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JSU QB Eli Jenkins


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Please know that Eli went to Parker High School in Birmingham. Desperately wanted an offer from AU or UA but it never came. Not saying it's his lifelong dream to play for either team but he has grown up watching each team play and I'm sure imagining himself as the QB.

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I'm just giving another perspective, I don't necessarily think this, but the THOUGHT crossed my mind. Who's to say this guy is that good? Because he killed is early in the year? We were horrible then. People question Franklin coming from juco but not this guy? And isn't he playing under an offensive guru? Maybe they are making it easier for him

Man you need help and it is really getting past old.
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OK for the thousandth time if you want to talk about JJ and SW please take it PM's or start your own damn thread. Now get back to talking about what this thread is about Eli. Would hate to have to lock a thread about a possible future Tiger due to this crap.

Thank you! When will he give it up?!
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So everybody agrees that if he did transfer he was probably told he has the job?

I don't think anybody agrees with that.

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I'm just giving another perspective, I don't necessarily think this, but the THOUGHT crossed my mind. Who's to say this guy is that good? Because he killed is early in the year? We were horrible then. People question Franklin coming from juco but not this guy? And isn't he playing under an offensive guru? Maybe they are making it easier for him

Man you need help and it is really getting past old.

Listen ma'am, for the hundredth time will you please stop quoting me?

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So everybody agrees that if he did transfer he was probably told he has the job?

I don't think anybody agrees with that.

Well a mod seemed to somewhat, but I guess I should have said everybody who doesn't have a blind loyalty to SW starting agrees with that, my bad.

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So everybody agrees that if he did transfer he was probably told he has the job?

I don't think anybody agrees with that.

Well a mod seemed to somewhat, but I guess I should have said everybody who doesn't have a blind loyalty to SW starting agrees with that, my bad.

So one person seems to "somewhat" agree with your statement and you convert that to everyone does? That's nonsense and you know it.

The concept of giving some outsider a job before they've had a single day's practice here is message board foolishness. No honest coach would promise that. Once again you're trying to put words into other people's mouths and then argue over what you falsely claim they said. Bad habit.

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So everybody agrees that if he did transfer he was probably told he has the job?

I don't think anybody agrees with that.

Well a mod seemed to somewhat, but I guess I should have said everybody who doesn't have a blind loyalty to SW starting agrees with that, my bad.

So one person seems to "somewhat" agree with your statement and you convert that to everyone does? That's nonsense and you know it.

The concept of giving some outsider a job before they've had a single day's practice here is message board foolishness. No honest coach would promise that. Once again you're trying to put words into other people's mouths and then argue over what you falsely claim they said. Bad habit.

No you simple guy you. Once again since you talk out of both sides of your mouth so often you confused yourself.

People before I posted hinted to if he was to transfer he'd have to have a strong reason to make that move. So I asked are we saying he probably have been told by someone that it's his job.

Then you come in and say nobody agrees with that (which is the same thing as me saying everybody just the opposite end of the spectrum so you are actually arguing against yourself in two different ways)

So AFTER that statement a mod somewhat agrees. So how could I convert him somewhat agreeing to everybody agreeing with mebefore he even says it?

In actuality I was responding to you saying you don't think ANYBODY agrees to it. I was pointing out to you well at least one person does (once again if you read throughout this thread you would see several if not the majority do not feel like he would blindly transfer without the coaching staff saying something about his chances of being the starting qb are strong)

But if you really use your brain, How did I try to put words in anybody's mouth if I asked a question? I'm asking do we, and of course I can't mean every single person, feel like this. I'm invoking conversation.

So in actuality you are the person converting and taking statements out of sequential order to manipulate a point. Your posts are so full of emotions when you love or hate a player it's pathetic, the thought of a different path that's not part of your plan eats you up and you attack it

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So everybody agrees that if he did transfer he was probably told he has the job?

I doubt it's promised, but if he transfers I would think he's been given indications it might be his to lose.

My understanding is they haven't spoken-- But, I don't know. Just saying, if he does decide to transfer, I think it would be because he's been given very strong reason to think he can win the job, although I seriously doubt starting jobs are ever promised or guaranteed.

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Next years QB's. There's Johnson. White, Queen, Franklin and Barrett. 1st of all, I believe Barrett will redshirt. 2nd, we may have 1 QB to transfer out. Now your down to 3 QB's for 2016. So what's the problem if Jenkins does transfer to Auburn?

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Just to those using this game as an indictment on his usefulness. If NDSU handles JSU highhandedly, then does that mean that NDSU is just THAT much better than Auburn is, or is Eli having an off game, if it is the latter then I'd probably avoid having such a rush to judgement.

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Another thing that should be taken into account is that Grass will live and die by the inside zone read and NDSU is EXTREMELY strong up the middle and between the tackles.

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Just to those using this game as an indictment on his usefulness. If NDSU handles JSU highhandedly, then does that mean that NDSU is just THAT much better than Auburn is, or is Eli having an off game, if it is the latter then I'd probably avoid having such a rush to judgement.


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Just to those using this game as an indictment on his usefulness. If NDSU handles JSU highhandedly, then does that mean that NDSU is just THAT much better than Auburn is, or is Eli having an off game, if it is the latter then I'd probably avoid having such a rush to judgement.


People tend to forget these things, not to really take a jab at anyone because it does happen, but just as a word of caution because many a good player has been snubbed because of such narrow thinking.

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Just to those using this game as an indictment on his usefulness. If NDSU handles JSU highhandedly, then does that mean that NDSU is just THAT much better than Auburn is, or is Eli having an off game, if it is the latter then I'd probably avoid having such a rush to judgement.

Don't see it as an indictment- he's obviously had great success. Just said the obvious, the most recent performance will impact the enthusiasm level of the fan base, in either direction.

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Just to those using this game as an indictment on his usefulness. If NDSU handles JSU highhandedly, then does that mean that NDSU is just THAT much better than Auburn is, or is Eli having an off game, if it is the latter then I'd probably avoid having such a rush to judgement.

Don't see it as an indictment- he's obviously had great success. Just said the obvious, the most recent performance will impact the enthusiasm level of the fan base, in either direction.

True, I definitely don't think you were making such an assertion. Though at the same time, just directed to those who were.

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My point was what if he came and he wasn't head and shoulders above what then? I thought it warranted discussion since it could happen if he decided to transfer here

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Just to those using this game as an indictment on his usefulness. If NDSU handles JSU highhandedly, then does that mean that NDSU is just THAT much better than Auburn is, or is Eli having an off game, if it is the latter then I'd probably avoid having such a rush to judgement.


People tend to forget these things, not to really take a jab at anyone because it does happen, but just as a word of caution because many a good player has been snubbed because of such narrow thinking.

People also tend to make invalid comparisons. All it probably means is that NDSU in it's 15h game of the season "could" be better than Auburn was in it's 1st game of the season. But better than AU now ? No

The discussion of whether the JSU QB is good enough to play in the SEC is a separate issue. I think he is and would also welcome him giving it a try.

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My point was what if he came and he wasn't head and shoulders above what then? I thought it warranted discussion since it could happen if he decided to transfer here

That is my sentiment as well, and it's a good one. Though at the same time the people writing him off for a bad 1ST HALF, not even a whole game should probably withhold doubt. And no doubt in that situation I'm pretty sure that Auburn would give the job to whoever they had the most invested in, either JJ, SW, or one of their other big name high acclaim transfers.

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Just to those using this game as an indictment on his usefulness. If NDSU handles JSU highhandedly, then does that mean that NDSU is just THAT much better than Auburn is, or is Eli having an off game, if it is the latter then I'd probably avoid having such a rush to judgement.


People tend to forget these things, not to really take a jab at anyone because it does happen, but just as a word of caution because many a good player has been snubbed because of such narrow thinking.

People also tend to make invalid comparisons. All it probably means is that NDSU in it's 15h game of the season "could" be better than Auburn was in it's 1st game of the season. But better than AU now ? No

The discussion of whether the JSU QB is good enough to play in the SEC is a separate issue. I think he is and would also welcome him giving it a try.

My point in saying that is not to say that NDSU is better than Auburn.... What I am saying is that they're doing what Auburn failed to do, so if that is the case, then maybe instead of saying "Player is not good as advertised" there could be a possibility of him having an off game. It's basically just my way of employing the Socratic method to have people consider the possibilities rather than making rash assertions.

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