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"Fair and Balanced"


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Here's a good take on my point:

......This represents a whole new world for Fox, which has controlled the conservative debate, and in turn controlled Republican politicians, for more than a decade. Fox sets the parameters. Fox picks the agenda. Fox grooms a handful of Republicans for right-wing media stardom. That's why I can't recall anyone ever picking such a public fight with Fox News from inside the GOP tent the way Trump has. It's simply not done. And Fox's frantic, off-key corporate response to Trump's jabs has confirmed that executives there have very little practice fighting intramural skirmishes.

Forget that Fox cemented Trump's right-wing celebrity status in 2011 when it handed over uninterrupted airtime for him to unfurl his misguided birther campaign against President Obama. Forget that Sean Hannity's basement is probably lined with Trump for President posters.

Without Fox News' exaggerated generosity over the years, and without Fox providing endless free airtime in the form of promotional blitzes to tout Trump as a possible presidential player, it's unlikely Trump today would be perched atop the Republican field.

Trump this week is exercising a power play, pure and simple. (He knows he's the reason Fox likely sold ads for the debate at a sky-high rate.) Bottom line: Roger Ailes is finally facing someone who's willing, and eager, to out-bully him. And do it in public.

Of course what makes all this angry back-and-forth so funny is that one combatant is supposed to be a news organization. News organizations aren't supposed have bizarre, on-going public spats with one party's leading candidate. Anchors on a news channel aren't supposed to plead with candidates to show up at debates. And the head of a news channels doesn't usually try to patch things up by directly phoning powerful politicians. But this is Fox News, so all the normal rules go out the window.

Indeed, the underlying truth here is that if Fox News conducted itself as an ethical news outlet, these kinds of messy spats and hurt feelings wouldn't be an issue. Instead, Fox is often run as a Republican National Committee marketing arm, or a GOP clubhouse, raising expectations from Republicans in terms of how they'll be treated. Trump clearly senses a weakness there and is now trying to exploit it.

In August, I suggested that Fox News, via the unwieldy Trump charade, had "eaten the Republican primary season" and that the "slow-motion fiasco is only going to get much, much worse for Republicans."


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I had no idea I was a columnists , every time I post something twitter.

You're not. Nor do you work for Fox News or post twitters on the behalf of Fox News.

twitters ?


Sorry, too funny.

And FOX did not REJECT Trump. They've only committed the crime of trying to hold him accountable for his own words. Unlike the rest of the MSM, which carries Hillary's water, as well as the rest of those on the Left, and doesn't dare question them - on anything of substance.

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