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If all of this works out I will eat as much crow as I did after Borges was hired. The reaction on this board to that moment in time is very similar. I'm not confident but I will own my incorrect predictions if it works out. I'm reallllly hoping thats what happens.

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I guess I'm in the minority but I like our present coaching staff better than the staff we entered spring practice with in 2015.

Continuity wise maybe so. Craig was a great coach but he certainly wasn't a yes man that deferred 100% to Malzahns offense. I think having a bunch of disciples as assistant coaches is pretty dangerous but that is just me. How we are going to replace the recruiter in Craig I have no clue.

I see your point but a coaching staff has to have chemistry, share and believe in a philosophy, and ultimately understand that the HC is in charge as he is the one responsible for everything. You can't have a staff all over the place with different ideas. Just my opinion. Auburn will replace the recruiting by being productive on the field.

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I guess I'm in the minority but I like our present coaching staff better than the staff we entered spring practice with in 2015.

I agree. Coach Hothead was going to bail on us at the first opportunity anyway and take his followers with him. Now that's done and over with. I'm not particularly thrilled to see Craig leave but bringing Burns back will probably mean better on-field WR performance and a less effective recruiter. That may be a swap that helps us, at least in the short term. There are others that can recruit if Burns isn't good at it, but for all we know Kodi will be a great recruiter.

To be honest I don't see Kodi doing well at all recruiting wise. He has no clue what he's doing

I am sure Kodi knows what needs to be done. He has been around college football enough as a player, GA, asst coach, and most important as a highly recruited player himself. And if he needs help two of the best recruiters in the SEC are in the building with him.

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I guess I'm in the minority but I like our present coaching staff better than the staff we entered spring practice with in 2015.

Continuity wise maybe so. Craig was a great coach but he certainly wasn't a yes man that deferred 100% to Malzahns offense. I think having a bunch of disciples as assistant coaches is pretty dangerous but that is just me. How we are going to replace the recruiter in Craig I have no clue.

I see your point but a coaching staff has to have chemistry, share and believe in a philosophy, and ultimately understand that the HC is in charge as he is the one responsible for everything. You can't have a staff all over the place with different ideas. Just my opinion. Auburn will replace the recruiting by being productive on the field.

You just read my mind. If you have ever led an organization which has hit bumps in the road due to divergence among the staff members that supercedes any benefit to the difference of opinion, then you do have to go "ground zero" to get back to the common message, common vision. It's painful, and it's long-term, and some, including myself at times, may not have the patience to hang in there to see it reach max potential. But it's Leadership 101, for sure. I am personally more curious to see what happens this fall than I am challenged by the "what if's."


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If you say so. It seems like we are enabling a prideful and stubborn man like Gus to not receive any more second opinions though.

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Here's my thing about the whole "yes man" thing. I think I'd rather have a staff full of guys who are working for Gus and agreeing with what he has to say, than a staff full of guys who think Gus is crazy and want to do what they want. Make sense?

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JMO but Kodi's best recruiting tool is a business card that says AUBURN UNIVERSITY on it. It would be a dang site more difficult to recruit to MTSU or some place like that. AU is a household word in the entire southeast....and a good part of the rest of the nation.

From what I read, most of recruiting depends on motivation, organization and personal attention to coaches and prospects. At this point, there is no indication what K might be able to do but to just write him off because he has not recruited for a Power 5 school makes no sense to me.

It's a pretty dumb kid these days who does not realize that any coach he speaks with may be gone before the guy even shows up on campus.....just look at what has happened here...or at bama...or LSU ...or about any other school where assistants hop around like jack rabbits as someone noted. .

Right now I would be happy to see some 5* performance on the football field from our new WR crop....and meanwhile let Kodi and whoever runs the recruiting program get themselves organized for future recruiting.

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JMO but Kodi's best recruiting tool is a business card that says AUBURN UNIVERSITY on it. It would be a dang site more difficult to recruit to MTSU or some place like that. AU is a household word in the entire southeast....and a good part of the rest of the nation.

From what I read, most of recruiting depends on motivation, organization and personal attention to coaches and prospects. At this point, there is no indication what K might be able to do but to just write him off because he has not recruited for a Power 5 school makes no sense to me.

It's a pretty dumb kid these days who does not realize that any coach he speaks with may be gone before the guy even shows up on campus.....just look at what has happened here...or at bama...or LSU ...or about any other school where assistants hop around like jack rabbits as someone noted. .

Right now I would be happy to see some 5* performance on the football field from our new WR crop....and meanwhile let Kodi and whoever runs the recruiting program get themselves organized for future recruiting.

I agree, its totally ridiculous to peg Kodi as a terrible recruiter since he is just getting started. And if all he does is help with WR recruiting, we dont need him to bring in some top WRs for the next year. And lets see what our needs are for the next recruiting year, and see where Kodi fits in and how he does then.

Lets just see how he does as WR coach now.

And it matters most if we have a QB who can get it to them, and know when to throw it too..

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Here's my thing about the whole "yes man" thing. I think I'd rather have a staff full of guys who are working for Gus and agreeing with what he has to say, than a staff full of guys who think Gus is crazy and want to do what they want. Make sense?

Makes sense. As I think about it more, if Gus has all of "his" guys on the staff then Gus will swim or sink with "his" guys running the program "his" way. So no excuses about assistants not buying in causing problems on and off of the field.


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Here's my thing about the whole "yes man" thing. I think I'd rather have a staff full of guys who are working for Gus and agreeing with what he has to say, than a staff full of guys who think Gus is crazy and want to do what they want. Make sense?

Makes sense. As I think about it more, if Gus has all of "his" guys on the staff then Gus will swim or sink with "his" guys running the program "his" way. So no excuses about assistants not buying in causing problems on and off of the field.


Losing CDC and CWM hurt, but I think they didn't really get that Gus was the guy. You buy into the HC and that's the only way a program prospers. I hate to use this logic but people don't mess with Saban. That's his program. He has nothing but "yes men" and it works because they buy into HIS philosophy, not their own. Lane Kiffin wasn't even allowed to talk to the media this season or the season prior. CWM and CDC didn't get the "yes man" concept. You propser and fall with the HC. Plain and simple.
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Kodi is young & inexperienced, but the experience he has suggests significant potential as a WR coach (2 thousand yard receivers last year, even at MTSU, is good work). He may not be an experienced recruiter, but neither was DC at some point. He had to become one. Why should we expect Kodi can't do that when as far as I can tell he's succeeded everywhere he's been? He knows Gus' system, loves Auburn, is a hero on the Plains... why would we think he couldn't recruit for Auburn? I'm glad he's here & working for us. And like another poster, I like the staff Gus has assembled. I really hated losing DC--that hurt. But I believe in Kodi like I believe in Auburn. I'm looking forward now to what is possible. If it crashes & we have to go through another coaching change, I'll cope with that then. For the moment I'm savoring a great recruiting class & the possibilities in front of us. Oh, & I'm celebrating the gymnastics team, the softball team, the women's bball team... Some days are hard, but it's still great to be an Auburn Tiger!

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One more thought...both CDC and CKB are inarguably Auburn Men...in their seasons as student athletes, they lived it, and as coaches, they did/will bring another dimension. But to use the analogy of youth ministry and at a lesser extent in teaching high school (where the curriculum is designed to supercede the relationship), there is a freshness that CKB (27 years old) brings to the "present generation" that even CDC (at 41) cannot match. Recruitment is about connection. You have to be "just young enough" to relate, without being "too young" to be "one of them." CKB is unproven as a recruiter, and herein lies the gripe, as compared to the proven. But remember...



on fleek


bad is all


all that (and a bag of chips)

"da bomb"

cool, cat

And I was outdated long before "cool, cat." A lot gets lost in translation even five years apart. Hot button issues change overnight, and social media acceleration changes even sooner than that. It's impossible to keep up. And my two told me the other day I had better not even THINK of using "on fleek" with teens in 2016, even with it being a 2016 "candy conversation heart" on Sunday, so excuse me for indulging here. :Sing: "Be Mine" is no longer.

Say Goodbye To 'On Fleek,' 'Basic' And 'Squad' In 2016 And ...


:-\ :wareagle:

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I don't think anybody is saying he's a crappy recruiter because he hasn't recruited at a Power 5 school. We are saying, at this point, we can't afford to have somebody learn the ropes of big time recruiting because are at a high risk to get left behind in a hurry by our SEC counterparts when it comes to bringing in top talent. It's probably much harder for parents to entrust a 27 year old with their 18 year old when it comes to teaching and instilling discipline into their child than someone even in their 30s and above.

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Here's my thing about the whole "yes man" thing. I think I'd rather have a staff full of guys who are working for Gus and agreeing with what he has to say, than a staff full of guys who think Gus is crazy and want to do what they want. Make sense?

It maybe wrong and it maybe awful, but they will all be in 100% agreement.
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I don't normally talk about Whiners I usually ignore them but the whining going on here is getting hard to take. Every place Gus has been his O has been great until this year. Any offense needs a competent QB. Because of the JJ meltdown and then SW not being completely ready and then hurt we had a bad year on O. We will have some O issues this year especially at beginning of season mostly because of 2 new OT starters. Last year everybody wanted a big splash at DC and Gus went for broke with Muschamp. He helped bring in some key players late and started D in right direction when a Golden Opportunity came so he left and took a lot of great coaches with him.

Gus was head coach we give CDC and Garner credit for keeping the recruiting class together but believe me Gus made a lot of calls to help keep these kids. Then Grimes leaves and now Craig. Did Gus crawl into a hole and hide no he brought in a great DC and a great O_line coach along with a DB coach who is very well thought of and Kodi Burns as a WR coach.

Take a look at the new coaches most of them look like the type of coaches who will be here for multiple years addressing one of Auburn's key weaknesses coach turn over.

Between Franklin SW, Queen, Trotter and JJ we will find a QB that can run the Gus Offense. The O-Line has 3 returning starters plus Leff and some kids like Horton, and James that will develop into players. The D-Line is stacked and will be better with all the new players, we have some really good DB's and we may be OK at LB with the GT and Threat adding to who we have. Special teams looks solid.

We have a brutal schedule but I expect to see a Gus Offense this year an improved D maybe even a really good D and a solid record.

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I guess I'm in the minority but I like our present coaching staff better than the staff we entered spring practice with in 2015.

I agree. Coach Hothead was going to bail on us at the first opportunity anyway and take his followers with him. Now that's done and over with. I'm not particularly thrilled to see Craig leave but bringing Burns back will probably mean better on-field WR performance and a less effective recruiter. That may be a swap that helps us, at least in the short term. There are others that can recruit if Burns isn't good at it, but for all we know Kodi will be a great recruiter.

To be honest I don't see Kodi doing well at all recruiting wise. He has no clue what he's doing

And you know this because how? He tried to recruit your son? A nephew?

Because I'm using actual logic Mikey. He recruited at MTSU For ONE year. MTSU is a completely different ball game compared to SEC recruiting. That's not arguable.

You are not using logic. Logic requires facts and a frame of reference, of which you have none. Kodi may be the best or worst recruiter in history but that can't be known yet. To write him off as having no clue about what he's doing is unfounded speculation and nothing more.

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I guess I'm in the minority but I like our present coaching staff better than the staff we entered spring practice with in 2015.

I agree. Coach Hothead was going to bail on us at the first opportunity anyway and take his followers with him. Now that's done and over with. I'm not particularly thrilled to see Craig leave but bringing Burns back will probably mean better on-field WR performance and a less effective recruiter. That may be a swap that helps us, at least in the short term. There are others that can recruit if Burns isn't good at it, but for all we know Kodi will be a great recruiter.

To be honest I don't see Kodi doing well at all recruiting wise. He has no clue what he's doing

And you know this because how? He tried to recruit your son? A nephew?

Because I'm using actual logic Mikey. He recruited at MTSU For ONE year. MTSU is a completely different ball game compared to SEC recruiting. That's not arguable.

You are not using logic. Logic requires facts and a frame of reference, of which you have none. Kodi may be the best or worst recruiter in history but that can't be known yet. To write him off as having no clue about what he's doing is unfounded speculation and nothing more.

Saying they don't think he will be good immediately because what networks has he made yet is certainly using logic, you just don't agree.....

Now saying that the wr's will probably perform better now that he's the coach.....There's no logic at all in that. But you said that so I imagine that since you said it that's not speculation

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I guess I'm in the minority but I like our present coaching staff better than the staff we entered spring practice with in 2015.

I agree. Coach Hothead was going to bail on us at the first opportunity anyway and take his followers with him. Now that's done and over with. I'm not particularly thrilled to see Craig leave but bringing Burns back will probably mean better on-field WR performance and a less effective recruiter. That may be a swap that helps us, at least in the short term. There are others that can recruit if Burns isn't good at it, but for all we know Kodi will be a great recruiter.

To be honest I don't see Kodi doing well at all recruiting wise. He has no clue what he's doing

And you know this because how? He tried to recruit your son? A nephew?

Because I'm using actual logic Mikey. He recruited at MTSU For ONE year. MTSU is a completely different ball game compared to SEC recruiting. That's not arguable.

You are not using logic. Logic requires facts and a frame of reference, of which you have none. Kodi may be the best or worst recruiter in history but that can't be known yet. To write him off as having no clue about what he's doing is unfounded speculation and nothing more.

Saying they don't think he will be good immediately because what networks has he made yet is certainly using logic, you just don't agree.....

Now saying that the wr's will probably perform better now that he's the coach.....There's no logic at all in that. But you said that so I imagine that since you said it that's not speculation

Saying the WR will PROBABLY perform better is pure speculation on my part, as the word "probably" indicates. I think that's what will happen because they have only one way to go, and that's up.

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Here's my thing about the whole "yes man" thing. I think I'd rather have a staff full of guys who are working for Gus and agreeing with what he has to say, than a staff full of guys who think Gus is crazy and want to do what they want. Make sense?

Makes sense. As I think about it more, if Gus has all of "his" guys on the staff then Gus will swim or sink with "his" guys running the program "his" way. So no excuses about assistants not buying in causing problems on and off of the field.


Losing CDC and CWM hurt, but I think they didn't really get that Gus was the guy. You buy into the HC and that's the only way a program prospers. I hate to use this logic but people don't mess with Saban. That's his program. He has nothing but "yes men" and it works because they buy into HIS philosophy, not their own. Lane Kiffin wasn't even allowed to talk to the media this season or the season prior. CWM and CDC didn't get the "yes man" concept. You propser and fall with the HC. Plain and simple.

Gus has "his" guys and the spring and fall will be exactly what Gus wants in regards to his philosophy, which is the way it should be and probably has been since he has been at Auburn. However, where the "yes man" concept is a detriment is when the season where's on and there is breakdowns during the season. Then Gus will not have the people on the offensive side of the ball (except Coach Hand) to bounce ideas off of that has experience and the ability to offer differing ideas to remedy the situation.

The difference with Auburn and the school up north is Saban has total control, but he also has hired more experienced assistant coaches that have bought into "his" process. Lane Kiffen, for example, has been able to install his offense at Alabama without much interference (it seems).

So, for me, I will enjoy the spring and fall updates and hope for the best. The drama will come during the season when the offense seems to struggle. Will Gus' team of coaches be able to pull it out or will it crash and burn? Hoping for the best.

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It's sad to see a fanbase so divided.

Heck, we do this even when we're arguing about our good problems, like which RB is best.

Golf is right, this too shall... not be a thing forever.

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