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Hillary Lies About Lying

Proud Tiger

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Point is, who knows, or cares, whether or not you can come up with $5 or $50,000.00. You lack the fundamental integrity to do either.

It is ridiculous to assert that, not agreeing with you is somehow equivalent to supporting Hillary Clinton. If you are going to be a liar, do not be stupid and obvious.

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Funny anyone should talk about lacking integrity when they themselves make up false claims about others lying. If you can cite where I actually do lie, then post it. Otherwise shut the front door

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Homer, you still don't get it do you? Those who are attacking me and falsely accusing me of lying are avoiding the issue. By default, that means they are defending Hillary. I'm sorry if you don't like it, or if you don't understand it, and wish it were something other than what it is. But that doesn't change the facts. Going after the messenger and ignoring the topic is pretty much par for the course for you lefty progs.

They're not avoiding "the issue" at all. They are creating a new issue about your insane intemperance. It's possible to respond to your posts irrespective of "the issue".

For example, I'm not a big fan of Obama, but that doesn't mean I can't make fun of how outrageously insane you are about him.

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Funny anyone should talk about lacking integrity when they themselves make up false claims about others lying. If you can cite where I actually do lie, then post it. Otherwise shut the front door

If it makes you feel better, call it weaseling.

This is a weaselly statement:

"Those who are attacking me and falsely accusing me of lying are avoiding the issue. By default, that means they are defending Hillary."

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Homer, you still don't get it do you? Those who are attacking me and falsely accusing me of lying are avoiding the issue. By default, that means they are defending Hillary. I'm sorry if you don't like it, or if you don't understand it, and wish it were something other than what it is. But that doesn't change the facts. Going after the messenger and ignoring the topic is pretty much par for the course for you lefty progs.

They're not avoiding "the issue" at all. They are creating a new issue about your insane intemperance. It's possible to respond to your posts irrespective of "the issue".

For example, I'm not a big fan of Obama, but that doesn't mean I can't make fun of how outrageously insane you are about him.

I didn't start this thread. Do try to remember that.

And when one doesn't make ANY remark, statement, or take ANY stance on the original thread topic, they're avoiding it. It's really not that hard to decipher. Instead, what we have are some usual suspects, dishing out empty ad hominems, and for what purpose ??

None of you clowns have said word one about Hillary and her lies.

Why is that ?

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" If you can cite where I actually do lie, then post it. Otherwise shut the front door"

How many more times?

The next one you post will be the first.

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Another lie!

Pathetic. You are Hillary!

You've still not posted the first lie.

Any time would be fine. Quote me, give the thread, the post # , and then explain how that quote is a lie.

Ready ? GO !

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Another lie!

Pathetic. You are Hillary!

You've still not posted the first lie.

Any time would be fine. Quote me, give the thread, the post # , and then explain how that quote is a lie.

Ready ? GO !

ichy has proven to be a petulant child who resorts to calling people liars every time his mole gets whacked which happens with alarmingly regularity in here.

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Another lie!

Pathetic. You are Hillary!

You've still not posted the first lie.

Any time would be fine. Quote me, give the thread, the post # , and then explain how that quote is a lie.

Ready ? GO !

ichy has proven to be a petulant child who resorts to calling people liars every time his mole gets whacked which happens with alarmingly regularity in here.

Is this an example of that "micro aggressiveness" you were referring to 88?

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Loser, liar, hypocrite, weasel.. whatever.

Feb 18th 2016, 9:11 am. Post #62.


" lying " is the standard charge losers make when they know they have nothing.

My comments in another thread Feb 18th, 2016 12:04 PM. Post #17

The right is just as guilty of this with their topics
Both sides run on a claimed system of morals and values which pushes issues on others. They both are equal when it comes to it.

Feb 18th 2016, 12:21 pm. Post # 18.

AURaptor response to me and my statements in that thread:

But the biggest lie is that both sides are equal in trying to take peoples rights & control them. The very nature of the left is to stifle and limit individual rights and freedoms. To say that both are exactly equal but just want different things to control people with is a flat out lie.

I don't believe you consider yourself a loser. Thus the first statement is a lie. Now of course you can claim yourself a loser for all of us to see right here and it won't be a lie then.

And yes, those were your first and direct answers to my statements. You accused me of lying.... no... you stated I was lying.

When later asked to provide citations of proof, you called that games.

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And as for the 'lie' of claiming both sides do it equally, that's not specific to you. YOU didn't come up w/ that lie. It's one which existed before you said it. Whether you believe it or not, you are just repeating what others have said. Lies like ' Capitalism is destroying the planet ', that sort of nonsense. I don't put that in the same category as the lies , the absolute known lies that Hillary is guilty of uttering.

Just sot there's no confusion.

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You went to a lot of work to show differences of opinions. No lies.

Feel better ?

Lol how can an opinion be a lie?

You stated my opinions were lies. Now they aren't lies?

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And as for the 'lie' of claiming both sides do it equally, that's not specific to you. YOU didn't come up w/ that lie. It's one which existed before you said it. Whether you believe it or not, you are just repeating what others have said. Lies like ' Capitalism is destroying the planet ', that sort of nonsense. I don't put that in the same category as the lies , the absolute known lies that Hillary is guilty of uttering.

Just sot there's no confusion.

Cite it. 50 cent to you if you can prove that I heard, read, or whatever that this is not my own thoughts as you claim.

Lol, guess we should just go through every post you make and say believe it or not your repeating what others have said lol.

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Well, I guess the FBI "security" check of H's email is going pretty well...Link It is sad that she won't face a day in jail over this. She isn't fit to hold office if this is how she treats government secrets...Heck she probably has topped the information that snowden had....

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From the link...glad this clears things up... :-\

"None of Clinton’s emails was marked as classified during her tenure, State Department officials say, but intelligence officials say some material was clearly classified at the time."

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article62766737.html#storylink=cpy

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