GET THE MESSAGE.

You still not sure ?


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AUUSN, In what way is Donald Trump a racist? Your liberalism gives me a migraine. Give me a photo of Trump with a klan robe on or sieg heiling. Never heard anything racist come out of his mouth.

That would actually be a pretty funny post had it been meant as humor.

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AUUSN, In what way is Donald Trump a racist? Your liberalism gives me a migraine. Give me a photo of Trump with a klan robe on or sieg heiling. Never heard anything racist come out of his mouth.

That would actually be a pretty funny post had it been meant as humor.

Because who needs actual proof, right ?

I mean, Hillary can speak in a fake as hell black or southern *accent , but anyone else who does't drop to their knees , raised a clinched fist and denounce David Duke is CLEARLY a dyed in the wool racist, through and through.


* http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3449682/Hillary-courts-black-vote-Harlem-speech-barriers-holding-African-American-families-meeting-Sharpton-civil-rights-groups.html#v-8506696865535707446

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AUUSN, In what way is Donald Trump a racist? Your liberalism gives me a migraine. Give me a photo of Trump with a klan robe on or sieg heiling. Never heard anything racist come out of his mouth.

Hey skippy. Trump will not win the general election. While you are sucking on your tea bag, the media is setting you up. They will crush Trump just as soon as the convention is over, propelling Hillary to the oval office. What freaking suckers.
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AUUSN, In what way is Donald Trump a racist? Your liberalism gives me a migraine. Give me a photo of Trump with a klan robe on or sieg heiling. Never heard anything racist come out of his mouth.

That would actually be a pretty funny post had it been meant as humor.

Because who needs actual proof, right ?

I mean, Hillary can speak in a fake as hell black or southern *accent , but anyone else who does't drop to their knees , raised a clinched fist and denounce David Duke is CLEARLY a dyed in the wool racist, through and through.


That sort of "actual" proof is a little more difficult to come by. :laugh:

That's funny, even if you don't get it.

You need to be more selective in picking your spots to barge in with Hillary attacks.

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More selective than actual video proof ?

That doesn't even begin to make sense.

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How ironic is it that early on the establishment tried to pin Trump down to staying loyal to the party if he didn't win the nomination and now, with each passing day, it seems, some other republican says they will not vote for Trump if he's the nominee. This is typical of the party that created Trump. The republican party is much more interested in maintaining the status quo than they are honestly representing their constituents. So much so they'll support Hillary if Trump is the republican nominee and people wonder why grassroots voters are so pissed. The republican party needs to be blown up!

Im voting for Ted Cruz but Im not in the least bit surprised that Trump has the lead he has. All the hand wringers and whiners can thank the republican party of HW and W for that! They should have both been democrats. The fact that Jeb spent over $100 million dollars and never finished better than 4th is a harsh repudiation of Bush doctrine. The idea that the big donors were so tone deaf to political realities and actually believed a Jeb campaign was a good idea is an excellent case study of everything that is wrong with the current republican party.

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More selective than actual video proof ?

That doesn't even begin to make sense.

:laugh: That's funny too!

I was obviously referring to Jay's post, thus the highlighted text.

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AUUSN, In what way is Donald Trump a racist? Your liberalism gives me a migraine. Give me a photo of Trump with a klan robe on or sieg heiling. Never heard anything racist come out of his mouth.

I haven't heard direct racism, but I've heard plenty of anger and hatred towards minorities and women to make me think he probably is a racist bigot. He lies, like a lot. When he gets embarrassed or exposed, he creates a media diversion. The man is a con and is playing the Republican Party by feeding off of fear and anger and it makes me sick. He is targeting the uneducated and tricking the educated with empty promises and attention garnering quotes. Evangelicals supporting the man is baffling to me....two Corinthians...
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Rush Limbaugh says Donald Trump didn’t disavow the Ku Klux Klan during an interview Sunday because Trump “doesn’t want to tick off anybody that might vote for him.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/02/29/limbaugh-suggests-trump-didnt-disavow-kkk-so-he-doesnt-tick-off-potential-voters/#ixzz41cB27K12

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AUUSN, In what way is Donald Trump a racist? Your liberalism gives me a migraine. Give me a photo of Trump with a klan robe on or sieg heiling. Never heard anything racist come out of his mouth.

I haven't heard direct racism, but I've heard plenty of anger and hatred towards minorities and women to make me think he probably is a racist bigot. He lies, like a lot. When he gets embarrassed or exposed, he creates a media diversion. The man is a con and is playing the Republican Party by feeding off of fear and anger and it makes me sick. He is targeting the uneducated and tricking the educated with empty promises and attention garnering quotes. Evangelicals supporting the man is baffling to me....two Corinthians...

He's trending 70% negative among women and 85% negative among hispanics and somehow Trumpkins think he can win a general election? Ha!
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More selective than actual video proof ?

That doesn't even begin to make sense.

:laugh: That's funny too!

I was obviously referring to Jay's post, thus the highlighted text.

No you weren't. Jay said nothing about Hillary or proof. I did. If you were just responding to Jay's comment, why bother quoting me ??

That's so far removed from being " obvious ", I do seriously question your cognitive abilities.

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When an African American showed up to rent an apartment owned by a young real-estate scion named Donald Trump and his family, the building superintendent did what he claimed he’d been told to do. He allegedly attached a separate sheet of paper to the application, marked with the letter “C.”

“C” for “Colored.”


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About 30 black students who were standing silently at the top of the bleachers at Donald Trump’s rally here Monday night were escorted out by Secret Service agents who said the presidential candidate had requested their removal before he began speaking.

The sight of the students, who were visibly upset, being led outside by law enforcement officials created a stir at a university that was a whites-only campus until 1963.

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About 30 black students who were standing silently at the top of the bleachers at Donald Trump’s rally here Monday night were escorted out by Secret Service agents who said the presidential candidate had requested their removal before he began speaking.

The sight of the students, who were visibly upset, being led outside by law enforcement officials created a stir at a university that was a whites-only campus until 1963.

To put a reality element on this I personally know a young lady who attends Alabama a&m and she and three others were forced to leave a trump gathering. This girl is brilliant, already has been accepted to med school at uab. She is the sweetest thing and I don't think she can get load.....But she will just be one of the many labeled uneducated, loud, ignorant people that were mentioned on this site

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Uh huh. And yet MSNBC aired a interview of a black Trump supporter at a recent rally. It so put off s black anchor @ seeing another black person supporting Trump, she felt compelled to mention that it was ' unusual ' . Great personal commentary at giving " The News", hon.

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Uh huh. And yet MSNBC aired a interview of a black Trump supporter at a recent rally. It so put off s black anchor @ seeing another black person supporting Trump, she felt compelled to mention that it was ' unusual ' . Great personal commentary at giving " The News", hon.

Sounds like a statement of fact to me.

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