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i am sure it happens. but i cannot think of the last time a sec coach was canned and replaced by one of his coordinators.

I hope you were being sarcastic, but just in case you aren't...

like Malzahn replacing Chizik?

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How about TODD ORLANDO DC from Houston's cougars? Their def has impressed me this year.

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We should let Bruce Pearl coach the D. He'd be able to run Man and Zone at the same time!

Not as big of an accomplishment as ya think. A lot of coverages are hybrids. Though I'm pretty sure he could teach the H-Backs how to post up in the endzone.

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Alright everyone, I know you've all been waiting for it, so here it is:


Needs (in order of importance):

1. Defensive Coordinator

2. Defensive Line Coach

3. Defensive Backs Coach

4. Inside Line Backers Coach

5. Outside Line Backers Coach

Plan of action:

1. Hire Charles Kelly away from FSU. Runs a similar 3-4 scheme with a Buck, which would at least keep some consistency.

2. Hire the recently unemployed Craig Kuligowsk, formerly of Mizzou. Did some great things there.

3a. Either hire the recently unemployed Keith Heyward, formerly of USCw. Very much a man-to-man focused DBs coach.

3b. ... or hire the successful Charlton Warren of UNC. Proven DBs coach.

4. Retain Lance Thompson, moving him to ILBs.

5. Retain Rodney Gardner, moving him to OLBs and Bucks

This plan works because:

Kelly is an Auburn Alum

Kelly runs a similar scheme, which minimizes the changes (still will probably be changes in the calls, but at least the schematic concepts are similar).

Kelly has been successful, but not so much so that people are looking at him as a HC

We retain a great recruiters in Lance Thompson and Rodney Gardner

We minimize the amount of change from a coaching staff perspective, which helps fiscally and with coach/player relationships.

All good ideas, but you're adding an on field coach to the D over this years staff which would require shuffling someone on the O staff to an off the field position or firing someone with no replacement and shuffling everyone then.

Alternatively, RG could be let go (or moved to ST/TE coach), and Kelly could coach the OLB's and Bucks (he coached FSU's LBs under Pruitt in 2013 before becoming their DC.

But now why would he want to go from a DC to become a position coach in someone else's scheme, and at a school that is arguably much less successful than the one he is leaving? Then there is the staff to worry about. Coordinators are rather fond of their staffs and don't want to put them in terrible positions, such as the unemployment line.

I think there's a miscommunication here. I was suggesting that Kelly be the OLB coach as well as DC, similar to how Muschamp was the ILB coach and DC.

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i am sure it happens. but i cannot think of the last time a sec coach was canned and replaced by one of his coordinators.

not SEC, but Clay Helton - USCw this year.

Yes, but that was alcohol related.

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for the record, i think Rhett should go. if i were a head coach, i would not want a coordinator that thinks just like i had taught him. always hire someone smarter than you. smart business.

Ask Saban and Kirby about how it worked for them.

Worked for Satan. Not so much for GM.

WDE !!!

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Alright everyone, I know you've all been waiting for it, so here it is:


Needs (in order of importance):

1. Defensive Coordinator

2. Defensive Line Coach

3. Defensive Backs Coach

4. Inside Line Backers Coach

5. Outside Line Backers Coach

Plan of action:

1. Hire Charles Kelly away from FSU. Runs a similar 3-4 scheme with a Buck, which would at least keep some consistency.

2. Hire the recently unemployed Craig Kuligowsk, formerly of Mizzou. Did some great things there.

3a. Either hire the recently unemployed Keith Heyward, formerly of USCw. Very much a man-to-man focused DBs coach.

3b. ... or hire the successful Charlton Warren of UNC. Proven DBs coach.

4. Retain Lance Thompson, moving him to ILBs.

5. Retain Rodney Gardner, moving him to OLBs and Bucks

This plan works because:

Kelly is an Auburn Alum

Kelly runs a similar scheme, which minimizes the changes (still will probably be changes in the calls, but at least the schematic concepts are similar).

Kelly has been successful, but not so much so that people are looking at him as a HC

We retain a great recruiters in Lance Thompson and Rodney Gardner

We minimize the amount of change from a coaching staff perspective, which helps fiscally and with coach/player relationships.

All good ideas, but you're adding an on field coach to the D over this years staff which would require shuffling someone on the O staff to an off the field position or firing someone with no replacement and shuffling everyone then.

Alternatively, RG could be let go (or moved to ST/TE coach), and Kelly could coach the OLB's and Bucks (he coached FSU's LBs under Pruitt in 2013 before becoming their DC.

But now why would he want to go from a DC to become a position coach in someone else's scheme, and at a school that is arguably much less successful than the one he is leaving? Then there is the staff to worry about. Coordinators are rather fond of their staffs and don't want to put them in terrible positions, such as the unemployment line.

I think there's a miscommunication here. I was suggesting that Kelly be the OLB coach as well as DC, similar to how Muschamp was the ILB coach and DC.

Ah, suddenly this becomes a lot more viable.

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I hope Galloway and his lawyer drags Jacobs through the dirt with the media watching.

Did you grow up under high voltage power lines eating paint chips?

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I feel like Jack Curtis could be a possibility

He was at Arky State so he may find his way towards the top of Gus's list due to being recognized

Or Ruffin McNeal. Considering his connection with Dye

Not that I'm hoping for a hire with AU connections but based off of history...

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I feel like Jack Curtis could be a possibility

He was at Arky State so he may find his way towards the top of Gus's list due to being recognized

Or Ruffin McNeal. Considering his connection with Dye

Not that I'm hoping for a hire with AU connections but based off of history...

Which is part of them problem.

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T-Rob would've been my first choice but looks like he's headed with Boom. So i like: Charles Kelly, Lance Thompson, Paul Rhoads, or some no name DC or LB coach not in the Power 5 who wants a raise and promotion that would be willing to take a chance considering he may be one and done if we have a repeat from this season again.

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I don't buy the scared of contact stuff. Whenever a qb isn't good that's what people say. There's no way you're a dual threat qb and scared of contact. KF had to play in a suck system but also the o line was horrible. You're not going to see too many qb's that can be successful under the circumstances he was under

LOL -- funny how much less scared QBs look behind a strong OL.

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I don't buy the scared of contact stuff. Whenever a qb isn't good that's what people say. There's no way you're a dual threat qb and scared of contact. KF had to play in a suck system but also the o line was horrible. You're not going to see too many qb's that can be successful under the circumstances he was under

Sorry, I've seen how different QBs approach getting tackled. Some relish it, others are smart about it and slide or get out of bounds but don't seem deterred. Others cringe, slow down and look afraid of getting hit. KF looked that way a lot in college and JJ looked that way a lot this year. Nothing like the way Nick ran for instance or even Sean (though Sean could probably use a healthy dose of self-preservation given his size). Cam in an anomaly because he was so big.

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I don't buy the scared of contact stuff. Whenever a qb isn't good that's what people say. There's no way you're a dual threat qb and scared of contact. KF had to play in a suck system but also the o line was horrible. You're not going to see too many qb's that can be successful under the circumstances he was under

Sorry, I've seen how different QBs approach getting tackled. Some relish it, others are smart about it and slide or get out of bounds but don't seem deterred. Others cringe, slow down and look afraid of getting hit. KF looked that way a lot in college and JJ looked that way a lot this year. Nothing like the way Nick ran for instance or even Sean (though Sean could probably use a healthy dose of self-preservation given his size). Cam in an anomaly because he was so big.

I seem to remember a tweet or something from KF basically stating that he didn't want to be a runner, he wanted to throw more. If I recall correctly, it was in 2011 when he was being used almost exclusively for running. I could see such an outlook affecting the way he runs and takes hits, especially if not liking those hits was a primary reason for feeling that way. I'm torn on JJ and that issue. He has speed, but he accelerates slowly. His movements also appear, for lack of a better word, awkward. It's like he's the most unnatural running QB I've ever seen. I'm not sure how much could be attributed to fear, paranoia at taking the hit and fumbling, or just that he runs weird. Nick had shiftiness, acceleration, and he was also probably the most natural running QB I've ever seen. He's the prototype of what you want in a running QB. Sean reminded me a lot of Aaron Murray.

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I don't buy the scared of contact stuff. Whenever a qb isn't good that's what people say. There's no way you're a dual threat qb and scared of contact. KF had to play in a suck system but also the o line was horrible. You're not going to see too many qb's that can be successful under the circumstances he was under

Sorry, I've seen how different QBs approach getting tackled. Some relish it, others are smart about it and slide or get out of bounds but don't seem deterred. Others cringe, slow down and look afraid of getting hit. KF looked that way a lot in college and JJ looked that way a lot this year. Nothing like the way Nick ran for instance or even Sean (though Sean could probably use a healthy dose of self-preservation given his size). Cam in an anomaly because he was so big.

I've seen it too. It's just funny to me how so many like to call guys scared when nobody could really know that. Or wouldn't know if they just weren't natural rushers or if they ran different when there's an emphasis placed on ball security or whatever. I have a hard time believing a guy with as many rush attempts as him and playing defense is scared of contact....Also on designed runs kf didn't look scared to me at all. He just never looked comfortable or settled in at qb. Imo SW just doesn't have the same expectations running the ball so when he did people are so much more excited about it, but he didn't have those 3rd and 4 qb power plays so I don't think his not scared counts as far as the running part at least, I can see the not scared to stay in the pocket part though. But imo actual scared to be tackled hardly exists in D1 football. Most anxiety I've ever seen is being scared of playing in front of so many people

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I don't buy the scared of contact stuff. Whenever a qb isn't good that's what people say. There's no way you're a dual threat qb and scared of contact. KF had to play in a suck system but also the o line was horrible. You're not going to see too many qb's that can be successful under the circumstances he was under

Sorry, I've seen how different QBs approach getting tackled. Some relish it, others are smart about it and slide or get out of bounds but don't seem deterred. Others cringe, slow down and look afraid of getting hit. KF looked that way a lot in college and JJ looked that way a lot this year. Nothing like the way Nick ran for instance or even Sean (though Sean could probably use a healthy dose of self-preservation given his size). Cam in an anomaly because he was so big.

I seem to remember a tweet or something from KF basically stating that he didn't want to be a runner, he wanted to throw more. If I recall correctly, it was in 2011 when he was being used almost exclusively for running. I could see such an outlook affecting the way he runs and takes hits, especially if not liking those hits was a primary reason for feeling that way. I'm torn on JJ and that issue. He has speed, but he accelerates slowly. His movements also appear, for lack of a better word, awkward. It's like he's the most unnatural running QB I've ever seen. I'm not sure how much could be attributed to fear, paranoia at taking the hit and fumbling, or just that he runs weird. Nick had shiftiness, acceleration, and he was also probably the most natural running QB I've ever seen. He's the prototype of what you want in a running QB. Sean reminded me a lot of Aaron Murray.

i don't think kf or jj were"scared" kf ran well when it was predetermined. They have no pocket awareness or instincts. No confidence. I think their facial expressions tell the story. Then kf moves to defense because he can't compete with Marshall after two weeks of camp. We swung and missed on those two but neither are cowardly and i doubt any amount of coaching could correct them.

Back to DC Kelly, L. Thompson, Rhoades, Foster, Orgeron

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T-Rob would've been my first choice but looks like he's headed with Boom. So i like: Charles Kelly, Lance Thompson, Paul Rhoads, or some no name DC or LB coach not in the Power 5 who wants a raise and promotion that would be willing to take a chance considering he may be one and done if we have a repeat from this season again.

Charles Kelly, if at all possible, is my #1 preference. I hate FSU, but he has that defense attacking.
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T-Rob would've been my first choice but looks like he's headed with Boom. So i like: Charles Kelly, Lance Thompson, Paul Rhoads, or some no name DC or LB coach not in the Power 5 who wants a raise and promotion that would be willing to take a chance considering he may be one and done if we have a repeat from this season again.

Charles Kelly, if at all possible, is my #1 preference. I hate FSU, but he has that defense attacking.

This is the best case scenario imo

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