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Scenes in European Coutries Liberally Taking Refugees

Proud Tiger

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So where are you liberals at? Not commenting on the video?

As the German women said in English, they are not the victims, we are!! So true!

Just smh at how pathetic y'all are.

You watched that video and came to this conclusion? As Ann Coulter stated: "To be liberal, one is either not very intelligent or intelligent with mental illness, that is the only explanation"

Says the man who's dumb as a rock and never had an original thought.

Like some liberals, you get it, but it doesn't fit the democrats political agenda, so you don't want to get it. Simply put if your politics don't align with common sense, you will align with your politics over the common sense. When proven wrong, resort to name calling. Sad that's all you have, when you could really make a difference other wise.

Wake-up before it is to late. Don't be afraid to see what your eyes are showing you and hear what your ears are telling you.

You're too brainwashed or stupid to realize you called me dumb and/or mentally ill. You are so entitled you believe you can dish out those insults without realizing you are dishing out insults. I don't think you do "get it " because your political agenda is so entrenched it has replaced the critical thinking part of your brain.

I just wish we could have a civil discussion about this issue, as well as others. No one should be calling anyone dumb, mentally ill, stupid, or brainwashed. That sort of thing just makes me want to avoid this board, which is what I've done for a long time, mostly because of the lack of civility. But I came here and stayed for a while, because I learned some things and had some good discussions, even with people with whom I disagree. Is it too much to ask for that to continue?

Wait what? You want to get along with someone and be civil... die you liberal dog!!

Honestly you should of known this thread would go bad. Just look at the second post, it is basically a elementary school challenge. It was pretty much over right there.

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So where are you liberals at? Not commenting on the video?

As the German women said in English, they are not the victims, we are!! So true!

Just smh at how pathetic y'all are.

You watched that video and came to this conclusion? As Ann Coulter stated: "To be liberal, one is either not very intelligent or intelligent with mental illness, that is the only explanation"

Says the man who's dumb as a rock and never had an original thought.

Like some liberals, you get it, but it doesn't fit the democrats political agenda, so you don't want to get it. Simply put if your politics don't align with common sense, you will align with your politics over the common sense. When proven wrong, resort to name calling. Sad that's all you have, when you could really make a difference other wise.

Wake-up before it is to late. Don't be afraid to see what your eyes are showing you and hear what your ears are telling you.

You're too brainwashed or stupid to realize you called me dumb and/or mentally ill. You are so entitled you believe you can dish out those insults without realizing you are dishing out insults. I don't think you do "get it " because your political agenda is so entrenched it has replaced the critical thinking part of your brain.

I just wish we could have a civil discussion about this issue, as well as others. No one should be calling anyone dumb, mentally ill, stupid, or brainwashed. That sort of thing just makes me want to avoid this board, which is what I've done for a long time, mostly because of the lack of civility. But I came here and stayed for a while, because I learned some things and had some good discussions, even with people with whom I disagree. Is it too much to ask for that to continue?

Wait what? You want to get along with someone and be civil... die you liberal dog!!

Honestly you should of known this thread would go bad. Just look at the second post, it is basically a elementary school challenge. It was pretty much over right there.


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So where are you liberals at? Not commenting on the video?

As the German women said in English, they are not the victims, we are!! So true!

Just smh at how pathetic y'all are.

You watched that video and came to this conclusion? As Ann Coulter stated: "To be liberal, one is either not very intelligent or intelligent with mental illness, that is the only explanation"

Yeah, you need to stick with Anne Coulter. She suits you. <_<

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If you want to control our borders and not let everyone in, you're heartless and racist. If you think letting in tens of thousands of people whose basic ways are completely at odds with the rest of the world and haven't changed since the 7th century is a bad idea you're heartless and racist. So be it.

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Some folks won't be happy until everyone else is miserable.

And until you're miserable, you should just shut up and be lectured to, by those who are miserable.

Got it.

Oh the irony.

Rich, isn't it.

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You are wrong again. I have dug wells (while teaching the locals how to do the same) passed out food, taught farming (so they can grow their own food) in 6 different 3rd world or below countries. Medical supplies, water, blankets, worked in dirt floor orphanages and make shift hospitals with horrid sanitary conditions.

Again, I am sorry this doesn't fit your political agenda. Please get your head out of the sand and wake up.

AUUSN you sure do make assumptions about those who have different views than you or someone who you think has a 'privileged' looking avatar. I think its people like you who really dislike people making assumptions about you, no?

And you should do what you can do and encourage others to help, not berate those you ASSUME are doing nothing

Based on his comments and his avatar, I believe I was making a rather correct assumption. Church led mission trips, highly scripted and very limited in nature are vastly different from my experiences but I applaud his efforts. The fact that those experiences caused him to think like this as it relates to Syrian Refugees make me believe my assumptions are correct.

So let me see if I have it straight:

You get paid to see REAL poverty and suffering so you should get a medal. But someone who pays his/her own way to try to help "scripted" impoverished and suffering people is not genuine? I applaud what you do and thank you for your service, but it seems pretty arrogant of you to bash someone else because his/her compassion doesn't live up to your expectations. But what do I know, I'm just a privileged, uncompassionate racist like everyone else on here that disagrees with you.

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You are wrong again. I have dug wells (while teaching the locals how to do the same) passed out food, taught farming (so they can grow their own food) in 6 different 3rd world or below countries. Medical supplies, water, blankets, worked in dirt floor orphanages and make shift hospitals with horrid sanitary conditions.

Again, I am sorry this doesn't fit your political agenda. Please get your head out of the sand and wake up.

AUUSN you sure do make assumptions about those who have different views than you or someone who you think has a 'privileged' looking avatar. I think its people like you who really dislike people making assumptions about you, no?

And you should do what you can do and encourage others to help, not berate those you ASSUME are doing nothing

Based on his comments and his avatar, I believe I was making a rather correct assumption. Church led mission trips, highly scripted and very limited in nature are vastly different from my experiences but I applaud his efforts. The fact that those experiences caused him to think like this as it relates to Syrian Refugees make me believe my assumptions are correct.

So let me see if I have it straight:

You get paid to see REAL poverty and suffering so you should get a medal. But someone who pays his/her own way to try to help "scripted" impoverished and suffering people is not genuine? I applaud what you do and thank you for your service, but it seems pretty arrogant of you to bash someone else because his/her compassion doesn't live up to your expectations. But what do I know, I'm just a privileged, uncompassionate racist like everyone else on here that disagrees with you.

Your MO is to come rolling in here, take a shot a someone and haul ass. What the hell, I'll answer your idiocy:
"You get paid to see REAL poverty and suffering so you should get a medal."


"But someone who pays his/her own way to try to help "scripted" impoverished and suffering people is not genuine?"

He is absolutely genuine. See my post. I said I applaud his efforts.

I applaud what you do and thank you for your service,


but it seems pretty arrogant of you to bash someone else because his/her compassion doesn't live up to your expectations.

I wasn't being arrogant but if he has witnessed true suffering, why would he want to deny the chance for 10,000, just ten freaking thousand refugees to have a better life?

But what do I know, I'm just a privileged, uncompassionate racist like everyone else on here that disagrees with you.

Sounds you are pretty butthurt. Hope my comment causes a little introspection.

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If you want to control our borders and not let everyone in, you're heartless and racist. If you think letting in tens of thousands of people whose basic ways are completely at odds with the rest of the world and haven't changed since the 7th century is a bad idea you're heartless and racist. So be it.

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I think I'll let one of the facebook comments speak for me...

Anne Buell Bremer "This is just about the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. It is full of meaningless "comparisons" and false dichotomies. And, by the way, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with Refugees, who are currently a very hot topic. They are not the same as immigrants. Look it up, if you aren't busy playing with gumballs...."

Wow, I say again wake up, what is the matter with you? I think your politics are more important to you, than truly solving any world problems. That is sad.

Granted I don't know you but based on your very 'privileged' looking avatar, I'm going to guess you've never witnessed any true suffering. I'm talking about suffering that will make you want to throw up but you swallow deep to keep it down and breath through your mouth to prevent it from coming back up.

I am apolitical, I view events through a lens of years of experience traveling this earth and witnessing its suffering. I'm guessing you get yours from talk radio and facebook.

So while you pile in your fancy church on Sunday and stuff your face with a doughnut, revel in the fact that you've stood up to those liberal demons and kept your country safe from the Syrian invasion.

Fact is you haven't done s***.

You are wrong again. I have dug wells (while teaching the locals how to do the same) passed out food, taught farming (so they can grow their own food) in 6 different 3rd world or below countries. Medical supplies, water, blankets, worked in dirt floor orphanages and make shift hospitals with horrid sanitary conditions.

Again, I am sorry this doesn't fit your political agenda. Please get your head out of the sand and wake up.

Then your issues are deeper than I suspected. Good luck with that.

So 1st you are upset because you think, according to you, a privileged person is doing nothing to help. then this person says they have helped and you say they have deep issues. there is a no win situation with you.

The above response applies here as well.

The truth hurts you both. You are staring at it and denying what you are staring at. I pity you both.
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You are wrong again. I have dug wells (while teaching the locals how to do the same) passed out food, taught farming (so they can grow their own food) in 6 different 3rd world or below countries. Medical supplies, water, blankets, worked in dirt floor orphanages and make shift hospitals with horrid sanitary conditions.

Again, I am sorry this doesn't fit your political agenda. Please get your head out of the sand and wake up.

AUUSN you sure do make assumptions about those who have different views than you or someone who you think has a 'privileged' looking avatar. I think its people like you who really dislike people making assumptions about you, no?

And you should do what you can do and encourage others to help, not berate those you ASSUME are doing nothing

Based on his comments and his avatar, I believe I was making a rather correct assumption. Church led mission trips, highly scripted and very limited in nature are vastly different from my experiences but I applaud his efforts. The fact that those experiences caused him to think like this as it relates to Syrian Refugees make me believe my assumptions are correct.

So let me see if I have it straight:

You get paid to see REAL poverty and suffering so you should get a medal. But someone who pays his/her own way to try to help "scripted" impoverished and suffering people is not genuine? I applaud what you do and thank you for your service, but it seems pretty arrogant of you to bash someone else because his/her compassion doesn't live up to your expectations. But what do I know, I'm just a privileged, uncompassionate racist like everyone else on here that disagrees with you.

So, was it a church-sponsored trip or not?

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If you want to control our borders and not let everyone in, you're heartless and racist. If you think letting in tens of thousands of people whose basic ways are completely at odds with the rest of the world and haven't changed since the 7th century is a bad idea you're heartless and racist. So be it.


Poor little xenophobes. Bless your hearts. :'(

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Problem with this video is that the US system is alot different to get into than the European countries.

First we had the whole thing about its all fighting age men. That is not happening or going to happen in the United States. The current breakdown has been since 2011:

According to senior administration officials, more than half of the Syrian refugees admitted into the U.S. so far are children.

"Single men of combat age" represent only 2% of those admitted and the elderly comprise another 2.5%. The male/female breakdown is "roughly" 50/50.


Let's be truthful. That is not very many and if we are going to be concerned about crime well, we already have plenty of homegrown, 100%, made in the USA murderers, rapists, domestic abusers, racists, religious fanatics etc etc etc. But we are not worried about that. Everything that was shown in that video already occurs in our borders by our very own citizens, but the focus is outside and on others. We as a country literally are more concerned about the possibility of others committing a crime than we are of those actual crimes already occurring here.

Even Jeb Bush will tell you that it takes a year:

"It takes almost a year for a refugee to be processed in the United States," Bush noted on CNN’s State of the Union.

And even then he understated it by a large amount:

"It can actually take almost three years. (Bush) is being optimistic," said Lavinia Limón, the president of the advocacy group, the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants. "The process for refugees is the most extensive security screening we have for visitors. It’s easier to come in as a tourist, a student, a businessman.


Which I have said before, will say it again. In my opinion as a student is how they are going to get into this country. Come here, get educated, be in a demographic that is young and impressionable, easy to mix in (as foreign students are common on even Auburn's campus)

Think the problem many have with some of the ideas is that on one hand we get bombed daily with things like they are killing Christians, shouldn't we help the other Christians, these bastards are killing the Christians cause they are Christians. Then we say Ok, let us help the Christians by letting them go through the proper channels and process for coming to America. You are then hit with but in those 20 Christians there might be one bad guy and that is unacceptable so we can't help those Christians.

I have zero doubts that some bad guys might try and slip in. I also have zero doubts that what happened in Paris has already been planned, and has already been attempted in the United States. I have zero doubts that one day it will occur (nothing is impenetrable). But if the reports are correct and in the United States more than half are children, then I will take the chance in the system that one bad person will attempt to slip in if it spares 20 children. Especially if, which has been pointed out many times on this board, these children are subject to rape, torture, sex trade, and having their heads lopped off for just being Christians.

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