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Will Muschamp (Combined Thread)


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Free read from PM.

This has Jay Jacobs written all over it.

It should be clear that Muschamp is not totally satisfied. It has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with quarterbacks or play calls or even wins or losses. It has to do with more internal things, the operations side of the football program.

Muschamp and Malzahn are not enemies or anything close to it. There is no personal animosity involved.

Muschamp’s family is extremely happy in Auburn, and they played a major role in his decision to take the job last December. The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn’s program.

It's not Jay...but Jay can step in and leverage it if he thinks it's the best for the program. But believe what you want. (It has to do with recruiting in my opinion).

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Can someone please enlighten me as to why (if true) why Muschamp is not happy at AU? He called the shots when he was hired or am I wrong on that? Is JJ really that bad as AD?

Who is to say he wasn't happy? He might just see a better opportunity at USCe as an HC. Now, if he goes to Bama or UGA as DC, then we have another discussion.

Here is my opinion....Will came in to turn things around. He did not come in to rebuild. I can't ever remember having so little talent on D. Our most consistent player was a true freshman who came here because of Will. I think he wants out before his reputation takes a bigger hit. We are still a few good recruiting classes away from having a solid D. UGA and bama are loaded on D.

He knew our roster before he signed on. Don't tell me he was taken back by our lack of depth.

I don't think he knew how thin it was. I honestly don't.

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According to Cubelic, "buckle your seatbelt" if Muschamp isn't named at USCe.

Wonder if it's bammer or uga?

Well....that's not a wild comment....old news at this point.

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I'd like to get another year out of him, but I'm not worried about having to replace him either. The next guy needs to be someone who is likely to be here for a few years before moving on....if he gets more than a year. :dunno:

Well, that last hypothetical phrase is really the rub. If Boom goes elsewhere, we need to hire someone who'll not only be good, but also stick around for a while and lend some stability to the D. But, what if Gus can't make it through next season?! Who can Gus get as DC that would come under the uncertainty and still check off all the other boxes?

Tough one.

I guess we're going to have to improve dramatically next season, no matter what!

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Can someone please enlighten me as to why (if true) why Muschamp is not happy at AU? He called the shots when he was hired or am I wrong on that? Is JJ really that bad as AD?

Who is to say he wasn't happy? He might just see a better opportunity at USCe as an HC. Now, if he goes to Bama or UGA as DC, then we have another discussion.

Here is my opinion....Will came in to turn things around. He did not come in to rebuild. I can't ever remember having so little talent on D. Our most consistent player was a true freshman who came here because of Will. I think he wants out before his reputation takes a bigger hit. We are still a few good recruiting classes away from having a solid D. UGA and bama are loaded on D.

He knew our roster before he signed on. Don't tell me he was taken back by our lack of depth.

I don't think he knew how thin it was. I honestly don't.

I think he was surprised not by the talent, but the attitude.

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Free read from PM.

This has Jay Jacobs written all over it.

It should be clear that Muschamp is not totally satisfied. It has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with quarterbacks or play calls or even wins or losses. It has to do with more internal things, the operations side of the football program.

Muschamp and Malzahn are not enemies or anything close to it. There is no personal animosity involved.

Muschamp’s family is extremely happy in Auburn, and they played a major role in his decision to take the job last December. The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn’s program.

"The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn’s program".

Did you miss the above sentence? No mention of anyone other than Gus needing to allow WM to do what he wants. This says nothing at all about JJ. It's whether Gus wants to allow WM to change some philosophies on recruiting and staff building. This is evident by the very text you quoted to claim its on JJ.

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I'd like to get another year out of him, but I'm not worried about having to replace him either. The next guy needs to be someone who is likely to be here for a few years before moving on....if he gets more than a year. :dunno:

Well, that last hypothetical phrase is really the rub. If Boom goes elsewhere, we need to hire someone who'll not only be good, but also stick around for a while and lend some stability to the D. But, what if Gus can't make it through next season?! Who can Gus get as DC that would come under the uncertainty and still check off all the other boxes?

Tough one.

I guess we're going to have to improve dramatically next season, no matter what!

If we have a quarterback and if Muschamp stays, we're going to be a very good football team next year. If we have a quarterback, we might still be a very good football team even if Muschamp leaves. But I'd prefer the confidence of entering the season with Muschamp still running things on that side of the ball.

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Free read from PM.

This has Jay Jacobs written all over it.

It should be clear that Muschamp is not totally satisfied. It has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with quarterbacks or play calls or even wins or losses. It has to do with more internal things, the operations side of the football program.

Muschamp and Malzahn are not enemies or anything close to it. There is no personal animosity involved.

Muschamp’s family is extremely happy in Auburn, and they played a major role in his decision to take the job last December. The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn’s program.

It's not Jay...but Jay can step in and leverage it if he thinks it's the best for the program. But believe what you want. (It has to do with recruiting in my opinion).

If you know that much, then tell us: is it Certain Recruits they disagree on? Grades? Player Behavior?

What are the internal things, the operations side of the football program, that have nothing to do with Jacobs? Recruiting?

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I don't think he knew how thin it was. I honestly don't.

Then CWM is incompetent--period.

I think he was surprised not by the talent, but the attitude.


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Free read from PM.

This has Jay Jacobs written all over it.

It should be clear that Muschamp is not totally satisfied. It has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with quarterbacks or play calls or even wins or losses. It has to do with more internal things, the operations side of the football program.

Muschamp and Malzahn are not enemies or anything close to it. There is no personal animosity involved.

Muschamp's family is extremely happy in Auburn, and they played a major role in his decision to take the job last December. The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn's program.

"The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn's program".

Did you miss the above sentence? No mention of anyone other than Gus needing to allow WM to do what he wants. This says nothing at all about JJ. It's whether Gus wants to allow WM to change some philosophies on recruiting and staff building. This is evident by the very text you quoted to claim its on JJ.

Well, you added a lot of content to "internal things" than is evident from the quote.

autigeremt also mentioned recruiting.

So, what, specifically, is it that Boom wants to do that Gus won't let him do?

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Can someone please enlighten me as to why (if true) why Muschamp is not happy at AU? He called the shots when he was hired or am I wrong on that? Is JJ really that bad as AD?

I'd like to know, as well. There's chatter out there about Boom not being happy about 'organizational issues' and Gus prioritizing the offense. But that's all too vague for me. Would love for someone to fill it in.

First of all Muschamp is not in charge. And what did he do that was so grand when he was in charge at UF that would make him this grand know it all. He was a HC at a premier school in the best conference. He lost to Georgia Southern or some directional FCS school. Some of you say he was a QB away from being good, then what do you think plagued AU this season the most? By all indications Gus have Boom full range, he brought Trob, hired Lance whom he previously worked with, and WM himself coached Lbs, the only hold over was Garner. He is getting paid a tub load of money with not buyout after tomorrow. So what is Gus not allowing Will to do, oh I forgot letting him be HC. WM walked before and AU was just fine, if he walks again AU will still be fine. Some of you act like the program will be shutdown or fall of the face of the earth...he is only one coach and he did not break the mold on defensive coaching.

Muschamp is a hired coach brought in for a short fix with some hope for a 2-3 year stay. The Jay grassy knoll theories will soon be next. Now a no buyout clause will be JJ's fault. Set the thread on fire.
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Free read from PM.

This has Jay Jacobs written all over it.

It should be clear that Muschamp is not totally satisfied. It has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with quarterbacks or play calls or even wins or losses. It has to do with more internal things, the operations side of the football program.

Muschamp and Malzahn are not enemies or anything close to it. There is no personal animosity involved.

Muschamp's family is extremely happy in Auburn, and they played a major role in his decision to take the job last December. The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn's program.

"The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn's program".

Did you miss the above sentence? No mention of anyone other than Gus needing to allow WM to do what he wants. This says nothing at all about JJ. It's whether Gus wants to allow WM to change some philosophies on recruiting and staff building. This is evident by the very text you quoted to claim its on JJ.

If you know that much, tell us all. As listed above: is it Certain Recruits they disagree on? Grades? Player Behavior?

Is it Gardner?

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LOL at people still questioning Muschamp at UF. We didn't hire him to be our head coach, we hired him to fix our defense. He had a top 10 defense every year at Florida despite rarely having an offense that could stay on the field. He's had a top 10 defense 10 out of his 12 years as a DC or HC (or something thereabouts, I might be fudging the numbers a bit). The guy is easily a top 3 DC in college football and he showed it at Auburn this past year.

By all means, freak out at the prospect of him leaving. But don't compound it by being ignorant.

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Free read from PM.

This has Jay Jacobs written all over it.

It should be clear that Muschamp is not totally satisfied. It has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with quarterbacks or play calls or even wins or losses. It has to do with more internal things, the operations side of the football program.

Muschamp and Malzahn are not enemies or anything close to it. There is no personal animosity involved.

Muschamp's family is extremely happy in Auburn, and they played a major role in his decision to take the job last December. The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn's program.

"The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn's program".

Did you miss the above sentence? No mention of anyone other than Gus needing to allow WM to do what he wants. This says nothing at all about JJ. It's whether Gus wants to allow WM to change some philosophies on recruiting and staff building. This is evident by the very text you quoted to claim its on JJ.

If you know that much, tell us all. As listed above: is it Certain Recruits they disagree on? Grades? Player Behavior?

Is it Gardner?

I combined thought. Sorry.

It's been said by others that Will wants to change how we approach recruiting. It says in this article that what is needed is for GUS to make WM comfortable. You turned it into JJ which, as I said, is not implied in any way by the text you quoted.

So tell me this, what in this article tells you it's JJ when it clearly says that Gus is the one who needs to decide what to do?

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Are you just referring to the article? Just asking because i don't know. Not trying to be a jerk in any way but it is amazing how "FoundationEagle" and "autigeremt" have the inside information to know it is not Jacobs, but it is recruiting, yet no specific details or information as to why. Again, unless you are just referring to the article.

Come on guys, spill the beans if you have them to spill.

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Free read from PM.

This has Jay Jacobs written all over it.

It should be clear that Muschamp is not totally satisfied. It has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with quarterbacks or play calls or even wins or losses. It has to do with more internal things, the operations side of the football program.

Muschamp and Malzahn are not enemies or anything close to it. There is no personal animosity involved.

Muschamp's family is extremely happy in Auburn, and they played a major role in his decision to take the job last December. The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn's program.

"The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn's program".

Did you miss the above sentence? No mention of anyone other than Gus needing to allow WM to do what he wants. This says nothing at all about JJ. It's whether Gus wants to allow WM to change some philosophies on recruiting and staff building. This is evident by the very text you quoted to claim its on JJ.

If you know that much, tell us all. As listed above: is it Certain Recruits they disagree on? Grades? Player Behavior?

Is it Gardner?

I combined thought. Sorry.

It's been said by others that Will wants to change how we approach recruiting. It says in this article that what is needed is for GUS to make WM comfortable. You turned it into JJ which, as I said, is not implied in any way by the text you quoted.

So tell me this, what in this article tells you it's JJ when it clearly says that Gus is the one who needs to decide what to do?

I would honestly be willing to bet that it has less to do with recruiting and more to do with the constant input into the program from people who are not on staff... like certain former coaches and members of the board. If Will can get that fixed, his next steak dinner is on me.

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Free read from PM.

This has Jay Jacobs written all over it.

It should be clear that Muschamp is not totally satisfied. It has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with quarterbacks or play calls or even wins or losses. It has to do with more internal things, the operations side of the football program.

Muschamp and Malzahn are not enemies or anything close to it. There is no personal animosity involved.

Muschamp's family is extremely happy in Auburn, and they played a major role in his decision to take the job last December. The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn's program.

"The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn's program".

Did you miss the above sentence? No mention of anyone other than Gus needing to allow WM to do what he wants. This says nothing at all about JJ. It's whether Gus wants to allow WM to change some philosophies on recruiting and staff building. This is evident by the very text you quoted to claim its on JJ.

If you know that much, tell us all. As listed above: is it Certain Recruits they disagree on? Grades? Player Behavior?

Is it Gardner?

I combined thought. Sorry.

It's been said by others that Will wants to change how we approach recruiting. It says in this article that what is needed is for GUS to make WM comfortable. You turned it into JJ which, as I said, is not implied in any way by the text you quoted.

So tell me this, what in this article tells you it's JJ when it clearly says that Gus is the one who needs to decide what to do?

Oh OK. I just don't feel Jacobs is the most competent, and we know WM and he, didn't get along in the past etc... So when I heard: internal things, the operations side of the football program. I thought of Jacobs. No inside scoop or anything.
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Not. Going. Anywhere.

If he does, will you admit you have no objectivity?


As long as you're ready to eat crow if he doesn't lol.
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Not. Going. Anywhere.

If he does, will you admit you have no objectivity?


As long as you're ready to eat crow if he doesn't lol.

I'll hold the money til it's decided :lol:

:cool: :cool: :cool:

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Side topic. Anyone remember the name of the bar on Wire Rd that was in the same building as the laundromat? It was before you got to the Duck if driving away from campus.

Man, I hope somebody answers you about this. I'm so embarrassed, because I actually lived in the house next door for a summer. And what a summer it was.

I think it was called something and suds. Brew and Suds???

Bubbles and Brew

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Free read from PM.

This has Jay Jacobs written all over it.

It should be clear that Muschamp is not totally satisfied. It has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with quarterbacks or play calls or even wins or losses. It has to do with more internal things, the operations side of the football program.

Muschamp and Malzahn are not enemies or anything close to it. There is no personal animosity involved.

Muschamp's family is extremely happy in Auburn, and they played a major role in his decision to take the job last December. The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn's program.

"The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn's program".

Did you miss the above sentence? No mention of anyone other than Gus needing to allow WM to do what he wants. This says nothing at all about JJ. It's whether Gus wants to allow WM to change some philosophies on recruiting and staff building. This is evident by the very text you quoted to claim its on JJ.

If you know that much, tell us all. As listed above: is it Certain Recruits they disagree on? Grades? Player Behavior?

Is it Gardner?

I combined thought. Sorry.

It's been said by others that Will wants to change how we approach recruiting. It says in this article that what is needed is for GUS to make WM comfortable. You turned it into JJ which, as I said, is not implied in any way by the text you quoted.

So tell me this, what in this article tells you it's JJ when it clearly says that Gus is the one who needs to decide what to do?

Oh OK. I just don't feel Jacobs is the most competent, and we know WM and he, didn't get along in the past etc... So when I heard: internal things, the operations side of the football program. I thought of Jacobs. No inside scoop or anything.

I have no inside info either, just didn't get where you put JJ in that article. I'm not saying it's definitely not, but the article seems to be focused on Gus and Wills relationship

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I would honestly be willing to bet that it has less to do with recruiting and more to do with the constant input into the program from people who are not on staff... like certain former coaches and members of the board. If Will can get that fixed, his next steak dinner is on me.

Folks with good reputations around here have said that this is exactly what has hampered every DC since Tubs left (it's telling that Tubs had such a contentious relationship with the PTB). It was also said that Muschamp addressed this before agreeing to come on board. Looking at the product on the field this season, it doesn't seem to me that he suffered from whatever afflicted Johnson, Van Gorder and Roof. So I'm skeptical right now of the "meddling" theory.

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Free read from PM.

This has Jay Jacobs written all over it.

It should be clear that Muschamp is not totally satisfied. It has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with quarterbacks or play calls or even wins or losses. It has to do with more internal things, the operations side of the football program.

Muschamp and Malzahn are not enemies or anything close to it. There is no personal animosity involved.

Muschamp's family is extremely happy in Auburn, and they played a major role in his decision to take the job last December. The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn's program.

"The question is whether Malzahn can do enough of what Muschamp wants to make him comfortable staying. Should he? It is, after all, Malzahn's program".

Did you miss the above sentence? No mention of anyone other than Gus needing to allow WM to do what he wants. This says nothing at all about JJ. It's whether Gus wants to allow WM to change some philosophies on recruiting and staff building. This is evident by the very text you quoted to claim its on JJ.

If you know that much, tell us all. As listed above: is it Certain Recruits they disagree on? Grades? Player Behavior?

Is it Gardner?

I combined thought. Sorry.

It's been said by others that Will wants to change how we approach recruiting. It says in this article that what is needed is for GUS to make WM comfortable. You turned it into JJ which, as I said, is not implied in any way by the text you quoted.

So tell me this, what in this article tells you it's JJ when it clearly says that Gus is the one who needs to decide what to do?

Oh OK. I just don't feel Jacobs is the most competent, and we know WM and he, didn't get along in the past etc... So when I heard: internal things, the operations side of the football program. I thought of Jacobs. No inside scoop or anything.

I have no inside info either, just didn't get where you put JJ in that article. I'm not saying it's definitely not, but the article seems to be focused on Gus and Wills relationship

If we are talking about the same article when you read: "It should be clear that Muschamp is not totally satisfied. It has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with quarterbacks or play calls or even wins or losses. It has to do with more internal things, the operations side of the football program"

To me: sounds more like the AD position then the HC, but i don't know for sure.

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