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The Obama Administration Wants to Make Sure Non-Citizens Vote in the Upcoming Election


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More insanity from the NR.

Did you read the article or not?


So I take it you don't believe this guy? Author: Hans A. von Spakovsky is a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a former Justice Department lawyer

I, for one, do not. Guy is a hyperpartisan idealogue.

The Heritage Foundation fell off the cliff when they hired Jim Demint, a complete idiot.

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Possibly. Then again, what does the obvious parroting of the rhetoric, bias, and ideological idiocy of an admittedly and unabashedly form of media (propaganda) actually add to the discussion?

Good point.

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More insanity from the NR.

Did you read the article or not?


So I take it you don't believe this guy? Author: Hans A. von Spakovsky is a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a former Justice Department lawyer

I, for one, do not. Guy is a hyperpartisan idealogue.

The Heritage Foundation fell off the cliff when they hired Jim Demint, a complete idiot.

Get this. He's also an idjit.

In an interview with American Family Radio’s Sandy Rios on February 15, von Spakovsky said that Chief Justice John Roberts has “an absolute obligation” to count Scalia’s vote in Friedrichs and other cases in which justices have already held conferences.

“After oral arguments before the court, the justices leave the courtroom and they go to a conference room in the Supreme Court building and they take a vote,” he said. “So that’s the point at which they know how a case is going to be decided and the chief justice then makes assignments of who will write the majority opinion and etc. I think the chief justice has an absolute obligation to give credit to Scalia’s vote in those cases that have already been decided, even if he didn’t write his opinion yet, because they know how he would have voted.”

“So on particular cases like the Friedrichs case … that case was argued on January 11, so they know how Justice Scalia cast his vote in that case and I think the chief justice should give credit to it,” he said.

No, Hans. That's not how it works.

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Let' start oven a bit. Some one define what the president's duties are and what the Senates responsibilities are......and the timeline required for performing those duties

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