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Malzahn and Briles get together


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This makes me extremely happy!! I'd love to see our passing game borrow some stuff from Baylor

Maybe he can ask him how he managed to do so well when his top 3 QBs went down

I get your intent but Baylor lost 2 out of their last 3 and 3 out of their last 5, so not sure what there is to learn from that.

And we had a QB who should've been taught the playbook over the course of his 1.5 seasons on campus while they had a WR playing QB and still were outperforming our offense even though we had a guy working in the system for 1.5 years.

Points scored by Baylor in ther last 5 (vs all Power 5 competition):






Compared with our last 5:



56 (vs Idaho -- possibly worst team in the entire nation last year)



and to try to put it on as equal of a footing as possible I'll add the 19 we scored on Ole Miss because that makes our final 5 games vs P5 teams.

Also, we lost 4 of our last 5 against P5 teams so we're looking up at Baylor if you ask me.

I agree with the point you're making, but there is no argument that Kansas was the worst team in the country last year.

Idaho: 4-8, wins over Wofford, Troy, ULM, Texas State

Kansas: 0-12, wins over ERROR 404 NOT FOUND. They also lost to FCS South Dakota State.

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One thing I can always depend on reading the gurus on this board is getting some inside info :-) You guys do do know that Gus and Briles have been friends for a while. Like last year Briles came to AU to help Gus with a coaching clinic. While I am sure they discuss football when they are together I don't think Gus made a trip out there to get help on re-vamping his offense. SMH WDE

This ^^^^^

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One thing I can always depend on reading the gurus on this board is getting some inside info :-) You guys do do know that Gus and Briles have been friends for a while. Like last year Briles came to AU to help Gus with a coaching clinic. While I am sure they discuss football when they are together I don't think Gus made a trip out there to get help on re-vamping his offense. SMH WDE

This ^^^^^

They might be playing golf or rabbit hunting.
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This makes me extremely happy!! I'd love to see our passing game borrow some stuff from Baylor

Maybe he can ask him how he managed to do so well when his top 3 QBs went down

I get your intent but Baylor lost 2 out of their last 3 and 3 out of their last 5, so not sure what there is to learn from that.

And we had a QB who should've been taught the playbook over the course of his 1.5 seasons on campus while they had a WR playing QB and still were outperforming our offense even though we had a guy working in the system for 1.5 years.

Points scored by Baylor in ther last 5 (vs all Power 5 competition):






Compared with our last 5:



56 (vs Idaho -- possibly worst team in the entire nation last year)



and to try to put it on as equal of a footing as possible I'll add the 19 we scored on Ole Miss because that makes our final 5 games vs P5 teams.

Also, we lost 4 of our last 5 against P5 teams so we're looking up at Baylor if you ask me.

I agree with the point you're making, but there is no argument that Kansas was the worst team in the country last year.

Idaho: 4-8, wins over Wofford, Troy, ULM, Texas State

Kansas: 0-12, wins over ERROR 404 NOT FOUND. They also lost to FCS South Dakota State.

Sorry about that I saw Idaho's previous season record and thought it was last season's.

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Some of you have to be on Gus payroll....no doubt about it.

I'd surely take a slice of that 4 million..Anyway I just choose to support the opinion of a coach who has been successful everywhere he has been vs (with all due respect) the opinions of arm chair message board posters. However I do agree that the two of them sharing ideas is not a bad thing at all....

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Well the route thing was from a gm of a successful NFL team so imo that trumps everybody...And it just so happens to be he said what some of the arm chair message board posters....because like I said when it comes to playing wr....It's not really rocket science, there's only so much to teach

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Yes you have metafour!

Yep. I remember one time he called it a "junior varsity level route tree." But then again, Cole and others have complained about it as well. My main complaint was that we had nobody that could do it all. We had the deep threat guy. The speed sweep guy. The blocker WR, etc.. I want receivers more like Amari Cooper, where the WR's can be a threat at more than one thing.
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Maybe he is helping with this.


I've only been talking about this for like ~2+ years now....

I mentioned this in the big our wr couldn't catch do Craig can't coach theory

I also remember when Loeffler came in posters on this board talking about how his offense had receivers adjust routes based on the coverages. This would make our receivers harder to defend and our offense better. Be careful what you wish for.

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We have all heard that Lashlee is our play caller - at least that is what CGM tells us. I would have been much happier if Briles son had come and spent time with Lashlee. I agree with all of the above comments but Briles son's help with play calling could really be beneficial.

I would have been much happier if we could trade Lashlee for Briles son.
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Briles keeps the tempo moving. He also stations his receivers exceptionally wide. That closes off some passing options, but it opens the running game up big-time. You just can't put a safety in the box when the receivers start from the sidelines and often just run straight down the field.

(As for the wide lineups for receivers, not many college QBs can throw a true out anyway. So what are you losing?)

In the discussion about Baylor's end-of-season numbers, weren't they down to their #4 QB? That would be Tuberville for us. So give them a little credit.

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Maybe he is helping with this.


I've only been talking about this for like ~2+ years now....

To be fair on this 99% of the WR's out of college have top learn this. Coaches in colleges don't get to spend the time need to go into deep deep schemes.

The Raiders had to adjust to Cooper last season.

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Our WRs route running was awf5. I was a if the play was just designed to got to one WR and the other WRs just halfa**ed it on routes.... Yes i know there is a first otion and stuff like that, but our WRs act like there was no second or third option or even a check down WRs.... just sayin....

This is just not correct. AU had WR's running wide open last year. QB play and drops were the problem.

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Briles and Malzahn both advocate something called the "hurry up no huddle offense". That's where their similarities end. Their philosophies are profoundly different and they are quite different offenses. Gus is more interested in establishing a run than Briles has ever been and Gus uses the HUNH selectively and sporadically when defenses are in his mind most vulnerable (e.g. after big plays and other first downs). Briles is more into constant up tempo which obviously works against his conference's athletes but which Gus wrote in his book runs the risk of defenses getting accustomed to the speed as a game wears on. Gus is tempo, Briles is a HUNH purest.

Point being, Gus is probably not the only one asking questions over their single malts.

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Briles and Malzahn both advocate something called the "hurry up no huddle offense". That's where their similarities end. Their philosophies are profoundly different and they are quite different offenses. Gus is more interested in establishing a run than Briles has ever been and Gus uses the HUNH selectively and sporadically when defenses are in his mind most vulnerable (e.g. after big plays and other first downs). Briles is more into constant up tempo which obviously works against his conference's athletes but which Gus wrote in his book runs the risk of defenses getting accustomed to the speed as a game wears on. Gus is tempo, Briles is a HUNH purest.

Point being, Gus is probably not the only one asking questions over their single malts.

That and Gus hasn't run a true HUNH in over 2 years.

Seems he's just running a slow, no huddle. (SLNH)

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