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The Age of Trump


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One thing for sure, like him or not, he has brought more attention to the primary process and ultimate voter turnout than anyone in a long time. Plus, he has repeatedly made the political pundits look silly and lose credibility. And to add insult to injury, he is getting tons of free media attention.

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But is this what our election process has come to now ? Hillary yapping like a dog, Trump spouting off all manner of false, idiotic and crass nonsense ? I swear, he's 1 step away from morphing into a coked out Tony Montana and shouting out " Say 'ello to my little friend ! "

And people just eat it up, and want more

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"That's a great quote. I agree with it. Do you?"

No, not at all. It is not a great quote. It is morally reprehensible.

If threatened, being a "lion" is appropriate. For humans, preying upon the weak is disgraceful.

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"Better to prey than be preyed upon. "

No, it is not. Being a source of evil, destruction, exploitation is neither honorable nor admirable. Reminds me of your inane sig quote from Churchill. Hell, ISIL has enemies, they "stand for something". Hardly makes them admirable.

It is not surprising that a person who ingests mostly rhetoric, believes in the bumper sticker mentality, posses an intellect that is diminished by and limited to an ideology, would embrace such a corrupt and trite narrative. Revealing. Disgraceful.

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That's a great quote. I agree with it. Do you?

Was Mussolini not Hitler's sheep?

I don't know. What does that have to do with the meaning of the quote? You do know that Mussolini didn't make up the quote, right?
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One line from the opening link that dropped my jaw:

"...if Trump becomes the nominee and turns his ... charm..."

I've heard Trump called many things, good and bad. But "charming"?


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Grumps doesnt know the history of Mussolini but knows the origin of his quote? Looks like we have Trump supporter.

You clearly know EVERYTHING about sheep. I defer to your superior knowledge. Feel free to review my previous posts about Trump if you want to know about my support for him. I was only trying to support honesty by addressing your post. My apologies.
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Grumps doesnt know the history of Mussolini but knows the origin of his quote? Looks like we have Trump supporter.

You clearly know EVERYTHING about sheep. I defer to your superior knowledge. Feel free to review my previous posts about Trump if you want to know about my support for him. I was only trying to support honesty by addressing your post. My apologies.

How We Fooled Donald Trump Into Retweeting Benito Mussolini


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That's a great quote. I agree with it. Do you?

Was Mussolini not Hitler's sheep?

I don't know. What does that have to do with the meaning of the quote? You do know that Mussolini didn't make up the quote, right?

Don't confuse them with the facts...it doesn't fit the talking points they've been given.
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That's a great quote. I agree with it. Do you?

Was Mussolini not Hitler's sheep?

I don't know. What does that have to do with the meaning of the quote? You do know that Mussolini didn't make up the quote, right?

Don't confuse them with the facts...it doesn't fit the talking points they've been given.

I got these talking points from the National Review...
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Grumps doesnt know the history of Mussolini but knows the origin of his quote? Looks like we have Trump supporter.

You clearly know EVERYTHING about sheep. I defer to your superior knowledge. Feel free to review my previous posts about Trump if you want to know about my support for him. I was only trying to support honesty by addressing your post. My apologies.

How We Fooled Donald Trump Into Retweeting Benito Mussolini


This is just as stupid as saying that Obama's "Move Forward" slogan in 2012 was a Hitler quote.
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Why Won't Donald Trump Repudiate the Ku Klux Klan?

Seven men were arrested by the New York police that day, according to a New York Times report. There’s no proof that any were Klansmen; they might’ve been bystanders, or entirely innocent. Six were charged; one was released. AsBoingBoing first noted, that man was listed as having the same name and address as Donald Trump’s father: Fred Trump.


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From CNN this morning.

Tapper: Do you condemn the KKK?

Trump: I’d have to do some research first.

JT: Sir, it’s. Um. It’s the KKK.

Trump: Ok. I’ll get back to you.

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Mexicans: rapists

Muslims: ban them

KKK: slow down, don't want to pass judgement on a whole group without knowing all the facts

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