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The Age of Trump


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If I must suffer Trump to keep out Hillary, I will.

It's like saying you prefer to blow your brains out rather than ingest poison to commit suicide.

The fact that you equate the two is concerning.

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"How can Hillary, who is under investigation by the FBI, even be allowed to run?"

Due process?

Raptor shares Trumps authoritarian inclinations.

Call it what you want. You seem to have a problem w/ the rule of law.

Lois Lerner denied rights to Americans by targeting TEA Party groups, Nothing happened to her

Obama flat out lied about O-Care. Nothing happened.

Even when Jonathan Gruber flat out ADMITTED he lied to get O-Care passed, nothing happened. He was praised for his work, beforehand, and then after the lies became known, the Dem leadership, at the WH too, all tried to deny Gruber had any part in getting O-Care passed. Some claimed they didn't know the guy. Incredible.

Sandy Berger stuffed TOP SECRET FILES in his underpants and socks, he got a slap on the wrist.

And so it goes w/ Hillary, on Benghazi, on her illegal e-mail set up, security breech and all.

And you mock anyone who dares to ask for justice ?

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"How can Hillary, who is under investigation by the FBI, even be allowed to run?"

Due process?

Raptor shares Trumps authoritarian inclinations.

Call it what you want. You seem to have a problem w/ the rule of law.

Lois Lerner denied rights to Americans by targeting TEA Party groups, Nothing happened to her

Obama flat out lied about O-Care. Nothing happened.

Even when Jonathan Gruber flat out ADMITTED he lied to get O-Care passed, nothing happened. He was praised for his work, beforehand, and then after the lies became known, the Dem leadership, at the WH too, all tried to deny Gruber had any part in getting O-Care passed. Some claimed they didn't know the guy. Incredible.

Sandy Berger stuffed TOP SECRET FILES in his underpants and socks, he got a slap on the wrist.

And so it goes w/ Hillary, on Benghazi, on her illegal e-mail set up, security breech and all.

And you mock anyone who dares to ask for justice ?

You wouldn't recognize Justice if it bit you-- which would be just.

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"You simply cannot stand anyone talking about Hillary in anything but flattering terms, and want us all to ignore what she's done."

This is a lie. You are a habitual liar. You are Hillary.

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If it takes Trump to change the current GOP then so be it. Some people still don't get it. Trump is winning because Americans are fed up with the whole political system right now....GOP, Dems, etc. They are clearly showing they don't give a damn about politicians making promises and serving their big donors. They want someone who says he will change that. Right now the only candidate they think is leveling with them happens to be Trump.

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Trump is not the problem. The problem lies in a political party that has turned into a talk radio phenomenon and, a system in which, partisan politics completely overshadows effective governing. While I do not care for the way Trump plays to the ideological idiots, I do not blame him for creating them or, using them.

Personally, I find Trump far less offensive than Cruz, Hillary, or Rubio. Those three offer little more than the idea that voting for them is a vote against the political opposition. The three of them share the same corrupt views of government and democracy. They are all more concerned with politics and furthering the ideology (and themselves) rather than, effectively governing. They cannot wait for the next opportunity to dig in for, and enjoy the spotlight of, a big political showdown.

Kasich, Christie, and Trump are correct about these senators. They are so lost in partisan politics, rhetoric, the party interests, the ideology, their own false sense of self-importance that, they fail to accomplish anything that looks like effective governing. They would rather make grandiose speeches and, play politician.

An electorate of ideological idiots, electing the most extreme ideological idiot, makes for great political theatre. For those who are more partisan than patriotic, more consumed with the "perfection" of their ideology than respectful of democracy, enjoy! Enjoy the political circus and the entertainment you crave. But please, do not blame Trump for giving the people what they want. And please, give him some credit for not being so lost in his own rhetoric that he has forgotten that, at some point, the politics and pandering have to give way to the REAL objective of effectively governing within a democracy.

I am not saying that you should agree with Trump. What I am saying is, demonizing Trump or, attempting to use Trump in the effort to define our political problem, is foolish.

Politics is about ideology, rhetoric, pandering to the base. Governing (particularly in a democracy) is about compromise and negotiating. Say what you will about Trump. I understand and frankly, he deserves the criticism. However, do not lose site of the fact that he is not so consumed with politics and ideology, that he has become unfit to govern within a democracy. At some point, politics must give way to effective governing.

Great post, ICHY! I love it when you give us your sincere opinions. You have wonderfully explained the problem with our government. The only thing that I could add is that BOTH parties have turned into talk radio phenomena.
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Romney lost because his Romney care was the blueprint for Obama care. He was another in a long line of establishment Republicans put up for election. Conservatives stayed home.

This establishment narrative is fun, but little more than marketing.

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If I must suffer Trump to keep out Hillary, I will.

It's like saying you prefer to blow your brains out rather than ingest poison to commit suicide.

The fact that you equate the two is concerning.

Saying two things are both terrible is not the same thing as saying they are equally terrible.

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If it takes Trump to change the current GOP then so be it. Some people still don't get it. Trump is winning because Americans are fed up with the whole political system right now....GOP, Dems, etc. They are clearly showing they don't give a damn about politicians making promises and serving their big donors. They want someone who says he will change that. Right now the only candidate they think is leveling with them happens to be Trump.

Yep. And angry people frequently make bad emotionally driven decisions.

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If I must suffer Trump to keep out Hillary, I will.

It's like saying you prefer to blow your brains out rather than ingest poison to commit suicide.

The fact that you equate the two is concerning.

Saying two things are both terrible is not the same thing as saying they are equally terrible.

In your analogy both choices kill you.

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If I must suffer Trump to keep out Hillary, I will.

It's like saying you prefer to blow your brains out rather than ingest poison to commit suicide.

The fact that you equate the two is concerning.

Saying two things are both terrible is not the same thing as saying they are equally terrible.

In your analogy both choices kill you.

True. One just does it a lot faster and messier.

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When you've lost the National Review

There’s still time to turn it around, of course. But now that many conservatives are moving from the bargaining phase to the depression phase of the Kübler-Ross model, we can begin to grapple with the prospective reality of a Trump-versus-Hillary general election. Whether you’re an ideological conservative, a proponent of limited government, or someone who believes that the president has too much power already, you shouldn’t think of this matchup as a contest between horrifying candidates. Rather, you should ask yourself which scenario would be more damaging. I’m pretty sure you’d find that Donald Trump is the form of the Destructor.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/431962/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-choose-wisely?utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Content&utm_content=56d118ee04d3014c6651ec4e&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter

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Trump is also a con-artist and the media, which has built his campaign is going to destroy his campaign. After he secures the Republican nomination, the media will trot out every victim and perceived victim of Trump’s actions. All the people hurt by repeated strategic bankruptcies, all the people swindled by Trump University, and anyone who got food poisoning from Trump steaks will be in a 24/7 cavalcade on national television.

By the time the media and Democrats, but I repeat myself, are done with Trump, he will be radioactive.

Donald Trump will not win in November. Period. End of story.


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Time to fire Trump

The front-runner is unfit to lead a great political party, let alone America

If The Economist had cast a vote in the Republican primaries in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina or Nevada we would have supported John Kasich. The governor of Ohio has a good mixture of experience, in Congress and in his home state as well as in the private sector. He has also shown bravery, expanding Medicaid in Ohio though he knew it would count against him later with primary voters, as indeed it has. But this is not Mr Kasich’s party any more. Despite his success in New Hampshire, where he came second, Mr Kasich is the preferred choice of less than 10% of Republican voters.

If the field remains split as it is now, it is possible for Mr Trump to win with just a plurality of votes. To prevent that, others must drop out. Although we are yet to be convinced by Mr Rubio (see article), he stands a better chance of beating Mr Trump than anyone else. All the other candidates—including Mr Cruz, who wrongly sees himself as the likeliest challenger—should get out of his way. If they decline to do so, it could soon be too late to prevent the party of Abraham Lincoln from being led into a presidential election by Donald Trump.


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In Minnesota and Vermont, a white supremacist super PAC called the American National Super PAC has begun circulating a robocall in support of Trump.

"The white race is dying out in America and Europe because we are afraid to be called 'racist,' says William Johnson, the leader of the white nationalist American Freedom Party. He goes on to bemoan "gradual genocide against the white race," and how few "schools anymore have beautiful white children as the majority." He signs off by telling recipients, "Don’t vote for a Cuban. Vote for Donald Trump."


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