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Charles Kelly


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No, you're under the delusion that we must have CK. We don't have to have him and it isn't because of the $$$$ which you keep saying. As I quoted earlier, "Talked to his father in law today and he's not going [to AU] for any amount of money. Too unstable there right now and Jimbo has been good to him plus his daughter is a sr in HS." MONEY IS NOT THE OBJECT but you and AU keep wanting to shovel more of it CK's way. Like I said previously, family and career come before the money and CK apparently all he wants/needs at FSU.

AU still has a great negotiating position, just not with CK or others in the SEC and probably the ACC. AU has an historic tradition of producing excellent programs, football being preeminent, and paying well those who improve its status. Thinking otherwise sells AU short. The person with the gold rules, even in football.

Now if you can come up with a Jedi mind trick and will CK to AU then I'm all for it.

WDE !!!

This makes too much sense. There has to a better option than throwing crazy money at someone who really doesn't want to come right now and has a very limited track record. Last year a lot of his own fanbase wanted him fired.

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Fact: Gus is not on the hot seat! Get over it, he's not, simple as that!

Fact: Jimbo is not stable at FSU as he wanted the LSU job but the Boosters wouldn't come up with the $50 million buyout for Les and Jimbo combined!

Fact: Gus didn't think TRob was ready, he knows more than us, believe it or not.

Fact: If we had a QB this season we are probably SEC champs are at least in there fighting for it! Gus has an SEC Championship and natty, then another SEC Championship, and played for the Natty!

QB situation didn't work out this year, will be better next year.

Relax people!

Lol. Are any of these actual facts?

Jimbo is completely secure at FSU. If he leaves it will be on HIS terms, not FSU forcing him out. There's a HUGE difference.

Agree, my point is/was Jimbo wanted (or was seriously interested in) the LSU job. It was the LSU money folks that said No, not Jimbo.
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Y'all are pathetic. The negative thinking is unparalleled to anything I have experienced in my 66 years on this earth.

If LT is chosen as DC I will support the decision and him. Then if we win natty next year all you negatories will say you wanted him from the start. What kind of fans are you?? Come on support whoever it is. If they promote your grandmother, I will support her. Sorry for the tirade but our program is in a good position.

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Jimbo is completely secure at FSU. If he leaves it will be on HIS terms, not FSU forcing him out. There's a HUGE difference.

Agree, my point is/was Jimbo wanted (or was seriously interested in) the LSU job. It was the LSU money folks that said No, not Jimbo.

Difference is, if Jimbo leaves on his own accord, he takes his staff with him. If Gus gets fired, his staff is blowing in the wind. I agree that it's ridiculous to consider Gus anywhere near the hot seat, but the media, as well as some of the fans, are making that argument for people who are considering us.

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If we promote LT to defensive coordinator, that's gonna look really bad on AU. And I'm afraid AU will look really bad on the field. One of my bammer friends was actually hoping he would get removed from the Alabama staff and voila, he shows up at Auburn. He's done well recruiting but his on-field product has done absolutely nothing to warrant such a promotion. Granted, the crop of defensive coordinators is not too great this year, LT is a total desperation move. If this happens, and I hope I'm wrong, it probably starts the beginning of the end for this staff as well. Coaching turnover has got to be slowed down at AU before we turn into TN and it takes us a decade to get back to where we should be.

Where should we be though?

Because in the last decade AU is 2-8 vs UGA, 3-7 vs LSU, 4-6 vs Arky, 4-6 vs UAT.

So where the hell "should" we be in the next decade?

Read that how you will, but AU is one of the 15 winningest programs of all time. That's where we should be. There is no reason for the records that you listed. That's pathetic. 2010 and 2013 are where we should be. Contending for something and at the very least, being competitive in EVERY game is where we should be. All of the coaching turnover, imo, has made that nearly impossible.

Although this year hasn't been what I wanted it to be, looking at the games we won and lost, all the ones we lost, minus the LSU game, we were competitive in. We may not have won them, but we were competitive in them.

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Jimbo is completely secure at FSU. If he leaves it will be on HIS terms, not FSU forcing him out. There's a HUGE difference.

Agree, my point is/was Jimbo wanted (or was seriously interested in) the LSU job. It was the LSU money folks that said No, not Jimbo.

Difference is, if Jimbo leaves on his own accord, he takes his staff with him. If Gus gets fired, his staff is blowing in the wind. I agree that it's ridiculous to consider Gus anywhere near the hot seat, but the media, as well as some of the fans, are making that argument for people who are considering us.

Agree, thanks!
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I would prefer that we take any offer, if we have offered, off of the table and go get someone that wants to be in Auburn. I respect Charles's decision. We shouldn't have to overpay anyone. He is definitely not in the same ballpark with Muschamp and he shouldn't be paid as such.

If you don't want to overpay anyone, you're going to have to go find the up and comer guy at a lower level school trying to break into the big leagues. If you're only going to be satisfied with a guy with a proven track record of success at the higher level college programs, get ready to either pay more, guarantee more years on the deal, or both. Sorry, that's just the way it is.

I don't disagree. I'm talking about this situation. If we are going to almost double his salary and he still can't make up his mind, then we should move on. In my opinion "Charles Kelly" doesn't have a good enough track record to warrant Muschamp money. I'm all for having to pay for a good candidate, but it shouldn't approach us having to bribe them with cash.

Well despite the disagreements with Elephant Tipper, we do agree that money is not the primary hold up at this point. I don't know what percentages to apply to the other possible factors, but they'd include things like: Loyalty to Jimbo for giving him the opportunity, daughter is a senior in high school there, stable situation at FSU with great talent coming in, and so on. I have no idea if there are any issues related to how many guys he wants to bring on staff (meaning we may have to get rid of someone). But whatever the things are, and whatever order of priority they are in, I don't think at this point money is one of them.

You keep giving me the beat down on this thread about the info I shared given to me by a relative and you're now using that same info I rec'd as YOUR reasoning for CK's not coming to AU ? I've stated how you twisted my words on more than one occasion and now you're using them as your own ? Now you're just changing authorship. Did you major in plagiarism or come by that naturally ?

You're unbelievable Titan.

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I think the same way that TitanTiger is saying. Money is not the problem. If I was going to a new job, I would probably want to take some of my best tools that I am familiar with and would help guarantee my success. CK might have in mind some of his staff (tools) that he would like to work with. Bringing some of his key people could be the hardest part of the puzzle to solve for CK and AU to agree on. We all want the next DC to be successful and that person needs to have that level of comfort necessary to get the job done.

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The sooner we get a good DC on board, the better it is for our program. If we cannot get CK to come to Auburn, lets move on to a candidate that will be a good fit for the program. We need to get this done asap to help keep our recruits on board or is it onboard? I hope Gus will get this done and will pick the best man for the job.

We all know that Gus has a list of DCs that he is choosing from. How do we even know if we have been offering Kelly in the first place? This is all hearsay IMHO, and may be nothing of substance. I would love to know who Gus has in mind, and how many men are on his list.

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I'm shocked we have kept Craig as long as we have. He has far more experience than Lashlee and he is getting paid less. I would be pissed.

Need to show a little mo love to DC for sure.
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I wish the mods would just kill this thread. Nothing to be gained here just a bunch of whining.

Now, now

We will curb no whine before it's time

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I'm shocked we have kept Craig as long as we have. He has far more experience than Lashlee and he is getting paid less. I would be pissed.

Need to show a little mo love to DC for sure.

For what? His recruiting? It certainly can't be because of the production of his WRs that he coaches. I do believe he should be given the QB coach job and be paid more than Lashlee.


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If Gus ends up with LT as DC, it means nobody on his list of candidates was interested. That would be telling enough about the situation at Auburn.

We all hope for the best though.


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I'm shocked we have kept Craig as long as we have. He has far more experience than Lashlee and he is getting paid less. I would be pissed.

Need to show a little mo love to DC for sure.

For what? His recruiting? It certainly can't be because of the production of his WRs that he coaches. I do believe he should be given the QB coach job and be paid more than Lashlee.


And that would be showing him more love. So yes.
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Lol at trying to make pretend that ck isn't a good DC

Who said that?

He lives in his own little world.... Very little.

Please go away ma'am your little game has grown tiresome

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If Gus ends up with LT as DC, it means nobody on his list of candidates was interested. That would be telling enough about the situation at Auburn.

We all hope for the best though.


Could also mean he was shooting for the moon, and sometimes the moon is just too far away for anyone. My only concern would be if the same candidates were taking positions elsewhere, instead of just not uprooting their lives.

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You keep giving me the beat down on this thread about the info I shared given to me by a relative and you're now using that same info I rec'd as YOUR reasoning for CK's not coming to AU ? I've stated how you twisted my words on more than one occasion and now you're using them as your own ? Now you're just changing authorship. Did you major in plagiarism or come by that naturally ?

You're unbelievable Titan.

You're a dips**t. Did you hit your head? Because you sure as hell can't follow a conversation.

I said there are things we disagree on, but these are the things where we have agreement. I didn't get those things from you, I have received them from other sources and they coincide to varying degrees with what you've said as well as things that some of the pay site admins and insiders are saying. They differ on others.

We still disagree on several things such as how much over market rate Auburn will have to pay to get a proven coordinator, what the perception of Auburn is amongst prospective coaches and things like that.

What's unbelievable is that you even know how to work at keyboard. Geez.

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If Gus ends up with LT as DC, it means nobody on his list of candidates was interested. That would be telling enough about the situation at Auburn.

We all hope for the best though.


No, it can also mean that Gus felt that time was an important factor and drawing the process out would be counterproductive no matter who else was on the list of potential candidates.

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