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Hillary Lies About Lying

Proud Tiger

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"Marked classified" is irrelevant .

You are absolutely correct. As the secretary of state she should have known that FGI information is inherently classified and that was in some of these emails...so either she knew or she was incompetent no matter what others will have you believe that they aren't marked classified.

Don't forget she instructed a subordinate on how to convert classified material and take off the classification markings and how to send it unclass...she knew and there are no two ways about it...

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Worked with two documents last week. Same info in the document but one was marked secret and the other was UNCLAS. No idea why the other document was marked secret.

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"Marked classified" is irrelevant .

Good luck in court with that.

It'll be tee - ball easy to crush that out of the park

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"Marked classified" is irrelevant .

Good luck in court with that.

It'll be tee - ball easy to crush that out of the park

Not a big fan of physics I see.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hillary is as pure as the wind driven snow. If you don't believe that, just ask her. She'll tell you.

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